Mercury Transit in Pisces and its Impacts - 01 April, 2021
Mercury, which is considered to be the swiftest moving planet in the celestial orbit and is the planet responsible for communication, reasoning, analysis and refined sense of judgement in one’s horoscope is moving from airy sign of aquarius to the water sign of Pisces. This transit is happening on 01st April 2021 @ 00:52am and will continue to transit in this sign till 16th April 2021@ 21:05pm.
Know The Impact Of Mercury Transit From Best Astrologers On Call

The Pisces zodiac sign happens to be the debilitated sign for Mercury and in this period, there are high chances of individuals losing objectivity in their decision making, get influenced easily and are mostly gripped by unknown fears born out of misconceptions and rumours. As it is also a dual sign, which indicates that there are high chances of individuals getting confused, lost in direction with the transit of Mercury in Pisces Moon sign, its debilitated place.
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So, now let’s see what results Mercury has in store for all the zodiac signs-
For Aries Moon sign, Mercury governs the third house of communications, siblings and short journeys and sixth house of loans, enemies and competition. It will transit through your twelfth house of horoscope during its current movement from Aquarius to Pisces Moon sign. Professionally, as Mercury governs both the growth and upachaya houses of horoscope in the form of 3rd and 6th house and is in debilitated condition, which indicates that growth and promotion will be hard to come by during this transit. Also, you have to double check every information that you pass on to your colleagues and subordinates, by any medium be it mail or through paperwork, as there are high chances of miscommunication or misunderstanding happening. Also, do not involve yourself in any kind of useless talks or talks that are of no importance, as your rivals will be in an active mood and will not miss any opportunity to tarnish your image during this transit. Also, do not indulge in any kind of journeys or trips during this period, as they will amount to stress and displeasure.
Give proper attention to your health during this period, as there are high chances of you suffering from insomnia, anxiety, skin and hormone related ailments. In terms of personal life, the health of your spouse can remain fragile and weak during this period, especially their nervous system requires attention. However, your siblings are likely to get benefits from this transit, as there are chances of them acquiring jobs or benefits from foreign countries. The students preparing for competitive exams are likely to be at the end of receiving benefits, but in order to achieve it, they will have to be consistent in their efforts and hardwork. Your expenses are also likely to shoot up during this period, so, maintain a proper financial budget and balance between earnings and expenditure.
Remedy- Light camphor in your office and home daily during this transit.
For the Taurus Moon sign, governed by Venus Mercury holds the important position of the second house of wealth, speech and fifth house of intellect, love, romance and progeny. Mercury is also a friend to the lord of the Moon sign taurus which is Venus. This indicates that the transit of Mercury in your eleventh house, laabh bhava will bring significant and positive results for the natives born under the sign of bull. In terms of personal life, your family will be your support system and pillar of strength during this time period, which will help you overcome any obstacle and problem with ease.
Secondly, this period will see you throwing parties and getting together to commemorate the people who have supported you be it friends or family, that will help strengthen the relationship with them. If you are single and eligible, very high chances of getting a suitable match are on the cards. If you are in committed relationships, then any misunderstanding between you and your beloved is likely to get resolved during this period. You both will be more open in communication and will be willing to work together to strengthen the relationship.
Professionally, you can expect yourself to multitask different things at your workplace during this transit of Mercury, which will hold you in high stead among your seniors. Some of you may also get opportunities to earn income from different or varied sources. However, do not strive for over perfection as then you may stand a chance to be overcritical, which may create problems for you in all aspects of your life, especially professional life.
Businessmen are likely to get new opportunities to expand their business during this period. Also, any investment made previously is likely to add on to your savings and accumulated wealth. Meeting up with new trends and using the internet to promote your business will help you earn better results.
Students will be more keen and curious to acquire knowledge and learn new things, which will help them improve their academic performance during this transit. Healthwise, also, this period is heading in a positive and desirable direction for you. Overall, a good transit with promising results.
Remedy- Offer Green Durva Grass to Lord Ganesha On wednesday will bring auspicious results.
Mercury is the ruler of the Gemini Moon sign, so, any transit or any movement of Mercury is likely to bring changes for the natives or individuals born under this sign. During its current movement, Mercury will be transiting through your tenth house of career and profession and is likely to provide you with mixed and interesting results. In terms of career and profession, the position of Mercury in its debilitated state is likely to make you procrastinate things due to the fear of making mistakes. This can lead to indecisiveness and confusion, thus, resulting in declining your efficiency and productivity at the workplace. So, be firm in decision making and have faith in your own potential.
In terms of personal life, the health of your mother requires constant attention during this week, as there are high chances of some disease resurfacing that has bothered her before. So, no negligence on her health part should be there. Also, avoid any kind of repair or construction activity in your house as that may lead to wastage of time and money. Also, while purchasing any property, take care of the documentation part, otherwise, you can incur losses in this duration. As per the family part is concerned, this is a good period to spend quality time with them, plan some get together, picnics with your family members, that will help you to reconcile differences with them and strengthen your relationship with them.
Students might take some more time than usual to grasp subjects in this duration, so they need to up their efforts more in this duration and have to put in more hardwork than usual to achieve results in their academics.
Remedy- Offer prayers to goddess Saraswati on wednesday and wear a good quality emerald 4-5 cts crafted in silver on your right hand ring finger to achieve beneficial results.
Cancer natives will host the Mercury in their ninth house of fortune, luck, spirituality and beliefs during its current movement from the Aquarius Moon sign to Pisces moon sign. In terms of personal life, your relationships with your siblings will not be cordial during this time, so try and spend some quality time with them, listen to their grievances and try to resolve them, this will help you strengthen the bond with them. Also, undertaking any kind of journeys, especially to spiritual places is not advisable during this period, as they will give you stress and worries rather than providing you with peace and contentment. Also, as Mercury is your third house lord and is in debilitated condition in your horoscope, which indicates that keep your electronic gadgets upto date, otherwise, you will have to incur a lot of money on their maintenance part.
As far as the professional sphere is concerned, some of the professionals are also likely to get transfers that are not to their liking. This period will see your efforts not yielding you desired results or in other words you have to put in more efforts to bear good results in professional life. Boss might make you do work again as he may not be satisfied with your earlier work, this may cause agitation and might bring about some disagreements and clashes with your seniors. However, you are advised to take things lightly as it is just a short period and things will sort out soon. So, be more objective and focus on your work.
Rather, it is a good time to invest in hobbies or interest that you have not been able to pursue for a long time as it will help you to establish close connection with yourself, thus enabling you to unearth your hidden potentials and abilities.
Remedy- Donate Green Fodder to cows on every wednesday.
For the sign ruled by the Sun, Mercury owns the Lordship of the second house of family, speech and accumulated wealth and eleventh house of friends, social status and profits. Mercury in its current cycle will transit through the eighth house of transition, changes, legacy and losses. As Mercury governs both the income houses for the individuals born under the sign of lion,so income levels may take a dip during this transit. Businessmen are also advised to take things slowly and do not go for big investment ventures as chances of incurring heavy losses are on the cards. Stock traders or marketeers are also advised to stay aware and cautious and do trading only if necessary till 16th April, as things will head in a positive direction after that period.
As far as personal life is concerned, try and watch your words before you speak, as any satire or humour made by you can turn against you during this transit. Also, try and keep a check on the company that you are moving around with in the period, as there are high chances of your image getting besmirched. Also, keep a check on your expenditure part as you are likely to spend most of your savings on your friends and social circle. However, some of you are likely to receive benefits from your spouse or in laws during this period.
Healthwise, problems related to stomach, skin, allergies could be there, so, try to stay away from areas that have high amounts of pollution and dust.
Remedy- Donate stationery to the needy persons.
The natives born under the sign of the maiden will host their ascendant lord Mercury in their seventh house which denotes marital relationships, spouse and vocation during its current movement from the aquarius to pisces moon sign. As Mercury governs two important houses in the form of personality and career, this transit will have an influential effect on the virgo natives.
Professionally, things are likely to remain in your favor, your ability to organise and structure things are likely to help you receive great benefits and rewards in your professional arena. Your hard work and persistence is likely to pay off in the form of increment and promotions. Businessmen will also remain action oriented and on the move during this period, Your negotiation skills will help you get great deals and partnerships during this transit of planet Mercury. However, sometimes fear of making mistakes can grip you which can create some confusion and indecisiveness leading to delay in making decisions. So, try and work on this tendency of yours to achieve better results of this transit. However, not a good period for those who want to start their part time business, they have to wait a little more longer.
In terms of marriage, reconciliation with your beloved is on the cards, the bond between you and your beloved will strengthen during this period. They will provide full affection and support to you and will act as a mentor to you guiding you in all your decision making. This will ensure a steady and stable growth for you in all areas of your life. The relationship with your father will also reach new dimensions, new heights during this period. Overall, abundance and rise in status will be there during this period.
However, healthwise, you need to take precautions as anything related to nervous system and back can trouble you during this transit.
Remedy- Wear a good quality emerald crafted in silver or gold in your right hand little finger on wednesday to receive auspicious effects of Mercury.
The transit of the celestial prince Mercury will take place in your sixth house that represents enemies, obstacles, loans and diseases. Mercury in this house is likely to provide you with average results as being your ninth house and twelfth house lord, it is in a debilitated state in the sixth house. Professionally, you may have to put in extra efforts to succeed at your workplace, and despite putting in all the extra hours and hard work, you will not be given your due credit. You may face recurrent obstacles in your path, which may provide you with undue stress and worries, income levels are also likely to decline during this transit.
As Librans are known to be social and over trusting, so be careful while divulging your details to someone, as your enemies can take advantage of it and dominate you during this period. Also, you are advised to stay away from any kind of heated discussions, arguments and conflicts during this period. Your expenditure is also likely to rise, so try and maintain a proper financial budget to see through this transit peacefully. However, your father may achieve good progress and prosperity in his respective field and career and will provide you with adequate support, which will be a source of big relief and happiness for you. Also, stay away from taking any kind of loans and liabilities during this period, as it may be difficult for you to repay it later on. Healthwise, also, take care of your eating habits and take proper rest, as because of low immunity levels, you are prone to more infections during this transit.
Remedy- Chew cardamom seeds before leaving for any important work.
Scorpio natives are suggested to avoid any kind of over speculative activities as the current movement of debilitated mercury in their fifth house is not suitable for indulging in stock markets and trading. However, it will produce good results for the students taking in higher studies or indulging in PHD. or any kind of research work. Professionally, it is a good period to go ahead with a change in job, if you have been thinking about it for a long time. Those in current jobs and organizations have to put aside their hesitations and have to indulge in open communication with your seniors, if you want to achieve growth and progress in your career. However, businessmen belonging to this sign are likely to achieve great profits and gains during this period, their economic condition is likely to remain strong throughout this transit.
Though, in terms of personal life, this period may make it difficult for you to express your emotions and feelings to your beloved or partner. Sometimes, you will be sweet, warm and generous in your attitude, while sometimes, you will act stubborn, egoistic and domineering towards them , leaving them confused and baffled leading to conflicts and arguments. Also, both of you will think that nobody is understanding each other, therefore, creating misunderstandings between you two. So, being aware of your attitude and behavior towards your partner during this transit will help you achieve great rewards in relationships. However, meeting with an old friend or acquaintance is likely to make you both happy and nostalgic, and may also open new doors of opportunities for you.
Remedy- Worshipping and offering prayers to the Tulsi plant will bring favorable results during this transit.
Transit of Mercury in the fourth house for sagittarius natives is likely to bring both success and prosperity to their spouse as they are likely to receive long due promotions or increments at their workplace. Because of improvement in their spouse’s status, the status and luxuries of the natives born under the sign of the archer are also likely to increase during this period. However, still as the seventh house lord Mercury is debilitated, small arguments with your spouse or beloved is likely to happen over trivial issues during this transit. However, you are suggested to solve them before they turn ugly or into big arguments. Your mother is also likely to receive benefits and profits during this period.
Professionally, being the tenth house lord Mercury is aspecting the tenth house, it indicates that your work will get the right amount of appreciation and recognition during this period, resulting in increased confidence and self esteem. This is a very good time for the businessmen to invest during this period, as investments made during this period are likely to yield great profits in the long run. But instead of putting all your money in a single venture, try to diversify your portfolio in order to register more gains during this period. Those planning to start any new ventures are likely to find suitable investors or partners during this transit.
You are also likely to be more interested in indulging in hobbies like plantation etc,during this period and some of you may also put up some small garden in your balcony or outside your home during this period. Healthwise, indulging in physical activity or yoga is very essential as weight and cholesterol issues can bother you during this period.
Remedy- Taking Bhrami, an ayurvedic herb as a medicine will provide you with benefic results of Mercury.
Capricorn natives have to be very careful of what they speak and how they communicate, especially at their workplace, since their sixth and ninth house lord Mercury is moving in its debilitated position through their third house of communication, efforts and siblings. Undertaking long journeys will also not be fruitful for them, instead short journeys or trips are likely to be rewarding and beneficial for them. Siblings need extra care and attention as they may face difficulties and obstacles in their respective careers and academics. Since, the third house is also the house, which indicates our hearing or listening capacity, so be forthcoming towards advice or suggestions, especially if they are coming from your mentors, teachers and idols. This will help you receive better prospects and results during this transit. As third house is also related to social networking and internet be careful of what you are posting in it, othwersie, you are likely to face serious repercussions for it during the later stages of this transit.
Professionally, subordinates will be helpful and provide you with all their support and cooperation, which is likely to increase your productivity and efficiency at the workplace. Also, this is a very suitable time period to establish contact with influential people in your company and build camaraderie with them, as it is going to provide you with benefits later on. However, for businessmen, consolidating their previous ventures will be good, instead of starting any new ventures or entering into any new agreements, as you may be faces with some obstacles and roadblocks. If you have been thinking of buying any new gadgets, then postpone it till 16th April, because the product may malfunction during this time period.
Healthwsie, some problems related to throat, shoulder and ear could bother you, so take advise of doctor when necessary.
Remedy- Chant the Mercury Mantra daily during the Mercury Hora.
For aquarius Moon sign, Mercury governs the fifth house of intellect, progeny and children and eighth house of transformation, changes and sudden profits and is going to transit through their second house bestowing them with mixed and interesting results. Second house denotes family, speech and accumulated wealth, which indicates that during this period you may come across some opportunities which may provide you with ample amounts of money. You may earn income, which is beyond your expectations. Some of you may get through windfall gains in share market and stock trading or may acquire ancestral property of great value. All in all, a great period that will see a sudden splurge in money. Professionals like artists, singers etc will find this period beneficial and profitable and are also likely to receive recognition and accolades for their performances during this period. Professionally, monetary and fiscal benefits for both traders and salaried are indicated during this period. However, since Mercury is the lord of speech and in debilitated condition, which indicates that be specific and clear in your instructions during this period, as you may not be able to express clearly what you want from them. This may make them confused and there are chances of delay in execution of plans. In terms of personal life, your partner’s health may remain fragile and weak during this period. However, your children will progress during this transit, which will be a source of pride and happiness for you. Newly married can expect some good news during this period. Those of you in committed relationships will get an opportunity to take your relationship to the next level during this transit.
Students are likely to perform well in their academics as their grasping power will be at its peak during this transit. However, be careful of your eating habits, otherwise, you may face problems related to your teeth, abdomen area and stomach region. Also, try and maintain your screen time, if you are into binge watching television and mobile, as your eyesight might get affected.
Remedy- Chant “Om namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya namah” daily in the Morning. Maintaining dental hygiene is also a must during this transit.
The transit of Mercury for pisces natives in their ascendant house, or house of personality will be special and significant as Mercury here is in its directional or “Digbala” strength, which is a very strong position for any planet to be in. This indicates that professionally, this period is a very good time frame to express yourself as you will be brimming with creative ideas and thoughts during this transit. This period also indicates success for your spouse and you both can achieve great results on the career front. However, as Mercury in ascendant can make you perfectionist and overcritical in nature, which may not go down well with your subordinates and peers. So, try to keep a check on your speech and choice of words before communicating with them. Businessmen are likely to gain good gains during this period, an elderly person or person of some high accordance in the family is likely to provide you with financial support, which will provide a good impetus to your business and help you to expand the operations. However, try to keep yourself abreast with the trends,as you sometimes tend to go easily in your comfort zone, leading to many missed opportunities. In terms of personal life, auspicious happenings and events are indicated for some of the natives born under the sign of the fish.
However, married couples may have some problems and differences in their relationships, but it will not be such, which cannot be resolved, so, try and communicate and eradicate all the differences mutually. As the fourth house is related to property, so, property and real estate matters have been prolonging, may get a move on during this transit. Your mother is also likely to receive benefits and profits during this period and may provide you with all her support and affection. Overall, a very good transit for Pisces natives, only you do not have to be perfectionist and over critical to ruin things.
Remedy- Listen to “Vishnu Sahsranaam” on Wednesdays.
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