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Mercury which represents communication, business sense, analysation and observation powers in astrology will transit into its friendly sign of Taurus on Saturday, 09th May 2020 at 09:47 IST. From here it will move onto its own sign Gemini on 24th May 2020 at 23:57pm. So, it will remain in this sign for a duration of 16 days.

Let’s see what results does this transit of Mercury in Taurus brings for all the zodiac signs-

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हिंदी में पढ़ें बुध का वृषभ राशि में गोचर


Aries natives will see Mercury positioned in their second house of speech, accumulated wealth and savings. The most important thing that the Aries natives have to do during this transit is to invest their money in some savings, investment or ventures for long terms. This is because the position of the Mercury, your sixth house lord of obstacles and obstructions can make you spend impulsively during this time duration. You have to be careful about your speech or the words that you choose while speaking, otherwise you are going to end up hurting others unintentionally. This can also lead to disruption of your family atmosphere.

Professionals or individuals in job spheres are likely to get benefits and profits in this time duration. However, business people might face some obstacles or obstructions while implementing their policies. Also, stay away from taking any kind of loans and liabilities during this time frame.

Healthwise, keeping personal hygiene will be very important during this time frame, otherwise, you may face some problems regarding your teeth and mouth.

Remedy- Give away fruits in charity.


Mercury will transit into the first house in its directional strength for Taurus natives. This position of Mercury will bestow you with great charismatic and magnetic aura coupled with sharp conversation skills. This will enable you to leave a lasting impression on people and win them.

Your friendly, gentle, caring attitude during this period will reflect in your positivity while handling situations both in your personal and professional lives. Personally, married natives will feel more contentment and happiness in their relationship. The individuals of this sign currently in their relationships will be able to establish a pleasant bond with their respective partners.

For individuals working in any organisations and professional fields, the position of Mercury in your ascendant will make you more inquisitive in your behavior. This is likely to help you undergo new experiences which will hone your skills for the future. Moreover, you will be quite flexible and adaptable in this duration, as a result of which you will accomplish all your responsibilities with ease and comfort. Your subordinates and seniors will remain pleased with you.

For businessmen, those people indulging in trading are likely to register gains and profits during this time duration.

For parents of this sign, progress of your children will be a source of joy and happiness for you. The students falling under this sign will be able to concentrate more on their studies helping them to perform better in their academics.

Remedy- Recite “Ram Raksha Stotra” daily during the sunrise.


Position of Mercury in the twelfth house of expenditures, unwanted situations may not bring auspicious results for the gemini natives. As twelfth house also represents foreign, some opportunities related to overseas can be there for some of you, if not now, then definitely in the upcoming time. However, this phase can also bring in some unnecessary expenditures which can create some mental tensions and worries for you. So, proper management and planning of resources is of paramount importance during this time duration. Also, changes in the residence can be predicted for many natives of this zodiac sign.

Professionally, this udartion can bring a decline in your confidence as well make you nervous and anxious. Thus, you should put things on hold for now instead of commencing anything new. Focus more on honing and enhancing your skills and practice continuously for it will make you perfect. Things impacting professional life can also have a negative impact on your personal life. As you can become easily annoyed, agitated even at the pretext of small issues which can create some ups and downs or altercations in your relationships. So, it is suggested to stay calm, relaxed during this time frame as that will help you to understand the things clearly and get better results from the transit.

Also, no negligibility on the health part should be there, especially related to eyes and skin. You should straightaway take advice from the doctor, if you feel any kind of problems in the aforementioned areas.

Remedy- Wear Emerald( 5-6cts.) gemstone on your right hand’s little finger.


Mercury will be positioned in the eleventh house of success and profits for the Cancer natives. As Mercury owns the third house of desires and twelfth house of foreign and expenditures for Cancer sign, it indicates that it will be a favorable and an auspicious transit for individuals born in the sign of Crab. Those individuals whose business is associated with foreign countries or are working in multinational companies are likely to gain substantial gains and profits during this duration. As the third house also represents skills, therefore they will be significant in helping you earn better. Hence, you should work on honing your skills during this duration. This period will also see the fulfillment of your deep desires and wishes. Professionals can see themselves getting rewards and appreciation for the previous work done by them. As the eleventh house also represents status and social circle,which indicates that the more you socialize during this period, the better chances of success will be there for you. However, this period can make your expectations high from your partner which can create some problems or hurdles in relationships. So, keeping your bar of expectations in check would prove to be beneficial.

Remedy- Plant money plant or green plants at home.


Leo will see Mercury positioned in their tenth house of profession and career. Mercury owns the second house of accumulated wealth and the eleventh house that represents the profits and success. This indicates that it will bring auspicious results for the Leo natives. Professionally, your creativity and organisation skills will get enhanced and you will be able to give structure to the tasks which will result in increased productivity and efficiency. This will keep you in good stead among your colleagues and senior management. Those individuals working in creative fields like Movies, entertainment and other fields such as event management are likely to gain good results and profits in this duration. Also, individuals who are in professions related to public dealing are also likely to benefit from this transit. Businesses will also yield profits in this time frame, especially the individuals who are involved in their family business. During this period you may come across such situations which may help you to take your legacy forward. For personal relations, there will be good support from family especially from father or father like figures. The environment in the family will be cordial and happy. In matters concerning love and relationships, this position of Mercury will make you warm and generous. As a result you will successfully charm your beloved and keep them closer to you. Married natives are also likely to enjoy happiness and joy in their relationships. Students preparing for competitive and government exams have to push themselves a little harder, if they want to achieve success in their efforts.

Remedy- Read religious scriptures and recite the Beej Mantra of Mercury on Wednesdays.


Virgo natives will see the position of the Mercury in their ninth house of luck, fortune and higher education. It is also considered the house of long journeys, travels and pilgrimages. Virgo natives will see all their tasks and endeavors supported by fortune during this transit. But still, you are required to put in hardwork and consistent efforts in order to achieve desired results. This time frame will also see the rise in your name and fame coupled with recognition in society.

Professional people of this sign are likely to receive new job offers with financial benefits. The journeys or long voyages taken during this time frame will prove to be very auspicious and will provide gains and benefits.

Personally you will be more inclined towards spirituality during this time frame, your efforts will be directed towards doing service to the community. You will focus a lot of your attention on the key aspects of society that need improvement. There are also chances of you taking voyages or spiritual journeys during this period.

Improvement will be visible in your relationships with your in-laws that is going to reflect on the relationships with your beloved or spouse. For single natives, taking the help of your friends to confess to the person whom you have feelings for will prove beneficial.

Students of this sign interested in doing their academic studies from foreign lands or universities are likely to see their dreams come true during this transition period of Mercury. However, considering the current situation, they will have to wait for their proper execution.

Remedy- Wear Emerald of 5-6cts in your right hand little finger.


Dear Librans, you will host Mercury in their eighth house of transformation, uncreatinities. This house also represents sudden gains, gifts and health. This movement of Mercury indicates that you have to remain a little cautious about your health matters. Try and stay away from dust pollution as you are likely to face some problems related to skin and allergies during this time duration. Also, you have to be careful while driving as accidents and injuries can be foreseen.

Libra individuals will come across many proposals during this transit, but you are advised to properly weigh the pros and cons of every situation before making a decision. Otherwise, you are going to face some losses in the bargain. However, you can achieve sudden gains and profits in the form of inheritance or gifts from your elders.

Your interest in learning or understanding the mystical and occult sciences is likely to increase in this time duration. This is a very good period for students who are indulged in doing any kind of research work, their efforts are likely to bear desired results.

On the personal front, you will get both emotional and financial support from your spouse, which will be essential in helping you to face this duration. One thing to take note during this transition of Mercury is to avoid negative thoughts, instead have full faith in your potential. This will help you to get better results of this transit.

Remedy- Lighting camphor in your home will help you get better results of Mercury.

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Mercury will transit into the seventh house for Scorpio natives. Seventh house represents the spouse, relationships and partnerships. This transit of Mercury will provide mixed results for individuals of this sign.

Personally, as Mercury governs the house of uncertainty for scorpio people and will be positioned in their house of relationships. This indicates that you can be a little overcritical during this time frame, your constant bickering can create temperamental differences and misunderstandings between you and your spouse. So, it is advised not to reproach them all the time, which will help you to resolve the matters peacefully. However, single natives are likely to meet their special someone during this transition.

As Mercury also owns the eleventh house of success and profits and is positioned in the house of partnerships and vocation. This indicates that profits and gains will be there for the natives who own their business in the form of partnerships. Still, maintaining the trust and proper communication between the partners is of paramount importance in this time frame. It also indicates that more you socialize, make contacts during this period, the more profits this placement of Mercury will provide you with.

On the health front, you could feel a sudden rush in energy, which if directed towards any kind of physical activities like jogging, gymming etc.. This will provide positive impacts on your body and overall health.

Remedy - Offering prayers to Goddess Saraswati daily will help you get beneficial results of the Mercury transit.


Dear Sagittarians, Mercury will be positioned in your sixth house which represents the competition, obstruction, enemies and diseases in Vedic astrology. Professionally, it is going to bring in auspicious results for the individuals working in a job or professional fields. Your consistent efforts, determination will see you succeed in your workplace. But, remain aware and alert of the enemies, as some of them may plot and scheme against you. However, with your increased competitive spirit and high intuitive powers, you are likely to overcome them with ease and comfort.

Businessmen should put a hold on to their plans of expansion, if any during this duration. Rather, sticking to your basic plan will provide you with auspicious results. Also, stay away from taking any kind of loans and liabilities, otherwise, they can become a source of worry and mental tension afterwards.

In terms of personal relationships, the health of your spouse may remain fragile in this time frame. Also, some misunderstandings and altercations in the relationships can occur as a result of the collision of both of your perceptions about each other. This could also result in trust issues and insecurities between you two. So, it will be better to communicate and sort out this issue with each other rather than assuming things.

Students preparing for competitive or government exams are likely to achieve success in their efforts.

Remedy- If possible, try to feed green fodder to the cows daily.


Capricorn natives will host Mercury in their fifth house of intellect, love, romance and progeny. Personally, this transit will be beneficial for love and romance. Single natives may finally gain the strength to propose to the love of their life. As there are high chances of the other person saying yes or accepting your proposal, which will feel you with happiness. This transit will also be beneficial for Married natives, as they will be able to spend quality time with their spouse and beloved.

Professionally, as Mercury being the ninth house lord is transiting in your fifth house , which indicates that natives looking for promotion may get promotion along with the transfer to their desired destination. Your ideas are likely to get appreciation and recognition from higher management. Also, individuals indulging in creative activities are likely to get a good platform to showcase their skills and talents. Businessmen indulging in trading of any kind may register huge profits and gains during this transit.

Progress of the child may be a source of joy and happiness for the parents of this sign. This movement of Mercury will be beneficial for the capricorn students preparing for higher studies, especially those who were seeking foreign universities or universities away from their hometown.

Healthwise, transit seems favorable, but still indulging in any kind of physical activity will prove to be beneficial.

Remedy- Offer Durva Grass to Lord Ganesha daily.


Aquarians will see Mercury positioned in their fourth house of innerself, comfort, luxuries, home and Mother. This indicates that there could be some problems or issues regarding the health of the mother. This could prove to be a source of worry and mental tension for many natives of the aquarius zodiac sign. As for Aquarians, Mercury is the lord of the fifth house of children, which is transiting in the twelfth house from its sign. This indicates that problems or issues with the children can also take most of your time. Students of this sign might face some difficulties in concentration which may hamper their academic performance.

Professionally, as Mercury also governs the eighth house of transformation and uncertainty, it has a direct aspect on the tenth house of profession and career. This indicates that you might face some ups and downs, struggles at your workplace during this duration. This also indicates that you may need to put in consistent efforts to achieve desired results in your profession. This may result in some angst or frustration leading to some clashes with your colleagues and higher management. However, it is advised to avoid these clashes, otherwise it could lead to your image being besmirched. However, businessmen also of this sign may get some sudden gains and profit during this transition.

This transit will be good for love and romance, this movement of Mercury will provide your partner with success and progress at their professional front. You are likely to get all the support from your partner during this duration. However, you need to let go of small things and not take offence from any jests of your beloved.

On the health front, if you are driving any vehicle, drive cautiously during this transit, as accidents and injuries can be foreseen during this transitory movement of Mercury. Also, you may face some issues like chest congestion, cold and cough in this period. So, it is suggested to stay away from eating too much cold stuff.

Remedy- Recite “ Vishnu Sahastranaam” on Wednesdays.

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Piscean natives will see Mercury positioned in their third house which represents the desires, ambitions, efforts and siblings. This indicates that during this transit, you will be focused on your goals and ambitions.

There will be improvement in your conversational and communication skills which will see you grabbing many new opportunities. Your hardwork is likely to result in improvement in finances. Journeys or voyages taken during this duration especially related to profession is likely to provide you with gains and profits. In this transit, you will be bold, courageous and will not shy away from taking tough decisions.

This will hold you in good stead among your senior management as well as your colleagues. However, this transit can sometimes make you a multitasker, in which you will try to do multiple tasks at a given time. This can sometimes result in inconsistency because you will hop on to one task from another without completing the former. So, it is suggested to complete one task in hand and then take charge of another.

Personally, the family atmosphere will be cordial , you are likely to get full support from your siblings in this duration. The natives of this sign are also likely to get some good news from means of communication such as the internet, mail etc. For personal life, your spouse will attain all the benefits from this transit, they are likely to achieve good progress and prosperity in their professional sphere. This position of Mercury is also likely to bring bliss and harmony in your relationships.

Remedy- Donate food items on Wednesdays.

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