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Mercury Transit in Aries (16 April 2021)

Mercury, the planet that governs our communication, observation and analytical abilities will move from the watery sign of pisces, where it is in debilitated condition to an action oriented sign of Aries. Mercury, which itself is considered the planet of youthful energy will move into the movable sign of Aries which is the first sign of the zodiac and resonates with innocence, quick learning and initiation.

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Mercury Transit in Aries

So, during this transit, we can expect some quick decisions and implementation of plans that have been prolonging for sometime. The Mercury in this transit fills us with youthful energy, enthusiasm and passion that will help us to give necessary push to our plans and actions. The transit of Mercury will happen in the sign of Aries, 16th April 2021 21:05pm to 01st May 2021, 05:49am, till it moves into the sign of Taurus.

Let’s see what results it has in store for all the zodiac signs-

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Mercury governs the third and sixth house for Aries natives and will be transiting through their ascendant house, this indicates that this transit will be a significant and special one for Aries natives. Mercury is considered to be in its “ Directional strength” or in “Digbala'' position in ascendant, so professionally, it will be a good period for the natives born under the sign of the Ram. You will be able to organise and structure things with ease at your workplace, which will help increase your productivity and performance. This will make seniors notice and appreciate you with rewards and higher positions of authority. You will be filled with competitive energy that will help you win over your contemporaries and enemies during this period. This position of Mercury will bestow businessmen and traders born under the Aries sign with great business sense coupled with high discrimination power to quickly analyse profit and loss in any given situtation. This will help them negotiate great deals for themselves and earn huge margins and profits.

In terms of personal life,this transit will prove beneficial for your married life, as romance in your relationship will grow during this period. You will feel happy and satisfied in your home environment. Both of you will be open in communication and willing to work on the previous issues to resolve the relationships in order to strengthen the bond. There will be full support from your siblings and friends during this period.

However, as Mercury being the sixth house lord is positioned in ascendant indicates that health needs proper care and, try and take care of your eating habits and inculcate meditation and physical exercise in your daily routine during this transit. If you will remain fit, then only you will be able to enjoy the positive results provided by this transit.

Remedy- Keep Fasting on Wednesdays.


The students born under the sign of the bull seeking higher education abroad or out of their native town are likely to receive positive and optimistic news during this transit, as the fifth house lord of education Mercury will be transiting through the twelfth house of foreign. Professionals and businessmen belonging to this sign are likely to earn through their foreign contacts and associations. This Mercury transit is going to be the best time of the year for you, as you are likely to earn respect, name and fame through your intellect and wisdom. Put in your best foot forward during this period, as you will have an ample support of luck and fortune. Business people can confidently take up risks regarding investments during this transit.

In terms of personal life, those eligible and single are likely to meet their special someone during this period. As Mercury being the lord of the fifth house of romance, positioned in sixth from itself, Married individuals might have to undertake travels or journeys which may increase the distance between you and your beloved. However, despite this, understanding and camaraderie between you two will remain the same. The taurus natives will have to take care of their expenditures, as expenses are bound to increase, so, be upto the mark with your financial budget and avoid any kind of impulsive purchases during this transit.

Overall, transit is very good and favorable, but take care of your health, as it may remain fragile and weak. Also, avoid indulging into baseless arguments and conflicts as they will provide you with nothing except dusturbed peace of mind and tarnished image.

Remedy- Chant or Meditate on the Mercury Mantra daily during the Mercury Hora.


The transit of Mercury is always significant and special for the Gemini moon sign as Mercury is the lord of this moon sign and governs the ascendant or house of self and personality. During its current cycle, Mercury will transit through your eleventh house, that is one of the “Upachaya” houses in vedic astrology and owns the responsibility of providing all kinds of benefits and profits. This transit of Mercury is going to fill you with vitality and youthful energy that is going to help you fight the onset of diseases and provide relief from the previous illnesses. Professionally, this mercury is going to enhance your communication and organisation skills, which will help you in terms of improved performance at the workplace leading to increment and promotions. Your negotiation skills and charming storytelling ability will enable you to attract good deals and investments for your business.

You will be ambitious, driven to be number during this transit, which will help increase your status. Those in freelancing are likely to earn income through various sources during this transit of Mercury. If you have been planning to start your venture and take the next step from job to self employment, then this period will be suitable for you and provide you with many opportunities. In terms of personal life, benefit from properties or real estate can be foreseen for many of the natives born under the sign of the twins. This transit will help the single natives express their feelings more openly to the person they like, thus making it easier for them to enter relationships. Those married will find a new spark in their relationships. Students will have strong keenness to learn new subjects, which will help them to perform well in their academics. Overall, a very promising and favorable transit.

Remedy- Recite "Vishnu Sahastranaam" on wednesdays to receive beneficial results of this transit.


Cancer natives are likely to achieve beneficial results in terms of profession with the planet Mercury transiting through their tenth house of career. Your efforts and skills are likely to take you towards desired direction in terms of profession. Your subordinates are likely to provide you with their adequate support and coordination, helping you to achieve your targets with efficiency and in a given set of time. Your communication will be authoritative, helping you to get favorable results. Natives already working in the foreign organisations or indulging in import and export are likely to achieve prosperous results from this transit. Also, those of you looking to get jobs in MNCs are also likely to see their dreams come true. Undertaking journeys and short trips will also be rewarding for the professionals and businessmen born under the sign of Crab.

In terms of personal life, siblings might face some problems and challenges, so be there with them with all your support and affection. Some differences of opinion with parents can be there, but maintain proper decorum while speaking with them and try to resolve these differences amicably. In terms of married life, this transit will bring joy and happiness in the lives of the cancer natives and their relationships will be full of satisfaction and bliss. However, in terms of health, you have to be very careful and have to maintain proper balance between your workload and rest, otherwise, it could take a toll on your health.

Remedy- Worship Lord Ganesha and offer him Durva Grass on Wednesdays.

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Leo natives will host the Mercury transit in their ninth house with their ascendant Lord Sun and tenth house lord Venus already present there. This is a very potent combination and indicates that this period will provide you with a multitude of income, riches and status and is going to bring a rise in your standard of living. Your comforts and luxuries are going to increase during this transit of Mercury from Pisces to Aries. In terms of personal life, your elder brother is likely to achieve great progress and prosperity in their respective fields, thus bringing happiness and joy in the family. Your relationship with your father is likely to improve in this duration. You are also likely to plan a family get together or a trip with family to some beautiful place during this transit, which will help you strengthen your relationships with family members.

Professionally, it will help you to accomplish tasks that you were facing problems earlier. Assignments that you were finding difficult earlier on will be easily completed during this transit. Overall, this period is full of triumph and achievements. Business people are also likely to achieve beneficial results,especially, those of you involved in family or ancestral business. You are likely to get better opportunities and a platform to expand your business. Healthwise, also, this period is heading towards a positive direction.

Remedy- Take blessings from your maternal aunts such as Buaa, Maasi and offer them gifts, it will help you to get align with the energy of planet Mercury.


Virgo natives are likely to find the going tough as their ascendant lord Mercury will be transiting through their eighth house of transformation, sudden changes and legacy. As Mercury also governs your tenth house of profession and career along with your ascendant, which indicates that you might encounter sudden changes in your career, which might not be in accordance with your plans, thus, leading to anxiety and loss in confidence. Some of you may also have to encounter problems such as unexpected layoffs, which might add on the uncertainty and nervousness and may shake your confidence in your own abilities.

So, it is suggested to keep yourself positive and work on your skills and experience which will help you get benefits later on after 01st May, when the transit is in favor of you. Till then, treat this period as a foundation to gain benefits from the upcoming transits. Though, some of you may accumulate wealth through secretive methods or through ancestral property during this period as Mercury is in conjunction with the exalted sun and second house lord Venus in the eighth house. Your spouse will also support you in all your endeavors and their wealth is likely to increase during this duration, which will be a source of relief for you. However, you have to keep an eye on the health of your father, as it is likely to decline during this period.

The presence of Mercury in the eighth house also is not a good combination when it comes to your health, so, try and give proper attention to health in this duration especially related to skin and abdomen region.

Overall, a good period to inculcate mediation, yoga and take some rest as that will help us to establish connection with ourselves, reflect on the past mistakes and learn from them to gain better results in the future.

Remedy- Wear a good quality emerald crafted in gold or silver in your right hand little finger to gain auspicious results of planet Mercury.


For the Libra Moon sign, Mercury governs the ninth house of fortune, luck and prosperity and twelfth house of foreign travels and expenditures and will be transiting through your seventh house of marital happiness, partnerships and vocations. Professionally, this period is very good for those who want to start their own business or want to have other sources of income apart from their regular source of income. You are likely to get many beneficial opportunities during this period. Those looking for foreign partnerships or associations from foreign are likely to get desired results. You are also likely to achieve profits or success in the fields that you have not expected earlier. Also, good period for undertaking long journeys to expand your trade. Also, good for traders and stock marketeers as they are likely to book substantial profits.

Personal life, unmarried natives have a very strong chance of getting married or finding their soulmate during this transit. As the seventh house represents society, your communication skills and charm will help you impress others. Many people will also come to you seeking advice as they will find solace and peace in your company. Also, for married natives, as your ninth house of luck is positioned in your seventh house, keeping your spouse or beloved happy is of paramount importance during this period, as your fate or luck is attached to them. Try and take them to their favorite destinations and places, which will further strengthen the relationship between you two.

Healthwise, also, this period is heading in a positive direction and indicates that you will be full of zeal and energy throughout this transit.

Remedy- Offering gifts and sweets to the Maternal aunts like Mausi, Mami will provide auspicious results.

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Mercury, which governs your eleventh house of profits, gains and eighth house of transformation and legacy will move through your sixth house of enemies, obstacles, loans and diseases. This indicates that this transit will provide mixed and interesting results for the scorpio natives. During this transit, health is likely to remain delicate and weak and you are likely to face problems related to hormones, skin and allergies. So, take proper precautions, maintain your eating habits and stay away from places with high amounts of dust and pollution. Getting into debates and arguments at the workplace are not suitable for you, as they may give enemies an undue advantage of dominating you or tarnishing your image.

There are also very high chances of increase in expenditure during this tenure. If you do not put a lid on them, then they are going to be a source of worry and stress for you. As Mercury being the eleventh house lord, is positioned eighth from itself, which indicates decline in earnings for scorpio natives. Businessmen might think about taking loans or help from financial institutions to expand their business and are likely to succeed in getting them, during this transit. This will help them accomplish their pending tasks or complete their unfinished endeavors. However, keep a plan ready beforehand to repay them, otherwise, it will become difficult to repay them. Professionally, keeping communication channels open with your seniors, higher authorities, mentors and idols is very essential during this period, as any advice or suggestion from them is likely to be a gamechanger and will lead you towards the path of success.

Remedy- Take the blessings of eunuchs on Wednesdays.

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The love life of Sagittarius natives is likely to bloom during this period, with Mercury, your seventh house lord transiting through your fifth house of love and romance. This period will help you express your heartfelt feelings to the person you love more clearly, which will help strengthen the bond between you two. Married natives born under the sign of the archer are likely to be happy seeing their children progress during this transit. This period also indicates growth for your spouse and they can expect promotion and increment at the workplace.

Professionally, this period is a period that will help you utilise your experience and knowledge to successfully implement your tasks and endeavors, leading to getting noticed by your subordinates and seniors at the workplace. Businessmen will also witness continuous growth in the business and earnings during this period. You will be able to successfully market your ideas and strategies during this period. Those running the business in the form of partnerships are likely to take away most of the benefits and auspicious results of this period. You and your partner will share a great camaraderie and will work in harmony together, leading to great success in business. Those in government service are likely to get transfers which might make them anxious at the start, but soon they will understand that it is for their betterment and growth that this has happened.

Students will have a very sharp grasping power and their keenness to learn new subjects is going to help them get good grades and improve their academic performance leaps and bounds during this period.

Remedy- Take blessings from your mentors, idols and elders daily before leaving for an important task.


The natives born under the sign of the fish goat should take proper care and attention of their mother’s health, as her health is likely to remain weak during the current transit of Mercury in their fourth house of mother, real estate and happiness. As mercury governs the sixth house that represents litigations and court cases, this indicates that you might see yourself getting involved in legal disputes with your relatives over some property. There are very high chances of it going in your favor, but, can give you stress and worries in the process.

Also, the fourth house represents the childhood, some old memories and grievances from the childhood could resurface, which could lead to some altercations with your parents. However, you are advised to see it as a chance to make things clear with your parents and reconcile any differences that you have with them. If you are married, your spouse is going to gain authoritative positions in their career and fields, their status in society is likely to increase, leading to increase in your luxuries and status. As Mercury also represents greenery, so, if you feel emotionally drained or anxious regarding anything during this period, spending time gardening or amidst greenery will help you tremendously.

Capricorn professionals are likely to gain good results in their professional endeavors and tasks during this period. Your creative ideas and strategies are likely to gerner appreciation and recognition leading to increase in your self confidence and status. Businessmen and traders are also likely to book substantial profits and gains during this period. However, in terms of health , weight gains, issues related to cold, cough and chest congestion could bother you during this period, so take care of health and work on your immune system by inculcating green leafy vegetables and healthy food in your diet.

Remedy- Donate green lentils on Wednesday to receive auspicious results of the planet Mercury.


Aquarius natives will host the Mercury in their third house which represents communication, siblings, journeys and efforts. Since, as per Kaal Purush kundli, Mercury is governor of the natural third house, which indicates that this transit is likely to bring substantial gains and special benefits for Aquarians.

Professionally, you are likely to receive beneficial results through your communication skills. Aquarians are innovative by nature and the presence of Mercury in the third house is going to enhance your out of the box thinking and finding creative solutions. This will give you an edge over your competitors at the workplace. As the third house is also the house of efforts, your persistent and continuous efforts are likely to take you miles ahead in your career during this period.

Aquarius are natural when it comes to networking, so, with Mercury in your third house, meeting with some influential people is on the cards, that is likely to provide you benefits in the long run. However, avoid any kind of journeys or trips during this period, as they are not going to be as profitable for you as you may think while starting them. Rather, communicating through other means such as the internet etc. will provide you with far better results. You are also likely to purchase some new electronic gadgets or items during this transit.

When it comes to personal life, Mercury is positioned in the eleventh house from its lordship of the fifth house, which indicates that your children are going to achieve great success during this period and they may provide you with essential support during this period. However, your siblings might face some hardships or difficulties during this time frame. If you are in relationships, the more transparent and open you are in communication with your partner, the more beneficial results will come to you and will help you take your relationship to a new level.

As the third house is related to hobbies also, so be it dancing, writing or music, investing your time in them will bring about a lot of positivity in your attitude, thus improving your performance in all aspects of your life.

Remedy- Recite “Vishnu Sahasranama” on Wednesdays.


For the Pisces Moon sign, Mercury governs the fourth house of mother, land, property, happiness and seventh house of marital relations, partnerships and vocations. Mercury during its current transit will travel through your second house of accumulated wealth, family and speech, this will provide you with auspicious benefits.

In terms of personal life, peace and happiness will prevail in your home environment. Your speech, your way of conducting yourself will leave many impressed and will help you maintain harmony and discipline in your home environment. Benefits and profits from mother can be foreseen for many during this period. As Mercury governs your seventh house of spouse and is positioned in eighth from itself, which indicates that though your spouse might get some sudden benefits and profits in this duration, their health might remain weak and fragile especially their stomach and skin area. So, proper attention should be diverted towards it.

As far as professional matters are concerned, things are likely to remain stable and financial prosperity is indicated in this period. Business professionals are likely to grow leaps and bounds through their wisdom and intellect. Their foresight and intuition will help them build strategies that are likely to speed up their operations and provide them the necessary exposure. Overall, a great transit for both the salaried class as well as for the traders and merchants born under the sign of the fish.

This transit is also favorable, if you want to do any repair work or construction part of your home or office, as it will be done smoothly. Any deal or agreement for property related matters that was stuck earlier on, is likely to be completed with ease during this transit.

In terms of health, maintaining hygiene around your dental and mouth region is very important, otherwise, you may face problems related to teeth and eyes.

Remedy- Reciting or listening to stories related to the Vaaman Avtar of Lord Vishnu will bring auspicious results.

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