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Mercury Combust In Aquarius (28 February 2023)

Mercury Combust In Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury is going to combust in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on 28 February 2023 at 08:03 am and then will rise on 31st March 2023 at 02:44 pm. Mercury will move from the zodiac sign of Aquarius to Aries in its combusted state, which means that Mercury will combust in Aquarius, and in the same state it will transit into Pisces, and after that it will transit into Aries. Mercury will rise in the zodiac sign of Aries on 31st March 2023. This combustion state of Mercury might bring various unfavorable effects as it is a very important planet. This planet affects everything from your communication to business, and its weakened state gives fluctuating outcomes to all the areas with which it is associated. When Mercury rises again the natives will come across positive changes, and this change will extend toward all the areas of their lives.

Mercury Combust in Aquarius

It has been seen many times that when a planet comes nearer to the Sun, it goes into a state of combustion. Mercury is a very crucial planet, and its dominance is over many important areas of our lives. So, the combustion state of Mercury will bring big changes in everybody’s life. Areas such as studies, health, finance, personal and professional, all will be affected by Mercury’s state of combustion. So, let’s uncover how Mercury combust in Aquarius will affect all the zodiac signs of the zodiac cycle!

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Mercury Combust in Aquarius: Vedic Astrology And Planet Mercury

Under Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is given an exalted position as it is deemed to be a very important planet. The planet Mercury, affects our intelligence, our communication style, the way we speak, and our speech as well. The three major elements of the body such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are controlled by Mercury. It is also a factor of communication in the form of a messenger, and transport also comes under his control. Mercury is also the factor of commerce, and blesses us with reasoning skills and statistics. Being the harbinger of intelligence, Mercury lends the native intellect by which we are able to achieve our goals, and it also makes our life smooth in all its functions. Mercury strengthens various areas of our lives, so it is always beneficial to have it in a solid position. Problems take birth when this beneficial planet is in a weakened state. The natives might lose their skills of speech, analytical abilities, and might not be able to express themselves to others with clarity.

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For the natives of Aries, the planet Mercury holds the lordship of the third and sixth houses; and it will combust in your eleventh house. With Mercury combust in Aquarius, your professional life will come across improvements and growth. The natives will receive good career opportunities, and if you are working then you will receive a job offer. As Mercury will be in a state of combustion and your chances of getting profit as expected might decrease. The outcomes might not be according to your expectations. The atmosphere of the workspace will be good, but you might feel the burden of work. You also might feel that you are capable of more but are getting less, and as a result some issues may arise in your workspace. You might take some time in making big decisions, and for the natives who are into business, Mercury combust in Aquarius, might bring some problems from time-to-time. However, Mercury’s state of combustion will be favorable for you and due to that your problems will gradually reduce. You will have to work hard and make more efforts to fulfill your desires. From a viewpoint of finance, this period will be good, and you’ll be able to save your money. However, you might not be able to use the money that you are earning; your bank balance will grow, but your expenses might rise for family needs rather than your own. The atmosphere surrounding you might be anxious and tense; and you might come across difficulties while making big decisions. Nevertheless, you will move forward being an efficient leader, and you will also focus on your health. Your carefulness towards your health will save you from shoulder pain and nervous system.

Remedy: The natives must recite Shri Vishnu Chalisa on Wednesday.

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Mercury combust in Aquarius on your life.


The planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your second and fifth houses, and will combust in your tenth house. Mercury combust in Aquarius, will encourage the Bull natives to become a warrior in their workspace as work burden might be upon you. You must therefore pay attention to your work while also taking care of your health, as you might come across any problem anytime. Your co-workers might create problems for you, and you must work with vigilance and attention. Unnecessary journeys might increase your expenses and mental stress. Natives working in overseas companies will have a normal period, and from a business point of view, natives will have to wait and work hard in order to gain the profits they desire. In order to prevent your relationship from going into conflict, you must pay attention, and it will be beneficial for you to get out of such conflicts by showing mutual understanding. The area of finance will be normal, and if you work in the share market, then you will receive profit, but not that much. During this time, you will come across an inheritance of ancient property, and working natives will receive a profit or a bonus. Tension might come in familial life, as you might be unable to explain your side to your family and, as a result, tension might come up. Your intervention will not be that beneficial under such situations, and you might have to take help from your elders in the family. Make efforts to improve your relationship with your partner. During this period, excessive physical fatigue, weakness, and issues with eyes might disturb you. So, lead a good life by taking appropriate rest between work.

Remedy: The native must go to Lord Vishnu’s temple and offer him yellow sweets.


The ruling lord of the Gemini natives is planet Mercury only, so it rules over your first and fourth house, and its combustion will happen in your ninth house. This Mercury combust in Aquarius might pave the way for some issues. In order to achieve success in your work, you will have to work harder than before. If you are working in a job, then you might come across difficulties. You might get transferred to that place which you might not like, and you might have a burden of work on you as well. You might get into problematic situations with your co-workers or because of them. However, during this period you will come across a new job offer. You will feel happy because of that, and for business natives this period and your gains will be normal. You will attain profits from foreign-related work, but to achieve good profits you might have to wait for a long time. If you want to expand the business, then you will have to wait, as this isn’t a proper time to do that. The right time to do that will come after sometime, and you must put your efforts on working hard rather than relying on luck. Through these ways you will achieve success. To get good results in studies, students will have to work very hard. There are chances that tension and quarrel might increase between you and your life partner and within family members as well. During such situations you must keep your cool, and must work to create peace and balance among such situations. From a financial viewpoint, this situation will be normal; your expenses will rise more than your earnings, and you must work to a great extent in order to control them. Health must be given precedence, as during this time, your mental stress might be high and taking unnecessary tensions might cause you more health problems. So, you must take good care of your health while giving yourself some time.

Remedy: You must recite the mantra oṃ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya a set number of times daily.

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For Cancer natives, Mercury is the ruling lord of the third and twelfth houses, and with it will combust in your eighth house. Unexpected financial gains for Cancerians will come with this Mercury combust in Aquarius. If your work is related to the share market or lottery, then chances for your monetary gains will be there. You will come across an inheritance, and it will happen only when there are big Yogas being made in your horoscope, which will help you in gaining ancestral property. Some natives may suddenly get to travel overseas, and those natives who are working will get a chance to travel to some other country or a state; this movement will be work-related. You will get a promotion as well. This period will be beneficial for those natives who are into business, and you will have new opportunities as well. If you are doing business with a partner, you will share cordial relations with them, and in turn they will give their best so that this business earns maximum profit. From a viewpoint of finance this period will be great, but you must take control of your expenses and must save your money. If not, then you will lose whatever you have earned. During this period, logical activities will be preferred by you rather than spiritual. Differences might arise in the relationship between you and your partner. To make them go away you have to try from time-to-time. Health issues related to the stomach, and the digestive system might disturb you. So, be vigilant towards what you consume, and if need arises, visit a doctor.

Remedy: You must recite Shri Durga Chalisa on Wednesday.


The planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and eleventh houses, for the Leo natives, and it will combust in your seventh house. This Mercury combust in Aquarius might give rise to some fluctuations in your professional lives. Those natives who are doing business with partners might also come across variation, and situations of conflict. If you are doing business in a partnership then you might have to face problems in doing that. There might be situations where arguments might happen, and if you are doing business on your own then you will perform relatively well. If you are working in a job then working in an overseas organization will be beneficial for you. In your career, you will receive support from your colleagues, which will be very important for you. You must take care that you do not get into a situation of quarrel with your seniors at work. Gradually you will receive financial gains, and with that you will have to stay motivated to save money. If you don’t do this, then you might face bigger problems in the future and as a result, you might get into financial trouble. Your relationship with your life partner might face tension; you must talk to them and try to find a way out of these problems; if not, then distance will gradually come between you and your partner. Health-wise this period will be good, as your health will improve, however, you mustn't ignore your health and keep practicing Yoga to stay healthy.

Remedy: Chanting this Mantra oṃ namo nārāyaṇa at least 21 times will be beneficial for you.

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For the natives of Virgo, the planet Mercury is their ruling lord, and hence rules their first and tenth houses. During this period, the combustion of Mercury will happen in your sixth house. This Mercury combust in Aquarius might give you sudden changes in your job. It might happen that you go to your workspace to find that changes have been made or you might be transferred as well. You will be busy as there will be a work burden on you. To achieve success in your work you will have to work very hard. If you are preparing for a competitive examination, then your efforts will have to increase tenfold. This Mercury combust in Aquarius from a business viewpoint might bring up issues. You might come across problems as you might not get the profit that you expected, either there might be a delay in attaining the profit, or your business might not impact the market, as much as you expected. You will need outside assistance for this, and working with another company to advertise your business as part of a marketing strategy will be advantageous for you. However, during this period, new people will come your way and they will try to help your business. You might also face uncontrollable and rapid expenses. You must try to keep your expenses at minimum; if not, then your difficulties might rise gradually, as there might be the possibility of expenses being more than your income. Your personal life and your behavior with your life partner will be good. Arguments might turn up as you may not like something about your partner, but nothing big will take place. You might come across health issues like stomach, muscle, and feet ache, and mental stress as well.

Remedy: On Wednesday Shri Radha Ashtak must be recited.


For the natives of Libra, Mercury will combust in their fifth house; and it rules their ninth and twelfth houses. With this Mercury combust in Aquarius, Libra natives will come across financial prosperity. Your earnings will grow, and this position of Mercury reveals your inclination towards activities which are spiritual in nature. Your mind will be more invested in religious and spiritual activities, and your belief in God will increase. You might travel which would be related to work. Changes in job might come as well; so pay a little attention or you might have to face a situation where you have to change your job. In business you will receive good profit, and it will progress as well. If your business is moving with overseas contracts and is running abroad, then you will receive more profit. Financially this period will be good, as money will be collected in the form of savings and naturally your monetary conditions will improve. In your personal life, your relations with your partner, and family members will blossom. Loving and romantic moments will be there amid the variations in your love life. Students will have to focus more on their studies, and you will have to set your routine in the right direction. Only through these ways will you be able to concentrate on your studies. Health will be normal, but you must be cautious against abdominal diseases.

Remedy: You must offer a flute in Shri Krishna temple.


Mercury is the ruling lord of your eighth and eleventh houses; and it will combust in your fourth house. With this Mercury combust in Aquarius, the Scorpio natives might come across variations in their workspace. Your mind might not stay focused on your work, and it might become agitated. As a result, you might have to face problems in your job. Besides this, your relationship with your higher ups might face deterioration, and that might be difficult for you to handle. If you are doing business then you will get good benefits from business relations and it will grow as well. If you want to start a new business venture, then you will face good progress in that as well. But this time is not that good to start a new business venture. If your business plans consider it necessary to expand, then you must stop these ideas during this period, as you might suffer from losses if you move forward with such plans. Financially this period will be normal; your income and expenses will be in the same proportion and will face fluctuations. In simple terms, from one side you will get growth in income and on the other side you might also face increased expenses. In your personal life, you will be more focused towards increasing your comforts in your life. Disputes might rise in the family and problems might develop among members. Pay attention towards your mother’s health as it might deteriorate during this period. If we talk about your health, then you might come across issues related to the nervous system or skin. So, under such conditions take good care of yourself and don’t let any problems grow.

Remedy: You must recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa everyday.

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For the natives of Sagittarius, Mercury will combust in their third house, and is the ruling lord of your seventh and tenth houses. With this Mercury combust in Aquarius, your career will face good times. However, you must remember that communication related to your career and personal life should be done carefully, as wrong communication might become a reason for your loss. During this period, you will get good outcomes from your career. You will travel for short-distances regarding your job which will result in significant improvement of your work. You will get a good position in your job, and your colleagues will support and help you. Your relationships with your siblings might be filled with fluctuations. New job opportunities will come your way, and business natives who have their own business will attain good profits during this time. You might also get a good deal through a friend. This period will be good to travel for business-related matters. From a financial perspective, this period will teach you a lot, and you will have to try to create a balance between your income and expenses. During this period, you will get an opportunity through which you could come across a sudden financial gain. But you will have to work toward managing your finances properly, or else you might face financial risk. Your relationship with your life partner will be prosperous. Minor health issues might disturb you, like shoulder pain or eye pain. Other than that, no major health issues are there for you during this period.

Remedy: You must recite Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsha.


For the natives of Capricorn, Mercury will combust in their second house, which is your house of luck. Mercury is the ruling lord of your sixth and ninth houses, and with this Mercury combust in Aquarius, the natives will come across new beginnings. You will receive new opportunities in life, and your relations with your father will improve and you will get his support as well. Your position in your family will become better than before. If you are a working native, then you will receive a new job offer which will be good for you. You work very hard and sometimes people aren’t able to see that, but during this period, your hard work will be seen and appreciated. Business natives who have their own business will receive a good level of growth. You might want to proceed with caution if you are pursuing business with a business partner as tensions and problems might arise in that. Financially, this period will be good. Your money will get collected in the form of savings; as a result your bank balance will increase. Financial benefits will also come your way. From a personal perspective, your partner might suffer from health issues, but their behavior will remain loving towards you. No major health problems will come your way. You just have to consume nutritious food at the proper time.

Remedy: You should establish Shri Yantra properly, and do its worship with complete rituals.


The planet Mercury will combust in your first house, and is the ruling lord of your fifth and eighth houses. With this Mercury combust in Aquarius, the natives of Aquarius will receive normal levels of benefits. On one hand the natives will receive promotion in their workspace; but on the other hand they might become a victim of their own flaws. You must exercise restraint while communicating and must do that with great thinking; if not, then problems might arise and you might also have to face problems in your job as well. For business natives this period will be good, and you will come across gradual progress while having fluctuations. While having conversations regarding business, think carefully and then talk, and don’t make any promises which might not get fulfilled by you. From a viewpoint of finance, this period will be good. You will be seen trying to adapt new techniques in order to grow your business, and through that you will be able to generate good gains. This period will be for you to shine, as you will learn from your mistakes, and will gain from them as well. Your relations with your life partner will be prosperous, but you must still take care of your speech, so that you don’t say something that might hurt them. Your health and everything else will be good, but sometimes you might come across the problem of a nerve spasm.

Remedy: You should decorate the idols of Radha and Lord Krishna.


The planet Mercury will combust in your twelfth house, and it is the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses. With this Mercury combust in Aquarius, the natives of Pisces might come to face variations in their lives. Working class natives will face an atmosphere of rush in their workspaces. You will remain busy as working in a single place might become problematic. You might also face a sudden department change, and you might have a load of work on you as well. To achieve the desired results you will have to work very hard. You might get disheartened if you could not achieve the success you wanted after giving your efforts. You must work hard regularly and in continuity. If you are into business then this period will be good for you. Specifically, overseas business will give you good success and gains. During this period, you will be able to attain financial gains. Your expenses will be there and will increase, but so will your earnings. You might come across some problems in your familial life, if we look at this from a personal viewpoint. Mutual problems might increase, as there might be less harmony between the members which will result in them not being able to explain themselves properly. Your relations with your life partner might face fluctuations, which will gradually go away with time. Health-wise you might come across problems like headache or burning sensation in the eyes. Wash your eyes with clean water daily and drink clean water.

Remedy: You must apply a Tilak of turmeric or Kesar (saffron) on your forehead everyday.

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