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Jupiter Combust In Pisces (28 March, 2023)

Jupiter Combust In Pisces: Jupiter is getting combust on 28 March 2023, which will bring major changes in the lives of people of all zodiac signs. And this combustion of Jupiter will be a bit different because between the combustion period it is changing the sign as well, it is transiting from Pisces sign to Aries sign. Jupiter will combust on 28 March 2023 and it will rise on 27 April 2023 and between that on 22 April 2023 it will change its sign from Pisces to Aries. So, we can say that during this combustion, Jupiter will be present in two signs and will hold the energy of both signs. To know more about the Jupiter Combust In Pisces in detail Including its impact and remedies, keep reading this article till the end.

Jupiter Combust In Pisces

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Jupiter Combust In Pisces: Impact In Astrology

According to Vedic Astrology, the combustion of Jupiter is not considered an auspicious event; and all ceremonies like marriage and engagement are avoided during this time. This is because the Lord of Deities, Jupiter becomes weak. Jupiter becomes combust when it comes within 11 degrees on either side of the Sun and becomes weak in its power because of close proximity to the Sun. Jupiter is the significator of wealth, respect, religion, husband for female native, children and education. When Jupiter is combust, one may feel a lack of happiness related to these things. You may witness a delay in events during this time.

And this time this combustion will be more impactful because Jupiter is getting combust in its own sign of Pisces and then after a few days in Aries sign. Pisces is the natural twelfth house of the zodiac system. Its ruler is Jupiter, so this sign has the mixed qualities of Jupiter as well as twelfth house and pisces is a watery sign, it represents the deepest darkest ocean water unlike the other watery zodiac signs. It represents peace, purity, isolation, places out of reach for a normal person and some time ending or completion of things.

And on the other hand, Aries sign is totally opposite in nature. Aries is a sign owned by Mars and it is the first sign of the natural zodiac. It's a fiery sign, masculine in nature and the energy is individualistic, bold, and brave. It represents the face and new beginnings.

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Jupiter Combust In Pisces on your life.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें: गुरु मीन राशि में अस्त (28 मार्च, 2023)


For the Aries natives, Jupiter rules the ninth and twelfth house and is now going to be combust in your twelfth house i.e Pisces sign and then in your Lagna i.e Aries sign. The period when Jupiter will be combust in your twelfth house, it will give you mixed results. During Jupiter Combust In Pisces, you might feel the lack of luck in your life, support of father, Guru or mentor. You will try to seek advice from them but feel disappointed. You will also not feel like worshiping and will feel distracted from the religious activity.

If you were planning to travel on a long distance or foreign journey or to any pilgrimage, it might also get canceled or postponed for the time being. But this combustion of Jupiter will also have a control over your expenses, you will not be able to over-spend or spend money on unnecessary things. However, the moment when Jupiter changes its sign and moves to Aries signs; things will start changing for you. But still due to the combustion of Jupiter you might not be able to experience the benefic result of transit in the beginning because of the combustion, so Aries natives you are advised not to get disheartened and be ready to experience the benefic results of Jupiter as the combustion gets over.

Remedy- Observe a fast on Thursday.


Jupiter rules the eighth and eleventh houses for the Taurus natives and is now going to be combust in your eleventh house; Pisces sign and then in twelfth house; Aries sign. Dear Taurus natives, this combustion of Jupiter will give you varied results, because the combustion of the eighth lord is a bit favorable in general as it will slow down the uncertainties and sudden problems in one's life. But the Taurus native who are in the research field or students pursuing PhD or studying occult science might have to face a lot of obstacles during Jupiter Combust In Pisces.

Moving forward eleventh lord getting combust in the eleventh house is not a favorable situation for investments or financial gains. During this time you might not get the expected return from your investment or will not be able to do required investment due to your domestic expenses. And as Jupiter moves to the twelfth house it will control your expenses and losses, this combustion will also protect you from taking investment decisions and bearing losses so for the later on when combustion gets over you are advised to take your investment decision very wisely. In addition, if you were planning to spend money on buying property or a vehicle, building a home or spending money for some auspicious activity it would be better for you to postpone the plan.

Remedy - Wrap an almond and coconut in a yellow cloth and flow them in the running water.


For Gemini natives the planet Jupiter is your tenth and seventh house lord and is now going to be combust in your tenth house; Pisces sign and then in eleventh house; Aries sign. So dear Gemini natives, this combustion might not be favorable for your professional life, whether you are in a job or business you could face obstacles in your growth. Due to your lack of action or efforts your competitors at work place will manage to hinder your image and will impart your work efficiency and due to that your increment or promotion could get delayed.

For people in business and involve in business partnership this is a very critical time because the lord of both the houses; tenth house of profession and seventh house of business partnership; planet Jupiter is getting combust and it could bring problem in your business and later when it will move to eleventh house will impact your profit as well so, you are advised to be conscious while communicating with your partner and adopt transparency to avoid any sort of conflict. Later, when the combustion will be over you will experience immense profit with the transit of Jupiter till then stay alert. Married Gemini natives are also advised to pay attention to their married life and avoid any sort of conflict during Jupiter Combust In Pisces.

Remedy- Water the Peepal Tree on Thursday and Saturday while reading Jupiter’s Beej Mantra or Jupiter’s Gayatri Mantra.

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Dear Cancer natives, Jupiter has the lordship of the ninth and sixth house and is now going to be combust in your ninth house; Pisces sign and then in tenth house; Aries sign. Cancer natives, this Jupiter Combust In Pisces will provide you different outcomes.

Firstly, your opponents will be unable to hurt you, and there will be no health problems throughout this period. However, you may not feel like worshiping and may become diverted from the religious practices. You could also have a loss of luck in your life, as help from your father, Guru, or mentor will not be available owing to your harsh and bad communication with them; you will want to apologize and seek advice from them but you'll be disappointed.

So, you are advised to have control over your tone and watch your words while communicating because it could also bring negativity in your professional life. Also, if you were willing for some changes like change of job or organization that plan may get delayed due to this combustion of Jupiter. Cancer native, the transit of Jupiter in tenth house will surely bring positivity in your professional life but you are advised to watch your action during combustion period and as ill behavior could minimize the positive effect of this transit.

Remedy - Recite Vishnu Sahasranama.


Leo natives, Jupiter is the fifth and eighth house lord for your chart and is now going to be combust in your eighth house, the Pisces sign and then in the ninth house, the Aries sign. Dear Leo natives, combustion of eighth lord is a bit favorable in general as it will slow down the uncertainties and sudden problems in your life but on the other hand, the combustion of fifth house lord could give Leo students a tough time. They might not get the proper guidance and support of teachers and Gurus, especially those who are in the research field or students pursuing PHd or studying occult science like astrology might have to face a lot of obstacles during this time.

Leo love birds who are willing to convert their relationship into marriage might have to face problems and opposition from the family. Leo native you could also face issues with your children as their health might get impacted or there could be behavior issues in them. They might behave introverted and find it hard to express their feelings to you, so you are advised to be available for them and make them comfortable during Jupiter Combust In Pisces. Expecting Leo mothers need to pay more attention to their health as well as their baby in the womb. Leo natives you are just advised to be patient and don't panic, luck is standing just by you.

Remedy - Apply saffron Tilak on the forehead or apply it on the navel.

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For Virgo natives, Jupiter is the fourth and seventh house lord and is now going to be combust in your seventh house, Pisces sign and then in eighth house, Aries sign. Dear Virgo natives, this combustion of Jupiter is not favorable for your personal life. The health of your mother and life partner could suffer, or some dispute could also occur between them which might put you in a tough situation. Your expenses might also increase during Jupiter Combust In Pisces.

Married Virgo natives are also advised to pay attention to their married life and avoid any sort of conflict during this period as conflict could rise and involve families of both which could create ugly pictures and ruin the relationship. You also need to be conscious of your well being as this Jupiter combustion moving to the eighth house might increase the problem in your life. So, Virgo natives you are advised to talk it out and remain transparent with each other. A level of adjustment is needed to maintain a satisfactory level of happiness so please try to do that.

Remedy- Feed Chana Dal, jaggery and dough balls (Atta Loi) to cows on Thursday.


For Libra natives, Jupiter is the third and sixth house lord and is now going to be combust in your sixth house, Pisces sign and then in seventh house, Aries sign. Dear Libra natives, this Jupiter combustion will offer you mixed results. Firstly, Your enemies will be unable to harm you as a result of the Jupiter combustion, the lord of the sixth house, and there will be no health difficulties during this period. But it's also the third lord getting combust in your horoscope, your younger sibling could face problems in life during this time or even due to some financial matter you could have conflict with them.

Libra natives could also lack confidence, courage and problems in communication during Jupiter Combust In Pisces, due to which when this combustion will move to your seventh house of marriage and life partner; you could face problems in your married life as well. So Libra natives, you are advised to be conscious while you communicate, don't lie to your partner and equally prioritize your relationship. Don't indulge in too much partying and socializing as it could negatively impact your relationship.

Remedy- Donate yellow items to the old Brahmin as much as possible. Like Chana Dal, Laddus, yellow clothes, honey etc.


For Scorpio natives, Jupiter is the second and fifth house lord and is now going to be combust in your fifth house, Pisces sign and then in sixth house, Aries sign. This combustion might bring problems for Scorpio students. They might not get the proper guidance and support of teachers and Gurus, especially those who are preparing for any competitive exams. Their exam might get postponed or some problem could occur with the paperwork. Scorpio love birds could also face ego related problems with their partner due to unwanted misunderstandings that might erupt between you two.

Scorpios, you could also be experiencing problems with your children, as their health or conduct may be inconsistent. They may be introverted and find it difficult to convey their feelings to you, so you must be present for them and make them feel at ease during this time. Pregnant Scorpio mothers must pay closer attention to their own and their child's health. Combustion of the second house lord, Jupiter could also generate problems with your close family members, along with health issues such as problems in speech and throat. Therefore, keep a watch over your behavior and health during Jupiter Combust In Pisces.

Remedy- Worship a banana tree and offer water on Thursday.

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For the Sagittarius sign, Jupiter is your Lagna lord and fourth house lord and is now going to be combust in your fourth house, Pisces sign and then in fifth house, Aries sign. Firstly Sagittarius natives, you need to be concerned about your well being during Jupiter Combust In Pisces because Jupiter is your Lagna lord and due to its combustion, you might face some health issues. It's your fourth house lord as well as it represents your mother, home, vehicle and domestic happiness.

So due to its combustion, you could face issues with these things. Health of your mother could also fluctuate so you are advised to get yours and your mother's health checkup done on time. During this time you and your mother might also face ego clashes with your father due to which the domestic atmosphere of the house may get distermed. And as Jupiter moves to the fifth house, people in relationships could also face issues in their love life and parents might face issues with their children.

Remedy- Wear yellow sapphire of 5-6 cts. Set it in a gold ring on thursday. This will bring auspicious results for the Sagittarius natives.


For the Capricorn sign, Jupiter is the third and twelfth house lord and now going to be combust in your third house, Pisces sign and then in fourth house, Aries sign. Dear Capricorn natives, during this time when your third lord is getting combust, your younger sibling could face problems in life or even due to some financial matter you could also face conflict with them.

Capricorn natives during Jupiter Combust In Pisces, you could also lack confidence, courage, and have communication difficulties. On the plus side, this Jupiter combustion will give you control over your finances; you will not be able to overspend or waste money on frivolous items. But, when this combustion goes to your fourth house, your domestic happiness could suffer as a result of ego disputes with your partner.

Remedy- Distribute bananas to poor people on Saturday.


For Aquarius sign, Jupiter is the second and eleventh house lord and is now going to be combust in your second house, Pisces sign and then in the third house, Aries sign. So dear Aquarius natives, Jupiter is the Karka for finances in your chart because it controls both the finances houses; second and eleventh house and now it is getting combust. So due to this Jupiter Combust In Pisces, you might face financial issues. You are advised not to make any investment during this time as this is not a favorable situation for investments or financial gains.

During this period, you might not receive the expected return on your investment or may be unable to make essential investments owing to domestic expenses; therefore, do not make any financial decisions or take any risks as they could backfire and cause long-term losses. Second house lord combustion could also cause problems with your close family members, as well as speech and throat-related health issues. So be mindful of your actions and words. And when Jupiter moves to the third house in combust state, you might experience lack of confidence, courage, and communication difficulties.

Remedy- Recite the Mantra of Jupiter and Gayatri Ekakshara Beej Mantra: oṃ bṛṃ bṛhaspataye namah:”


For Pisces, Jupiter is the Lagna lord and tenth house lord and is now going to be combust in your Lagna house, Pisces sign and then in the second house, Aries sign. Firstly, Pisces natives you need to be concerned about your well being during this combustion period because Jupiter is your Lagna lord and due to its combustion you might face some health issues.

And Jupiter is your tenth house lord as well so, there are chances that due to ill health you may face problems in your professional life or due to extreme pressure and problems at the workplace your health suffers. You may also spend more time on your work and due to this, you might not be able to share your valuable time with your family members which could lead to conflict with them. Combustion of the second house lord could also create problems with your savings. So, dear Pisces natives Jupiter Combust In Pisces is good for you financially and your savings will surely grow but just avoid taking any major financial decision during this combustion period.

Remedy- Wear yellow coloured clothes to strengthen Jupiter.

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