Eclipse in 2021: Next Solar Eclipse 2021 & Lunar Eclipse 2021
Eclipse in 2021 by AstroSage offers necessary information about all the eclipses occurring in the year 2021 to all the readers. Know more about the next Solar Eclipse in 2021 and Lunar Eclipse 2021, how the planets Sun and the Moon undergo this celestial phenomenon and what factors determine its occurrence.
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In this article, apart from the list of all occurrences of the Solar Eclipse 2021 and Lunar Eclipse 2021, we will provide you with other necessary detailed information. Not only will we discuss the date, time, duration and visibility of the eclipse in 2021, but also understand in detail the astrological and religious aspects of this astronomical event along with necessary remedies to follow and get rid of malefic effects. Know what special precautions you should take during the Sutak Kaal of every Eclipse and much other information.
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Eclipses in 2021
Talking about all the Solar Eclipses 2021 and Lunar Eclipses in 2021, two Solar Eclipses and two Lunar Eclipses will take place respectively. However, out of all these occurrences, some eclipses will be visible in India, due to which Sutak Kaal will be effective and observed along with the associated rituals. However, in case some eclipses are not visible in India, Sutak Kaal becomes ineffective. Before telling you about the next Solar Eclipse in 2021 and Lunar Eclipse occurring in the year 2021, it is very important for you to know in detail about this phenomenon and their types: -
Solar Eclipse in 2021
A Solar Eclipse is an event that occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. In such a case, the Sun is either partially or fully covered. In astronomical science, this phenomenon has been described in such a way:
Usually, the Earth revolves around the Sun, whereas the Moon revolves around the Earth. However, at times, there are situations where while moving in their own orbits, the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth. During this time, the Moon covers the Sun’s light either partially or completely and prevents it from reaching the Earth’s surface. With the sudden darkness prevailing all over the Earth, this phenomenon is commonly known as Solar Eclipse in Science, which takes place on the day of Amavasya since The Moon isn’t visible from the Earth.
Types of Solar Eclipse in 2021
- Total Solar Eclipse: A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the planet Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth, and covers the Sun's light completely.
- Partial Solar Eclipse: A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the planet Moon partially covers the planet Sun while being positioned between the Sun and the Earth. During this time, the Sun's rays are unable to reach the surface of the Earth, which creates this phenomenon.
- Annular Solar Eclipse: An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the planet Moon is positioned between the Sun and the Earth but is incapable of covering the Sun completely but only its middle region. In such a case, it creates a ring-like disc, which is known as the Annular Solar Eclipse.
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Solar Eclipse 2021
A total of two Solar Eclipses will occur in the year 2021. The first Solar Eclipse will occur during mid-year, i.e. on 10 June, and second on the last month of the year, i.e. December 4, 2021.
First Solar Eclipse 2021 | |||
Date | Eclipse Begins | Eclipse Ends | Visibility |
10 June | From 13:42 | Till 18:41 | Partially in the Northern parts of North America, Europe and Asia and complete Total Solar Eclipse in North Canada, Greenland and Russia |
Note: Timings given for the above table are as per Indian Standard Time (IST). This eclipse will not be visible in India. Hence, the Sutak Kaal and its impact will not be religiously observed as well.
The first Solar Eclipse of the year will be an Annular Solar Eclipse and occur on 10 June 2021. An Annular Solar Eclipse refers to the phenomenon when the Moon gets positioned between the Sun and the Earth, thereby covering the inner surface of the Sun and creating a ring or disc-like effect on its surface.
As per the Hindu Panchang, this eclipse will occur on Thursday, June 10 afternoon, from 13:42 till 18:41 in the evening.
The first Solar Eclipse of the year as per Eclipse 2021 will be visible in the Northern parts of North America, Europe and Asia, in North Canada, Greenland and Russia but not in India. Since it won’t be either visible fully or partially in India, the Sutak Kaal will not be observed.
Second Solar Eclipse 2021 | |||
Date | Eclipse Begins | Eclipse Ends | Visibility |
4 December | From 10:59 | Till 15:07 | Antarctica, South Africa, Southern part of Atlantic, Australia, South America |
Note: Timings given for the above table are as per Indian Standard Time (IST). This eclipse will not be visible in India. Hence, the Sutak Kaal and its impact will not be religiously observed as well.
The next Solar Eclipse in 2021, which will be the last Solar Eclipse this year as per Eclipse 2021, will be a Total Solar Eclipse and occur on 04 December, 2021. A Total Solar Eclipse refers to the phenomenon when the Moon gets between the Sun and the Earth, and completely covers the surface of the Sun, hereby preventing the rays of the Sun from entering the surface of the Earth.
The second Solar Eclipse of the year 2021 will be visible in Antarctica, South Africa, Southern part of Atlantic, Australia, South America but not in India. Since it won’t be either visible fully or partially in India, the Sutak Kaal will not be observed.
Read in detail: Solar Eclipse 2021
Lunar Eclipse in 2021
Like a Solar Eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse also refers to that celestial event, when the Earth revolves around the Sun in its orbital path, and the Moon, while revolving around the Earth, lands behind its shadow. In such a case, all three of them i.e. the Sun, Moon and the Earth stand in one straight line. This unique event is known as the Lunar Eclipse, which takes place on a Full Moon Day.
Types of Lunar Eclipse in 2021
Just like Solar Eclipse, three types of Lunar Eclipse occur:
- Total Lunar Eclipse: Total Lunar Eclipse occurs when the planet Earth revolves around the Sun and entirely covers it while the planet Moon is positioned in front of the Earth. Due to this, the sunlight does not reach the Moon, which creates the phenomenon.
- Partial Lunar Eclipse: During the Partial Lunar Eclipse, the Earth partially covers the Moon, which creates this celestial as well as astrological event.
- Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: When the planet Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra while revolving, a fragmented or blurred image is created due to the rays emitted by the Sun. Due to this, the planet Moon looks dim from the Earth and this whole phenomenon is called the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Actually, this eclipse isn’t considered a huge phenomenon since the planet Moon does not get affected. For this reason, its Sutak Kaal is also not really considered.
Usually, the type and duration of an eclipse depends only on the position of the Moon. So let's now know in detail about the Lunar Eclipses occurring this year:
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Lunar Eclipse in 2021
Like the Solar Eclipse, two Lunar Eclipses in 2021 will occur in the year 2021. The first occurence will be visible on 26 May, followed by the second on 19 November 2021.
First Lunar Eclipse 2021 | ||||
Date | Eclipse Begins | Eclipse Ends | Type | Visibility |
26 May | From 14:17 | Till 19:19 | Full Lunar Eclipse | India, East Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean and America |
Note: Timings given for the above table are as per Indian Standard Time (IST). Since this is a Total Lunar Eclipse but visible in India as a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the Sutak Kaal and its impact will not be religiously observed widely.
The first Lunar Eclipse of the year 2021 will take place on 26 May 2021, Wednesday. According to Hindu Panchang, the time of this eclipse will be from 14:17 afternoon to 19:19 in the evening.
This will be a Full Lunar Eclipse in 2021 visible in East Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean and the US, but in India, this phenomenon will be visible as a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
Second Lunar Eclipse 2021 | ||||
Date | Eclipse Begins | Eclipse Ends | Type | Visibility |
19 November | From 11:32 | Till 17:33 | Penumbral | India, America, Northern Europe, East Asia, Australia and some regions of the Pacific Ocean |
Note: Timings given for the above table are as per Indian Standard Time (IST). Since this is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse but visible in India, the Sutak Kaal and its impact will not be religiously observed widely.
The second and last Lunar Eclipse of the year 2021 will occur on 19 November, 2021, Friday from 11:32 in the morning till 17:33 in the evening. This will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, and visible in India, America, Northern Europe, East Asia, Australia and some regions of the Pacific Ocean.
Read in detail: Lunar Eclipse 2021
Sutak Kaal During Eclipses in 2021
Sutak Kaal in Vedic Astrology is regarded as an inauspicious period before the occurrence of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse, during which every person should refrain from doing any kind of auspicious activity. This is because as per the scriptures, any auspicious activity carried out during the Sutak Kaal offers unfavourable results. However, religious scriptures also offer some remedies and tips that can be performed to get rid of the malefic effects of Sutak Kaal. Moving on, let us know how the time of Sutak Kaal is calculated during the Eclipse in 2021:
As we have already told you above, as per astrology, carrying out any kind of auspicious activity during the period of Sutak Kaal before any eclipse is forbidden. In such a case, it is important to calculate the duration of this period. For this, it is necessary to find the accurate time of occurence of the Solar Eclipse 2021 or Lunar Eclipse 2021. After this is figured out, it becomes easy to evaluate the accurate time when the Sutak Kaal is commencing.
It is believed that the Sutak Kaal before the Solar Eclipse begins twelve hours before the main occurrence and ends with the Eclipse. On the other hand, the Sutak Kaal for the Lunar Eclipse begins nine hours before the actual occurrence, which also lasts till the end of the Eclipse and ends with the Eclipse. Let us now know what activities must be avoided and special remedies can be performed to obtain favourable results.
Eclipse in 2021: Do’s During The Sutak Period
- One of the tips to follow is speaking less during the period of Sutak Kaal and remembering the name of the Lord within.
- During the Sutak Period, you can carry out the worship of the particular planet undergoing the eclipse and perform remedies to pacify the ruling deity.
- Do yoga and meditation during the Sutak Period. This will develop your mental strength and help you deal with the ill-effects of the eclipse.
- Add some Basil leaves to the food already prepared before.
- During the Solar or Lunar Eclipse, chant the particular mantra with devotion.
- Use only clay lamps during the worship.
- At the end of the Sutak Period, take a refreshing bath and perform the worship again.
- At the end of the Eclipse, purify your surroundings as well as the room of worship by sprinkling the Ganga Jal.
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Eclipse in 2021: Don’ts During The Sutak Period
- From the beginning of the Sutak period till the end of the eclipse, no work or task should be executed.
- At this time, think well and do not let disrespectful things seep into your mind.
- Avoid traveling, and if possible, do not leave your home at this time.
- Do not use any sharp objects such as scissors, needles, knives, etc.
- Avoid eating and cooking any new dish.
- Do not touch the idol or statue of the deities while worshipping.
- Avoid carrying out your personal tasks such as combing your hair, brushing your teeth, washing clothes, etc.
- Sleeping should also be avoided during the Sutak Period.
Precautions To Be Taken By Pregnant Women During Sutak Kaal in Eclipse 2021:
- Pregnant women must avoid going or stepping out of their house due to any reason until the eclipse ends.
- During this time, pregnant women should not use sharp metals, like: knife, needle or other things at all. It is believed that doing so can hamper the growth of the unborn child.
- Avoid stitching or embroidery during the period of eclipse.
- Do not wear any kind of jewelry during the Sutak period.
- Avoid sleeping and eating until the eclipse ends.
- If possible, chant Santan Gopal Mantra while holding Durva grass during the Sutak period.
Mantras To Chant During Sutak Kaal
As per the scriptures, natives must chant the below mantras to escape the ill-effects of eclipses in 2021:
Mantra for Solar Eclipse | Mantra for Lunar Eclipse |
"ॐ आदित्याय विदमहे दिवाकराय धीमहि तन्नोः सूर्य: प्रचोदयात" "oṃ ādityāya vidamahe divākarāya dhīmahi tannoḥ sūrya: pracodayāta" | “ॐ क्षीरपुत्राय विद्महे अमृत तत्वाय धीमहि तन्नोः चन्द्रः प्रचोदयात्” “oṃ kṣīraputrāya vidmahe amṛta tatvāya dhīmahi tannoḥ candraḥ pracodayāt” |
Mythological Importance Of An Eclipse
There are innumerable mythological beliefs related to the Solar Eclipse in 2021 and Lunar Eclipse in 2021, but among them the story of Rahu-Ketu is very famous. According to the same legend, it is believed that due to the enmity shared between Rahu-Ketu and Sun-Moon at the time of Amrit Manthan, this phenomenon of eclipse happens every year.
This enmity was born when fourteen different types of gems emerged from th4e ocean during the process of “Churning Of The Ocean”. Among them was the Nectar of Immortality or Amrit, which every God and Demon wanted to consume. On the other hand, any demon consuming this Amrit would have proven to be fatal for the world. Realizing this, Lord Vishnu made a plan and accordingly, took the form of the divinely beautiful Apsara Mohini to subdue all the Demons or Asuras and prevent them from consuming the Nectar.
During this time, the nectar was divided equally and people on both the sides started consuming the Nectar. Here, Lord Vishnu tricked the Asuras by offering them normal water instead of the Amrit, whereas the Devtas consumed the Nectar of Immortality. However, before all the Asuras getting tricked by Lord Vishnu, a demon named Swarbhanu understood the plan and after falsely taking the form of Devtas, stood among them.
When Lord Vishnu in the form of Apsara Mohini offered the Amrit to Swarbhanu, Surya and Chandrama recognized him and alerted Lord Vishnu. However, by then, Swarbhanu had consumed some drops of the Amrit. Enraged by this trick, Lord Vishnu severed the body of Swarbhanu into half with his Sudarshan Chakra. Since he had become immortal, he didn't die, which is why his head became Rahu, whereas his torso became Ketu.
Since Lord Sun & Lord Moon revealed the true identity of Swarbhanu, it is believed that Rahu and Ketu, due to their ongoing enmity, create an eclipse over the Moon and Sun every year.
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