Astrology Quiz 18: Which Field Does The Native Belong To?
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Quiz 18 Question:
Which field does the native belong to? Explain with astrological reasons.
Answer options:
- (A) Religious Preacher
- (B) Bank Manager
- (C) Teacher
- (D) Television Series Director
हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…
Birth Details:
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: May 8, 1978
- Time of Birth: 19:58 IST
- Place of Birth: Jamshedpur, India
- Longitude: 86:11 E
- Latitude: 22:48 N
Birth Chart

Detailed chart (Kundli) is shared on following URL -
Terms and Conditions:
- Please support your answer with an astrological reasoning. Answers without reasoning will be disqualified.
- Entries will be considered till 19/09/2014.
- Answer will be announced on 20/09/2014
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- If there are more than one winner, only one will be selected randomly for the prize. But, the names of all the winners will go to the 'AstroSage Quiz Hall of Fame'.
Quiz #18 Results had asked you an astrological question in its eighteenth quiz . As per the provided birth chart, the question asked was: Which field does the native belong to? Explain with astrological reasons.
Right answer is Option (D) - Soap Opera Director
Many contestants gave right answer, but some of them also gave the right explanation. Their names are: Omprakash Mande , Jayendra Pandya , Amit Chauhan , Rajiv Kumar Singh , RVSN SARMA , Amit Agarwal , Ketki Bhor , Rahul Kumar , Khas , Dr. Sushil Aggarwal , Kapil Biala , Sarat Sethi , Uma Rao , Sonia Sharma , and Shailendra Mishra .
Best Answer
Many contestants gave answers according to the rules, but only one among them is to be given the honor of the best answer and this time, the title for the best answer goes to ” O. D. Mande ”.
His answer:
Solution to Astrosage Quiz no 18 --by O D Mande
I think the native is a TV Series Director for the following reasons :--
--In the rasi chart lagna lord Mars occupies 9th house of boss . In other words the native is not in service but self employed. This rules out two options viz. Bank Manager and Teacher .
--Mars is debilitated in rasi but occupies a friendly sign in navamsa lagna , suggesting a powerful position in his professional field.
--10th lord Sun occupies a Martian sign in Rasi as well as navamsa and occupies lagna in dasamsa. Sun is in the star Bharni ruled by Venus , who occupies 10th from 10th ie. 7th house. Sun is also the indicator of administration , kingship , name & fame in one’s field. The Karma nakshatra ( 10th from janma nakshatra) is Hast occupied by Rahu . Rahu is a significator of photography/film shooting.
--The placement of Venus in own sign in a Kendra constitutes the powerful Malavya yoga –--one of the Panch Mahapurush yogas. Venus is the indicator of conveyance, sensual pleasures , music , dance . acting and fine arts . A native born with this yoga is expected to be wealthy & enjoy all comforts/ pleasures of life.
--- Ghati Lagna (200 Ta 23’ ) symbolizing power & authority , occupies Taurus sign in close conjunction with Venus. In saptamsa (creativity) venus is exalted. This suggests a powerful position like TV Series Director in Tellywood--TV Series making .
--Arudh Lagna (AL) is in cancer . According to Pt Sanjay Rath ,the 11th house from AL i.e 7th house in rasi , shows source of income. This suggests income from artistic work like TV Series Direction.
-- Like Bollywood , Tellywood is also infamous for sexual exploitation of female entrants. The term “ casting couch” seems to have emerged from this menace. The placement of Venus in the 8th house of secret affairs/scandals in navamsa and dasamsa supports this suspicion.
-- A religious preacher is supposed to be pious and lead a simple and pure life. But some well known religious preachers ( Gurus) have been living very luxurious life and even charged with sexual exploitation of female devotees . This suggests that the native could be a religious preacher . How to distinguish between them ?
-- Religious preachers (genuine or fake) do have one quality very strong--excellent oratorical skill required to give impressive discourses and make the audience spell bound. Let us examine this aspect . In rasi , 2nd lord Jupiter is placed in 8th house and becomes debilitated in navamsa . Mercury (speech significator) is also debilitated and afflicted with Ketu and Upketu. Mercury is 8th lord , in Baal avastha and debilitated in navamsa too . So the native is not strong in oratory . This eliminates the option of religious preacher. So , the native is a TV Series Director.
---O D Mande
Why Is Option (D) Soap Opera Director The Right Answer?
Native was born under Scorpio ascendant and Taurus sign . Ascendant lord, Mars is in the sign of Moon and the constellation of Mercury . Moon provides interest in creative things; whereas constellation lord of ascendant lord (Mars), Mercury is in fifth house i.e. the house of art. Hence, it indicates that the native will be more interested in the work related to art and creativity. Native’s sign is Taurus, which is owned by Venus . Therefore, it is also indicating relation with artistic stuff. Moon is very powerful here being lord of the ninth house, because it is in Rohini constellation and exalted sign. It signifies the mental strength and good memory of the native. Moon and Venus are in conjunction in the seventh house of the birth chart. It also signifies the relation from television and cinema.
Let’s now talk about the Karma house (tenth house). Leo sign is posited in tenth house. Lord of the tenth house, Sun is posited in Aries and in Bharni constellation. Bharni Nakshatra (constellation) is the constellation of Venus. Hence, workplace is under the effect of Venus. According to the principle of ‘Bhavat Bhavam’, seventh house of the Kundali also signifies workplace. In the seventh house of the native, Taurus sign and conjunction of Moon-Venus are posited. So, work will be related to art.
In this Kundli, Karma Sthana (tenth house) is also under the influence of Saturn . Here, Saturn is the lord of third as well as fourth house. Relation of the third house lord with tenth house is considered to be a very good conjunction for becoming a writer. It is very important for a Director to be a good Writer. On the other hand, effect of the lord of the fourth house, Saturn over tenth house signifies the work related to imagination. Thus, native works as a ‘Soap Opera Director’.
Let’s now talk about planetary periods (Dashas). Native was under the influence of Rahu ’s Dasha since April 2013. Rahu is posited in the sign of Mercury and constellation of Moon. Hence, even at that time, the native had inclination toward writing as well as creative things. From April 2013, native came under the influence of Jupiter ’s Dasha (period). Jupiter provides guidance, and this is precisely what a director does - he guides everyone on the sets while shooting. Hence, due to the effects of Venus-Moon and Jupiter’s Dasha in the birth chart, strong chances of becoming a Director can be seen. This is the reason why native began working as ‘Soap Opera Director’ during this Dasha.
Those who could not answer accurately this time can participate in our next quiz - Quiz 19. It will help you sharpen your astrology skills. Thanks a lot for participating in AstroSage Quiz 18.
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