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Astrology Quiz 13: What relation native shared with that person?

Hey friends, we are back for all of you with our Astrology quiz 13. Participate in it and try your luck. Maybe this time the title of the winner belongs to you. And yes, don't forget to check your name in the 'AstroSage Quiz Hall of Fame'.

Test your astrology skills

Quiz 13 Question:

On February 14, 2014, native lost one of her beloved person (relative). What relation native shared with that person? Explain with astrological reasons.

Answer options:

  • (A) Mother
  • (B) Maternal grandmother
  • (C) Mother-in-law
  • (D) Sister

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…

Birth Details:

  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: 21 August, 1984
  • Time of Birth: 01:12
  • Place of Birth: Bhadohi, U.P., India
  • Longitude: 82:34 E
  • Latitude: 25:25 N

Birth Chart

Astrology quiz13 birthchart for north
Astrology quiz13 birthchart for south

Detailed chart (Kundli) is shared on following URL -

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Please support your answer with an Astrological reasoning. Answers without reasoning will be disqualified.
  2. Entries will be considered till 19/04/2014.
  3. Answer will be announced on 20/04/2014
  4. You can either comment on the comment box below or you can send email to with your answer and astrological reasoning.
  5. If there are more than one winner, one winner will be selected randomly for the prize. But all names who have given correct reply will go to 'AstroSage Quiz Hall of Fame'.

Quiz #13 Results

AstroSage had asked you an astrological question in its thirteenth quiz. As per the provided birth chart, the question asked was: On February 14, 2014, native lost one of her beloved person. What relation native shared with that person? Explain with astrological reasons.

Right answer is Option (A) Mother

Many contestants gave right answer, but 9 of them gave the right answer along with the explanation and their names are: DS Nageshwar, Akash Baranwal, Uday singh, Nikhil saini, Shrikrishna Pandey, Chandershekhar, Vidit Jain, Jatindermodi, and Lalit Sharma.

Best Answer:

This time, all contestants gave answers according to the rules, but only one among them is to be given the honor of the best answer and this time the title for the best answer goes to "DS Nageshwar".

His Answer:

My Pranaam to all Guru Ji's,

Sir, as per details given by you, I gave a try and my answer is


Astrological reasons as follows:

1. The native's Lagna is Gemini.

2. Signifier of mother is Moon is placed in 12th house from ascendant with Rahu.

3. Moon and Rahu is aspected by Mars who is 6th Lord and posited in own house with Ketu.

4. Maha Dasha in operation was Rahu Mahadasha and Chandra Bhukthi. Mahadasha Lord posited in 12 house from Gemini Lagna is in exaltation position and strong. Even though Moon is very strong in Taurus (Vrishabha), Malefics are always stronger and Moon being enemy of Rahu this result.

5. For Gemini Ascendant Saturn is Yoga Karana. But he is also a Bhadaka. Saturn is in exaltation position and aspects Cancer. Moon being the lord of that sign suffers.

6. Moon is suffering from Association of Rahu and also aspect of Mars and Saturn. As I have mentioned earlier, the Native was having RAHU Mahadasha and Bhukti of MOON and Anthar- Bhukti of Sun who is Atmakaraka.

7. Even in Navamsha Chart MOON (Mother) and SUN (Atmakaraka) is being aspected by Saturn who is in association with Rahu in Pisces Sign.

Coming to Gochara Planetary transit on 14-02-2014:

1. Moon was in own house aspected by exalted Saturn, who is in association of Rahu and Mars.

2. This Mars aspects Janma Chandra and Rahu in vyaya sthana.

3. In transit both Mars and Rahu are position in Chitta Star an enemy star for Rahu.

4. Three Malefic Planets (Saturn, Rahu and Mars) are posited in 4th house from Gochara Chandra who is in Cancer in Ashlesha Star.

5. Marka Adhipathi Sun (Atma Karaka) is posited in Makha Star which is 7th star (Naidana tare) from Rohini.

6. In DWADASHAMSHA which tells about parents. Mars and Ketu are posited in 4th house (Sukha Sthana) from MOON.

Sir, because of the above reasons the native lost his mother.

Sir, I am curious to know the answer.

Thanks and Regards,

Obediently Yours,

Why is option (A) the right answer?

The native's born in Gemini Ascendant (Mithuna Lagna) and Scorpio Navamsa. 4th house, lord of the 4th house and Moon indicate about mother. In native's birth chart, there is Virgo sign in 4th house. Mercury, being the lord of Virgo, is in third house. Third house is considered as the twelfth house from fourth house, and according to Indian astrology, twelfth house is not an auspicious house. Also, significator planet Moon is in the 12th house with Rahu, which signifies that Moon is afflicted. So, it is understood that whenever the native comes under the effect of Moon's Dasha, her mother faces some problems.

On February 14, 2014, when native lost her mother, then also, she was under the effect of Moon's planetary cycle (Dasha). Not only this, but she was under the influence of Rahu’s major-period and Moon's sub-period. The conjunction of Moon and Rahu is not considered auspicious, and above all, they both are in the twelfth house of birth chart. So, it is understood that this period will definitely not produce auspicious results for the native. Because of Moon's sub-period, malefic results are produced for the mother. At the time of the incident, Sun’s sub-sub-period was running. Sun is the lord of 3rd house and situated in the third house with the lord of the fourth house. As I said earlier, being twelfth from the fourth house, third house is not considered auspicious for mother. Hence, native lost her mother in these conditions.

If we talk about transit, at that time lord of fourth house, Mercury was in ninth house, 9th is 6th from 4th. Therefore, her mother fell ill. Mercury was combusted, lord of sixth house was in Mars’ Nakshatra (constellation) and lord of twelfth house was in sub-constellation of Venus. Although Moon was in its own house, but it was in the Nakshatra of Mercury (lord of fourth house) and aspected by Saturn, hence native lost her mother.

Those who could not answer accurately this time can participate in our next quiz - Quiz 14. It will help you sharpen your astrology skills. Thanks a lot for participating in AstroSage Quiz 13.

We hope that those of you who did not get it right this time will give it another shot and join us in the next quiz. AstroSage family congratulates all the participants and winners. If any name is missed out from the winners’ list, please let us know and we will update the list. All these names make a place in "AstroSage Quiz: Hall of Fame". If you have profile on AstroSage Online Astrologer Directory, please let us know and we will update link to your profile with your name.

Missed out!! don't worry, here is the quiz-14 to try your luck.

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