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Home » Quiz » Astrology Quiz 10: What Happened With Him? Published: December 20, 2013

Astrology Quiz 10: What Happened With Him?

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Hey friends, we are back for all of you with our Astrology quiz 10. Participate in it and try your luck. Maybe this time the title of the winner belongs to you. And yes, don't forget to check your name in the 'AstroSage Quiz Hall of Fame'.

Quiz 10 Question:

Which event happened with the native (Male) between 21-11-2013 to 10-12-2013? Explain with astrological reasons.

Answer options:

  • (A) Native won the election
  • (B) Native got imprisoned
  • (C) Native became the victim of an accident
  • (D) Native joined job in a hospital

Birth Details:

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 11 March 1984
  • Time of Birth: 13:17
  • Place of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Longitude: 72:50 E
  • Latitude: 18:58 N

Birth Chart

Astrology quiz10 birthchart for north
Astrology quiz10 birthchart for south

Detailed chart (Kundli) is shared on following URL -

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Please support your answer with an Astrological reasoning. Answers without reasoning will be disqualified.
  2. Entries will be considered till 19/01/2014.
  3. Answer will be announced on 20/01/2014
  4. You can either comment on the comment box below or you can send email to with your answer and astrological reasoning.
  5. If there are more than one winner, one winner will be selected randomly for the prize. But all names who have given correct reply will go to 'AstroSage Quiz Hall of Fame'.

Quiz #10 Results

AstroSage had asked you an astrological question in its tenth quiz. As per the provided birth chart, the question asked was: Which event happened with the native (Male) between 21-11-2013 to 10-12-2013? Explain with astrological reasons.

Right answer is Option (A) Native won the election

Many contestants gave right answer, but 3 of them gave the right answer along with the explanation and their names are: Dhirendra Nath Misra, Niyati Desai and Dinesh Patel.

Best Answer:

This time, 3 contestants gave answers according to the rules, but only one among them is to be given the honor of the best answer and this time the title for the best answer goes to "Dhirendra Nath Misra".

His Answer:


I believe the correct answer is (A) i.e Native won the election during the period of favourable DBA of Jupiter-Venus-Ketu-Rahu which was rightly running w.e.f December 4,2013 to December 10,2013.As mentioned by sage Parashar in his BPHS, Cluster of planets in natal chart and as well as in navamasa chart are forming many RSY which conferres Rajya Samandha Yoga upon native


On December 4,2013 Transit of planets is also very favourable to confer RSY upon native and as cluster of planets are forming many RSY in natal chart and as well as in navamasa chart.

From transit chart :

On December 4,2013 , 10th lord Jupiter is in Ascendant in Gemini from where it is aspecting 9th house;9th lord Saturn is aspecting 5th lord Venus as Saturn is deposited in 5th and 5th lord Venus is deposited in 7th house.

Ninth lord Saturn is Aspected by 10th lord Jupiter as it is deposited in Ascendant.

11th lord Mars is aspecting 10th house.Thus transit of cluster of planets is very favourable to native

From natal chart:

Atamakarak planet is Mercury and Amatyakarak planet is Sun and along with Venus both AK and AMK are deposited in 9th house.

Cluster of planets as sage Parashar has delineated in BPHS point out many RSYs in the natal chart as well as in Navamsa chart of native and native seems destined to enjoy great Raj Samandh Yog in life.

In the scheme of charkaraks Atamakarak is most advanced planet in terms of degree in a chart and Amatyakarak is the next most advanced planet.

In terms of political activities strong AMK indicates a minister to ruler and AMK should have connection with AK ,Ascendant.


There is one thing also very remarkable Rahu plays very important role when it becomes dispositer of planet (s) who are either promising many RSY or connected with planet through which many RSY are being formed .

It is also mentioned in BPHS that such a cluster of planets forming many RSY in a chart may not give a "Rajya" yoga or Government Job to the native ,but can give association with "RAJYA"and Maharishi Parashar has grouped such combinations under a special category in the BPHS and he has named these combinations as "Rajya Sambandh Yogas - RSY " as referred above.

Applicable list of many RSY from BPHS are mentioned as below:

(1) Chapter-Rajyogadhyah:Verse 1st - 9th lord SATURN is deposited in 5th house as EXALTED planet.

(2) Chapter-Rajyogadhyah:Verse 21st and 23rd-These rules are satisfied as cluster of planets are forming many RSY i.e AK MERCURY and 5th lord VENUS are in 9th forming RSY.

(3) Chapter-Rajyogadhyah:Verse verses 44 to 45 - All the benefic planets are either in Kendra or in angular houses.

Besides above mentioned rules , special rules relating to many RSY are given in BPHS in Verses 51 to 59.But here are relevant rules mentioned as below:

Sage Parasara has mentioned a total fifteen Rajya Sambandha Yogas, out of which four combinations involve Amatyakaraka and are listed below:

1. If Tenth lord is conjunct with, or receives an aspect from the dispositor of Amatyakaraka, or even if Tenth lord is conjunct with or receives an aspect from Amatyakaraka himself, the native will be a chief in the Kings court.

2. Should Amatyakaraka and the dispositor of Atmakaraka be together, the native will be endowed with great intelligence and will be a kings Minister.

3. If Atmakaraka is strong and is with a benefic or Amatyakaraka is in its own house or in exaltation, one will surely become a kings Minister.

4. If Atmakaraka or Amatyakaraka is placed in an angle or in a trine, the native will beget royal mercy, royal patronage and happiness thereof.

In the present context, where ruling power is generally inherited through the democratic process of elections, parliament etc instead of the royal birth, it will be interesting to study how these Yogas work.

On the basis of above mentioned rules it is clear that the 10th lord Jupiter is aspected by dispositor of AMK SUN i.e dispositor is SATURN and aspecting JUPITER with 3rd site.

Both Atmakarak Mercury and Amatyakarak SUN are in 9th house .Besides as stated above to achieve political status the support of RAHU is also there as dispositor of both AK and AMK is SATURN in LIBRA lord of which VENUS is also deposited in 9th with AK and AMK.RAHU is eager to project destiny as it is in TAURUS lord of which is VENUS and second sign of Venus from 12th falls in 5th lord of which is VENUS in 9th and as par rule laid down by sage Parashar ,Rahu is to offer result of Libra sign firstly and inaccordance with its lord Venus in 9th .

On December 4,2013 DBA of Jupiter-Venus-Ketu-Rahu was running.



Now role of DBA lords are discussed as below:

Jupiter -7th and 10th lord , It is deposited in 7th.It is aspecting 11th,Lagna and 3rd house.

Thus Jupiter has to offer result related with 5(being in the star of lord of 5thi.e Venus),10(being sign lord) ,11(aspecting it) ,1(aspecting it),and 3(aspecting it).

Jupiter- It is deposited in Constellation of VENUS lord of 12th & 5th.

Venus- 12th & 5th lord, in Star of Mars who is in 5th thus it has to offer result of house 5,11(lord of 11th)

Venus- It is deposied in 9th and owner of 12th & 5th .Thus it has to offer result related to 5,9,11.

ketu agent of Mars- Owner and occupier of 5,11

Rahu- It is in sign of Taurus lord of which is Venus.Thus RAHU has to offer result of Venus as discussed above i.e for houses 5,9,11.

Current period of transit of planets on December 4,2013 are also helpful in crowning him with success of election.

Thus DBA lords have to activate all the houses who can crown him with success in election on December 4, 2013

KP View :

For success in election :One may be successful leader , If sub lord of 11th is deposited in star lord of which is significator of 9,10,11 and also in any manner connected with Mars and Jupiter and sub lord of 5th should also be in star lord of which is also significator of 5,11

Sub lord of 11th i.e SATURN is in Jupiter star signifying 5,9,10,11

Sub lord of 5th i.e Jupiter is in Star of VENUS who is significator of 5,9,11

Thus success in political field is destined and native would enjoy during period of favourable DBA.

W.e.f December 4,2013 to December 10,2013 - DBA of Jupiter-Venus-Ketu-Rahu was running .

Jupiter star signifying 5,9,10,11

VENUS who is significator of 5,9,11

Ketu is signifying- 5,6,11

Rahu- Through it dispositor Venus is significator of 5,9,11

As per rule and requirement Mars and Jupiter are granting full success and DBA lords during period of Jupiter-Venus-Ketu-Rahu also made him won the election.

With thanks & regards,
Dhirendra Nath Misra

Why is option (A) the right answer?

Native was born under Gemini ascendant and zodiac Gemini. Ascendant lord, Mercury is situated in 9th house and lord of 9th house, Saturn is in exalted state, indicating good luck. In the 9th house, 4th house lord is associated with 3rd house lord and 5th house lord. Therefore, native is not only lucky, but also daring. In this Kundali, there is interchange of signs between two Trikona (trine). Here, 5th house lord, Venus is in 9th and 9th house lord, Saturn is in 5th house, which is considered as a major Raja Yoga. In matters of position and reputation, 10th and 7th house are highly considerable. Lord of both of these houses is Jupiter, which is posited in the 7th house in its own sign. Hence, native will earn high authority, position or respect in life. Also, 6th house lord, Mars is in 6th house only; therefore, native will get success in many competitions.

Lets talk about the Dasha (period) when native won elections. Dasha of that duration was of Jupiter-Venus-Ketu. As stated earlier, Jupiter is the lord of 10th house and 7th house, both of these houses give name & fame as well as position & reputation. Jupiter is in its own sign; therefore, getting related results is quite obvious. Venus, after being 5th house lord, is situated in 9th house. Also, it is situated in Dhanistha constellation (Nakshatra) of Mars; therefore, this Dasha indicates fortune and success in competitions. Ketu is posited in the 6th house with Mars in the sign of Mars only, and in the constellation of Saturn. Under these conditions, native got outstanding success with the support of public.

Those who could not answer accurately this time can participate in our next quiz - Quiz 11. It will help you sharpen your astrology skills. Thanks a lot for participating in AstroSage Quiz 10.

We hope that those of you who did not get it right this time will give it another shot and join us in the next quiz. AstroSage family congratulates all the participants and winners. If any name is missed out from the winners list, please let us know and we will update the list. All these names make a place in "AstroSage Quiz: Hall of Fame". If you have profile on AstroSage Online Astrologer Directory, please let us know and we will update link to your profile with your name.

Missed out!! don't worry, here is the quiz-11 to try your luck.

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