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Home » 2016 » Lal Kitab Horoscope 2016Published: December 07, 2016

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2016

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2016 is here to plan your year in advance. Read these FREE lal kitab horoscope predictions prepared by our experts. Follow the remedies to live a better life.

"लाल किताब 2016 राशिफल" हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें - लाल किताब 2016 राशिफल

Know everything about Lal Kitab from here: AstroSage’s Notes On Lal Kitab

You are likely to face financial challenges in the year 2016. Be extra careful this year as not only professional setbacks can be observed but chances of meeting with an accident are highly probable in the year 2016. Health issues can occur after August. You may be lured in become–quick-rich trap, be aware! Losses due to stocks / commodities or property trading are likely to happen. Loss/theft of valuables is another threat, you may face this year. Avoid taking loans for expansion of business or beautification of house as it will shove you in the debt trap. Politicians should be careful of falling in the sting operations as your opponents are likely to take revenge. Silver lining around the dark clouds is that you will overcome financial worries from September onwards.


Aries Lal Kitab 2016 HoroscopeYou are likely to face financial challenges in the year 2016. Be extra careful this year as not only professional setbacks can be observed but chances of meeting with an accident are highly probable in the year 2016. Health issues can occur after August. You may be lured in become–quick-rich trap, be aware! Losses due to stocks / commodities or property trading are likely to happen. Loss/theft of valuables is another threat, you may face this year. Avoid taking loans for expansion of business or beautification of house as it will shove you in the debt trap. Politicians should be careful of falling in the sting operations as your opponents are likely to take revenge. Silver lining around the dark clouds is that you will overcome financial worries from September onwards.

Lal kitab has some suggestions for you to observe regularly to control the negative effects of the malefic planets :

  • Not to indulge in speculative activity of any kind
  • Not to take electrical gadgets /appliances as gift from anybody
  • Not to wear blue and black clothes
  • Maintain harmonious relations with the In-Laws
  • Whenever possible , feed the elephants


Taurus Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

Be optimistic and you can conquer the whole world! This is the mantra for you for this year. Your assertiveness & smartness will save you from many awkward positions. The more alert you remain, the more you are likely to attract lady luck towards you. Health will remain good. April & May will be challenging months in terms of financial and domestic happiness. Old issues / desires regarding property may get resolved. Be pure vegetarian and your good luck will be replenished before it gets exhausted. This year is good for students and professionals. Stay alert and beware! Someone may lure you to fall in the honey trap. Stay away from illicit relationships to progress in life.

By observing the following Lalkitab remedies and suggestions , your problems can be checked at the very beginning only.

  • Not to change the position of temple in house/office
  • Not to renovate unnecessarily the toilets, kitchen, staircase and the ceiling
  • Read & understand the fine prints carefully before signing the documents
  • Be worldly wise ! Not to trust anybody blindly
  • Take a dip in a holy river


Gemini Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

You will achieve long awaited desired professional success this year. Your courage and confidence will increase. Your opponents dare not face you. Worshipping Durga will destroy all the obstacles. Long distance journey/pilgrimage is on the cards. Financial prosperity will keep you cheerful. Happiness related to male issues in the family is possible. January , February , May , August & November could be challenging for you. Amavasya (no moon nights) will prove to be lucky for you. In order to attract lady luck, meeting with important persons can be organised on Saturday nights. There are chances that you may become short tempered. Be sure to file your tax return in proper respect. Treat government servants & the officers very respectfully.

Lal kitab has some suggestions for you to follow in the year 2016

  • Take good care of your guests
  • Not to buy ( and use ) new set of leather items e.g shoes , belts and jackets etc.
  • Not to wear artificial gold
  • Buy pure gold ( don’t sell or pawn gold )
  • Maintain good relations with sisters & daughters
  • Resist the temptation to fall in the trap of illicit relationships


Cancer Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

Financially speaking you will experience ups & downs, life will be like see-saw. Life will smile at you when you have just lost hope. A word of caution to the stock market traders – Don’t trade in Gold and in the Futures & Options (F&O) Segment. Invest wisely within your spare capacity but don’t over leverage your positions. Your reputation in the society will increase. Pregnant ladies need to be extra careful while travelling etc because careless behavior can increase the chances of miscarriage taking place. Professional challenges will keep you on your toes. You may be transferred to (or have to travel to) undesired places. Health problems related to joints, ears , UTI (Kidney), backache and legs can’t be ruled out. Students need to take extra care of finishing & revising the entire syllabus within scheduled time.

Lal kitab remedies & suggestions for you are as follows

  • Apply turmeric paste tilak on your forehead.
  • Respect & help your elders
  • Wear black underwears / panties
  • Every Saturday donate a handful of almonds ( with shell cover ) in any Shani temple
  • Feed any street dog daily


Leo Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

People will take you more seriously this year. Your reputation, in office as well as in social circle, is likely to rise. Your luck will shine by visiting places of religious importance. You will achieve long pending desired progress. To maintain your increased reputation, honour what you commit to others. You may have differences with your spouse/partner. By talking heart to heart with him/her, misunderstandings can be sorted out. Be humble and polite, say NO to arrogance. Government officials may bother you. Wear helmets and fasten the seat belts when you drive to avoid paying fines & securing yourself. Professional confusions will come to an end this year. Your glamour quotient will increase. Source of additional/extra income will be developed. Office goers will take interest in relevant professional higher studies and thereby will enhance their skills to earn easy money. Health ,common sense, salesmanship and popularity will soar higher.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets

  • Always keep your nose clean & dry
  • Give proper respect to your spouse.
  • Avoid wearing blue , black & green clothes
  • Visit any temple daily
  • Gift some money every month to your mother


Virgo Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

Your interest in religious activities will increase. Performing good and religious deeds will increase your luck. You financial position will improve, expenditures will also rise. You may have problems in having deep sleep. Practicing yoga and meditation will help you in many regards. Be careful towards your eyes. You may have troubles due to travels. You will progress on your own.Your ambitions will keep you motivated & enthusiastic. There can be some concerns due to mother and mother like ladies. You will always lend a helping hand to the needy friends & relatives. Control your expenditures by making budget and sticking to it. You may remain irritable and your BP may rise. Take care to control these negative factors. To progress this year, always remember “ speech is silver, silence is golden.”

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Do not travel unless very important
  • Wear a pure gold ring in the ring finger of left hand
  • Feed any street dog regularly
  • Not to share your secrets with irrelevant persons
  • Avoid wearing blue clothes


Libra Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

Last phase of shani’s sade-sati will keep you financially tight. Expenditures on acute & chronic diseases are possible. Domestic atmosphere will also be challenging. Thanks to Jupiter, you will get good wishes from your well wishers and they will be always there to support you whenever needed. Take care of your father and elders. Living and working in joint family will prove to be beneficial for you. Your interest in helping the poor & faith in religion will grow. These acts will help you to absorb the pressures of destiny in an easier & comfortable manner. Gain of/from property / assets is indicated. You are likely to gain from the strangers / foreigners. Saving money will remain a challenge. Choose your associates wisely. Despite all odds, determined students will do well.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Not to apply oil on the forehead
  • Keep electrical gadgets / appliances in good condition
  • Do not trust anybody blindly
  • Go to any temple daily and seek forgiveness for any evil committed by you
  • Use silver tumbler for taking water / milk


Scorpio Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

You will gain wealth and fame through your own efforts. The more you work hard, the more you will gain this year. Health wise you need to monitor your blood sugar level and digestion system regularly. Taking long brisk walk is good for you. Gains from the government departments / officials are indicated. Long distance profitable journey is on the cards. Students may face some obstacles in studies. Mother or mother like ladies can have health problems. Patience and faith in God only will help you this year. Don’t fall in the trap of making quick- money- overnight else you may lose money. You may develop friendship with the influential persons. You may need to spend extra money to maintain the relationship balance, do it gladly. It will pay you in the long run. Working independently will give you good result and profits. Your eyes may get infected. Your consultants and associates will help you making big money. Close as well as extended family members will co-operate with you on each and every matter.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Take part in religious activities
  • Do not trust everybody blindly
  • Be pure vegetarian and do not consume alcohol
  • Whenever possible feed the monkeys
  • Wear a silver chain around the neck


Sagittarius Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

The more religious you are, the more prosperous you will become! Faith in God will shine your reputation & luck. Going on a pilgrimage is in the offing. People engaged in the business of gold will earn handsomely. Your interest in spirituality, astrology & Ayurveda will increase. On the flip side, your unnecessary expenditure will rise. In order to have good bank balance, you should curb the recent developed habit of compulsive spending. Plans undisclosed to others will get executed effortlessly. Communications with the co-borns will reduce. At times, you will face ups & downs in life. Shani’s sade-sati will make sure that you spend money one way or the other way. Going to any temple will ward off your many of you problems. Professionally & financially you may remain insecure but you will be able to manage your household & personal expenses very comfortably.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Do not tell lies.
  • Maintain good relations with your brothers and sisters.
  • Feed the birds daily
  • For mental peace, take part in charity and religious functions.
  • Wear a gold ring in the finger of your right hand


Capricorn Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

You will experience mix results this year. You will be able to handle financial issues very comfortable with your wisdom. Your creative skills will improve. Be careful while dealing with the opposite sex as people may think otherwise. Taking alcohol habitually will spoil your financial budgeting as well as social reputation. Students can face difficulties in grasping the subject matter. You are likely to face professional ups & downs in life this year. You will progress with your own hard work & efforts only. Your friends & well wishers may not be able to help you in the time of crisis. You will undertake short and long journeys for the sake of you work. Challenges in saving money can be experienced. Learn and practice various techniques for anger & stress management. You will remain happy despite all the challenges .

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Be selflessly helpful to others
  • Respect your elders
  • Avoid wearing blue & black clothes
  • Spend more time with the family
  • Reduce the intake of salt in diet


Aquarius Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

Your financial position will improve with the cooperation of your spouse. You shall posses a religious nature. You will develop interest in organising religious ,social & charity functions. You will earn a lot of money and respect from the knowledge of spirituality & occult sciences e.g. Reiki healing, Astrology & spiritual motivational discourses. Traders dealing in business like cement and iron will earn good profit. Desk (sitting) job will be more profitable than the job/profession that involves extensive travelling. Government official will extend their co-operation in resolving any legal matter. Invest wisely in the stock market as trading in speculative instruments ( F& O) can prove to be weapon of financial destruction. Difference of opinions with the spouse is quite possible, Dealing in electrical/electronic work and having partnership in business can give you losses. Your interest in long distance traveling will grow and you will undertake many journeys. You will feel concerned about the children in general. Respectable designation job with less headaches and fat salary is on the cards.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Do not fall prey to fake saints and fakirs.
  • Not to wear beads rosary around the neck
  • Keep the gold ornaments tied in a yellow coloured cloth, in the house.
  • Not to keep any religious image / book / statue in your bedroom
  • Respect & co-operate with your spouse


Pisces Lal Kitab 2016 Horoscope

You will be able to dominate your opponents and conquer over your rivals. Your intelligence will become sharper. Students will perform better in the exams. Family atmosphere will be cordial.You will lead a very saintly kind of a life. You will gain benefits from long distance journeys. You will be helpful to others. Avoid taking any major financial / business investment decisions till May as there are chances of losing money by taking wrong decisions. After August, your reputation in the professional field will grow more and you will be suitably rewarded for your dedication. Stay alert as someone may try to trap you in the web of illicit relationships. Due to so many pressures, you may feel like lowering down your life style but LalKitab advises you not to even think of lowering down of your existing status. You should rather try to demonstrate your uplifted lifestyle to others as showing off elevated lifestyle will help you getting favours from others.

Suggestions and remedies from Lal kitab to control negative effects of malefic planets:

  • Treat your guests respectfully
  • Feed sweet biscuits to the crows
  • Feed any street dog daily
  • Maintain harmonious relations with your sons & nephews
  • Help the labourers

Get your personalized Lal Kitab report FREE from here: AstroSage’s Free Lal Kitab Report

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