Sani Peyarchi 2013 Palangal

Sani is the most influential planet and the rings present around it add to the beauty
of the planet. Sani is a planet very far from the Earth and that can’t be seen from
the naked eyes too. Rings of the Sani determine the structure of deeds you will
be doing whether they are positive or negative. Vedic astrology says that Sani has
entered the sign of Rasi Thulaam leaving the sign of Rasi Kanni after spending two
and half years in that particular Rasi. It is a definite time that is taken by Sani
to move from one Rasi to another, as it moves very slowly.
Saturn is a challenging planet. It challenges its natives from time to time. It
is not very easy to please Sani. It delivers difficulties and obstacles to the lives
of people. The best part of experiencing the Peyarchi of Sani is that it teaches
a lot of lessons. And, the people also learn to value the good things of their life.
Rasi Thulaam represents balance in life and managing things in order. Sani strives to give lessons and Thulaam crave for charm & harmony. Therefore, Sani in Rasi Thulaam might bring positive approach toward life with obviously some problems. People will get enough of time and chances of improving and forming relationship. But, only the people who have ability of dealing with patience will be able to take advantage of such situations.
As it is the Peyarchi of Sani, it will be very difficult for some to survive through the situations without getting depressed or sad. Relationships are going to be affected the most. Problems like, inablity to take the responsibility might come up in front of many people. To some, the loss will be related to the materialistic needs and wealth. Sani is going to block the wholesome growth of the people at certain level. Taking up the charge of improving situations would be very important for all. Rasi Thulaam is the sign that is going to experience the effects of Sani on extreme. Progress of the people at workplace and career will also be assessed by Sani and it is not sure that the people will get positive outcome even after putting 100 percent efforts. In short, all the aspects of life are going to be touched and influenced by Sani.
Lets find out the effects of Sani being in Rasi Thulaam on all other signs:
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Mesham

Sani is in Rasi Thulaam in the 7th house of the Rasi Mesham. The phase is going to be difficult as the progress will be halted for some time. It is possible that you will not let the difficult situations overpower you, but worries will keep you disturbed. If you are planning to take some risks then it is not the right time to implement your idea. You are not going to face any problem in your love life and family will also remain happy. Overall, it is a fine period to look upon just have a little patience regarding work place. Avoid long journeys anyhow.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Rishabam

Sani is in the rasi Thulaam in the 6th house of the Rasi Rishabham. Sani has come to gift you luck. You will be lucky in almost all the things. Your charismatic personality will attract many people towards you and you will be the centre of attraction for a longer time. You will know how to balance your life professionally as well as personally. As the time is lucky for you, you can also take big risks and invest your money in properties. The serene environment at home and support of your family member will keep you happy all through.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Midhunam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 5th house of the Rasi Midhunam. You will come across huge disappointments as far as your professional life is concerned. You might think of leaving your job due to the uncomfortable environment at your workplace, but it is not a good solution to your problem. Some situations will provoke you to run away to some peaceful place. All the problems at your office will also affect your life at home. Disturbed peace of mind will be major concern. However, to feel more alive, you might take part in some big event. Health of your loved ones might decline.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kadagam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 4th house of Rasi Kadagam. Initially, it is not going to be an easy time for you, but by the end, it will turn out to be well. Serious health problems and tense atmosphere at workplace are indicated for you. Surely, it is not the time to make big decisions specially related to finance. Take extreme care while driving a vehicle as a sudden accident is predicted. If you coped up with every situation then things will start falling in their places gradually. Avoid initiating any new work.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Simmam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 3rd house of Rasi Simmam. This time period is going to be very bright for you. You will experience a very bright change in your personality that will attract everyone around you. All your difficulties will be of lower level and you won’t find any problem in overcoming them. It’s the time to enjoy some wonderful moments with your beloved. You will see positive results in all the spheres such as career, education, love, health and family.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kanni

Sani is in Rasi Thulaam in the 2nd house of the Rasi Kanni. You are diligent and this is the reason you would expect good results and higher profits. Unfortunately, this time is indicating toward none of them. Therefore, it is useless to expect much in this time period. There might be constant little arguments at home that will affect the positive environment of your home. It is not at all a time to go for some new financial deal as you might face a very big loss.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Thulam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 1st house of the Rasi Thullam. All walks of your life are going to be affected adversely in this period of time. Nothing will make much sense that is why you might have to face depression. You will want your family members and beloved to understand you, but this is not at all possible due to the effects of Sani. The thing that will irritate you the most is your declining health. You would be surrounded by anxiety. The only way to come out of this bad time successfully is to keep patience and have faith in Almighty.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Viruchigam

Sani is in the rasi Thulaam in the 12th house of the rasi Viruchigam. It is not a very good time to expect a lot from. You might face humiliation and insult at your work place. So be very careful. A sudden financial loss might break you from inside. You will be unable to maintain a balance in your life. This situation will lead you to frustration with yourself. Even your relationships are not going to give you any kind of satisfaction.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Dhanusu

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 11th house of the Rasi Dhanusu. Sani is enhancing all the qualities that you possess. That means you are going to be as energetic as ever. The good thing is that even the positive results will be followed by the best efforts you will put in doing something. Your enemies will be defeated by you easily and you might spend much of your time in buying luxurious items for you and your family. Your love life will remain fresh and beautiful. Circle of friends is likely to increase.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Magaram

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 10th house of the Rasi Magaram. A bit of difficulty can be seen for you people. Try to focus your mind rather than giving importance to petty issues of your life. Apart from little ailments, no major health issue is predicted for you. It is the time for you to put all your efforts in everything you do. Sooner or later, you are definitely going to get good results. Avoid losing focus in what you are supposed to do for achieving peace of mind.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kumbam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 9th house of Rasi Kumbam. Utilize this time in uniting your mind, soul and body for an overall growth. This time is asking you to devote your time to some religious activities. It is a time to relax for you. Your enemies will be defeated leaving you enjoying the pleasure of victory. Avoid being involved in fights, as minor ailments are predicted for you. You are going to be very fit, but you might get worried due the declining health of your siblings.
Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Meenam

Sani is in the Rasi Thulaam in the 8th house of the Rasi Meenam. It is going to be a mixed phase for you people. Where problems in work sphere are predicted, there chances of learning many new things are also indicated. It depends on you how well you want to judge this time. Try to come up the difficulties faced at your workplace with intelligence and patience. It is the time to continue your old projects only because starting a new deal will not turn into your favor. Keep your precious metals and money in the lockers of the bank as you might get robbed.
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