Nifty 2013 Predictions - Sensex 2013 Predictions

Nifty 2013 predictions and Sensex 2013 predictions given here are based on Vedic Astrology. Share market price can�t be constant or stable all the time. Sensex and Nifty keeps on changing from time to time. There are maximum chances that the sensex today will be variable from the yesterday�s sensex. And, the process of changing sensex and nifty goes on. The matter of share market, nifty and sensex involves money and due to its uncertainty it involves risk at higher level. Huge profits and huge losses are always interlinked with the upward and downward movement of nifty and sensex. And, nobody knows that when and how the nifty or sensex will go up or down. The sensex and nifty predictions for the year 2013 is a kind of initiative that offers a detailed description of favorable or unfavorable conditions for sensex and nifty.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for January
As per Nifty 2013 predictions, in the beginning of the month Sun, Pluto and Mercury are in Sagittarius, Mars is in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Scorpio, Saturn - Rahu in Libra, Uranus in Pisces and Neptune is in Aquarius. This was the description of planetary position of the planets in the month January. The sensex and nifty will start with going up rapidly in the starting of the month, whereas, from 4 to 16 the market will be bidirectional. Being bidirectional, the market will go downwards till 16th. Then from 16th there are chances that the market will again move in upward direction. Apart from the sensex going upwards and downwards, the bidirectional inclination of the market will remain constant. Some industries like ITC, Tobacco, Sugar, Oil, Petrochemical, builders, companies and banks will grow rapidly. The dates that might witness the rising sensex are 1, 2,3,11,16,21,23,24,28,29 and 30. And, the unfavorable dates for the nifty and sensex for this month are 4, 5, 9, 10, 24, 18, 25 and 31.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for February
For February the planetary positions are as follows - Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn, Mars and Neptune in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn � Rahu are in Libra. In accordance to these planetary positions, the market will start rising in the beginning of the month. Reliance, automobiles, entertainment industry and garment industries will grow. This growth will be maintained with the bidirectional inclination till 18th. From the date 13th a great growth may be seen in public sector, Pharma industries, cement industries and computer software. The complete share market will go up in one direction. The Pharma sector, public sector, Petrochemical, oil industries, computer software, technology power sector and sugar industries will continue to grow. The environment of growth will be maintained till 26. On 27 or 28, the share market might fall as the shareholders will choose to sell their shares. The sensex and nifty will go up on dates like 4, 5, 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25 and 26, whereas, they might go down on dates like 1, 8, 14, 15, 27 and 28.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for March
In March Indian stock market 2013 predictions, Aquarius will have Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus and Neptune, Jupiter is in Taurus and Libra will consist of Saturn- Rahu. According to the sensex and nifty predictions, the market will move with the bidirectional inclination in the starting of the month. The speeding growth might decrease a bit. The atmosphere of instability will be formed in the share market. The market will start rising again after being unstable till 10th of the month. From 11th the automobiles, fancy goods, wine, garments, textile sector and banking sector will grow. But, the cement, construction, tea and public sectors will be indefinite. After 19 the market will again rise up rapidly and almost all the sectors specially banking, cement, automobiles, tea- coffee, medicine, textile and reliance will experience rapid growth. The predicted dates for the market going up are 1, 4, 5, 7, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30. The market might go down on dates like 6, 13, 14, 21 and 27.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for April
The Sun- Mars- Venus and Uranus will stay in Pisces, Mercury- Neptune in Aquarius, Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Libra. The market will keep on growing with some possibilities of ups and downs. The growing industries in April will be Mahendra and Mahendra, Maruti, Cosmetic products, Alcohol industry and Reliance. Then, from 14, banks, tea- coffee, I.T.C, steel sector and computer sector will grow swiftly. This growth will continue for the whole month. From time to time sensex and nifty might go downward due to the selling of shares by shareholders. The dates for growing sensex might be 1, 3, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30. The dates on which sensex can face downfall are 2, 4, 10, 11, 18 and 23.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for May
In May, Aries has Sun- Mercury- Venus- Ketu- Mars, Taurus has Jupiter and Libra has Saturn- Rahu. There are chances that the market will grow very slowly in the month of May. Therefore, people expecting a great rise in sensex and nifty should stay away from the market. Till the date 13 the market will grow in a lower pace with bidirectional inclination. From 22, the sensex will going down and there will be a severe fall in sensex. Then from 27 market will have unidirectional inclination toward going down. The sensex predictions say that there are no chances for sensex or nifty to go up. The Share market might show some growth on dates like 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 22, whereas the phase of falling sensex might be seen on 2, 7, 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30 and 31.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for June
In the month June, Taurus will have Sun- Mars, Gemini will have Mercury- Jupiter- Venus and Saturn- Rahu in Libra. The low phase of sensex / nifty will be continued in this month too. Selling goods at higher rates will be profitable, states the predictions for 2013. Only few sectors will grow till 14 and those sectors are tea- coffee, Steel industries, chemical industries and pharma sector. After 14, almost complete market will be occupied by one directional low phase of the sensex. The low period of the sensex will be seen on the days like 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 and 27 whereas the dates for the upward going sensex are 6, 13, 20 and 21.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for July
Gemini has Sun- Mercury- Jupiter, Taurus has Mars, Cancer has Venus and Libra has Saturn- Rahu. In the beginning of the month, the market will be a bit weaker. But, the situations will start improving after the 10th. With the bidirectional inclination the market for computer software, Reliance and tea- coffee will start improving. After 17th reliance, textiles, automobiles, sugar industries and the banking sector will start growing gradually. This growth will be maintained till the end of the month with the bidirectional inclination. From 18 July there will be favorable environment of growth in the market. Sensex and nifty might go down on 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 23 and 29. There are chances of sensex to go up on 3, 11, 12, 17, 22, 25, 26, 30 and 31.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for August
In August, Sun is in Cancer, Mars- Mercury- Jupiter are in Gemini, Venus is in Leo and Saturn- Rahu are in Libra. The position of the market seems to be strong. Reliance, Banking sector, automobiles, sugar industries, tobacco and ITC sector will grow rapidly. From 17 some growth will be seen in public sector, pharma sector, petrol sector and oil industries. But, after 22 the market will again face a low phase with ups and downs and bidirectional inclination. Public sector and pharma sector might have to go through a really bad phase. Sensex and nifty might go up on dates like 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 26 and 30, whereas the sensex and nifty might go down on dates like 5, 15, 20 and 28.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for September
September will have Sun- Mercury in Leo, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Leo and Saturn- Rahu in Libra. The share market in September will slowly move toward growth with bidirectional inclination. The bidirectional inclination will end at 6 and the market will start growing at a faster rate. From the date 17, complete market will go upward in single direction. This growth will be seen in the industries like petroleum, chemical, steel, sugar, automobiles, cosmetics, public sector, textiles, power sector, electrical industries and aluminum industries. The predicted dates for the rising sensex are 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 30, whereas the dates that might see the sensex going down are 6, 16, 18 and 27.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for October
In the month of October, Sun will be in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, Mercury- Venus- Saturn- Rahu in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. Market will be inclined toward growth since the starting of the month. Almost all the sectors will grow at good rate. The market will start growing faster from 3rd October. The growth will be unidirectional from 7th. Index might reach any height, people those who are expecting a fall in market must stay away. The sensex might rise on the dates like 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 and 31. The sensex falling dates for October can be 4, 11, 18 and 22.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for November
For November, Libra has Sun- Mercury- Saturn- Rahu, Leo has Mars, Gemini has Jupiter and Sagittarius has Venus. These planetary positions are predicting that the growth of the previous month will continue this month too. Till 16 the market will have rapidly growing unidirectional sensex / nifty. Even after the date of 16th the growth will be maintained till the end of the month. Investing money on a low price commodity or share will prove to be beneficial. Dates such as 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26 and 27 will experience the sensex going up, whereas 1, 7, 14, 15, 22 and 29 will face the downward going sensex.
Nifty 2013 & Sensex 2013 Predictions for December
The Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius and Saturn- Rahu in Libra for the month of December. The market will keep on growing in December too. However, the rate of growth will decrease a bit. Computer software, automobiles, Information technology, textiles, pharma sector, reliance and public sector will rise. I.T.C, Tobacco, Tea- Coffee and construction sector will grow at an average rate. Then, after 15 sensex will again start growing in unidirectional ways. Almost all the shares will rise. The rising dates of the sensex might be 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 and 31. The dates on which the sensex might fall are 4, 12, 13, 19 and 26.
This was an overall view of the nifty 2013 and sensex today and nifty/sensex tomorrow for the year 2013. It will enable you to analyze all the present aspects so that it becomes easier for you to invest your money in shares and commodities. The instability of the share market with all the dates on which the sensex can go down has been mentioned in the article. With the idea of all the favorable and unfavorable dates, you can make out whether any risk is worth taking or not. With this article you will know which date will favor the growth of sensex and when will your shares suffer. These dates have been accurately analyzed by studying all the planetary positions deeply. Therefore, get ready to take the chance of investing your money on the most reliable dates only and improve the chances of multiplying your money.
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