Chinese Horoscope 2014 - Year of the Horse
AstroSage has once again come up with a topic most looked forward to - The Chinese Horoscope 2014. 2014 is the Chinese year of the Horse. Like every year, everybody is eager to know how this year, being the year of the Horse, will favour them. So, Chinese Astrology 2014 is here to offer you the predictions of the upcoming year. The 2014 Chinese Horoscope Predictions are made by the experts. As you know, astrology is meant to help you schedule your tasks in advance by predicting your future. Chinese Astrology 2014 will predict your entire year in brief. Chinese Horoscope 2014 is your annual horoscope, which will help you schedule your entire year 2014 in advance.
Astrology had always been the most reliable source of knowing future. Hence the Chinese Horoscope 2014 or Chinese Astrology 2014 is here for you. The process of predictions by astrology varies from region-to-region, across the globe. For example, in India, Vedic Astrology is followed. Similarly, the existence of Chinese Astrology took place. The basic principles of astrology remains same, but the procedure varies. Chinese Astrology has 12 animal signs, whereas the signs of Vedic Astrology are different, but they are also 12. According to Chinese Astrology, the zodiac signs describe the nature of natives to some extent. Let’s find out your Chinese Horoscope 2014 predictions now.
If you are not aware of your Chinese zodiac sign, you need not worry. We have set everything to ease you. Click here to know which Chinese zodiac sign you belong to - Chinese Zodiac Astrology
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Let’s take a look at how each Chinese zodiac sign favors in the year 2014.
Rat Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
Chinese Horoscope 2014 predicts that the year will begin with a bang for you. In
2014, challenges will be sky high, but being in the smart and witty category you
will accept these challenges gladly. Workplace will be the main battle ground, new
competition and new tasks will make you prove your worth. For those looking for
work, Chinese Astrology 2014 Predictions foretell that you might find your dream
job this year. But, this good time will last only till the first half of 2014, then
chances will be slim. In 2014, your confidence will be your greatest strength, never
lose that. According to the 2014 Chinese Astrology, people born under this sign
have a natural talent to analyse complex matters and find the best solution, this
quality will take you to the higher places. Health may be something to be worried
about, if proper care is not taken. As per your 2014 Chinese Horoscope, frequent
breaks from work is a must which you workaholics totally give a miss. This can later
grow up to become bigger problem. As per Chinese Horoscope 2014, always give your
body and mind the time it deserves to rest and rejuvenate. According to the 2014
Chinese Horoscope, you need to maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation
and Yoga. It can do wonders to your body and mind. Relationship with your partner
will be good, unless outside forces do not intervene. Chinese Horoscope 2014 suggests
you to spend as much time as possible with each other, work and other commitments
may pull you away from the other but you should learn to balance both. Finally,
money will be a tricky issue to deal with. As per 2014 Chinese Horoscope, flow of
money will be steady; but to save and hold it back will be completely dependent
on your efforts.
Ox Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 will be full of uncertainties for you. Though you are hard working and dedicated,
too much work pressure and competition will tempt you to take wrong measures. Chinese
Horoscope 2014 suggests you to always try be true to yourself, do not let the wrong
overpower you. Some of you may have to look for other jobs to ensure your interest
in work stays alive. Unnecessary office politics may irritate you, but you should
always maintain your cool and not let things get to your head. According to 2014
Chinese horoscope, love matters also do not look promising. There might be some
trust issues between you and your partner. Chinese Astrology 2014 advises you to
put that extra effort to keep the relationship going without any hurdle. There is
some good news too, for all the single oxen, 2014 might be your lucky year to find
your partner. Further, matters concerning money and finances will also prove to
be minimal. The money will be just enough to keep things going smooth, but if you
have any lavish idea in mind, 2014 Chinese Astrology Horoscope suggests you to put
that thought on hold. 2014 can be hard on your health as well. Areas of concern
are stomach and head. You should take care to maintain a proper healthy diet. Practise
Yoga and meditation to keep stress and tensions at bay. Overall, 2014 will have
its share of ups and downs, but nothing will put you or your spirit down.
Tiger Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
Chinese Horoscope 2014 has some good news for you, Tigers. 2014 will prove to be
lucky for many. There are some major changes waiting for you at the workplace. These
shouldn’t make you nervous instead you should welcome the change and adapt yourself
to the environment and turn productive. The year of the Horse will open up a lot
of opportunities, make the most of this. To add onto this, 2014 will make you financially
secure as well. As per Chinese Astrology 2014, you will gain money from many sources,
increment at work, promotions, even chances of victory are seen. Belonging to the
wise category, you will not splurge this wealth instead invest it for the future.
Moving onto relationship, this will prove to be complicated an issue in 2014. Distrust
in each other will be the main cause of being unhappy. Secrets will be revealed,
which will inturn reveal the true identity of your partner; whether noble or dishonest,
only time will tell. Health-wise, there seems to be no problem, but effort has to
be taken to keep yourself healthy. Having anything in a large quantity or small
quantity for that matter is bad for health. Learn to maintain balance between the
two extremes. 2014 might be a good year, give the spiritual side of you a little
more attention.
Rabbit Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 Chinese Horoscope predicts the year to be very hectic. Since you people are
witty and energetic, it won't be much trouble to get through this year. But like
it is said in the rabbit and tortoise story, being overconfident can land you in
trouble; so always have your feet grounded to Earth. Work will consume most of your
time, this might be the cause for distance between your partner and family. So,
it is in your hand to strike a right balance between work and family. Friends will
prove to be very supportive during times of trouble. Financially, things will run
smooth provided you do not make any hasty decision when matters concerning big money
are involved. There are chances that you will acquire some ancestral property in
2014. According to your Chinese horoscope 2014, there will be a lot of travelling
to do this year, which will be an add-on to the expenditure; but this money spent
will prove to be worth it. As far as love life is concerned, we see a patchy road.
There will be slight ups and downs, but if enough time is spent with one another,
things can be set right. As for all the singles out there, 2014 will again prove
to be unlucky, your life partner is somehow missing out in locating you. But do
not lose hope, keep up your charm, miracles are always bound to happen, that’s why
they are called miracles. Moving onto health, Chinese Astrology 2014 horoscope suggests
you to keep special care. 2014 will keep you on your toes throughout, but don’t
let it affect your health. Eat healthy, stay healthy.
Dragon Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 Chinese Horoscope predicts a good but a static year. This will make you dull
and lifeless who otherwise are active and spontaneous. Work-wise, there will not
be any improvement, but work flow will be non-stop. This will keep you occupied,
but to make it creative and noticeable is upto you. Further, 2014 Chinese Astrology
Horoscope predicts that you might face obstacles at workplace, your co-workers might
not cooperate with you and all this will lead to frustration and outbursts. So you,
hot-blooded-dragons must try to control your temper and handle things with a calm
mind. Financially, care should be taken as 2014 may bring in some losses if matters
are not handled well. Dragon people must learn to consolidate what is in hand, rather
than trying to bring in new resources. Chinese Astrology 2014 predicts it could
turn out to be a failure. However, after the first half of the year, you might gain
some money through ancestral property. As far as love life is concerned, Chinese
Horoscope 2014 foretells that things look better than the previous two categories.
Although things could turn sour if the dragon people do not maintain their cool
with their partners, compromising is the best way to keep the love boat sailing.
Single dragons could end up with wrong people if they are too hasty in their decisions.
Health-wise, there won't be any problem, you are dragon folks after all. Except
for some minor discomfort, we do not see anything that will keep you concerned.
Snake Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 will be filled with excitement for you. As per 2014 Chinese Horoscope, workplace
will give you a new boost, new projects will dig out your hidden talents. 2014 Chinese
astrology predicts that there will be some competitions too with the new co-workers,
but you are the type who enjoys such challenges. As per Chinese horoscope 2014,
you will be sought-after for your brains and hard work, seniors will be more confident
in trusting you with bigger matters. We also see a climb in your position in the
industry. Financially, you will be in a comfortable state, but all the excitement
might tempt you into lavish spending. It is upto you to make the right choices and
save up your hard earned money. Now, coming to the all roses and sweets part, yes
the love life; 2014 will bring in a lot of good news for all charming snakes. Married
couples can expect their first child. While the single folks will finally be saying
goodbye to their single status. Chinese Astrology 2014 Horoscope says this year
will be the lucky year, you may meet your life partner. With so much exciting things
happening around, you might get careless with your health, which could land you
into trouble. Take good care of your eating habits, regular intake of healthy food
will keep you fit and active throughout the 2014.
Horse Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
According to the 2014 Chinese Horoscope, horse folks have an exciting year ahead.
As 2014 is horse year, you will be venturing into new things. Surely, it will be
followed with success, you should take care to not let the success get to your head.
Always have your feet firmly grounded, never forget where you started from. 2014
will bring in new projects, which will provide a perfect platform to expose your
multitasking skills. In 2014, you will also get yourself involved in social work,
which has been in your cards from quite sometime now. As per Chinese Astrology 2014,
this year will prove to be a boon in the area of finance too. The confidence and
intelligence will help you in striking good deals, which will earn you a lot of
profits. However, you horse folks have never been truly lucky when matters concerning
love come into the picture. According to the 2014 Chinese Astrology Horoscope, you
should be steady and wise in your choices because strong moves could be interpreted
wrongly by the other person. Try giving love the time it deserves and things will
start to shape up on its own. Health-wise, although you will feel perfectly fit
and in shape, it is advised to take care of your lungs and chest. As per the predictions
made by Chinese Horoscope 2014, problems might look small and negligible; but if
not attended, it could blow up to bigger problems.
Sheep Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
According to the 2014 Chinese Horoscope, the year of horse will prove to be lucky
for you folks. Chinese Astrology 2014 foretells, this year is with lucky charm by
your side, you will encounter a lot of new opportunities. Your seniors and colleagues
will be supportive and welcoming. In 2014, you will also be duly awarded for your
hard work; and promotion also is in the line. Love is in the air for you people
in 2014. But, you should always remember not to be too pushy and give it the time
it needs; this will strengthen your relationship and the bond will go deeper. For
all the singles out there, you will find someone pretty soon, but this might not
promise to be a long term relationship. However, there is no harm in trying to make
it one. As per 2014 Chinese Astrology Horoscope, this year will prove to be very
lucky when money matters are concerned. There will not be any trouble to find sources,
but to make proper use of the money will be a tricky business. You will be tempted
to impress your new found love and this will put a big hole in your pocket. So always
give a thought or two before deciding to buy anything. According to the Chinese
Horoscope 2014, you will also get your hands on some lost and forgotten ancestral
property, which will be good add on to your assets. Health might grab your attention
in 2014, as you will be going through some troubles frequently. Your area of concern
will be spine and upper body parts. Regular exercise and warm ups will be a good
solution of these problems.
Monkey Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 Chinese Horoscope says that the year will bring in mixed news for you. You
are hard working, but very hasty in making decisions. According to the Chinese Astrology
2014, it would be better if you think twice before taking up anything. Committing
to a work and then giving up halfway can put a black mark on your previous achievements.
You will have to get control of your biggest weakness; that is, getting easily distracted.
Also, going behind things which looks too good to be true, needs to be controlled.
If there is anything that can be achieved without any effort or hard work, then
probably that something in itself is not worth anything. When matters related to
finances are concerned, you should not become greedy and go for big attractive investments.
As there will not be any stopping in the inflow of money, you will have to put a
belt around you when spending the money comes into picture. 2014 Chinese Astrology
Horoscope suggests you not to spend on things that show no promise in the future.
Invest wisely and save up for the future. When matters related to love and romance
are concerned, it will be smooth and harmonious. As per Chinese Horoscope 2014,
couples will be surprised with a new comer, where singles will have to put in a
little extra effort to bring back that lost charm. Health-wise too, care should
be taken to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 2014 Chinese Horoscope suggests you not
to neglect matters when they are small as the same will grow up to become a big
matter of concern.
Rooster Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
Chinese Horoscope 2014 says this year will bring in mixed fortunes. As per Chinese
Astrology 2014, rooster folks will have to get adjusted to some radical changes
in the work place. You will have to quick in adapting to the new lifestyle, else
you will be left behind in the race. 2014 Chinese Astrology Horoscope suggests you
to move in pace with the crowd and not to make the mistake of harking at the past.
As per 2014 Chinese Horoscope, finances will be great in the initial months, but
later on you will have to dig deep into your pockets to make ends meet. Since you
rooster folks have a generous heart, you spend more than what you earn on others.
This particular habit you will have to keep in control if you yourself should not
have to run into debts. Moving onto love, which looks dull and broken. Chinese Astrology
2014 Horoscope foretells that many of you will be either dissatisfied with the present
one or craving for the good lost one. There will be some disagreements between married
couple and will form distance between the two. Single roosters are unlikely to find
their match in 2014 and even if you do, it will not be a true long lasting one.
This will be a time when friends will give you the support you need. You may also
meet a friend you haven't met in a long time. Health-wise, you look as fit as a
fiddle. However, you should take care to not fall prey to stress and tension. Practising
Yoga and meditation could make miracles happen to your mind and body.
Dog Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
According to the Chinese Horoscope 2014, this year will make you sit back and think
about how exactly you have been handling your life so far. 2014 Chinese Astrology
predicts a job change for most of you. This change will prove to be very effective
as many will find their dream job, if so far you were stuck in the wrong job. This
new change will bring out their hidden talent and finally instead of being shadowed
by other, they will shine and emerge forward. Financially, 2014 will require your
complete attention. If you have been in the habit of not tracking where you spend
your money, then now it is the high time you take notice of that. Because this year,
you have far too many commitments to be handling your finances carelessly. As per
Chinese Astrology 2014 Horoscope, your temptation for spending on your loved ones
should be held back this year; since you always end up buying things that are far
too much than what you afford to buy. Love is one tricky affair and you folks will
surely agree because soon you will be going through the same tricky phase. 2014
Chinese horoscope foretells single folks will find it difficult to find the right
one, while married folks will have difficulty staying with the right one. According
to the 2014 Chinese Astrology, your short temper and ego could make you lose the
one true love you are lucky to be with. So always think twice before you utter your
words. Health-wise there is nothing that will make you worry. Although you should
take care of your eating habits as we see stomach being your weak area this year.
Pig Chinese Horoscope 2014 Astrology
2014 will prove to be in your favor especially for those in the business and trades
field. As per Chinese Horoscope 2014, there will be competition at the workplace,
but you folks are most likely to emerge on the top. Chinese Astrology 2014 Horoscope
foretells you should not get carried away by all this success and should always
remember humility and reliability. According to the Chinese Horoscope 2014, there
seems to be no trouble in love life unless the sudden visit of past love stirs up
lost feelings again. Married people will be happy and thankful for the continuing
harmony and peace between the two who will soon be having a new member in the family.
Although single people will continue to enjoy their status and spend their time
happily flirting away to glory. 2014 Chinese Horoscope predicts you folks will encounter
many opportunities to make money this year out of which many will prove successful.
The only action that you should take is to know where to spend this money. You will
have the urge to help others, but make sure you are not fooled by their situation
and that your money is being used for genuine reasons. Health-wise, we see a lot
of indulgence in unhealthy oily and fast food. You folks have a very delicate stomach,
so always think twice before you put that fries in your mouth. Stomach ulcers, indigestion
and headaches may give you sleepless nights. Remedies like drinking herbal tea and
good exercising will help you maintain a healthy lifecycle.
Wishing you all a happy 2014! May this Horse year be just the way you wish!
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