Feng Shui 2013
Feng Shui for 2013 Using Fortune Symbols
Feng Shui has always been an interesting topic for many people. It changed the lives of many people and hence established belief amongst the people around globe. Initially, it was the invention of China and now has been adapted by people from all corners of the world.
Since inception, it is being utilized to eradicate the problems predicted by Chinese Astrology. However, first time in history AstroSage is offering you the Feng Shui ways to remove ill effects predicted by Vedic Astrology.
Chinese Astrology is still walking behind Vedic Astrology in terms of belief and predictions. However, Feng Shui has gained immense popularity for its crafty and creative designs. People place Feng Shui items at home for decoration purposes, but if they place them from astrological belief, their life will change. That is why; AstroSage has decided to explore the advantages of Feng Shui to help Vedic Astrology believers.
You must have found your prediction for year 2013 with Vedic remedies for problems. Those remedies sometimes need time to execute or seems difficult for many people. With help of Feng Shui, we have eased you to balance your life in the coming year 2013 by decorating yourself and your house.
This is a remedy based article to help you find out a Feng Shui way to solve your problems.
Let's see, how to demolish negative effects and barriers of your life in 2013 with the help of Feng Shui.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer |
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio |
Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Aries Feng Shui 2013
2013 is bringing luxuries and financial status to you. You will be mentally and emotionally strong throughout the year. However, still you will not be satisfied with your achievements.
In order to get a feeling of contentment, you should place Fuk Luk Sau at your home. They are three deities representing health, wealth and happiness.
First deity is Sau, who represents longetivity and carries a bottle of nectar. Second, deity is Fuk, who enhances income and represents wealth. Third deity is Luk, represents class and power.
Luk always stands in the center. They should be placed at a high side table in dining room to spread their divine chi in house. At workplace, they should be placed behind you to give good fortune and vital support. You don't have to worship them considering altar, just place them like a decoration item.
Fuk Luk Sau are also important for you because Rahu & Ketu seems to be interfering in your professional matters. Your business partner might also cause you trouble.
Further, you will put your endeavor for your family's well-wish, but still some family members might oppose you in some matters. They might start giving you negative responses for many things.
In order to harmonize your family life, you may place Triple Tortoise at your home.
These three tortoise one over other symbolizes family love and harmony. Your health seems to be going down this year because of Ketu's position in first house. You need to keep an eye over eating habits and plan your work to avoid stress at last moment. Feng Shui has got 3 Eyes Dzi Beads Bracelet for you to keep you away from stress as well as evil eye.
3 Eyes Dzi Beads Bracelet strengthens your confidence and fights against depression, stress, release of grievances as well as acceptance of past.
From money front, year looks good. However, you need to keep control over your expenditures because loss of money is still seen. Don't worry things are not that bad and little intelligence can keep you away from troubles.
Year looks good for students too, but they need to keep their eyes open while choosing a institute or program; otherwise they might repent forever. Avoid making you overburdened by getting enrolled with so many courses at one time.
This was all for your year 2013. Hope you have a wonderful year ahead. Happy New Year 2013!
Taurus Feng Shui 2013
Venus is making your personality attractive. With the effect of Mercury, you are an amazing orator and owe a feeling of responsibility toward your family. From family front, you will stay quite happy, due to presence of Jupiter in first house. Even with all this good, you might get stressed. In order to prevent you from stress, Feng Shui has got Silver Wind Chimes to place in South-East and Medicine Buddha Script Amulet to be placed in North.
Now, let's discuss from health front. Saturn is showing trouble form health front in the mid of year 2013. However, you won't strike to major ailments. Ketu in second house is indicating that you might lose your senses many times during this year. Apart from this, your health will be fine.
You will be happy with your love life this year. Many love proposals will come your way. Over that, a new born might bless your life.
At work too, year looks good, you might get assistance from government employees too. You will win over your opponents.
In terms of economy too, year looks good. Money can turn your way from any side, say lottery, insurance or anything.
Presence of Jupiter I first house will keep your brain conscious and focused. Due to which, you will find keen interest in studies. All you need is to keep yourself safe from bad company.
Gemini Feng Shui 2013
Gemini is the sign of Mercury, which states that your mental power is strong. You people are generally considered humorous and flexible in nature. In terms of money, you are intelligent and know how to secure your future.
From family front, this year doesn't seem favorable. Family members might get rude with you. You need to keep control over your anger to avoid big troubles.
Place Triple Tortoise in your home to enhance the family love.
You are advised to keep your anger in control while dealing with troublesome issues. Relations might get sour and closed ones might step back. Children might suffer from ailments. In order to safeguard their health, hang Golden Medicine Buddha Script Amulet with a Feng Shui Calabash Gourd in North.
Keep on putting efforts to restore your broken relations back and betterment of present relations.
Ketu is posited in sixth house and lord of the sixth house is in eighth house, which is indicating health ailments for you. You might also get stressed. Yoga and meditation activities might relieve you. Further, you may hang 6 Rod Silver Wind Chime in South-East and two Calabash Gourds in North to calm down the ill stars and give protection from ailments.
Avoid journeys to prevent illness and calm down your adventurous spirit too. The main focus should be on avoiding tensions and looking at your eating habits.
Jupiter is posited in second house, which is not looking favorable in the matters of love. Handle your love matters delicately to avoid stress and troubles in relationship. To enhance your love life or keep it safe, place a Rose Quartz Tree in your bedroom. Those who are single can place a Double Happiness Amulet with Mystic Knot to enhance their love life stars.
Otherwise, rest of the things just need to be handled carefully because it seems that you will lose your brains more often in the coming year.
Cancer Feng Shui 2013
Good news for you Cancerians, things are looking positive this year. Cancer people are always considered lucky amongst all other signs. Time is favorable for the people who are planning to go broad for further studies. Sources of income might also increase this year, but you won't be able to save anything. Expenditures will be high throughout the whole year. However, your spouse or business partner might come helpful in saving your money.
Your business relations will get stronger and things will be fruitful from financial front. However, you need to avoid arguments with senior or any other person because it might ruin things.
In love matters too, year looks positive. You will cherish your love life this year. There are chances of you getting attracted to someone from far place or another country. New relations will be more satisfactory rather than your previous ones.
Transit of Jupiter will bring happiness to the lives of your siblings. Things will be fine from family front, but some misunderstandings might arise in between. You might get dragged as the culprit of some problems where your contribution is less than nil. You might get tensed due to the illness of your family members. Hang Medicine Buddha Script Amulet in North to keep the health of your family members safe.
Tensions due to the health problems of family members might affect your health. This Amulet will be helpful for the health of all of you.
You need to stay alert while driving to avoid accidents. Blue Rhino Metal Amulet will help you staying safe from accidents.
Use your mind while dealing with difficult situations and you will get through this year smoothly.
Leo Feng Shui 2013
Leo people owe an attractive personality with broad shoulders. They are daring, courageous and adventurous. You people are generally very ambitious, which makes them greedy at times.
Year 2013 looks awesome from family front and all your family issues will be solved this year.
From health front too, 2013 is good; except small ailments. Overall year will be progressive from health front. Try to use wood or wooden color to decorate your house as much as possible. It will improve your health and vitality. Wood element colors are Brown and Green.
For love relations too, year is fruitful. You are advised to let things move smoothly instead of pushing them. Overall year is good from the matters of love and emotions. If you are single then hang Rose Quartz Mandarin Duck Charm in East direction to strengthen your love luck and find your potential partner.
Year is good from professional front too. At your workplace, everything will be in your favor.
Income will be consistent throughout the whole month, which will help you save good. Some new sources of income will also come to your way. Utilize the best of this time.
From education front too, things will be awesome and you will succeed everywhere.
Virgo Feng Shui 2013
Virgo people are known for their knowledge and intelligence. Their personality has such an attractive aura that people get magnetized toward them soon. Ups and downs are seen from family front. But, unfavorable transit of Rahu and Saturn, expectations of family members will not get satisfied. Due to which, stress situations might pop up. Feeling of insecurity will keep on making you more stressed.
As per Feng Shui, you should use water in your house decorations and Blue & Black color too. It will bring peace, freshness and abundance to your home. Also, put Triple Tortoise at your home to bring harmony.
Year is favorable from health point of view. Utilize this time to meditate, concentrate and yoga. Family issues might make you stressed. Place Medicine Buddha Pendant in North-West of your bedroom to keep tensions away.
You might also suffer from eye related problems during this year. A Medicine Buddha Script Amulet will do great to keep you off from sickness.
This year is bringing loads of happiness in your love life. Singles will find their potential partner, married people's married life will get enhanced and they might also get happiness form a new born in their family.
Libra Feng Shui 2013
Venus is the lord of your sign and hence you owe an attractive personality. You are sharp in nature and respect others. You have the quality of far sightedness, which makes you quite realistic and idealistic.
You might experience disturbances at your workplace this year. Before starting anything new, take advice from experienced people. If going for partnership with woman, things might go worse. Stay alert from frauds, fast money making sources might turn your way. The year is risky; you should also avoid making useless travels. Green Gem Wednesday Talisman will do wonders for you in the matters related to work and business.
You will experience a lack of consistency in love matters. But, you will get many opportunities of making money every now and then. You need to execute all your plans intelligently.
It is not a very much favorable year for students. They will experience troubles in getting expected results and things like that.
You people are strongly advised to bring a Crystal Globe for you because this year is bringing troubles in business as well as studies and this globe balances both. It should be kept in the North-East direction of working table. Revolve it every day in clock-wise direction for 2-3 times to improve the business intelligence and acumen.
You people need to be very careful throughout the whole year to avoid troubles.
Scorpio Feng Shui 2013
This year, you are going to be quite active, attractive and empowered. In the matters of love, you are going to get mixed results. The first half of the year is good, but the second half looks difficult. Fake vows from lover will hurt you so much. Married people will suffer from conflicts in relation. To avoid all these love issues, you should place Double Happiness Symbol 2.
It is considered as one of the most powerful symbol for love and marital happiness. The red color of this symbol symbolizes love and romance. In China, furniture for bed room is engraved with this symbol. It can also be printed on the dress material for married people.
One should place this symbol in the South-West corner of the bed room to enhance love, faith and romance between the couple.
You are a strong person and if you fell down from health front, you will easily come over it. Health of your family members might get affected. In order to prevent their health from sickness, you need to place Thousands Hand Guan Yin in North and 6 Rod Silver Wind Chime in South-East of your living room.
Things will be favorable this year at workplace. In terms of money, 2013 is going to give mixed results. However, for students, this year is quite favorable.
Sagittarius Feng Shui 2013
You owe the sign of the lord of dual behavior possessing planet, Jupiter. You could be formal or conventional at some instances.
In love, first half of the year is not much favorable. Your stubborn behavior might disturb your relationship. Reputation of your lover and yours too should be your first priority. You can place Yin Yang symbol.
In Chinese, Yin is considered as female and Yang as male. It is said that Yin and Yang are opposite to each other. In order to balance them, one can place this symbol at home.
If you are not married, place this Bejeweled Mystic Knot Keychain in South direction to experience ultimate romance. Magic Fire Wheel in South-West direction of your bedroom can keep you away from tensions of love.
Unfavorable transit of Jupiter in initial days might give you a hard time at workplace. It will be difficult for you to gain profits. To attract surplus money, you may hang this Big Money Talisman in the center of your house.
For rest of the things, you need to take smart actions. First half of the year doesn't look favorable for students. However, second half is bringing good surprises for them.
Capricorn Feng Shui 2013
You people are open-hearted, compassionate, reserved or even ‘tamasik'. You have the capability of carving yourself as per your situations. However, this year doesn't seem much favorable from family front. Misunderstandings and health of family members might make you feel stressed. Hang Silver Wind Chime for good health of your family members.
Favorable transit of Jupiter is indicating good health in first half of the year. Serious ailments are not seen throughout the whole year. However, you need to care for your spouse especially. Tensions might keep you tensed. Overall this year is not that tough in health matters.
Transit of Jupiter is also making your love life amazing. You might get into relationship with someone rich and elite. Apart from this, year is favorable for business and job too. Income sources will increase, which will give you good chances for savings. Students will also do well this year and get better results. Overall, this year is favorable for Capricorns.
Red, Orange, Purple, Pink and Strong Yellow are the colors for inculcating passion and high energy. Apply these at home as much as possible. You will feel quite energized to make things growing fast, to utilize bets of this year properly.
Overall, this year is bringing loads of good news for you. Cherish this year and utilize the best of it.
Aquarius Feng Shui 2013
People with Aquarius sign are very sympathetic, generic, philosophical, cordial in behavior and attractive in looks. Anger and frustration is inbuilt in your behavior, but you will be able to keep a control over them.
From family point of view, first half of the year is quite favorable. However, second half is also not bad. Things will be smooth with your family. And yes, you need to control yourself for finding myths and facts in your family. This might cause misunderstanding and your family members will start doubting your love.
Health will also be good, except some minor ailments. You should utilize this favorable time in concentrating your mind and practicing Yoga. Air should be changed every now and then to keep your mind fresh.
In love, this year is bringing mixed results. Your relation might get breached in the initial months of the year. You can display Mandarin Ducks Picture in North-East to bring harmony and happiness in your love life.
Rests of the things are looking good. You might also get love from an old relative or someone known. Travel to far countries or spiritual places are seen this coming year.
For work, this year is quite positive. Everything will come in your favor, whether it is about promotion or position at workplace. Consistency in income is seen throughout the whole year. You will be able to make good savings this year. Sudden profit is seen and new sources of income will also be found.
2013 is bringing mixed results fro students. If you are lenient, things might go wrong way. Only first half of the year seems troublesome, rest of the year is good. If you are planning to go abroad, this year seems to be having medium results.
Pisces Feng Shui 2013
Pisces people are religious and faithful. They have attraction toward the study of occult sciences. You easily get drooled over beauty. Conservative principles make you superstitious for following typical spiritual path and religious rituals. Due to which, sometimes, you become rude too.
Now, if we look from the family point of view. This year is slightly troublesome. While handling your family issues, you need to be quite alert. There will be a difference in opinions, due to which you might suffer form mental strain. Keep a Triple Tortoise in your home to bring harmony at home.
From health front, year doesn't look promising. You will experience heat in body, which will lead you to ulcers and tumors. However, all your health issues will remain for time being and you will be fine after that.
In love matters, year doesn't look quite favorable for you. Don't try to step on two boats at a time and take the right decision. Some previous relations might also intervene in your present love life. However, married people will have a good time in love.
You might also have troubles at work place. Business might also suffer and loss of wealth is seen. Keep Arowana Fish in North, East or South-East region of your office or home to improve your economic conditions.
Only first half of the year will bring you losses; otherwise you will make some way out of your financial troubles. It is advisable for you not to invest much in gamble or lotteries, chances are bad.
For students, first half of the year seems difficult. However, rest things are fine. During difficult time, you will find yourself having trouble while concentrating on studies. Always listen to others while taking big decision, like choosing an institute or course. Year is good for those who are planning to go abroad for further studies.
Overall, this is coming difficult; you need to step cautiously in all matters.