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Career Horoscope 2018

The Career Horoscope 2018 at AstroSage lays down the predictions of your career for all the 12 zodiac signs. Not only would this Career Horoscope help you sail through the difficulties that might cross your path, but also assist you in utilising the golden opportunities so that you can make this year better for yourself. The Career Horoscope 2018 would help you to have a sneak-peek into your future. In this fast-paced world, where everyone seems to aim high and have a great career as it lays down the foundation of one’s life, the knowledge of future events might serve as the magic wand that everybody needs to shape up a good career and thereby a good future.

The below mentioned predictions are based on your moon sign. You can know your moon sign with AstroSage Moon Sign Calculator

Education Horoscope 2018, Aries zodiac sign


As per the Career Horoscope 2018, you’ll get involved with an organisation or an agency of foreign roots. Some natives will get jobs in an MNC or may get the chance of working abroad. The year 2018 would give you those in business a chance to grow and prosper; decisions taken in this duration will prove to be fruitful. Natives considering a partnership can enter one, as they are bound to thrive in this period. The Career Horoscope 2018 for Aries predicts that some might have to stay away from home for career growth and advancement. Those who’ve always thought of work-related travel as something exciting will be in for a treat this year, as chances of extensive travel are high. Professionals in Travel and Tourism, Sales and Marketing, and Technical Experts will climb up the Career Ladder. This rise will go hand in hand with their intellect growth. You are advised to maintain harmonious relations with co - workers and seniors at workplace. Your impulsive attitude will have to be reined in this year, as any brash and sudden decision could be harmful to you. By the mid of the year, your career might undergo some changes. This would make you reset your goals and rearrange your priorities as the year comes to a close.

Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman daily. According consideration to fellow workers will reduce workplace related problems.

Buy 11 Mukhi Rudraksh at AstroSage to remove obstacles related to career.

Education Horoscope 2018, Taurus zodiac sign


The year 2018 would give you unexpected problems in the job front. You are advised to be careful before investing your hard earned cash into new ventures. Those who’ve been waiting to take important decisions of expansion and growth need to postpone them to the end of the year in order to get fruitful results. The first part of the year will keep you engaged in adjusting to all the changes happening in your own professional life. The latter part of the year will be better in these terms; you’ll start taking decisions and initiate new changes. This year as per the Job Horoscope 2018 for Taurus, you’ll get to travel a lot due to work. Foreign journeys might also interest you in this duration. You’ll be a pro at handling things making your approach deft and courageous at juggling through the problems. Natives involved in Service Sector will flourish in this year. Professionals involved in Legal and Medical cases could experience fluctuations at their work front. Some highs and lows can be expected. Medicine, Medical equipments, and goods related businesses might face obstacles, but with time they’ll grow well.

Remedy: Helping women belonging to socio - economically backward section will relieve stress and bring relief.

Know your fate based on your Chinese Zodiac Sign .
Education Horoscope 2018, Gemini zodiac sign


The year 2018 for Gemini Career Horoscope looks peachy; performance artists will have a good time. Those involved in creative writing will be in full flow in this duration; script writers and lyricists will get a good breakthrough. You are advised to stay polite and refrain from talking rudely to anyone. Be wary of competitive colleagues, as they might try to tarnish your image. Landing in trouble should be the last thing on your agenda right now! Academic planners and educationists will find this time to be in their favour. Be careful while doing any kind of business investments, as sudden losses are indicated in your horoscope. As the year ends, business partnerships might suffer slight rupture, but with patience and goodwill these things can be sorted out on mutual grounds. The second half of the year might sound extra sweet for those who’ve been planning for an expansion in profession and for intellectual application. There will be brilliant scope for them in the future. The year won’t be that rewarding for you financially, but the perks will be good enough for you to invest your hard work. There will be good returns on position and job profile.

Remedy: You are advised to treat every difficulty as a learning opportunity. Try and converse properly; Donate green grams to needy people and feed green leafy vegetables to the cattle.

You can also find out your Chinese zodiac sign through Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator .
Education Horoscope 2018, Cancer zodiac sign


The year 2018 for Cancerians would give them a hard time in taking decisions, as they would find themselves in a muddle at the time of taking a firm decision. The period would be highly favourable for the people who are involved in the IT sector. People in show business, travelling salesperson, language experts and translators would have the chances to shine brightly in their fields. You would be able to maintain a work-life balance delicately but you would find yourself investing your time, skills and energy more at your workplace rather than your personal life. Your suspicious nature and aggression might put an end to business partnerships that you are a part of. Freelancers and professionals working from home would find the time favourable for themselves as they would be able to bag prestigious assignments. It is expected that business houses who have foreign support, either in form of foreign roots or collaborations would perform well. It would be a good time for exploring opportunities abroad. While the first part of the year would prove to be financially rewarding for you; you would need to get your act together during the second part of the year as it would demand high intellectual inputs.

Remedy: Regular worshipping of Lord Shiva, sharing food with stray animals and birds, and helping your coworkers would help you sail through any difficulty that comes in your way.

Buy 12 Mukhi Rudraksh at AstroSage.

Education Horoscope 2018, Leo zodiac sign


The year 2018 would bring about a period in your life during which your social life would thrive, and you would get a chance to witness excellent relationships with your co-workers, colleagues, and juniors at your workplace. There would be a great scope for creative people; visualizers and advertising professionals would make big strides in their arena. Many people would get a chance to pursue their career aspirations and ambitions, which might make them stay away from their home. The people who would try their best and push their limits would be able to overcome innumerable obstacles, and would eventually be able to climb up the vertical stairway to success. Business ventures involving educational tools and kits would flourish in the long run. The people who are involved in public relations, media and mass communications would be dab-hand at their work. While the exports business would expand and lead to benefits, the agencies involved in imports might suffer unexpected losses. Any advice and guidance from senior management should be dealt in a positive manner. Similarly, criticism from peers needs to be taken in a constructive light. Avoid brash reaction as much as possible and try to respond in a cordial and mature way.

Remedy: Greet the rising Sun early in the morning. Offer water and chant Gayatri Mantra thrice. Treating seniors with respect at home as well as in office would help you pave your way to success.

Buy Surya Yantra at AstroSage to pay your respect and devotion to Sun God.

Education Horoscope 2018, Virgo zodiac sign


The year 2018 assures you financial gain all round the year. You might consider changing your job profile or designation for your betterment, and increments and promotions would go hand in hand. Any business venture that you start with your spouse as a partner is bound to give positive results and perform well beyond expectations. Programmers and system analysts would find themselves in a beneficial zone; research and development in Information Technology would be endowed with encouragement and funding, and as a result, it will flourish. Working professionals may also consider in engaging in part-time online courses and enhance their knowledge as well as skills. You would work hard during this year and put your best efforts to achieve what you aim for. Your professional life might overshadow your personal life, thus you are advised to maintain a balance between them. Some people would have the chance to undergo training, skill-building, and upgradation of knowledge on their job fronts.

Remedy: You need to curb your anger management in a proficient manner. Cultivation of peaceful environment at home and office would lead to increased focus and concerted work-efforts.

Know your future with Numerology Horoscope 2018
Education Horoscope 2018, Libra zodiac sign


The year 2018 is packed with enthusiasm and zeal for you, and you would not shy away from showing it at your work-life. Financial rewards will commensurate with intellectual inputs and energy invested. You would find yourself high on adrenaline that would make you more open to accepting challenges and risks. Collaborative ventures with friends and younger siblings will go over with a bang and you would gain through it. Your mind would be restless and agitated due to unhappy personal life, as you would be more inclined towards your professional zone. You might need to travel as a part of your work or profession, which might take you away from your home for a major part of the year. The latter part of the year would bestow upon you a fair number of golden chances, which you may utilise to expand your business. Those who are looking for a making a huge jump in your career level would find the second half of the year congenial. Appreciation and accolades would be conferred upon you by top management or higher officials for your creative thinking and presence of mind.

Remedy: Regular worship of the celestial couple Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi together as ‘Lakshmi-Narayan’ will prove to be beneficial for you.

Chant Narayana Mantra with Tulsi Mala and Mahalaxmi Mantra with Kamal Gatte ki Mala.

Education Horoscope 2018, Scorpio zodiac sign


The year 2018 will be action packed for the water sign Scorpio. Tough competition and challenging environment would test your limits and compel you to come up with the best version of your own self. The first three-quarters of the year might not be financially satisfactory, but as the year approaches its end, the tides will begin to turn, leading to financial gains. Troubles with colleagues and serious differences with seniors might bring about sudden changes at your workplace and cause disruptions in your professional life. Those who like to work independently might choose to quit serving others, and start working on projects which could give them freedom to work without the interference of others. Impulsive decisions taken in business ventures might prove counterproductive and lead to losses. People associated with government sectors or government projects might not experience full satisfaction. A job change is predicted towards the end of the year. Continuous efforts and persistence are bound to yield good results. Foreign assignments or projects undertaken during this year might prove to be fruitful. Export-import would upsurge, and overseas collaborations would grow by leaps and bounds.

Remedy: Performing Navagraha Puja at your home or in the temples will help you reach your desired goals. Feeding ‘Navdanya’ or nine types of grains to birds will reduce malefic results of planets.

You can buy Navgraha Yantra at AstroSage.

Know the Horoscope Predictions for 2018 in your Language
Education Horoscope 2018, Sagittarius zodiac sign


The year 2018 will lay the foundation of a financially rewarding period with multiple sources of income. The native will have full-time career occupation, and might also consider offering consultancy services as an additional income source. Financial planners and advisors would have a good time, and the career of Chartered Accountant is bound to prosper during this year. Banks and other financial institutions would attract investors, and would thus obtain benefits. People involved in share market and stock exchange would be able to make huge profits during the first half of the year. However, the second half of the year might be unpredictable and yield erratic results. Service sectors and non-governmental organisations will expand and more opportunities for employment in manufacturing units would be there. Electronic media would outshine print media, and the professionals associated with electronic media would have a fast-paced career growth. While the first part of the year seems to be a golden opportunity to expand business and explore collaborations, the second part of the year would be favourable for bringing in creativity and innovation in existing enterprises. Business dealing with computer hardware and software would prosper, and connection with foreign-based collaborators would result in increased gains.

Remedy: Sharing food with the disadvantaged sections of the society will be beneficial for you.

Education Horoscope 2018, Capricorn zodiac sign


The year 2018 will bag foreign assignments for professional programmers and analysts. Software companies with foreign roots will thrive well and benefit during this year. Some working professionals would have the chance to explore foreign destinations and travel abroad as a part of their work. The latter part of the year would be excellent in terms of promotion, career switching and financial enhancement. You are advised to tighten your belt and avoid risky investments so as to avoid any loss of money. A disrupted personal life might lead to the aggressive pursuit of career goals. Those who are career oriented and ambitious would push their way to the top with their sheer hard work and aggressive approach. While independently driven ventures will grow, business partnerships might suffer losses and new partnerships might fail to work and end up with disruptions. Professionals involved in medical and legal research will find the time congenial and favourable.

Remedy: Regular worship of Lord Ganesh would ease your life. Lighting oil lamps on Tuesdays and Saturdays at Lord Hanuman temple would help you out.

You can buy Ganesh Mukhi Rudraksha and Hanuman Yantra to worship Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman respectively.

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Education Horoscope 2018, Aquarius zodiac sign


The year 2018 will mark the arrival of luck factor in your life. Your fortune would help you in your job, and as a result, you would be bestowed with promotion, honour and appreciation at the workplace. On one hand, you would get a positive response from senior management and higher authorities, whereas on the contrary, you might find you colleagues and peers creating problems for you. Overseas opportunities will invite you to travel abroad as the mid-year approaches. You would earn lump sum amounts of money in the first half of the year, but the second part of the year indicates problems or disruptions which might not be palatable for you. People involved in judicial services, publishing and printing, and hospitality industries would do good at their career-front. Academic institutions offering technical courses will thrive well. Social development sector will grow seamlessly. Experts associated with public welfare, community medicine, and geriatrics will find new avenues for their growth and development. The end of the year indicates fast growth and vertical movement in profession. The year would be an excellent time for business, wherein investments are certain to yield profits.

Remedy: Donating red coloured clothes to the needy on Tuesdays will make the star of your fortune shine brightly. Identifying problematic colleagues and sorting out problems as soon as they erupt will help in reducing tension at work.

Education Horoscope 2018, Pisces zodiac sign


In the year 2018, you will try your best to achieve your goals, the results however might not go hand in hand with the efforts that you invest. You might consider switching your job or transferring to a new location, but you need to stay cautious while taking such decisions as they might not yield the expected results. Your ego might create issues with your fellow colleagues and seniors, which need to be resolved for the betterment of your life at workplace. Stress due to personal life problems might affect your performance at work, and might take shake your firm resolutions and focus at work. The financial conditions would fluctuate all round the year. The gains would be slow and steady in the beginning, would reach unprecedented level during mid-year and would slow down during the end of the year. Your fortune would favour you during the end of the year and you might experience the changes that you had been wishing for. People involved in their own business and private sector would flourish. They need not make investments, but can think about consolidating the existing business. People connected with law can encounter problems in the middle of the year, which would be resolved towards the end of the year. Those who are involved in administration and management can face obstacles, which need to be tackled before they pose serious problems.

Remedy: Worship your family deity daily. Lighting an oil and ghee lamp everyday in the morning and evening will get Divine help and guidance.

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