Stock Market 2015 Astrology Predictions: Secrets Of Share Market Revealed For 2015
What would be the fate of stock market in 2015? Will investing in sensex-nifty help you reap financial benefits? If these questions are running in your mind, go through our share market astrology predictions for 2015 and know everything in advance.
Stock market can bring benefits for all, but only if money is invested at the right
place and at the right time. If you are planning to invest in share market this
year, i.e. in 2015, you can ease everything and execute the right actions with the
help of stock market 2015 astrology predictions. These predictions will not only
provide you the names of shares where you should invest, but will also tell about
the auspicious dates for making investments. With the expert suggestions of our
astrologers, you will be able to save yourself from heavy financial losses. Your
right about sensex-nifty will take you to the top of business world. See yourself
earning more with an extra source of income with stock market 2015 predictions.
Stock market in 2015 will remain in effect of Jupiter , Saturn , Rahu and Mars . This year, we will see special effects of Saturn & Rahu’s Dwi-Dwadash Yoga, Saturn & Jupiter’s Navpanchak Yoga and Saturn & Jupiter’s Kendra (central) Yoga on nifty. Kendra Yoga of Mars & Jupiter, Dwi-dwadash Yoga of Saturn & Rahu and Shadashtak Yoga of Saturn & Ketu will give some special results for sensex-nifty. Mars will combust on April 10, 2015 and will rise on April 11, 2015. Saturn will combust on November 12, 2015 and will rise on December 17, 2015. Nifty 2015 predictions are saying that stock market will grow rapidly during this time. Though growth and recession are expected this year, but astrology predictions foresee growth on a higher side. We will see a bidirectional growth from the starting of year 2015. Share market will make some new records in 2015. This trend of stock market will be seen in reliance steel industries, tea- coffee business, banking, power and construction sector, tobacco, vegetable oil, electronic goods, aluminium, diamond business, computers, software, information and technology shipping etc. Investors will definitely gain profits if they will think intelligently and calmly by keeping their greed aside.
Let us now read the predictions about stock market, according to planetary conditions of 2015 .
January 2015
In the starting of January 2015, the planetary position will be something like this: Sun , Pluto and Mercury in Sagittarius , Mars and Venus in Capricorn , Jupiter in Cancer , Saturn in Scorpio , Rahu in Virgo , Ketu and Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius . On January 1, Mercury will enter in Capricorn; on January 4, Mars will enter in Aquarius; on January 14 Sun will enter in Capricorn and on January 22, Venus will enter in Aquarius. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 21 and will combust in West on January 24. Jupiter and Mars are forming Shadashtak Yoga. First day of the month is showing a trend of growth in stock market. This growth will continue till January 14 with a two-way approach, as per nifty 2015 predictions. After January 14, share market will grow with a one-way approach. This growth will be mainly seen in public-sector, perfume and cosmetics, cotton industries, transport companies, shipping corporation, rubber industries, pharma sector, woollen textiles, coal business, media, electronic industries, automobiles, software and steel business. Stock market may undergo downfall on dates 6 th , 7 th , 8 th and 20 th , 21 st , 22 nd due to profit sharing. January 16 th , 17 th and 18 th are also not favorable for sensex-nifty. During this period, investors can stock for the upcoming days. Sensex 2015 predictions are saying that inflation in share market may occur on January 1 st , 12 th , 15 th , 19 th , 24 th , 26 th and 29 th . But, market will rise up on January 2 nd , 5 th , 6 th , 7 th , 8 th , 13 th , 16 th , 17 th , 22 nd , 23 rd , 27 th , 28 th , 30 th and 31 st .
February 2015
February will begin with Sun & Mercury in Capricorn; Mars, Neptune & Venus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Rahu in Virgo, Ketu in Pisces and Ketu in Uranus. Mercury will be in East direction on February 5 and will go direct on February 11. Mars will enter in Pisces on February 12, Sun will enter in Aquarius on February 13 and Venus will enter in Pisces on February 16. Jupiter, Ketu, and Saturn are forming Navpanchak Yoga; Jupiter & Mercury are forming Samsaptak Yoga and Jupiter & Rahu are forming Tri-Ekadash Yoga. As per nifty 2015 predictions, stock market will grow with a one-way approach from the starting of the month. This one-way growth will continue till February 12, without any problem. Sensex 2015 predictions are saying that market will go down on February 14. From February 16 onwards, some ups and downs will come in the share market. Some share prices will go up and some will go down. Improvement will be seen in power transmission & cable industries, Tata power, B.S.E.S, Birla, Erection, Reliance power, rubber industries, automobile parts, heavy engineering Tesco, chemical industries, cement industries, tea-coffee, O.N.G.C, O.I.C, and woollen textiles. However, industries like perfume & cosmetics, vegetable oil, bank finance companies, tobacco, software & information, paper business, pharma industries, public sector will face downfall. Profit booking may happen on February 12 th , 13 th , 14 th or February 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th according to stock market 2015 predictions. Stock market might experience downfall on February 2 nd , 3 rd , 7 th , 9 th , and 26 th ; however, chances of growth are foreseen on February 5 th , 6 th , 10 th , 13 th , 16 th , 17 th , 18 th , 20 th , 23 rd , 24 th , 25 th , and 27 th .
March 2015
March 2015 will begin with Sun & Neptune in Aquarius; Ketu, Uranus, Mars & Venus in Pisces; Mercury in Capricorn; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio and Rahu in Virgo. Mercury will enter in Aquarius on March 1, Venus will enter in Aries on March 12 and Saturn will turn retrograde on February 14. Mercury will combust on March 26. Navpanchak Yoga of Jupiter, Mars, Ketu, and Saturn will bring some downfall in stock market, whereas Shadashtak Yoga of Jupiter & Mercury will bring growth. Industries like electrical power and electrical goods, cement, tea-coffee, heavy engineering, diamond business, chemical fertilizer, iron and steel industries will enjoy inflation. However, it will remain a negative period for industries like cosmetics, tourism, and coal. There are good chances of profits for reliance industries, reliance power, reliance capital and Telco. Tisco might face downfall. From 14 March to March 23, sectors related to Sun, Mars and Uranus like pharma, power sector, cement, fertilizer, chemicals, and public sector will gain some strong benefits. As per nifty 2015 predictions, stock market will become weak with a two-way approach after this. March 2 nd , 5 th , 11 th , 21 st , 25 th , 27 th and 30 th will bring deflation in share market. March 3 rd , 6 th , 12 th , 13 th , 16 th , 17 th , 20 th , 23 rd , 24 th , 27 th , 30 th and 31 st will witness inflation.
April 2015
In the beginning of the month, Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Ketu will remain in Pisces; Mars and Venus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Rahu in Virgo. On April 6, Venus will enter in Taurus; on April 12, Mercury will enter in Aries; on April 14, Sun will enter in Aries and on April 27, Mercury will enter in Taurus. On April 10, Mars will combust in West and will rise in the same direction on April 23. The Navpanchak Yoga of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Sun will bring downfall in the stock market. Mars and Sun of Aries will bring in some rise, but Venus of Taurus will take stock market down. As per nifty 2015 predictions, industries like tea-coffee, cement, heavy industries, chemical fertilizers, steel, automobile parts, and iron & steel will see a great rise from the beginning of the month. From April 15 onwards, sectors like pharma, public sector, woolen mills will also rise and this growth will continue throughout month with a one-sided approach. But from April 7, some weakness will come in market with a two-sided approach in sectors like O.N.G.C oil sector, leather business, woolen textiles, coal industries, cotton mills, film industry, cosmetics and reliance industries. Sensex-nifty 2015 predictions are indicating that from April 27 onwards, this weakness will turn into recession. April 1 st , 2 th , 6 th , 9 th , 13 th , 16 th , 20 th , 21 st , 13 th , 29 th will come up with inflation in share market. April 7 th , 16 th , 22 nd , 24 th might bring deflation in stock market.
May 2015
Sun & Mars will stay in Aries; Mercury & Venus in Taurus; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Rahu in Virgo and Ketu & Uranus will be in Pisces, in the starting of the month. Venus will enter in Gemini on May 2, Mars will enter in Taurus on May 3 and Venus will enter in Taurus on May 15. Mercury will turn retrograde on May 19 and will combust in West direction on May 22. A two-way approach will be there in stock market in the starting of the month. Public sector undertaking, pharma, woolen mills, automobiles, tractor business, Indogirls heavy engineering, cement business, iron-steel and housing, fertilizers, insurance sector will see a one way growth. However, sectors like cotton mills, cosmetics, film industry, transport company, press-printing, newspaper, information technology, computer industries, rubber companies, vegetable oil industries and mining will see a downfall. Sensex-nifty 2015 predictions are saying that this downtrend will even increase in these sectors after May 22. May 1 st , 4 th , 7 th , 12 th , 15 th , 19 th , 22 nd , 27 th and 28 th are dates that will bring some downfall in stock market, whereas May 5 th , 6 th , 11 th , 13 th , 14 th , 16 th , 18 th , 20 th , 26 th , 28 th , and 29 th will take share market up.
June 2015
In the beginning of the month, Sun, Mars, and Mercury will stay in Taurus; Jupiter & Venus in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Rahu in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. Sun and Mars will enter in Gemini on June 15, Mercury will turn direct & Neptune will turn retrograde on June 12 and Mercury will rise in East on June 8. Navpanchak Yoga of Saturn and Jupiter - Venus Yoga will bring downfall. However, Sun - Mars Yoga of Taurus will bring inflation in sensex-nifty. As per nifty 2015 predictions, extreme downfall can be seen in the starting of the month. Market will adopt a two way approach in the starting of the month. Public sector, pharma, tea-coffee industry, heaving engineering, cement industries, iron and steel industries will grow bidirectionally. Rest all the sectors will face downfall in share prices. From June 15 onwards, stock market will face unidirectional inflation. June 1 st , 4 th , 16 th , 18 th , 19 th , 23 rd , 24 th , 25 th are the dates when stock market is expected to face deflation. Whereas, June 2 nd , 3 rd , 9 th , 10 th , 11 th , 12 th , 15 th , 17 th , 22nd, 29 th and 30 th will bring inflation.
July 2015
In the beginning of the month, Mars and Sun will be in Gemini; Mercury in Taurus; Jupiter & Venus in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Rahu in Virgo and Uranus & Ketu will be in Pisces. On July 5, Mercury will enter in Gemini and Venus will enter in Leo. On July 14, Jupiter will enter in Leo and on July 16 Sun will enter in Cancer. On July 11, Jupiter will combust in East direction. Mars are Saturn are forming Shadashtak Yoga and from July 16 Saturn is forming Shadashtak Yoga. Sensex-nifty 2015 will proceed with a two-way approach this month. During the recession in share market of this month, investors can shop a lot for the upcoming time. A trend of depression with two-way approach will remain there in almost all the sectors of stock market till July 14. From July 15 to July 20, we will see market going down with a one-way approach. After that market will adopt a two way approach and move within a limited range. Despite this recession, share market will still maintain a strong position for the upcoming time. Investing in sectors like banking, O.N.G.C, cement industries, woolen textiles, coal industries, export-import companies, diamond business, petroleum can benefit you with really good returns. Share market will again go up after July 24. On July 1 st , 5 th , 8 th , 9 th , 13 th , 14 th , 20 th , 22 nd , 23 rd , and 31 st stock market will face downfall. But, July 3 rd , 7 th , 10 th , 13 th , 20 th , 14 th , 17 th and 28 th are the dates which will take the sensex-nifty up.
August 2015
In the beginning of the month Mars, Sun & Mercury will stay in Cancer; Jupiter & Venus in Leo; Saturn in Scorpio; Rahu in Virgo and Ketu & Uranus in Pisces. On August 4, Mercury will enter in Leo; on August 13, retrograde Venus will enter in Cancer; on 17th, Sun will enter in Leo and on August 23, Mercury will enter in Virgo. Mercury will rise in West on August 6. Venus will combust on August 10 and Mars will rise on August 11. Jupiter will combust on August 12 and Venus will rise on August 20. This month Saturn, Ketu, and Mars are forming Navpanchak Yoga and Jupiter is forming Dwi-dwadash Yoga with Mars and Rahu. Slight deflation will remain in the starting of the month in sensex-nifty with a two-way approach. Business of sectors like banking finance, reliance industries, reliance capital, computer software, technology, I.T.C, vegetable oil, tobacco business, transport business, shipping mills, cotton mills and fruit vegetable industries will face downfall. But, sectors like public sector, pharma, tea-coffee, steel industries, heavy engineering will gain profits. From August 13 onwards, recession will come to an end in almost all the sectors and from August 17 onwards, stock market will face a one-way rise. Appreciable inflation will be seen in banking sector (reliance), Information technology, computer software, steel business, leather business, and petroleum & chemical business. From August 24 onwards, downfall will be seen in sectors like computer software, printing and paper and motor-car business. August 4 th , 5 th , 16 th , 18 th , 19 th and 25 th are estimated for deflation in stock market. Whereas, August 3 rd , 7 th , 12 th , 13 th , 14 th , 17 th , 20 th , 21 st , 17 th and 28 th are dates that will take the market up.
September 2015
In the beginning of the month, Sun & Jupiter will be in Leo; Mars and Venus in Cancer; Mercury & Rahu in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpio and Ketu & Uranus will be in Pisces. On September 15, Mars will enter in Leo; on 17th, Sun will enter in Virgo and on September 30, Venus will enter in Leo. Venus will turn direct on September 6 and Mercury will turn retrograde on September 17. Jupiter will rise on September 6 and Mercury will combust in West on September 24. Dwi-dwadash Yoga of Jupiter with Venus, Mercury, Mars and Sun and Shadashtak Yoga with Ketu will help in rising the stock market. Sensex-nifty will rise in the starting of the month. This rise will come in all the sectors except the shares of Mercury and Rahu. Sectors like telecommunication, computers, motor-car companies, transport companies, cotton mills, cosmetic will see a slight growth, otherwise all the sectors will rise rapidly. Stock market will go up from September 15 onwards. Bank shares may take up some new share prices. As per share market 2015 predictions, this one-way approach rise of market will continue till September 26. Growth of market may slow down a bit from September 28, but then also there are no chances of recession. September 1 st , 2 nd , 9 th and 29 th will bring downfall in sensex-nifty, but September 3 rd , 4 th , 7 th , 8 th , 11 th , 16 th , 18 th , 21 st , 23 rd , 24 th , 28 th and 30 th will take stock market up.
October 2015
Sun, Mercury & Rahu will stay in Virgo; Venus, Jupiter & Mars in Leo; Saturn in Scorpio, and Ketu & Uranus will stay in Pisces in the beginning of the month. On October 17, Sun will enter in Libra, on 29th Mercury will enter in Libra. Mercury will turn direct on October 9, Mercury will rise on October 7 and combust in East on October 26. Shadashtak Yoga of Ketu with Jupiter and Mars, Dwi-dwadash Yoga of Jupiter with Rahu and Mercury and Yoga of Jupiter in Leo sign will help in rising the stock market. Market will grow with a good pace from the starting of the month, as per stock market 2015 predictions. This pace will increase further after October 7. The whole share market will enjoy one-way rise. Specially sectors like banking finance, heavy engineering, public sector, diamond business, woolen industries, textile industries, tea-coffee business, tobacco business, cosmetics, Reliance industries, Reliance capital, Reliance power, TATA power, and Adani power etc. will enjoy great benefits. A slight downfall is expected from October 18. Stock market will become weak due to profit sharing. Sectors like public sector, electrical equipments business, information technology, computer software, paper printing, shipping mills, advertising companies, and pharma sector will face more weakness. In these sectors, downfall will even increase after October 29. But, sectors like banking finance, diamond business, electrical power business, cosmetics, entertainment and film industry, and petroleum oil business will enjoy great profits. October 1 st , 5 th , 8 th , 9 th , 12 th , 13 th , 14 th , 16 th , 28 th and 29 th will take stock market up and October 5 th , 6 th , 7 th , 19 th , 20 th , 23 rd , 26 th , and 27 th will slow down the business of share market.
November 2015
During the beginning of this month, Mercury & Sun will remain in Libra; Mars, Jupiter & Venus in Leo; Saturn in Scorpio; Rahu in Virgo and Ketu & Uranus will remain in Pisces. On November 3, Mars and Venus will enter in Virgo, on 16th, Sun will enter in Scorpio and on November 17, Mercury will enter in Scorpio. Saturn will combust in West on November 12. From November 3 onwards, growth will slow down in the share market and deflation will increase. The whole market will start falling down with a two-way approach. Offloading will increase. A lack of investors will be there. As per nifty 2015 predictions this situation will continue till November 16. During this time of depression, if investors will invest in shares of public sector, steel business, leather industries, computer software, shipping mills, information technology, and motor-car companies, then they will earn a good amount of profit in less time. From November 17 onwards share market will once again experience inflation. This is going to be a boom for market and sectors like O.N.G.C, oil India, I.O.C, woolen textiles, coal industries, leather business, transport companies, motor-car companies, computer software, paper printing and pharma sector will experience it majorly. This growth of sensex-nifty will continue till the end of the month. Dates of November 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 10 th , 11 th , and 12 th will slow down the pace of growth in stock market. Dates like November 9 th , 13 th , 17 th , 18 th , 19 th , 23 rd , 24 th , 25 th and 27 th will take share market up. Inflation will start after November 13.
December 2015
In the beginning of the month, Sun, Mercury and Saturn will be in sign Scorpio; Mars in Virgo; Jupiter in Leo; Venus in Libra; Rahu in Virgo, and Uranus & Ketu will remain in Pisces. On December 6, Mercury will enter in Sagittarius; on December 16, Sun will enter in Sagittarius and on December 24, Mars will enter in Libra. On December 13, Mercury will rise in West and on December 17, Saturn will rise in Sun. Public sector, heavy engineering, woolen mills, oil and digging companies (O.N.G.C, I.O.G and Reliance Petro etc.), tea-coffee business, banking-finance, capital companies, diamond business, coal industries, leather business will grow rapidly till December 16. Share market will start slipping down a bit from December 17 onwards and this downfall will increase further after December 26. Sensex-nifty predictions are advising you to invest carefully after December 16, because stock market may go up and down.
Note : Share Market will do great this month. Invest cautiously and take maximum benefits.
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