Rahu Transit 2015
Rahu transited into Virgo in July, 2014 and will stay here throughout 2015. Being a shadowy planet of demonic nature, Rahu will hit all the zodiac signs with this transit. Let’s see what our astrologer Pt. Deepak Dubey says about this transit.
Rahu will not change its zodiac
sign in 2015. Rahu transit took place in July 2014 in
Virgo zodiac sign and for the whole of 2015, Rahu will remain in the same
During this period, Rahu will transit through last three Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, all four Pada of Hasta Nakshatra and first two Pada of Chitra Nakshatra, as per horoscope 2015. Virgo is considered as an exalted sign for Rahu (some of the astrologers believe Gemini to be the exalted sign for Rahu, but Rahu remains happy in the zodiac signs of Mercury ). Rahu is a shadowy planet and as per the legend, Rahu is head of a demon. Hence, Rahu's impact is felt most on brain i.e. it affects the thinking abilities of a person. The color of Rahu is considered as the color of smoke. It is believed that at the time of smoke or fog, a person's visibility decreases; similarly, due to the effects of Rahu a person cannot see a proper way in life. The person having impacts of Rahu gets trapped under delusion and the decision making abilities also get affected. As a result, almost all the decisions turn unfavorable. Due to the demoniac nature of Rahu, the person remains angry and argues all the time.
Let’s see what will be the effects of Rahu transit 2015 on Virgo zodiac sign. The readers should keep in mind that the predictions are generic keeping the position of Rahu, in mind. The accuracy of the predictions and the differences in the predictions are affected by many other factors namely – good-bad condition of Rahu during birth, present period/sub-period. Hence, consult some expert astrologer before taking any important decision.
Note : This prediction has been done on the basis of ascendant (Lagna) not on the basis of Sun, Moon or name zodiac sign.
Rahu transit horoscope 2015 predictions for Aries tell that it is posited in sixth house, hence, your enemies will increase and decrease with course of time. You will get relief from debts. This transit will give you domestic happiness and mental peace. You will get success in journeys. However, there may be some stomach related problems, as per Rahu transit astrology 2015.
The transit of Rahu in fifth house is not considered favorable, especially for studies or competitions, as per Rahu transit astrology 2015. There are chances of problems due to children or some differences may rise up, as per horoscope 2015 predictions. According to Rahu transit 2015 horoscope, you will get money all of a sudden, but it will not stay with you; instead, it might bring problems for you. Hence, do not involve in any new task in excitement, as suggested by Rahu transit horoscope 2015 astrology. Try to stay away from the urge of earning money by shortcut, as predicted by Rahu transit 2015 horoscope. Pregnant women need to take care of their health.
Rahu transit horoscope 2015 foretells that Rahu is posited in fourth house, which is not considered favorable. There may be a decline in domestic happiness and some unnecessary disputes may occur. You might go away from your home. If Rahu is auspicious at the time of birth, there are chances of getting a new home or vehicle. Rahu transit astrology 2015 predicts that it will bring respect and honor.
Your courage will increase immensely, according to Rahu transit horoscope 2015. Your thinking abilities will be worth appreciation. All the decisions taken by you will give positive results. You will get good position and respect. There are chances of some differences with your siblings. However, the present position of Rahu will be in your favor. As per Rahu transit astrology 2015, the one's who are into politics will see a good time.
Rahu is posited in second house and hence, it will give mixed results, as per Rahu transit horoscope 2015 predictions. If the position of Rahu is good, it will give monetary benefits; but if the position is not good, you might find difficulty in accumulating wealth. You may not have control over usage of words and are expected to use harsh words. Conflicts with loved ones are foreseen to Rahu transit astrology 2015. You may also be involved in some addiction. During Rahu transit in 2015, any addiction or bad habits may give adverse effects.
The exalted Rahu posited in ascendant will give you good strategic abilities. According to Rahu transit astrology 2015, the result of Rahu in this zodiac sign will be affected by Mercury's position. If Rahu is auspicious at time of birth, you may get good results. Your thinking abilities will sharpen, but in negative manner. The present position of Rahu is not favorable for married life and Rahu transit horoscope 2015 predicts chances of some differences with the life partner. During this time period, health may disturb you. Some useless journeys and unwanted people may irritate you. There are chances of facing some legal matters, as predicted by Rahu transit 2015 predictions.
Rahu is posited in twelfth house and this will bring expenses. Rahu transit in 2015 will lead to unnecessary journeys. However, there are chances of foreign trip that will bring good results, as per Rahu transit 2015 horoscope. Your enemies will face defeat and you will get success in legal matters. But, there will be decline in domestic happiness. If your birth chart has issues in married life, they may increase in this time period. According to Rahu transit astrology 2015, the problem may even lead to separation from your life partner.
According to Rahu transit horoscope 2015, this transit will happen in your eleventh house. This position is said to be the giver of immense wealth; however, it is dependent on the position of Rahu at the time of birth. However, there will be bright chances of getting monetary benefits, but it is quite doubtful about the duration for which this money will stay with you. Rahu transit astrology 2015 predicts that Rahu of eleventh house may give some problems in education. Issues related to children are also possible. Pregnant women should take special care of their health.
Rahu transit horoscope 2015 foretells that exalted Rahu is posited in tenth house. This will give immense success in political field. During this time period, you will develop relation with influential people along with increase in your social circle. To achieve success, you will adopt every possible way. As per Rahu transit astrology 2015, you may get paternal property, but after some disputes. If any dispute increases, try to go for out-of-court settlement; otherwise, they may turn problematic. Overall, as per Rahu transit 2015 predictions, the time will be good and influential.
Rahu is posited in ninth house, which indicates some problems related to luck. This will create differences with the siblings and you may have to work hard for accomplishment of any work, as per Rahu transit horoscope 2015. If you get success in some all of a sudden, don’t get excited about it, as it may bring some tragedy with it.
The position of Rahu in eighth house is not suitable for your health, as per Rahu transit horoscope 2015. If Kaal Sarp Yoga is forming from this position in birth chart, Rahu-Ketu or weak moon is present, serious precautions are needed. According to Rahu transit astrology 2015 astrology predictions, you need to stay alert from evil strategies of your enemies. There are chances of some problems in married life. Some useless disputes may arise. However, Rahu transit 2015 horoscope predictions tell that you may get unexpected monetary benefits.
Rahu will be posited in seventh house, during this transit. There are chances of some unreasonable problems in married life, as per Rahu transit horoscope 2015. You may also have to face some false allegations. Also, you may feel embarrassed because of any female. As per suggestions of Rahu transit astrology 2015, you will have to put lots of efforts to improve your financial conditions. Due to some adverse conditions, you may have to take debts. Conflicts with colleagues are also possible. There are chances of some disputes and losses in business, according to Rahu transit 2015 horoscope. You may change your job. Overall the time is quite unfavorable; therefore, try to have patience.
Note : Rahu's effects are similar to Saturn, which means, it gives slow effects but for a long duration. The person affected by Rahu does not recover soon even after applying the remedies, as the person doesn't find stability in thoughts and indulges in useless arguments. The person affected by Rahu doesn't accept anyone's advice and does not bring stability in behavior. Hence, it is believed that treating a person affected by Rahu is very difficult. However, you may try out the following remedies with full faith and patience as protective measures. This will surely help you:
- Rahu affects mostly the thinking-ability of a person. A person is not able to take wise decisions; hence, performing remedies for Mercury are beneficial. Rahu indicates ignorance and its malefic effects get diminished by Mercury. Hence, chant Mantra of Mercury. Wearing emerald also acts as a remedy.
- If Rahu is auspicious and powerful in the birth chart, chant the Mantra – 'Om Ram Rahave Namah' (ॐ रां राहवे नमः).
- Worshiping Goddess Saraswati will be beneficial.
- If there is some major problem, worship Batuk Bhairav and offer Imarti (sweet dish) to him, every Sunday.
- If there are issues of disease, enemy or finances, seek help from Rudrabhishek. It is a very effective remedy. Chant Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and wear Rudraksha Mala.
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