Annaprashan Sanskar Muhurat 2015 - Annaprasana Sanskar Muhurat 2015 - Baby Feeding Ceremony 2015
Annaprashan Sanskar Muhurat 2015 is here to provide you the most auspicious days of the coming year when you can feed you baby with the first bite of his/her life. Plan this sacred day under the most favorable stars and let heaven shower blessings & longevity on the apple of your eye.
Here we are with Annaprashan Sanskar Muhurat dates for 2015. With these auspicious
Muhurats, you can perform the Annaprashan ceremony of your baby in the most auspicious
time. Let us start reading this highly informative article on Annaprashan Sanskar
Muhurat dates for 2015.
Annaprashan Muhurat 2015: What Is Baby Feeding Ceremony?
The term ‘Annaprashan’ has been taken from the Sanskrit language and refers to grain initiation. This is that auspicious Sanskar when a baby takes solid food item for the very first time in his/her life. Once Anna Prashan Sanskar is performed, different types of food items are safe to add in his/her diet. As per Hinduism, Annaprashan ceremony is conducted before the first birthday of the child, preferably anytime from six months. For the boy child, even month is selected; whereas, odd month is selected for the baby girl.
Get to know the Annaprasana Sanskar Ceremony Muhurat 2015 dates through the Annaprasana Sanskar Ceremony Muhurat 2015 table given below:
Annaprasana Sanskar Ceremony Muhurat 2015 Dates Table
Date | Tithi | Day | Special Comments |
2 January | Paush Shukla 11 | Friday | In Trayodashi |
5 January | Paush Shukla 14 | Monday | Punarvasu Conjoining In Purnima |
7 January | Magh Krishna 2 | Wednesday | In Paushya |
12 January | Magh Krishna 7 | Monday | After Bhadra (In Saptami) |
14 January | Magh Krishna 20 | Thursday | In Swati |
23 January | Magh Krishna 3 | Friday | In Tritiya |
26 January | Magh Shukla 7 | Monday | In Revati |
29 January | Magh Shukla 10 | Thursday | Before Afternoon (In Rohini) |
9 February | Falguni Krishna 5 | Monday | In Panchami |
11 February | Falguni Krishna 7 | Wednesday | After Bhadra (In Swati) |
16 February | Falguni Krishna 12 | Monday | Before Vyatipaat In Troyodashi |
23 Feburary | Falguni Shukla 5 | Monday | In Panchami |
27 February | Falguni Shukla 9 | Monday | Before Afternoon (In Dashmi) |
18 March | Chaitra Krsihna 13 | Wednesday | In Trayodashi |
20 March | Chaitra Krishna 30 | Friday | Uttara Bhadra (In Amavasya) |
26 March | Chaitra Shukla 7 | Thursday | Before Afternoon |
6 April | Vaishakh Krishna 6 | Monday | In Swati |
13 April | Vaishakh Krishna 9 | Monday | In Dashmi |
17 April | Vaishakh Krishna 13 | Friday | In Trayodashi |
23 April | Vaishakh Shukla 5 | Thursday | In Mrigshira |
1 May | Vaishakh Shukla 13 | Friday | Before Afternoon |
6 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 2 | Wednesday | In Anuradha |
13 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 10 | Wednesday | In Shatbhisaa |
14 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 12 | Wednesday | In Trayodashi |
20 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 2 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon |
22 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 4 | Friday | In Afternoon (After Bhadra) |
28 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 10 | Thursday | Till Afternoon |
8 June | Shukla Ashadh Krishna 6 | Monday | Before Bhadra |
11 June | Shukla Ashadh Krishna 9 | Thursday | Bhadra |
18 June | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 2 | Thursday | Before Afternoon In Puranrvasu |
19 June | Ashwin Asadh Shukla 3 | Friday | Before Afternoon |
26 June | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 9 | Friday | Before Afternoon (In Dashmi) |
3 July | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 1 | Friday | In Dwitiya |
6 July | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 5 | Monday | In Shatbhisa |
8 July | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 7 | Wednesday | In Saptami |
10 July | Ashwin Ashadh Shukla 9 | Friday | Dashmi Conjoining In Ashwani |
13 July | Shukla Ashadh Shukla 12 | Monday | In Trayodashi |
17 July | Shukla Ashadh Shukla 1 | Friday | In Dwitiya |
23 July | Shukla Asadh Shukla 7 | Thursday | Before Afternoon |
31 July | Shukla Asadh Shukla 14 | Friday | After Bhadra (Before afternoon) |
5 August | Shravan krishna 6 | Wednesday | In Saptami |
6 August | Shravan krishna 7 | Thursday | In Ashwini |
12 August | Shravan Shukla 13 | Wednesday | In Trayodashi |
17 August | Shravan Shukla 3 | Monday | Before Afternoon (In Uttar Falguni ) |
19 August | Shravan Shukla 4 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon (In Panchami) |
20 August | Shravan Shukla 5 | Thursday | In Panchami |
21 August | Shravan Shukla 6 | Friday | Before Afternoon (In Saptami) |
27 August | Shravan Shukla 12 | Thursday | Before Afternoon (In Trayodashi) |
28 August | Shravan Shukla 13 | Friday | In Trayodashi |
31 August | Bhadrapad krishna 2 | Monday | In Uttar Bhadra |
2 September | Bhadrapad Krishna 4 | Wednesday | In Panchami |
16 September | Bhadrapad Shukla 3 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon |
23 September | Bhadrapad Shukla 10 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon (In Uttar Asadha) |
30 September | Ashwin Krishna 3 | Wednesday | In Ashwini |
2 October | Ashwin Krishna 5 | Friday | Rohini Conjoining In Panchami |
12 October | Ashwin Krishna Shukla 30 | Monday | In Ayendrayog |
14 October | Ashwin Shukla 1 | Wednesday | Before Bhadra (In Dwitiya) |
15 October | Ashwin Shukla 2 | Thursday | In Swati |
16 October | Ashwin Shukla 3 | Friday | Anuradha Conjoing In Tritiya |
23 October | Ashwin Shukla 10 | Friday | In Dashmi |
29 October | Kritika Krishna 2 | Thursday | Before Bhadra In Rohini |
2 November | Kritika Krishna 7 | Monday | After Bhadra (In Saptami) |
9 November | Kritika Krishna 13 | Monday | In Trayodashi |
11 November | Kritika Shukra 30 | Wednesday | In Swati |
13 November | Kritika Shukla 2 | Friday | Before Afternoon |
18 November | Kritika Shukla 7 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon |
27 November | Mrigshira Krishna 2 | Friday | Mrigshira |
30 November | Marg Krishna 5 | Monday | In Panchami |
10 December | Marg Krishna 14 | Thursday | Amavasya Conjoing (In Anuradha) |
14 December | Marg Shukla 3 | Monday | Before Afternoon |
16 December | Marg Shukla 5 | Wednesday | Before Afternoon |
25 December | Marg Shukla 15 | Friday | In Mrigshira |
We are sure you must have gone through these rewarding Annaprashan Muhurat dates of 2015. Let’s move on to other aspects of this ritual.
Annaprashan Muhurat 2015: The Best Place For Baby Feeding Ceremony
Annaprashan Sankar can be carried out at home as well as at temple, it’s one’s own choice. People of Kerala mostly perform this ritual at the famous Guruvayoor temple. A priest is invited while conducting Anna Prashan Sanskar at home.
Annaprashan Muhurat 2015: How is Baby Feeding Ceremony Performed?
After choosing the place and Muhurat of Anna Prashan Sanskar ceremony, the ritual is performed with zeal & enthusiasm. The baby is bathed and dressed in traditional clothes.
The ceremony begins with a holy Havan performed by the priest for the welfare and prosperity of the baby. When the Havan comes to its end, Prasad or the first bite of food is offered to the baby. To increase the celebration level, relatives and close friends are called.
Annaprashan Muhurat 2015: What Kind Of Food You Should Offer To The Baby?
Being the first solid food item of the baby, it is very important to keep in mind the correct eatables. To keep the diet simple and comfortable for the baby, Kheer (sweet rice porridge) is offered him/her. Other options are well-cooked Dal or plain mashed rice.
Annaprashan Muhurat 2015: Some Important Points
You are all prepared to enjoy the Annaprashan Sanskar of your baby and to keep that spirit alive, we have come up with some really useful tips for you. Make sure you follow them and make Annaprashan ceremony of your baby more fruitful.
- Baby should be well-rested and have a joyful mood.
- Before feeding your angel, wash your hands thoroughly.
- Food prepared for the baby should be fresh and hygienic.
- As this is the first time your baby is switching from liquid to solid diet, don’t feed him/her excessively. A few teaspoonfuls are enough.
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