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Sun Transit In Leo (17th August, 2023)

Sun Transit In Leo: Dear readers, the king of our zodiac, Sun is getting back to his home Leo sign, so we can say that this transit of the Sun is very impactful for all, because the Sun is our natural Atma Karak, which also represents one’s soul. It is the planet that signifies your dignity, self-respect, ego and career. It controls your dedication, your stamina, vitality, willpower, respect in society, leadership quality. It is the Karaka planet for your father, the government, leaders, politicians, king and your higher authorities. If you talk about body parts it signifies your heart and bones. 

Read Everything About Sun Transit In Leo

Know The Impact Of Sun Transit In Leo On Your Life From Best Astrologers On Call!

And now on 17th August 2023 at 13:23 hours IST it is getting back to its own sign Leo. It is the fifth sign of our zodiac. It is a fixed sign, fiery and masculine in nature. represents government, administration, self respect, ambition, leadership quality, social image, self centered approach, ego, show, glamor, creativity, arts, royalty, luxury. So, we can say that the Sun Transit In Leo is going to be very good for the authoritative and government people. Politicians and leaders can use their power for the welfare and positive impact on society. This transit will also prove beneficial for the artistic people as Leo is the sign of creativity. But, being specific for natives, the effect of the transit will depend upon the Sun's placement in the natal chart and the Dasha of the natives and as per the house the Sun is transiting in.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: सूर्य का सिंह राशि में गोचर (17 अगस्त 2023)

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Sun Transit In Leo on your life.


The Sun is the ruler of the fifth house for Aries native and now it transits in its own sign and the fifth house for Aries native, which represents our education, love relations, children and it is also the house of Purva Punya house. So, Sun Transit In Leo is going to be fruitful for Aries students. Their concentration power, energy and intelligence will be really high so they can make full benefits of it for the betterment of their studies. Aries parents will receive happiness from their children, with their achievements or any other way but still they need to have a watch over their behavior, they may act cogent during this time. But, yes this is the time when you can enjoy the company of your children and spend quality time with them to make your bond strong.

For the Aries' love birds this is not favorable transit because despite being the fifth lord transiting in its own house sun is a planet which represents ego, anger and these feeling are not good for relationship so, with this Sun Transit In Leo in your house of love could bring some anger and ego issues in your love life. From the fifth house the aspect of Sun on the eleventh house will be good in terms of financial aspects. You will get the perks of all the hard work you have put in at your workplace. But, natives who are involved in speculation or ill legal betting need to be conscious as they could face losses. Overall, this time will be favorable for the Aries natives. Just try to avoid overreacting on trivial things and keep yourself calm.

Remedy- Offer Arghya to the Sun every Morning.

Aries Weekly Horoscope


The Sun is the ruling lord of the fourth house for Taurus native and is transiting in its own sign and the fourth house for Taurus native which represents your mother, domestic life, home, vehicle, property. So, dear Taurus native Sun Transit In Leo over your fourth house will give you mixed results. This will fill up your mother with new energy, good immunity and health but not the negative side, she might get authoritative and a little bit dominating during this time which could be the reason for clashes with her. 

Taurus natives will be benefited for sure, will get the respect and recognition in the society. It's a good time for making investments in property or buying a home, you can plan to do it with partnership with your mother or on her name. But, on the other hand as mentioned above, the fourth house rules our domestic life and the Sun is the Karka of ego and anger so due to unnecessary ego clashes and verbal conflicts, the atmosphere of your house could get disturbed. So please, try to keep the atmosphere of your house peaceful and avoid conflicts and disagreements as small fights could convert into drastic fights. 

And from the fourth house, the Sun is also aspecting your tenth house, which will benefit you in your professional life. You will be able to impress your seniors and people in authority and will also get their support but because the Sun loses its directional strength in the fourth house, you may feel directionless and run out of planning so for that you are advised to seek guidance from your mentors during Sun Transit In Leo.

Remedy - Organize Ramayan path at home if possible, otherwise worship lord Ram regularly.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


The Sun is the lord of the third house for gemini and is transiting in its own sign and the third house represents your siblings, hobbies, short distance travel, communication skills and Sun is present here in its own sight. So dear Gemini natives during this time due to Sun Transit In Leo, you will be filled with courage and confidence, very authoritative and dynamic in your communication. 

So, this period is good for Gemini people in the field of marketing, social media, or in a consultation job where communication is the key because during Sun Transit In Leo, you will be very impactful in your communication. The third house is the house of younger siblings so, Gemini natives will get good support from their siblings but they can also face ego problems with them. And as from the third house the Sun is also aspecting your ninth house of Dharma, father, long-distance travel, pilgrimage and luck, so the relationship with your father will be good and he will appreciate your good work, and you will be also inclined towards religious activity and studies.

Remedy - Gift something special in red color to your younger siblings.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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For Cancer natives, Sun holds the lordship of the second house for Cancer natives and is now transiting in its own sign and second house of the family, speech and savings. So, dear Cancer natives, the Sun’s presence in the second house will make you very authoritative, straightforward and blunt in your speech, which might end up hurting someone, create conflict with family members and even the native will not like it themselves. 

But Sun Transit In Leo is a good time for professional life, especially for people who work in the finance sector or as local politicians, as you can come up with many innovative ideas and will be able to deliver that. You will also get the support from your family. And as Sun is placed in the second house, aspecting the eighth house, so the people or students who are in research work or occult science like Astrology, Numerology or any other branch will be benefited with this transit for new learnings and starting their practice.

Remedy- Chant Gayatri Mantra '108' times every morning.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


The Sun & the lord of your ascendant for Leo natives is transiting over your ascendant. Hence, you will be bursting with energy, good health, immunity and self-confidence due to this Sun Transit In Leo but on the negative side it could make you aggressive, egoistic and anger prone in nature. Sun Transit in Leo will make your personality very attractive, royal and presentable, your presence will be noticeable everywhere. You will be really good in commanding and guiding others hence your leadership and decision-making abilities will impress everyone and will be appreciated. 

As the Sun is the Karaka of professional life you will find a lot of opportunities coming to you. As it also rules your body, this is the time when you can take your health, fitness and energy to the next level, so; it is suggested to invest time on your body as it will give positive results. From the first house, Sun is also aspecting your seventh house, house of partnership and marriage, which is not favorable for marriage happiness, during this period due to your dominant nature and some unnecessary ego clashes, your relationship with your partner may see ups and downs. Hence, Sun Transit In Leo is requested to pay extra attention towards your married life and avoid conflicts.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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Dear virgo natives the Sun is the Lord of the twelfth house and is transiting in its own sign and twelfth house. The twelfth house represents foreign land, isolation houses, hospitals, foreign companies like MNCs. so virgo natives due to the twelfth lord transiting in the twelfth house will make you very competitive in nature. And will give you mixed results because in general sun is the Karaka for immunity and health. Due to Sun Transit In Leo, you might face health issues, low on energy so you are advised to pay attention towards your health. 

Maintain good hygiene and have a balanced diet. As the twelfth house is also the house of expenses and losses; so Sun Transit In Leo may increase your expenses or losses so be careful to avoid that. But, on the positive side Sun transit is the twelfth house of foreign land and the Sun in itself is the representative of the government, authority, leading MNC so Virgo natives can benefit from any foreign land, government or people working in MNC if your Dasha is suitable. Chances of overseas travel are also there for Virgo natives. And from the twelfth house, the Sun's aspect on the sixth house is good for students preparing for government service or any other competitive exams. People fighting any legal battle will have the time in their favor.

Remedy - Feed Jaggery mixed with chapatis to cows. 

Virgo Weekly horoscope


The Sun has the lordship of the eleventh house for Libra natives and is now transiting in its own sign and in the eleventh house. The eleventh house signifies financial gains, desires, elder siblings, paternal family members and so on. So, dear Libra native with the Sun Transit In Leo in the eleventh house in its own sign, you will surely get the support of your elder sibling, paternal uncle and paternal family. You will experience financial gains and rise in social status. Your desires will come true. You will also get the appreciation, recognition and monetary gain of all the hard work done in the last one year for career and business. As Sun is transiting in the eleventh house and aspecting the fifth house of children, studies and romantic relationship; so Sun Transit In Leo will give a good result and make the Libra parents proud of their children's achievements and accomplishments. Libra students will be benefited but they have to work really hard. 

Remedy - Keep a red handkerchief in your pocket or wallet. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope


Dear Scorpio natives, your tenth lord Sun is transiting in its own sign and your tenth house house of profession, workplace. So, the Scorpio native Sun gets the directional strength in the tenth house so due to Sun Transit In Leo, you will be benefited in your professional life. You will be loaded with new opportunities, especially people working in the government sector, politicians, MNC, surgeon doctors. People in the business sector will also be benefited from Government or higher authorities. Due to this position of Sun you will have a new energy at work and your leadership qualities will be appreciated by others.

But yes during Sun Transit In Leo, you will have high self-respect, which may sometimes turn into ego and arrogance as well and be misinterpreted by others. So, you are advised to be alert about it and take criticism positively; otherwise, your ego will be boosted, which can negatively impact your professional life and create problems in the future. And from the tenth house, the Sun is aspecting the fourth house of mother, domestic happiness, so you will get the support of your mother but due to some ego clashes and anger, domestic happiness can get hindered and due to your professional commitments you don't pay attention to your home witch will disturb your domestic life.

Remedy- Offer Arghya to the Sun every morning with red rose petals in it.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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The Sun is the lord of the ninth house and is transiting in its own sign and your ninth house. The ninth house is the house of Dharma, father, long distance travel, pilgrimage, luck etc. So, dear Sagittarians native Sun is Bhagyesh for you, so the lord of your luck is transiting in its own house and we can say that luck is by your side. Talking about the professional life of Sagittarius native, Sun Transit In Leo is a very good time for consultants, mentors, and teachers at this time they can easily influence, convince and motivate others. 

Students who are planning for higher studies in foreign land have a good chance to pursue that. You will also get the support of your father, Guru and mentors. Sun Transit In Leo is also a very good time for long distance travel and pilgrimage. You will also be inclined towards a religious path and will try to increase your good Karma. And from the ninth house, the Sun aspect on the third house will boost your confidence and courage. You will be very influential in your communication as well. You will also get the support of your younger siblings. 

Remedy- Respect your father and take his blessings before leaving home.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


Dear Capricorn native, the Sun rules your eighth house and has the natural enmity with the Capricorn lord Saturn and now the Sun is transiting in its own sign and in your eighth house, the house of longevity, sudden happenings, secrecy. So, this time of Sun transit in the eighth house is a challenging time for Capricorn natives. Firstly, this is not a favorable time for your health, you might face heart related, bones related problems. 

So, you are advised to take very good care of your health and focus on a healthy diet and lifestyle and also be more alert while traveling to avoid a sudden event. A lot of sudden happenings can also give mental restlessness. Your relationship with your in-laws could get disturbed. But, on the positive side people who are inclined towards research or occult studies like astrology can utilize this time for learning, even students pursuing PHd and research will also be benefited. And from the 8th house, the Sun is aspecting your second house of finance. Hence, avoid unnecessary financial expenses; otherwise you might have to go through a financial crunch during Sun Transit In Leo.

Remedy- Donate jaggery and black roasted Chana in temples on Tuesdays.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


Dear Aquarius natives, Sun has the natural enmity with your ascendant lord Saturn and for you it is the lord of the seventh house and is transiting in its own sign and the seventh house of marriage, life partner and partnership in business. So, dear Aquarius natives due to this Sun Transit In Leo, your partner will get new opportunities in life and will flourish. 

But this transit is not favorable for your married life because Sun being a hot planet and planet of ego anger and aggressiveness; so it can cause unnecessary ego clashes and arguments with your partner due to which your relationship with your partner may see a tuff time. So, please pay extra attention to your married life and avoid being egoistic and dominating. And from the seventh house, Sun is aspecting your ascendant, so this is the time when you can take your health, fitness and energy to the next level, so it is suggested to invest time on your body as it will give positive results, but yes because Sun is also the Karka for ego and anger so you are advised to have a watch over your behavior during Sun Transit In Leo.

Remedy- Donate Pomegranate in the temple on Sundays.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


The Sun is your sixth house ruler transiting in its own sign and the sixth house represents enemies, dieses, competition, maternal uncles etc. So, dear Pisces native this Sun Transit In Leo will prove beneficial for students preparing for government service or any other competitive exams. You will be successful, if you are working in an administrative or a government position. 

You will also get the support of your maternal uncle. Even natives who are facing a legal litigation will get the result in their favor. Your enemies will be destroyed, they will not be able to harm you in any sense. From a health point of view, you could face some health issues like digestive problems, kidney stones or infection, but yes you will recover soon. And from the sixth house, Sun is aspecting your twelfth house which will increase your expenses due to many reasons. There are also some overseas travels seen on the chart during Sun Transit In Leo.

Remedy - Recite the Aditya Hriday Stotra every day. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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