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Mercury Transit In Virgo

In this article, you will learn everything about Mercury Transit In Virgo. How Mercury the planet for intelligence will be conferring its results for each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces. This phenomenon is occurring on October 1, 2023 at 20:29 hrs. 

An Insight Into Mercury Transit In Virgo On 1 October, 2023

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें: कन्या राशि में बुध का गोचर (1 अक्टूबर, 2023)

Mercury is the indicator for logic, intelligence and learning. Without learning one cannot survive in this world. Learning is a way of showing the skills and how one does. Learning is gaining knowledge and one knowledge is power. Mercury gets exalted in Virgo on October 1, 2023 and Mercury’s other ruling sign is Gemini. Virgo is a dual sign and is the sixth sign of the natural zodiac. Here natives will be consistent in their efforts and how they succeed by way of learning and communication is explained. During the Mercury Transit in Virgo, telecommunication and business flourish. If Mercury gets exalted in Virgo, it loses itself in Pisces, the sign ruled by Jupiter that is it attains the state of debilitation.

Let us see the effect of Mercury Transit in Virgo and how this transit has its effect on the 12 zodiac signs. Further, this article deals with how the natives get results- positive or negative with respect to areas - Career/Business, Money, Relationship and Health.

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Mercury the planet for intelligence in Vedic Astrology is a planet with logic and it is feminine in nature. Mercury rules the third and sixth house as per natural zodiac. In this article, we are focussing on its positive and negative traits that it may confer. If Mercury is placed in its own signs, Gemini and Virgo, then it will generate highly efficient results. When Mercury is placed in Virgo in exalted sign and in a powerful position, then efficient results may be possible for the natives with respect to attaining success in business, trade and speculation. During this Mercury Transit in Virgo natives may be facing both positive and negative results. 

So let's go ahead and know through this special article what will be the impact of the upcoming Mercury Transit in Virgo,the lives of the 12 zodiac signs and what measures can be taken to avoid it.

Mercury Planet In Astrology

A strong Mercury may provide all the essential satisfaction in life, good health and a strong mind. A strong Mercury may provide the natives with all positive results with high success in attaining extreme knowledge and this knowledge may guide the natives with sound decision making with respect to business. Natives with strong Mercury in their horoscope may make them good and shine well in speculation practices, and trade. The natives may be flourishing extremely in occult practices like astrology, mystics etc. 

On the other hand, if Mercury combines with a bad association of planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars, there might be struggles and obstacles for the natives that the natives could be facing. If Mercury combines with Mars then the natives may be facing lack of intelligence and instead they may possess impulsiveness and aggression and if Mercury combines with malefics like Rahu/Ketu during Mercury Transit In Virgo, the natives might be facing health problems like skin related issues, lack of sound sleep and extreme nervous related problems. However, if Mercury is associated with benefic planets like Jupiter then positive results for the natives may get doubled with respect to their business, trade and speculative practices etc.

Mercury as we all know is the significator for intelligence, logic, education and communication skills. When Mercury goes weaker, then there might be insecure feelings among the natives, lack of concentration, lack of grasping power, memory loss sometimes possible for the natives. When Mercury Transits and gets strong especially in zodiac signs like Gemini and Virgo then, natives may derive all fortunes in learning, develop their intelligence, shine in business and especially in business with respect to speculation and trading etc. 

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Mercury Transit In Virgo on your life.

Mercury Transit In Virgo 2023 Zodiac Wise Prediction

Let us now look at the effects of Mercury Transit in Virgo 2023 on each zodiac sign, as well as possible remedies:


For the Aries natives, Mercury is the third and sixth house lord and occupies the sixth house during this transit.

The above movement may not be fine and may be giving obstacles in self development and efforts that you are pursuing. You need to plan a lot and schedule the same to meet with success. You may not be having the luck that is essential to see more good things in your favor during Mercury Transit in Virgo.

You may need to stick to more patience and possess the determination to get on with the time and taste more victory. There may be more worries for you regarding the future.

On the career front, you may need to be more focussed on carrying out your work with more promptness or otherwise you may be losing yourself. There may be a lack of recognition for the hard work that you are doing. You may be facing obstacles from your associates with respect to your job and they may in turn interfere in your work. This may in turn reduce your efficiency.

On the business front, if you are doing business, it may be a situation of tough fighting that you may be witnessing with your competitors. Due to the toughness that you are facing in your business, you may not be in a position to gain a high level of profits which will be required to stand as an example on pals along with your competitors.

On the financial front, during this transit, you may be put to the situation of facing more expenses and due to this you may need to opt for loans to meet your ever increasing commitments. You may need to go for the best in order to enhance your money gains and this will be required for your future. Money is power and gaining more money is power and due to this, you may need to stick to this principle of gaining good money.

On the relationship front, during Mercury Transit in Virgo you may be facing disputes in the family and unwanted arguments may be prevailing at stretch. These arguments may loosen the harmony with your life partner and the scope for good love might be missing. You may need to take care of your communication during this time and this could disturb the ultimate happiness with your life partner.

On the health front, you may be facing pain in your shoulders, ankles or suffer digestion related problems due to lack of immunity. It will be fine for you to consume food on time to keep yourself healthy.

Remedy-Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times.

Aries Weekly Horoscope


For Taurus natives, Mercury is the second and fifth house lord and occupies the fifth house in his own ruling sign.

Generally, this phenomenon may give good development with respect to finances and overall welfare. You may be able to enhance your benefits during Mercury Transit in Virgo with careful planning and you may spend most of the time making more money and concentrating on your family development.

On the career front, you will be in a position to excel and promote yourself to the top most level and gain acclaim from your superiors. There may be chances for new opportunities that you will receive and such openings will be growth oriented for you. You will be in a position to enhance your intelligence in your new job.

If you are doing business, then you will be in a position to gain good profits during this time. It will be fine if you are doing share business and doing such benefits will help you to land in further new business and make you a good businessman. You will be able to pose a challenging threat to your competitors and put a comfortable lead in business.

On the relationship aspect, you will be able to witness maturity in understanding with your life partner. There will be festival occasions in your family and you will be able to pass on these occasions with your life partner and cherish such golden moments.

On the health front, you may be in a comfortable position to maintain good health. You will be having good energy and this will be possible with your immunity in fine condition. You may be having minor health problems like skin irritations.

Remedy- Chant “Om Budhaya Namaha” daily 21 times.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


For Gemini natives, Mercury is the first and fourth house lord and it is placed in the fourth house.

Due to the above placement, you may be in a position to gain all material comforts and enhance your assets by spending on the same. During Mercury Transit in Virgo, you may be in a comfort zone of investing in new property and relish the same. You will be in a position to gain all assets. You will be witnessing festive occasions at your home.

When it comes to the career front, you will be in a position to exercise your impression and gain full control in doing your job with perfection. There will be higher positions coming to you and such positions will always keep you maintaining your supremacy over the work that you are doing. You will also be receiving due acclaim for the work in the form of promotion and incentives that you are doing.

When it comes to business, if you are doing business, this time may be a magic moment for you to witness a high level of profits. You will also secure further new business openings and such things will come to you as a blessing. Mercury Transit in Virgo may be fine for you to do real estate business and if you are doing this, then you may be able to gain a high level of profits and make yourself satisfied.

When it comes to finances, you will be in a position to witness an increase in money flow and with this, you will be aiming to spend and invest the money that you are gaining in purchasing properties and other assets. You will also be in a situation to benefit from such investments.

On the relationship front, this transit may be a smooth one and you will be very cool in dealing with your life partner and with your family members. There will be some good functions that you will be seeing in your home. You may be able to cherish such functions with your life partner.

Health for these natives during this time may be fine. They will be able to enjoy comforts and remain enthusiastic. There may be only small health problems for them.

Remedy- Chant ancient text-Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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For Cancer natives, Mercury is the third and twelfth house lord and its placement is in the third house.

You may be gaining moderately during Mercury Transit in Virgo. There could be obstacles in a high manner that you may be facing in their development. Delays in getting high benefits may be possible for you during this transit.

With respect to the career front, natives may be meeting with moderate results at work and there may be heavy work pressure and lack of recognition that these natives may be facing from their superiors. There may be troubles from subordinates that these natives may be facing. 

Natives who are doing business during Mercury Transit in Virgo may not be in a position to meet with much success in gaining more profits. There may be a short fall for them in gaining high profits. Business during this time may be favorable for those who are doing their business operations abroad. 

With respect to relationships, natives may be maintaining a low profile in maintaining an effective relationship with their life partner. There may be lack of happiness due to arguments and lack of proper understanding and this may be the reason for which such unpleasant things may be happening.

On the health front, natives belonging to this sign may be facing eye related problems and irritations during Mercury Transit in Virgo. This may be giving more concern for them. There may also be pain in teeth for these natives.

Remedy- Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 11 times.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


For Leo natives, Mercury is the second and eleventh house lord and occupies the second house. 

Due to the above, natives may be in a position to earn good money and fulfill their desires. They may be in a position to fulfill their ambitions during Mercury Transit in Virgo. Money may be more important to them, and planning for it will be the primary objective. Natives may go on long journeys during this period, which may provide them with a high amount of satisfaction.

In terms of their careers, this might be a fruitful time for them to win and emerge victorious. During this period, they may be able to demonstrate their leadership abilities and efficiency with ease. More travel may be available for them due to their work at this time. 

For the natives who are doing business may be in a position to gain access to high levels of profits during this time. They may be securing new business contacts which may fulfill their dreams and objectives during Mercury Transit in Virgo. Such new business contacts may bring more satisfaction for the natives belonging to this sign.

On the financial front, natives may face increased expenses during this period and may be unable to manage them. Their commitments may be considerable, and as a result, they may resort to borrowing for loans.

When it comes to relationships, these natives during this period may be able to gain access to happiness in relationships and gain satisfaction. More bonding and intimacy may be maintained by the natives during this period with their life partner. 

Health may be in a fine position during this transit for you. Natives may be possessing good energy with enthusiasm and this may get reflected in proper fitness.

Remedy- Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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For Virgo natives, Mercury is the first and tenth house lord and during this transit it occupies the first house.

Due to the above, natives belonging to this sign might have concern and worries about their future and all round prosperity. There may be frequent changes in life patterns which may not be healthy for your development. 

In terms of career, this time may not be so fine and there may be a lack of benefits that you may be facing in work. Due to lack of proper recognition from the superiors, you might think of changing jobs for better prospects. Some of you may go abroad for their job during Mercury Transit in Virgo. 

If you do business during this transit, you may face low risk of loss because there may be few opportunities to increase revenues. Anticipation is crucial for you to run a successful business. With regard to your business, you may face stiff rivalry from your competitors.

On the financial front, this may not be an easy journey for those born under this sign, since there may be pauses in earning additional money. There is a danger of loss if you are careless when traveling. Due to rising commitments, you may need to borrow more in the form of loans, which may result in poor income.

When it comes to relationships, you could witness less harmony in relationships. This may be due to lack of adjustment with your life partner which you need to avoid. 

Health may be moderate for natives belonging to this sign and there may be chances for digestive problems and hypertension during Mercury Transit in Virgo. So, it may be essential for you to stick to good health standards and accommodate yourself to a high level of energy during this time.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-havan for planet Jupiter on Thursday.

Virgo Weekly horoscope


For Libra natives, Mercury is the ninth and twelfth house lord and during this transit it occupies the twelfth house.

Due to the above, natives belonging to this sign might have concern and worries about their future and all round prosperity. There may be frequent changes in life patterns for the natives which might not be healthy for their development. 

In terms of their career, this time may not be so fine for the natives belonging to this sign and there may be a lack of benefits that these natives might be facing in their work. Due to lack of proper recognition from the superiors, natives may think of changing their career for better prospects. Some of them may go abroad for their job during Mercury Transit in Virgo. 

Natives who do business during Mercury Transit in Virgo may face a little risk of loss because there may be little opportunities to increase revenues. In order to run a successful business, natives must plan ahead of time. During the Mercury Transit in Virgo, there may be a lot of competition in the business.

On the financial front, this may not be a pleasant trip for natives of this sign, since there may be halts in meeting with more money. There is a possibility of loss owing to natives' irresponsibility while traveling. Because of rising commitments, natives have to borrow more in the form of loans, and as a result, natives may experience low periods. 

Relationships may be less harmonious for these natives. This could be related to a lack of adjustment with their life partner, which they should avoid. 

During Mercury Transit in Virgo, the natives' health may be moderate, with the possibility of stomach issues and hypertension. As a result, it may be essential to these people to maintain excellent health and adapt to a high level of energy throughout this time.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-havan for planet Ketu on Tuesday.

Libra Weekly Horoscope


For Scorpio natives, Mercury is the eighth and eleventh house lord and during this transit it occupies the eleventh house.

Due to this, you may be in a comfortable position to gain more and save more also. You may be in a state of position to fulfill your desires. You may be able to receive what you want during Mercury Transit in Virgo. There may be chances for you to gain via inheritance and such gains may be giving you a big surprise as you might have not expected such gains and benefits.

With respect to career, you may find this transit to be more useful and flexible. You may secure further new job chances which may guide you to identify yourself and your potential to superiors and colleagues. Securing promotion and other benefits may be possible for you during this time.

If you are in business, you may secure a new business and gain from such new business. You will be posing a threat to your competitors and emerge successfully in gaining more profits. This may be the time for you to sign up new business contacts and enter into new partnerships. You will be in a position to find out new strategies in business and make these strategies a successful venture.

On the financial side, you may be in a comfortable position to gain good money during Mercury Transit in Virgo. You will be in the zone of earning more money from inheritance, speculation etc. This transit may be the time for you to build your finances in a more broad manner.

On the relationship front, this transit will be a smooth time for you to mend a good relationship with your life partner. There will be more lovable feelings that you will be in a position to exchange with your life partner and such feelings may enhance the love.

On the health front, when it comes to health, you will be comfortable with a good level of energy. You will be having only small health issues like colds. As the time is favorable for you, mostly you will be fit.

Remedy- Chant Hanuman Chalisa.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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For Sagittarius natives, Mercury is the seventh and tenth house lord and during this transit it occupies the tenth house.

Due to the above facts, natives may be aiming for getting satisfaction by way of hard work and fortunes. Natives may be carrying out their tasks on the basis of common principles and adhere to the same.

With respect to the career front, this transit may be fine when it comes to getting new opportunities during Mercury Transit in Virgo with respect to jobs. You may be having more travel with respect to jobs and it may be traveling abroad. Some of you may be forced to change your jobs. 

If you are doing business, you might find this period filled with success and thereby earning a good amount of profits may be possible during Mercury Transit in Virgo. You may be able to compete well with competitors and evolve a winning formula and put a strong foundation for the business.

On the money side during this period, there will be less expenses to cover up the family needs. You may be able to gain more extra money in your career and build a reputation for yourself. You may be spending a good amount of money for noble and spiritual purposes.

When it comes to relationships, during this period you might not be having many relationship problems with your life partner and it may be a cordial time for you. You may be having cordial relationships with your life partner and there will not be any sort of ego related problems.

When it comes to health, you may need to spend for the health of your father. You may not have major problems with respect to health and only minor health problems. 

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Planet Rahu on Saturday.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


For Capricorn natives, Mercury is the sixth and ninth house lord and during this transit it occupies the ninth house.

Due to the above, natives belonging to this sign may be facing more obstacles in their efforts. More hard and tedious efforts need to be pursued by you and due to this success may not be easily possible during Mercury Transit in Virgo.

With respect to the career front, you may not be able to maintain high efficiency in making top progress in your job. There may be more work pressure for you during Mercury Transit in Virgo and also lack of recognition. Such things may cause worries for you. 

If you are doing business, you may find this transit to be less progressive and meeting with more success and establishing standards in running the business may not be easily possible. Heavy competition may be prevailing for you during this transit. 

On the financial side, earning a good amount of money may not be easily possible for you during Mercury Transit in Virgo. Expenses and huge commitments in the family may put the natives in trouble. It may not be an easy time for you to maintain high stability in maintaining finances.

When it comes to relationships, you might face disputes and arguments with your life partner. There may be differences in interaction and due to this there may not be closeness in relationships. Bonding may be at a low level. More adjustment is required by you to maintain smoothness.

Health may not be fine for you during Mercury Transit in Virgo. There may be a lack of immunity and this may get reflected in poor health and standard of living. You need to stick to good diet patterns and maintain uniformity in maintaining their physical fitness.

Remedy- Chant “Om Shiva Om Shiva Om” daily 11 times. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


For Aquarius natives, Mercury is the fifth and eighth house lord and during this transit it occupies the eighth house.

Due to the above, you may have concerns and worries about and all round prosperity. There may be frequent changes in life patterns for you which may not be healthy for their development. 

On the aspect of career, this time may not be so fine and there may be a lack of benefits that you may be facing in their work. Due to lack of proper recognition from the superiors, you may think of changing their career for better prospects. Some of you may go abroad for their job during Mercury Transit in Virgo

If you handle business during Mercury Transit in Virgo, you may face little risk of loss because there may be little opportunities for increased profits. In order to run a profitable business and gain more money, you must be anticipatory. During the Mercury Transit in Virgo, you may face intense competition in your business.

On the financial front, this may not be a pleasant trip for you if you are born under this sign, since there may be gaps in meeting with extra money. There is a danger of loss if you are careless when traveling. Because of rising commitments, you will need to borrow more in the form of loans, which may cause you to experience low patches.

When it comes to relationships, you may notice less harmony. This could be linked to a lack of adjustment you have with a life partner, which they should avoid.

Health may be moderate for you belonging to this sign and there may be possibility for digestive problems and hypertension during Mercury Transit in Virgo. So, it will be important for you to stick to good health standards and accommodate yourself to a high level of energy during this time.

Remedy- Chant “Om Shanaischaraya Namah” daily 17 times.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


For Pisces natives, Mercury is the fourth and seventh house lord and during this transit it occupies the seventh house.

Due to the above, you may be more conscious about relationships and thereby maintain good values in relationships. But there may be some worries and health problems during Mercury Transit in Virgo.

With respect to the career front, there may be job pressure on a high scale for you during this time. Due to this, committing errors may be possible. There may be a lack of standards for you in giving top performance and set targets for yourself to grow more in your job.

If you are doing business, you may not be able to gain high profits and there may be lack of stability in meeting high profits and meeting the growing needs of the business.

On the financial side, high money gains may not be possible for you during Mercury Transit In Virgo. There may be a high level of expenses which may make you ponder and bother about the same.

When it comes to relationships, if you're in love you may be witnessing absence of happiness in meeting finally with good bonding. Establishing good relationships may not be easily possible for you with their life partner. 

You may not be having good health during Mercury Transit in Virgo. You could face allergies that may curtail the standard of living. Consuming food on time may be essential for you to get in healthy condition.

Remedy-Chant “Om Gurave Namaha '' daily 21 times. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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