Mercury in Pisces
Know result of planet Mercury in Pisces Zodiac Sign (Mercury sign Pisces) as per Vedic Astrology
Mercury in Pisces according to Saravali: Should Mercury be in Pisces, one will be fond of good conduct and purity, will live in foreign countries, be issueless, poor, will have a chaste wife, be virtuous, fortunate, be devoid of religion, be skillful in stitching etc. and be devoid of profane knowledge, acquaintance with Sastras and fine arts, will be proficient in bagging other`s wealth and will be devoid of wealth.
Mercury in various houses according to Vedic Astrology
Mercury in various zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology
Mercury in various houses according to Lal Kitab
Remedies for Mercury
Planets in Astrology
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