Mercury in Gemini
Know result of planet Mercury in Gemini Zodiac Sign (Mercury sign Gemini) as per Vedic Astrology
Mercury in Gemini according to Saravali: If Mercury occupies Gemini at birth, the subject will have an auspicious appearance, will speak sweetly, be very affluent, be an able speaker, be honourable, will give up his happiness, will cohabit less, will have two wives, be fond of arguments, will be learned in Vedas, Sastras etc., be a poet, be independent, dear, very munificent, proficient in work and will have many sons and friends.
Mercury in various houses according to Vedic Astrology
Mercury in various zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology
Mercury in various houses according to Lal Kitab
Remedies for Mercury
Planets in Astrology
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