அடுத்த வாரத்தின் விருச்சிகம் ராசி பலன் - Adutha Vaarathin Viruchigam Rasi Palan

30 Dec 2024 - 5 Jan 2025
This week, your health will be better than last week and with your strong immunity, you will feel much better. This will be the reason that you will be able to get rid of chronic diseases this year. Also, your life will also be full of energy during this time. Due to Ketu being placed in the eleventh house with respect to the moon sign, this week you will continue to benefit from many sources. So at the beginning of this week, you are advised to make a good plan for your financial life. Because by doing this, you will be able to save your money to a great extent, as well as accumulate it. This week in your Family Life, you will expect more from others. Due to which family members may feel annoyed with you, which will only cause you trouble. Therefore, do not pressurize others about anything, and keep your expectations in check right from the beginning. This week, you will not hold back from pursuing any kind of illegal activity to gain momentum in Career. Doing so will incur satisfaction for some time, but in future you will find yourself in some big trouble. So avoid carrying out any wrong actions. In the field of education this week, students will see many positive changes.Those students who are dreaming of going abroad, this time will prove to be particularly fruitful.
Remedy: Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 11 times.

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