அடுத்த வாரத்தின் கும்பம் ராசி பலன் - Adutha Vaarathin Kumbam Rasi Palan

17 Mar 2025 - 23 Mar 2025
You also know this very well that the more you hide, the more sensitive you are emotionally. So you are most advised to avoid such situations, otherwise it can hurt you. Due to Jupiter being placed in the fourth house with respect to the moon sign, this week is going to be great for your financial life. However, those driving the vehicle are instructed to take a little more care while driving. Because it is possible that due to any damage, you may have to spend your money on it. Suddenly, you may get a new family-related responsibility this week. Because of this, all of your plans can get interrupted. During this time, you will feel yourself so caught up in domestic tasks that you may also feel that you are able to do more for others and less for yourself. Because of this, some anger can also affect your nature. Due to Saturn being placed in the first house with respect to the moon sign, this week is going to bring many new challenges in your professional life. It is possible that you are given new targets/goals to achieve. So to avoid difficult circumstances, you will have to use your contacts. All the earlier problems in education will get solved this week. With this, you will attain a good place in your field of education as well as get good results from it. Your mind will feel inclined towards education. Seeing this, your family members will also feel proud of you. However, at this time keep a distance from all those people who can waste your time on useless things.

Remedy: Donate curd rice to poor beggars on Saturday.
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