அடுத்த வாரத்தின் கடகம் ராசி பலன் - Adutha Vaarathin Kadagam Rasi Palan
17 Mar 2025 - 23 Mar 2025
This week, you will realise that people and close people around you are doing better than usual in their field of work. In this case, instead of feeling jealous of their success, you will have to appreciate their success and encourage them. With this, along with improving your image, you will also be able to fill positive energy inside you. Due to Rahu being placed in the ninth house with respect to the moon sign, it has been observed that you are often a little careless about wealth accumulation, the negative effect of which can cause financial crises in your life. So this week, you will need to seek advice from the members of your household while discussing saving money. Because, during this time, the advice and experience of your elders will prove to be helpful in improving your financial condition for the future. This week your knowledge will make an impact in the people around you. Due to Jupiter being placed in the eleventh house with respect to the moon sign, in terms of career and profession, the natives of your zodiac sign will get relief from their stress and ups and downs this week. Because this time is going to bring some good changes and unexpected events in your life, which you have been waiting for a long time. During this time, students studying IT, engineering, etc., will be able to achieve good results even after less hard work. Because as per the planetary combinations during this time, whatever exam you will give, you will get an opportunity to demonstrate your talent by getting good grades.
Remedy: Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Rahu on Saturday.