Moon in Shatabhisha

Know Result of Moon in Shatabhisha as per Vedic astrology

Shatabhisha nakshtra prediction : You believe in the philosophy of “Satyameva Jayate” (truth prevails). For truth, you can even surrender your life. There are some fixed principles in life, due to which you usually get into clashes with other people. You don’t do things in self-interest. Your heart is quite soft and you are quite religious. You are brave and courageous. Your intentions are quite strong and elevated and if you decided something once, you just finish it. You know your responsibilities and try to fulfill them properly. Your thinking is inspired from the politics and you are expert in political tricks. You don’t believe in doing too much physical labor; rather you use your brain more. Being self-willed, you prefer working freely rather in partnership. Your nature is a bit lazy as well and you like to have a lot of fun. You like to live a life full of bliss. Working like machine is something that you cannot do and want to cherish life freely. You don’t get panicked in any problem; rather face the situation boldly and fight with it. The belief and power you have gives you strength, which makes you win over any difficult situation. There is one more quality in your personality that if someone tries to be inimical with you, you just defeat them. Though you don’t get angry easily; but if you get, it is very difficult to control you. But, as you have a soft heart and intelligent mind, your anger flies away in no time. Once you decide something, you just don’t step back. You get successful in all fields of life because you are competent and brilliant. When you talk to someone, the other person becomes your fan. However, you don’t believe in show off and try to avoid it as much as possible. Your memory power is quite amazing and if you read something once, you remember it for long. You have literary talent in you and very soon, this talent will come in the limelight. Due to your good nature, you are quite popular.

Education & Income : You are capable of getting the highest qualification. In the fields of psychology or touch therapy, you can get expertise. You also have a special interest in astrology and you may also become a good as well as resolved expert astrologer. Also, you have the efficiency of earning name and fame in medical field. Favorable professions for you are electrician; chemotherapist; astronaut or astrologer; pilot; military trainer; film or television related works; film actor or artist; model; photographer; teacher or writer of science; works associated with nuclear physics; pharmaceutical works; doctor or surgeon; making of alcohol or works related to intoxicants; plastic or plastic production related works; petroleum related works; Yoga trainer; inventor; etc.

Family Life : There are possibilities that you may have to face many problems with your loved ones. Due to your generosity, you always stay ready to help others, but you yourself suffer from some mental stresses. Especially, there is some estrangement possible with brothers. You will get complete love from your parents. Your married life will be satisfying because you will love your spouse unconditionally. The one may be considered as the epitome of generosity. He/She will take good care of the family and also respect the elders. Your life partner will live a life like - “Do good and forget it.”

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