The Planet Mars in Astrology
If Sun is the ruling planet for fathers, and the Moon is for mothers; a dry, masculine,
fiery, red planet 'Mars' is ruling planet (Karka) for brothers in Astrology. Varied
cultural people have various faiths towards 'Mars'. Planet Mars gives both beneficial
and adverse impact by seeing its affiliations with other planets. 'Planet Mars'
or 'Mangal Grah' is of the important planets of the solar system comprised with
temperate and frosty zones. Space discovers conceive that 'Mars' is the fourth planet
with a mean distance of approximately 141 million from the Sun and it is red in
color. Comparatively to other planets, it is nearer to the earth. Planet Mars also
revolves around the Sun like earth, but at a different velocity. It completes its
journey round the Sun in 687 days. The diameter of Mars is near about 4,200 miles,
and it is smaller than the earth.
Religious notions towards 'Mars'
Different people across the Globe have different opinion towards planet Mars. In India, numerous devotees conceive it as one of the admired deities. Mars is lord 'Muruga' or 'Murugan' among Tamil Hindus. Bengal people accredit this lord with other name 'Kartikey'- son of Goddess Gouri and God Shiva, and brother of God Ganesha. In all over India, especially in south part of this county, people enunciate this lord with other names- 'Subramanya', 'Kumarswamy', 'Velayudham', or 'Vadievel'. Planet Mars is 'Mangal Grah' for Hindu People. And, Hindu devotee believes that keeping 'Mangal Grah yantra' at their pooja ghar (worship place) in home is fortunate to bring happiness and peace and to dispel fear in life. Buddhist and Roman people also have shown faith towards God Mars. In fact, Mars was held in high prestige and admiration in Roman Empire. He is also said to be the God of force, energy, dispute, destruction and war. In Bible, Mars is symbolized by the Devil. Further, Planet Mars envisages supreme power in celestial armies.
Impact of planet 'Mars' in one's life
Planet Mars rules the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. Astrologists say, Mars signify energy, both constructive and destructive, depending upon its position, aspects and location in the horoscope. People born with Mars as ruling planet possess some amazing characteristics. They are ambitions and independent, adventures, and unique in their nature. Beneficial Mars in horoscope always offers fine qualities like endurance, self-confidence, strength, courage, great organizing ability, independent spirit, and strong determination power. Conversely, if Mars is afflicted and weak in horoscope, it can show some negative impact for the native. Due to its affliction, native will be aggressive, short-tempered, harsh, violent and fond of drink. They don't like doing small things, and big achievements are always their targets. It is believed that many leaders, pioneers, worriers, and explorers are the infant of Mars. People born with Mars as ruling planet also possess special physical features. They are bestowed with white complexion with shade of reddish glow in face, tall, muscular, round-eyes and their waist will be narrow. The native will get opportunity to work in military department due to influence of planet Mars. It is also conceived that the planet Mars also rules over profession of chemist, dentist, surgeons, barbers, butchers, and vocations allied to steel and iron like smith's Industry, factory, coral dealings etc.
Mars conjoining with different planets express different meaning
When the planet Mars conjoins with other planets in a good aspect in one's horoscope, it beneficially molds the native's life. For illustration, Mars in a good aspect with Sun offers native a good health and abundant energy and enough immunity to fight with adverse diseases. On the contrary, inappropriate positions of both the planets with each other can adversely effect on one's health.
Mars forming fine contact with planet Moon that the native will be very genuine, kind, ambitious, strong and enthusiastic. Strong constitution and nice appearance is bestowed by Mars. On the other hand, if Mars badly conjoins with planet Moon, it can make native so impulsive and reckless
Good contact between Mars and Mercury gives vivacity, dynamism, and boldness. But, bad aspects can turn the native a scoundrel and fraud man.
A good aspect from Mars and Venus offers the native a cool, calm and harmonious nature. But the bad aspect between them reveals the opposite outcome. One can be the lavish, unmindful and extravagant due to their unfavorable positions to each other.
If Saturn and Mars form good aspects, it is very advantageous to one's life. It makes one courageous, patient, active, energetic and enthusiast. But, their unfavorable affiliation will give very negative outcome. It makes the native out of control, harsh, and furious.
Appropriate affiliation of Mars with Neptune makes one religious, and gives chances of long or abroad journey. And contrast contact between them can make him fanatic in religion. His mind can enforce him to commit suicide by taking poison or he can plug toxic in other's life.
Moreover, everything in the Universe has pros and cons, obviously, planetary positions itself shows both positive and negative influence depending their placements and connection with other planets.
Planets in Astrology
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