Venus Effects And Remedies |
Venus in 1st House, Venus in 2nd House, Venus in 3rd House , Venus in 4th House, Venus in 5th House, Venus in 6th House, Venus in 7th House, Venus in 8th House, Venus in 9th House, Venus in 10th House, Venus in 11th House, Venus in 12th House , Lal Kitab Home Page, Back |
As a feminine planet, Venus has been regarded as the goddess of love, marriage, beauty and all worldly comforts. Venus represents that power of love which leads to the merger of two individual selves into one and rules the gentle and refined attributes of human life. As a preceptor of demons, Venus stands for the husband in the horoscope of a female and represents the wife in the horoscope of a male. Venus offers good results if placed alone in the birth chart. The 2nd and 7th houses are owned by Venus who gets exalted in the 12th house. Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are friends of Venus, whereas Sun, Moon and Rahu act as enemies. Venus offers very good results if posited in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 12th houses, but the 1st, 6th and 9th houses are considered bad for Venus. Accordingly, Venus offers very good results in the houses of Mercury, Saturn and Ketu, whereas evil effects will follow if posited in the houses of Sun, Rahu and Moon. When Rahu aspects Venus or vice versa, or when both are placed together in a house, the good results of Venus will be nullified and the native will get deprived of money, wealth and family comforts altogether. The eyes of the native's, mother will become severely defective if Moon and Venus are placed just opposite to each other. Afflicted Venus causes trouble in the eyes, diseases of the ovaries, gout, anaemia and other complications due to over indulgence in amusements and sex, including gonorrhoea and syphilis. An afflicted Venus may cause vehicular accidents, faithlessness in love and marriage and will deprive the native of the comforts of vehicles, conveyance etc. |
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Venus in 1st House |
Venus in 1st house makes the native highly handsome, long lived, sweet tongued and popular among the opposite sex. Wife of the native remains ill. Religion, caste or creed is never a bar for having sexual relations with anyone. Such a native is generally highly romantic by nature and longs for love and sex with other women. He gets married before he starts earning his living. Such a native becomes a leader of persons of his age group, but leadership of the family members causes several family troubles. Such a native earns great profits through the trade of clothes. Such a native is generally deprived of interest in religious pursuits. When Venus comes in 7th house in Varsha phal, it causes chronic fever and blood cough.
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Venus in 2nd House |
Doing bad or evil towards others would prove harmful to the native. Money, wealth and property would continue to grow upto sixty years. Shermukhi house (wider at the front than the rear portion) would prove disastrous for the native. Business or trade associated with gold and jewellery will be extremely harmful. Business associated with earthen goods, agriculture and animal will prove highly beneficial. Venus in 2nd second house in a female horoscope renders the native barren or infertile and in a male 's horoscope makes the wife incapable of producing a son.
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Venus in 3rd House |
Here Venus blesses the native with a charming personality and every woman would get attracted to him. He is generally loved by all. If the native gets involved with other women he will have to live in subservience to his wife, otherwise his wife will always be dominated by him, though she may be dominating everyone else coming into contact with her. She would be courageous, supportive and helpful to the native like second bullock of the cart. He will be saved from deceit, theft and harm from others. Contacts with other women would prove harmful and affect the longevity adversely. If planets placed in 9th and 11th houses are inimical to Venus, highly adverse results will follow. He will have many daughters.
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Venus in 4th House |
Venus in 4th house strongly establishes the possibility of two wives and makes the native rich, too, If Jupiter is posited in 10th house and Venus is placed in 4th, the native will face adverse results from all sides if he tries to be religious. Venus in 4th house destroys the possibility of a son to the native if he covers a well by a roof and constructs a room or house over it. The business associated with Mercury will also prove harmful. Saturn will give disastrous effects if the native consumes liquor. The business or trade associated with mars will prove advantageous to such a native. Venus in 4th and Jupiter in 1st house will create frequent quarrels with the mother-in-law.
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Venus in 5th House |
5th house is the Pukka ghar of the sun, where Venus will get burnt with the heat of the Sun. Consequently the native is a flirt and amorous by nature. he will face big misfortunes in life. However, if the native maintains a good character he will steer through the hardships of life and obtain great riches and promotions in service after five years of his marriage. Such a native is generally learned and destroyer of enemies.
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Venus in 6th House |
This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu, who are inimical to each other, but Venus is friendly to both. Venus stands, debilitated in this house. However, if the native keeps the opposite sex happy and provides her with all the comforts, his money and wealth will continue to grow. The wife of the native should not get dressed like a male and should not get her hair cut like a male, otherwise poverty will crop up. Such a native must marry a person who has got a brother or brothers. Further, the native should not leave any work in the midway, i.e., before completion.
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Venus in 7th House |
This house belongs to Venus, so Venus gives very good results if it is placed in this house. The planet of 1st house offers the effects of 7th house in such a manner as if it is placed in 7th house itself. If a planet inimical to Venus is placed in 1st house e.g. Rahu, the wife and the household affairs of the native will be adversely affected. The native spends his money largely on women. The native should take up the trade or business which is associated wil marriage ceremony, like tent house and beauty parlour. Association with one eyed and black woman will prove useful.
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Venus in 8th House |
No planet is considered benefic in this house Even Venus in this house becomes rotten and poisonous. The wife of such a native becomes highly irritable and short tempered. Evil utterances from her mouth will certainly prove to be true. The native will be suffering from the feeling of self pity. Taking guarantee or surety for someone will prove disastrous. If there is no planet in 2nd house, do not marry before 25 years of age, otherwise the wife will certainly die.
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Venus in 9th House |
Venus in this house does not offer good results. The native may have riches, but he will get his bread only after hard labour. His efforts are not properly rewarded. There will be dearth of male members, money, wealth and property. If Venus is accompanied by Mercury or any malefic planet the native will be a victim of intoxication and disease from seventeen years of age.
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Venus in 10th House |
Venus in this house makes native greedy, suspicious and interested in handicraft. The native would act under the control and guidance of his spouse. as long as the spouse is with the native all sorts of troubles will remain warded off. If in a motor car no accident will take place or even if it takes place the native cannot be harmed in any manner. The business and things associated with Saturn will prove advantageous.
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Venus in 11th House |
Venus in this house is influenced by Saturn and Jupiter, because this house belongs to Jupiter and Saturn. This house is aspected by 3rd house which is influened by Mars and Mercury. Native's wife, through her brothers, will prove very beneficial.
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Venus in 12th House |
Exalted Venus gives very beneficial results in this house. The native will have a wife, who will act as a shield in the time of trouble. Taking help from women will prove highly advantageous for the native, who receives all favours from the government. Venus being inimical to Jupiter causes health problems to the wife. Mercury in 2nd or 6th houses makes the native diseased, but bestows literary and poetic talent to the native. Such a native gains high spiritual powers at the age of 59 and generally lives up to about 96 years.
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