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Home » Festival » Guru Purnima Modified: March 08, 2017

Guru Purnima 2017: The Day Dedicated To Gurus

Guru Purnima 2017 Date


July 2017


In 2017, Guru Purnima will be marked on 9th of July. It is observed on a full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashadha. It is celebrated to thank our teachers and preachers, who believed in us and made us what we are today. People worship their Gurus by fruits, dakshina, etc. This day is also known as Vyasa Purnima. To know more, read on..

Here, we present Guru Purnima 2017 date Guru Purnima in 2017 is the day dedicated to all the persons, teachers or things from which we all have learnt something. It is the time to express your love and warmth to all those who have believed in you and who helped you in excelling in whatever way you wished to.

As per Hindu mythology, the day of Guru Purnima is dedicated to Veda Vyasa (the greatest guru of all times). That is why it is also named as Vyasa Purnima. So, this Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima don't forget to thank all the people or things who have acted as a Guru. Even if a book had been the greatest mentor for you of all times, this is the day to show your gratitude toward it.

Before we go ahead and express our warmth, greetings, love and thanks on this Guru Purnima. Let’s all know what does Guru Purnima mean.

Meaning Of Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is celebrated every year. In 2017, we will again witness the celebration. Since the beginning of the universe, a Guru is considered to be one of the most important part of one’s life. The day of Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is dedicated to all the academic teachers and the spiritual teachers in one’s life.

The word Guru is divided into two parts: "Gu" & "Ru". Both originating from the Sanskrit language. The Word "Gu" signifies ‘darkness’ and “Ru" signifies ‘the one who removes the darkness’. Thus, the complete word Guru means one who is the remover of the darkness. The second word Purnima means the Full Moon day. As per the Hindu Calendar, Guru Purnima falls in the month of Ashadha (i.e June or July). This Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima will be celebrated in the month of July. Guru is the one who holds a very significant role throughout one’s life. We all, throughout our lifetime, learn about new things and get a new understanding of the things and this is all because of a Guru.

Since ages, Guru has been worshiped next to God. This Guru Purnima is the time to remember all those Gurus who helped you attain what you desired for.

Veda Vyasa: The Biggest Guru Of All Times

Guru Veda Vyasa has been considered as the biggest and the most knowledgeable Guru of all times. Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is dedicated to Guru Veda Vyasa and is celebrated as his birthday. He is one of the most regarded Gurus. Veda Vyasa has taught us the real values and has helped us in differentiating the wrong from right.

 Know about Vyasa Purnima hereThe greatest epic of all times, Mahabharat, written by Veda Vyasa, is a live example. The teachings we get from Mahabharata are still prevalent in today’s time and these teachings still guide us from all the wrongs that are prevailing in the society.

Veda Vyasa was one of those Gurus who classified the Vedas into four different texts. These Vedas in today’s time are known as Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda. Veda Vyasa also wrote the “Srimad Bhagwat Geeta”. The teachings in these texts are the biggest offering to the mankind.

Guru Purnima Rituals

Since the medieval times, on the day of Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima, the students (Shishya) used to offer special Pujas and greetings to their Gurus.

All Gurus have been treated as Gods. Their wish, command and advice was considered ultimate. The below mentioned Shloka signifies it all:

Sri Guru Mantra

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः।
गुरुर्साक्षात्‍ परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवेनमः॥


Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is Lord Maheshwara | Guru is the personification of the supreme power, I bow to the holy Guru in homage ||

The Mantra clearly signifies that a Guru is trinity (Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh), and it is believed that through a Guru one can achieve the ultimate result and reach to the supreme power.

It has been stated in Hindu mythology that a Guru is the ultimate path setter. The biggest examples of the devotion towards one's Guru is of Eklavya. Who on the command of his Guru (Dronacharya) cut his thumb as respect and order (Guru Dakshina) to him. There have been a lot of examples which have defined the relation of a Guru and his Shishya.

Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is not only an important day for Hindus, but also for Buddhists and Jains throughout the globe. This Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima, we will again see the celebrations around.

Guru Purnima In Buddhism

As per the Buddhist community, Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima marks the homage or tribute to their Lord Gautam Buddha. The day of Guru Purnima is believed to be the day when Buddhism came into existence.

It is believed that on this day, Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath. Hence, it is believed that on this day the spiritual teachings of Buddha were administered. Since then, Guru Purnima is a very important day in the Buddhist community.

This Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima will be dedicated to the Lord Buddha by his devotees.

Guru Purnima In Jainism

As per Jainism, Guru Purnima is an extremely important day. As on this day, Mahavira made Gautama (Indrabhuti) his first disciple and he turned himself as a Guru. Since then, this day is observed to be a very important day in the lives of Jain community.

Celebration Of Guru Purnima

Every year, Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is celebrated in different religious sects. But the common aspect remains throughout, and that is tribute or thanks giving to one’s Gurus, be it Ved Vyas, Gautam Buddha or Lord Mahavira.

In Buddhism, the day is celebrated by performing meditation. Whereas in Hinduism, some songs and Bhajans are sung at temples.

On the day of Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima, everyone wishes their Gurus or loved ones in the form of greetings, special wishes and Guru Purnima SMS.

The role of a Guru has always been extremely significant. The only difference which has come is in the relation between a student and his teacher. There was a time when the command of a Guru was considered to be the final order and the disciple tried everything in order to fulfill his Guru’s command. But in the present time, this relation has changed.

It has been rightly said God cannot come and teach you everything. Hence, he created a teacher, a Guru. The child takes his first step at home and he learns his basics from his parents, but these steps are put in the best efforts by his Guru. His basics learnt are polished and well defined by a teacher or a Guru.

Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima is the day to remember those teachings, values and ideologies specified our Gurus.

So, this Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima, remember the Gurus in your life, remember the teachings offered, greet and thank them for making you what you wanted to be in your life.

AstroSage wishes all the readers A Very Happy Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima..!

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