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Venus Transit in Capricorn (28 January 2021) Brings Life-Transforming Changes

Venus, the planet that governs beauty, romance and persuasive powers in Vedic astrology is going to move from Sagittarius to its friendly sign, Capricorn on January 28 @ 03: 18 AM. Here, it will be positioned with four other planets: the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.

Venus Transit in Capricorn

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Let’s see what results it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs-

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Venus, which governs your second house of resources and seventh house of spouse and partnerships for Aries, is positioned in your tenth house of profession and career. This transit is going to provide mixed and interesting results for natives born under the sign of the Ram.

As the Venus is positioned in your tenth house in the sign of Capricorn which is governed by Saturn and is the sign that resonates with discipline and traditionalism. This indicates that you may sometimes feel dissatisfied and disenchanted with the work that has been assigned to you. It may make you feel that you are not been able to justify your creative and innovative abilities. This might create restlessness, mental anguish and sometimes agitation.

Due to this, you might end up having heated arguments with your seniors or subordinates and may end up increasing your enemies. So. you are advised to maintain your cool and patience and wait for this struggling period to get over. However, those indulging in their family or traditional business may see the transit working in their favor.

On the personal front, as both the seventh house lord Venus and seventh house are under the influence of Saturn, which indicates that trust issues, insecurities on your part can create differences or rifts in the relationships. Your constant need for newness and attention from your partner during this time period may also widen the differences between you two. So, try to work on these tendencies and spend more quality time with your partner.

Students born under this sign may get distracted from academics during this period,as maximum planets are in cardinal signs during this transit. It is also very important to be careful of your company at this time, as your image can also get spoiled during this transit.

Remedy - Recite the Venus mantra “ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः / oṃ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ” daily during the Venus Hora.


Taureans will host Venus, their ascendant lord in the ninth house of spirituality, fortune and luck. This will be an auspicious transit and will bring relief and respite from the previous position of their ascendant in the eighth house. This transit is likely to bring positivity and peace of mind and you are likely to enjoy an increase in social status and success during this time period. You will feel rejuvenated and full of vitality during this period, which is likely to reflect positively on the health part also. You are likely to overcome any illness or disease that has been bothering you for long, during this cycle of Venus.

Professionally, luck and fortune will support you in the completion of all your tasks and endeavors. The ninth house also represents seniors, mentors, idols, which indicates that you are likely to get full cooperation from your seniors and fatherly figures during this time period. Also, any suggestion or advice given by them could prove to be a turning point in your career and profession. Also, you are likely to dominate your enemies during this period. Any litigation or legal matters pending in the court of law are likely to go in your favor.

Your siblings are also likely to provide you with full support and affection during this transit. The arrival of a guest can be a source of happiness and elation. On the personal front, your bonding with your partner is likely to get strong during this period.

This transit may see you plan travelling to pilgrimage, indulging in charity works, donations and virtuous activities to attain peace of mind and contentment. Some of you may also organise or participate in some auspicious or cultural event at their home.

Students born under this sign, participating in debates, quiz, game shows are likely to succeed during this duration.

Remedy - Lord Parshuram is associated with the planet Venus, so read or listen to the mythological tales of lord Parshuram.


Venus will be positioned in the eighth house of transformation and changes for the natives born under the sign of the twin and will bring auspicious results for them. As Venus is present here with Jupiter is making a very beautiful “ Kendra Trikona Raja Yoga”, which indicates that this period will help reduce your troubles in life. You are also likely to come across some opportunities providing you with increased monetary gains and happiness.

As Venus is the fifth house lord of speculation and trading for Gemini natives and situated in the eighth house of sudden gains, some unanticipated or unforeseen profits are on the cards which can be in the form of prizes or lottery etc. Some of you may also gain from the purchase or sale of ancestral property.

Professionally, some better changes in the job are awaiting you, which are likely to further your growth in your profession. This period also indicates that undertaking journeys will be profitable for Gemini natives. Those of you into creative writing, storytelling or professions related to data analysis will benefit from this transit.

On the personal front, your relationship with your inlaws will strengthen during this transit. You are also likely to witness growth in income and prosperity of your life partner. Single natives are likely to get the company of an attractive partner during this cycle of Venus. Also, your interest in the occult, mystical or esoteric sciences is likely to increase during this period.

Students are also likely to infuse more time and efforts into their studies, which is likely to help improve their academic performance. It will also be very good for the students indulging in PHD. or any research-related fields. You are also likely to fare well on the health front.

Remedy - Spend time with Cows and feed them.


Venus, which governs the fourth house of happiness and eleventh house of income, profits and gains for the Cancer sign and is positioned in your seventh house of spouse and partnerships. This transit is going to bring mixed results for the natives born under the sign of the Crab.

Personally, as Venus is with the eighth house lord Saturn and sixth house lord Jupiter, which indicates that the health of your mother may remain in a weak state during this transit. Also, this indicates that your relationship with your spouse is likely to get strained in this period, which is going to affect your peace and mental well being in the process. Also, sudden repair or construction work at home may result in discomfort for some of the Cancer natives.

Professionally, as maximum planets including Venus are placed in the quadrant signs which indicates that this period is likely to bring recognition and appreciation from seniors and higher authorities. Some of the natives may also get benefits and rewards from the government. But beware of the hidden enemies during this period. Also, avoid travels if not necessary.

Financially, things are looking fine, but as emotions and sentiments easily overwhelm Cancerians, which can drive you towards impulsive buying. So, try and avoid this tendency of yours to keep yourself financially strong during this transit. On the health front, try to keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water during this transit, as problems related to stomach, skin, U.T.I can be there.

Remedy - Recite “Maha Lakshami Ashtkam” in the praise of Goddess Mahalakshmi daily during the Morning.

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Leo natives will see Venus, the planet of beauty and art present in their sixth house of challenges, enemies and debts during this transit.

Professionally, it is a period to lie low and not indulge in any conflicts or arguments, otherwise, you are likely to see yourself getting embroiled in unwanted controversies at your workplace. Be completely devoted to your tasks and endeavors during this time and be soft-spoken while communicating with others. This will bring you rewards later on. Also, avoid unnecessary travels or journeys during this period as they are going to bring mental stress and worries.

Financially, as Venus is directly aspecting your 12th house of expenditures, this period may see an unprecedented rise in your expenses, so it is suggested to maintain strict control over finances and budget during this period. Businessmen are also likely to come across many schemes during this period. But as Venus here is with Jupiter, which indicates mentors and idols, so taking expert advice from them before making any decision will help you to avoid being duped and make sound returns.

Personally, Venus is the natural significator of the seventh house is positioned in the 12th from itself which indicates problems in marital relations and arguments with your life partner. So, try and maintain communication with your partner and try to gauge the reasons behind the conflicts and work on them.

On the health front, your immune system is likely to remain weak during this transit, so inculcate yoga, mediation, physical exercise and healthy diet in your routine and stay away from spicy or junk food during this time period. This will help you to achieve positive results in terms of health.

Remedy - Recite “Sri Suktam” in Praise of Goddess Mahalakshmi daily during the Morning.


Venus, governing the second and ninth house for the Virgo natives will be positioned in their fifth house during this transit. This is going to bring favorable results for the natives born under the sign of the Maiden. During this transit, the aspect of Venus on the eleventh house of gains and profits is likely to provide you with multiple opportunities to increase your income and status. This is also a great time to invest, as any financial decision taken during this time will bring substantial returns later on.

Professionally, as maximum planets including your Venus present in the earth signs, which indicate that your productivity and efficiency will be at its peak during this cycle, which will help you garner auspicious results in terms of career. You will be able to work on your ideas more proficiently during this period, which will provide you with many opportunities to further your career in the right direction.

In terms of personal life, if you are married, you will try and take efforts to strengthen your bond with your children, also, harmony and bliss will be present in your relationship with your spouse. Those in committed relationships, looking to take the next step are likely to get desired results. Also, your humble and polite nature will help increase your popularity among your peers and family members.

Students seeking higher education abroad might see their dreams turn into reality during this period. This is also a very favorable period for the students who are looking to start their courses in foreign languages.

Remedy - Donate beauty related items to young girls during this transit.


Librans may see a rise in their comforts and luxuries as their ascendant lord Venus will transit through the fourth house which represents luxuries, mother, land and happiness. This period has the capability to fulfil all your desires and also increase your monetary wealth.

On the personal front, your bonding with your near and dear ones will strengthen during this transit. Gains and benefits from the mother are also likely to be there for some of the natives born under the sign of the scales. Income and prosperity of the spouse are also likely to increase in this duration. Those of you looking for loans to purchase your dream home or Car are likely to get favorable results. Overall, great results for all aspects of personal life can be expected during this cycle of Venus.

Workwise, you are likely to achieve advancement in your career. Your hard work and skills will be appreciated and help you scale new heights at your workplace. Businessmen are also likely to witness progress and growth. However, sometimes this position of Venus may provide you with indolence or restrict you to your comfort zone. Try and work on this tendency of yours to achieve maximum benefit from this transit.

Students, especially studying as design, technology and management will fare well in their studies. Also, healthwise, things are heading in the right direction.

Remedy - Wear a good quality diamond (.0.50 cents) crafted in silver or gold in your right-hand ring finger.

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Venus present in the third house for Scorpio natives will see them enjoying their time with their siblings and witness an increase in their social life. As venus governs your seventh and twelfth house, both houses represent travels and pleasures. This indicates that you are likely to undertake pleasure activities or leisure travels during this period to rejuvenate yourself.

On the personal front, this period is likely to bring benefits and support from friends, your bonding with your spouse and beloved will strengthen during this time period. Also, single natives are likely to meet their special someone at a relatives place or social gathering. This period may also see you renewing your creative pursuits like music, dance, art etc. which you have not been able to do for a long time. Married natives will be happy and joyous at their children’s success.

Professional front, your communication skills, your persuasive powers are likely to help you achieve new levels and growth in your organisation or business. Your efforts will be ably supported by luck and fortune during this transit. Some of the natives might also get good favors from the government. At this time, the power of your enemies will also get reduced, due to which you will get more opportunities to move forward in your career. Those of you in sports or some skill related profession are likely to get more opportunities to display their talents.

Just be cautious, not to overindulge in anything be it work, entertainment, food habits as it can have negative effects on your health.

Remedy - Offer Gulab Jal on Shivling daily in the morning.


This Transit of Venus will provide an opportunity for an increase in wealth for the natives born under the sign of Archer, as Venus who is the lord of their eleventh house of success will be positioned in their second house of accumulated wealth. This period is also likely to provide gains and profits to your mother. The home environment is likely to remain full of harmony and happiness. You are likely to spend your money on the purchase of valuables, gems and jewellery during this period. Overall, a good period that will see an increase in your financial status.

On the personal front, some of the eligible natives might see their marriage getting arranged during this cycle of Venus. Also, your sweetness, generosity and warmth will attract many people towards you during this transit, which will help you make new connections and friends.

On the health front, your eating habits are likely to change and your cravings for sweets is likely to increase during this transit, which can create some complications regarding health and may give birth to some lifestyle illnesses. So, having control of your taste buds is of prime importance during this period,

Professionally, as this position of the Venus is 5th from your house of profession, which indicates that your managerial abilities coupled with great administrative skills will help you to achieve higher positions of authority in your career.

This is a very good time period for Sagittarius students to learn those subjects in which they were facing difficulty earlier on.

Remedy - Bow down in the south-east direction as Venus is the lord of the Southeast direction.


Capricorn natives will be full of charm, attraction and creativity as Venus transit through their ascendant during this time of the Year. As Venus is the “Yogakaraka” planet for the Capricorn and is having a direct aspect on the 7th house of partnerships and spouse. This indicates that you are likely to benefit through partnerships during this transit. Ladyluck is also likely to smile on you in this time duration as you are likely to make gains and profits without putting in much of an effort.

On the personal front, relationships with your spouse are likely to get cordial during this time period. They are likely to support you in all your endeavors and tasks. However, in terms of love and romance, you may sometimes feel superior to your partner and expect that they must be appreciative of it. This might create distance between you two. So, try to work on this tendency of yours to get good results during this transit. Your children are also likely to make good and steady progress in academics or their respective fields. Some of the natives children may also travel abroad for higher education.

On the professional front, some of the tasks which you were not able to pay attention earlier will get accomplished easily during this transit. Your leadership qualities and your ability to manage difficult situations will get enhanced, this will bring great achievements in your career.

Overall, this transit is favorable and is likely to bring great results.

Remedy - Wear a good quality white Opal crafted in silver or gold in your right-hand ring finger.


Aquarians are likely to host Venus in their twelfth house which will provide beneficial results for them. The twelfth house represents pleasures, foreign and expenditures and as Venus is the fourth and ninth house lord for the Aquarians, which indicates that you are likely to spend on increasing your comforts and luxuries during this time period. You will be inclined to indulge in fulfilment of your entertainment and sensual pleasures. However, be careful not to go overboard with them as that may have a negative effect on your health.

Professionally, this transit will be favorable for the natives who are working in foreign organisations or multinational companies, or those involved in a business dealing with import-export. Also, people in creative fields like interior designing, graphics, entertainment field are likely to get good platforms to showcase their talents.

Personally, this period will bring an opportunity for the single natives to initiate their relationships with the person they have feelings for. Also, married natives are likely to witness an increase in romance and bliss in their relationship.

Overall, though this Venus period provides you with beneficial results, you have to be careful about your expenditure, as any mishandling of finances will result in losses and relief. Also, maintaining a proper routine regarding your eating habits and inculcating yoga, meditation and physical activity in your routine is very essential and helps you to get benefic results during this transit.

Remedy - Recite “Lalita Sahsatranaam’ stotram during the sunrise.


Venus will transit through the eleventh house for the Pisces natives, which represents gains of all kinds, rewards, success and fulfilment of deep longings and desires. This period will be beneficial for those natives born under the sign of fish, who were facing some struggles regarding money and finances. This transit of Venus will provide them with great relief and monetary benefits.

Professionally, your hard work, dedication and sincerity will be appreciated at your workplace. This will also help you gain the attention of the seniors which will result in you getting good growth in your career and profession to a higher designation as well. Businessmen are also likely to witness expansion in their wealth and fame during this transit of Venus. It is also an auspicious period to work on or execute the plans that you have been in the backyard for a long time.

Personally, your rise in status will help improve your image in society. You are likely to spend quality time with your friends and receive full support from them. Married natives will also have a pleasant time during this duration. Your siblings will achieve prosperity and success in their respective fields during this transit. This will bring happiness and smile to your face. Overall, a very good transit for domestic matters and relationships.

Undertaking journeys or trips will help you increase your social circle and expand your horizons, which will bring a new array of possibilities and opportunities for you.

This transit of Venus is also likely to help Piscean students perform well in their academics. On the health front, things are looking bright and positive.

Remedy - Wear crystal Quartz rosary.

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