Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius

Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius : Dear readers this article holds the information about the impact of planet Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius signs on 13th December at 12:01 IST and will be present there till 28th December and then it will move to Scorpio sign in retrograde motion. With this article, you will get the impact of this backward motion of Mercury in general and overall on the 12 zodiac signs. So, before moving further let's have the basic information about what retrograde motion is, qualities of planet Mercury and Sagittarius sign.

Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius

Know The Impact Of Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius On Your Life From Best Astrologers On Call !

Retrograde Motion Of A Planet

Cosmically Retrograde movement is an obvious change in the development of the planet through the sky. It isn't truly in that the planet doesn't genuinely begin moving in reverse in its orbit. It simply seems to do so on account of the general places of the planet and earth and how they are moving around the Sun. However, in Vedic astrology it has a gigantic effect, the retrograde planet is known as Vakri Graha. There are many myths related to the term retrograde, Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius is generally not considered good, but actually during retrogression period planets become very powerful and deliver the results of transit which was not delivered now it could be good on bad depending on your natal chart and Dasha native is running through, it depends on us how much we are ready to face the results of this powerful planet, it ask us to reflect back on our action.

Now talking about the planet Mercury, as indicated by Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is, nearly be considered as a youthful wonderful viewed as a sovereign youngster with knowledge, ability to think and great relational abilities as per Rishi Parasara's depiction. It is the smallest and quickest moving planet after the Moon. It is additionally extremely sensitive like the Moon. However, it is the Karka of insight, learning skill, discourse, reflexes, correspondence and contraptions, business and banking, training, correspondence composing, books, humor and all methods of media. Out of the twelve zodiac signs, the planet likewise has a lordship of two houses, Gemini and Virgo. And when Mercury gets retrograde we face the confusion in our communication, damage and issues with our communication or work gadgets like (mobile, laptop, camera, speakers and other such gadgets), fuss and extreme conflict in media, lots of issues and mistakes with our paperwork and documents, repetition of work, repetitive unfruitful short distance travels.

Now discussing the Sagittarius sign, otherwise called Dhanu Rashi in Vedic soothsaying, which is the ninth sign in the Kalpurush Kundli. It is a fire sign, of double nature and manly. This implies dharma, higher information, confidence, vedas, truth, predetermination, father, masters, persuasive orator, government officials, long distance travel, insight and karma. So, this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius will generate problems for politicians, Dharma Guru, teachers, and preachers because of their comments which may be not liked by some people and be opposed. Conflicts due to different religious beliefs among people.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: बुध धनु राशि में वक्री (13 दिसंबर 2023)

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact ofSaturn Direct In Aquarius on your life.

Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius 2023: Zodiac Wise Prediction


Dear Aries natives, for you planet Mercury rules the third house and sixth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your ninth house. The house of Dharma, father, long distance travel, pilgrimage and luck. So Aries natives, due to this retrograde motion of Mercury you may face issues related to your communication, specially the natives who are working as philosopher consultants, teachers, all politicians, they need to choose their words very wisely, else you may get into conflict due to that.

During Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius, your relationship with your younger sibling or cousin might see some ups and downs due to lack of communication or misunderstanding of words. You could also face some clashes with your father or Guru due to misunderstanding or difference of opinion. You also need to be conscious about their health and well being as some old health issues can revive. The Aries natives who have planned holidays or long-distance travel during this time may face issues in their journeys or cancellation or postponement of your tour due to some paper issues like problems in visa or passport so you are required to be extra cautious with these things.

Remedy - Water the Tulsi plant daily and even consume one leaf daily.

Aries Horoscope 2024


Dear Taurus natives, for you planet Mercury rules the second house and fifth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your eighth house of sudden happenings, secrecy, occult studies. So, the Taurus natives in general said that the placement of Mercury in the eighth house is not considered good and this retrogression is making it even worse. There are very high possibilities that you may face health issues like allergies, skin, infection, insect bites, or UTI, or any other sort of infection in private parts.

This Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius could also give some misunderstanding with your in-laws. Some paper issues in the research work of the students in the research field. You may get into trouble due to your speech so choose your words wisely. Your relationship with your immediate family and also see some ups and downs. And you can also face some sudden expenses or losses which can deteriorate your savings. Taurus parents can also face health issues or behavior issues of their children. Taurus lovebirds can also face problems in their love life due to some misunderstanding.

Remedy - Recite Mahishasura Mardini path daily.

Taurus Horoscope 2024


Dear Gemini natives, for you planet Mercury rules the first house and fourth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your seventh house of life partner and business partnership. So, Gemini natives being your Lagna lord is retrograde. Motion of Mercury can bring a lot of troubles in your life. It can give health issues to you as well as disturb your domestic life. There could be some conflict or misunderstanding in your married life due to the interference of your mother or motherly figure.

The natives who have just finalized their marriage may face some issues in their prospects, due to which it could generate the chances of reconsideration or cancellation of proposal, so you are advised to be very wise while making any decision. People in business partnership can also face some misunderstanding or disagreements in their partnership. This Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius can also give some health issues to your mother. You may also face problems with the electrical home appliances or communication or network gadgets like Wi-Fi modem, smart TV or even if you were planning to buy some gadgets or appliances for home, this is not the right time. You are advised to postpone the plan until this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius.

Remedy- Keep an indoor plant in your bedroom and nurture them.

Gemini Horoscope 2024

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Dear Cancer natives, for you planet Mercury rules the twelfth house and third house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign in your sixth house of enemies, health, competition, maternal uncle. So, Cancer natives, the Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius is not favorable for you and now this movement is making the time period more problematic for you. You might get into troubles and fights due to your communication, your confidence and courage can get shaken up.

People working as writers, media persons, social media influencers or directors might face problems in their work. Your relationship with your younger sibling or cousin might see some ups and downs due to lack of communication or misunderstanding of words. Due to Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius, you could face resurrect medical issues or legal disputes, court cases from the past. You may also have losses or multiple expenses for the same thing. Cancer natives who were planning to travel abroad during this movement of Mercury are advised to be extra conscious with their paperwork as due to the ignorance, they might get into legal matters in foreign land or loss of money.

Remedy- Donate green pumpkin or green Moong Dal in temple or Gurudwara for Langer or any other religious place according to your belief system.

Cancer Horoscope 2024


Dear Leo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the eleventh house and second house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your fifth house which represents our education, love relations, children, speculation and it is also the Purva Punya house. So Leo natives, this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius could prove very problematic for you in terms of your finances because Mercury is the planet that controls your finances. So during this movement, it is advice to reflect back on your finances and the financial decision you have taken in the last year, and if you feel that there were some decisions which were not taken right then take action to correct that but at the same time avoid taking any major financial risk.

As we have already mentioned, that fifth house is the house of speculation and mercury getting retrograde here is not favorable for investing your money in any sort of speculation or share market which have high risk. During this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius, you may also face a bad reputation in your social circle due to your communication so choose your words very wisely. Leo students can also face issues in their education due to loss of notes or study material. Leo love birds may also face misunderstanding and grudges in their relationship so, you are a rise to have a proper conversation with your partner to avoid any sort of misunderstanding.

Remedy- Keep a green handkerchief or green cardamom in your wallet and change it regularly.

Leo Horoscope 2024

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Dear Virgo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the first house and tenth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign and your fourth house which represents your mother, domestic life, home, vehicle, property. So, Virgo natives being your Lagna lord this location of Mercury could cause you health issues, bad image and disturbance in your personality.

At the same time it can give problems in your professional life as well or these things can happen due to the problem at the workplace. You might have to perform the same task multiple times at work due to some minor errors repeatedly. You could also face misunderstanding with subordinates and seniors. Virgo professionals in the work from home option could face a lot of pressure handling home and work life. Virgo natives in business can face losses or some sort of issues in business multiple times.

Mercury getting retrograde in the fourth house could create problems in your domestic life, your relationship with your mother or her health could get disturbed. Your home appliances might face damage or technical glitch repeatedly. In the end, you are advised to pay extra attention towards your own health and your mothers health.

Remedy- Wear emeralds of 5-6 cts. Set it in either a Panch Dhatu or gold ring on Wednesday. This will bring auspicious results for the Virgo natives.

Virgo Horoscope 2024


Dear Libra natives, for you planet Mercury rules the ninth house and twelfth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your third house represents your siblings, hobbies, short distance travel, communication skills. You may get into troubles and fights due to your communication, your confidence and courage can get shaken up. Due to your communication or false commitment you could face sudden expenses or losses. You might also face verbal conflict and disagreements, misunderstanding with your father or Guru.

During this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius, you might also have to pay multiple visits to hospital or isolated places. There is also the chance that you are anticipating any long distance travel, it might out of nowhere get dropped or deferred without a second to spare. Try to keep away from any contention with your younger sibling as it would transform into a battle.

Also, on the off chance that you are working expertly in the composing field, you could deal with issues concentrating. Adding to it, you could confront a few issues with your functioning devices like laptop, PC, mobile phone and camera thus, you should stay prepared with an additional reinforcement.

Remedy - Plant Tulsi plant on Wednesday in your house and worship it daily.

Libra Horoscope 2024


Dear Scorpio natives, for you planet Mercury rules the eighth house and eleventh house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your second house of the family, savings, speech. So Scorpio natives, this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius in the second house isn't great for your funds. You could confront surprising costs or misfortunes which could adversely influence your saving plans, due to wrong investment decisions, so you are advised to avoid any sort of major financial risk or if your promotion or monetary hike you might not get that as per your expectation and you might have to take multiple efforts to get monetary rise as per your expectation.

You likewise need to have a watch over your discourse and pick your statement shrewdly as it could get you in struggle and battles particularly with close relatives. There are very high chances that you also face some oral disease. Your relationship with your in-laws could also face some misunderstanding. Avoid any sort of joint investment with your partner. And the natives in the research sector might also face some challenges in their research paper or paper submission.

Remedy- Chant the Budh Beej Mantra 108 times daily.

Scorpio Horoscope 2024

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Dear Sagittarius natives, for you planet Mercury rules the seventh house and tenth house and now on 13 December, it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign in your first house. So, Sagittarius natives this retrogression of Mercury in Lagna can bring bad reputation to the natives who are working as political leader, inspirational orator, speculation financiers, or any media individual are encouraged to be cognizant and remain low profile during this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius.

Sagittarius people you are informed to take care with respect to your wellbeing also there are chances that you could experience the ill effects of medical issues connected with the nervous system, skin allergy. Being seventh and tenth lord getting retrograde is also not favorable for your married life as well as your professional life. You can't take any of these for granted and equally balance both of your responsibilities towards your professional life as well as married life. If you face issues and complaints from your life partner dont ignore them as ignoring the problem can make the situation worse rather than reflect back on your actions and deeds in married life.

Also, take care of your partner's health and well being. Natives facing issues in business partnership should address the problem and resolve the issue as ignoring the problem will make it big.

Remedy- Worship Lord Ganesha daily and offer him Durva (grass) especially on Wednesday.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2024


Dear Capricorn natives, for you planet Mercury rules the sixth house and ninth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius sign your twelfth house. Twelfth house which represents foreign land, Isolation houses, hospitals, expenditure, foreign companies like MNCs. So, the Capricorn natives in touring jobs or with a lot of traveling like pilots, cabin crew or other such jobs can face excess exertion and challenges in their work.

Especially, the natives who are working in foreign land or distant places living alone, you are advised to have a full care of your health as ignorance can revive the disease from the past and due to which you may have to pay multiple visits to hospital. This retrogression of Mercury can also trigger your losses and multiple expenses for the same thing. It can also resurrect legal disputes, court cases from the past. You may also face verbal conflict and disagreements, misunderstanding with your father or guru. During this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius, you may also have to pay multiple visits to hospital due to his ill health.

Remedy- Feed green fodder or green vegetables to cows on Wednesday.

Capricorn Horoscope 2024


Dear Aquarius natives, for you planet Mercury rules the fifth house and eighth house and now on 13 December it is getting retrograde in Sagittarius Sign your eleventh house which is the house of financial gains, desire, professional network, elder siblings, paternal uncle. So Aquarius natives, due to this retrogression of Mercury in your eleventh house you may face misunderstanding and challenging time in your social circle and professional network. You may also face confusion related to your financial investment, so it's difficult to postpone the plan of investment as Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius is not the right time to take any sort of financial risks. Joint assets with your partner can bring some financial gains but not as per your expectation.

Aquarius parents need to pay attention to the health and wellbeing of their children. Aquarius students may face challenging times in their academics due to lack of proper notes and study materials. Aquarius love birds are also advised to pay extra attention to their love life as due to taking your relationship for granted and lack of communication can become the reason of conflict and misunderstanding in your relationship.

Remedy - Respect transgenders and if possible give them green color clothes and bangles.

Aquarius Horoscope 2024


Dear Pisces natives, for you planet Mercury rules the fourth house and seventh house and now on 13 December, it is getting retrograde in sagittarius sign your tenth house of profession, workplace. So, Pisces natives this Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius could disturb your domestic happiness and married life especially due to the tug of war between your mother and life partner. If not that then there are chances that the health of your mother and life partner can deteriorate, and some of their health issues from the past may revive. Your home appliances might face damage or technical glitch repeatedly. Now, talking about your professional life, you need to stay alert with regards to work. You could confront rehashed snags, misconception with partners, desk work issues and defer in conveying the undertaking. To stay away from these issues, you are encouraged to stay additional ready and cognizant while conveying and managing administrative work or funds. Pisces professionals in the work from home option might face a lot of pressure handling home and work life. Natives facing issues in business partnership should address the problem and resolve the issue as ignoring the problem will make it big.

Remedy- Install Budh Yantra within your house and workplace and worship it regularly.

Pisces Horoscope 2024

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