Zodiac Sign
CancerAstronomical Name
Alpha HydroeGender
FemaleRuling Graha
BudhDegree Range
Cancer 16°40' to 30°00'Charan Rashi / Navamsha
Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, PiscesDeity
Nagas (God of Snakes)Quality
tikshna (Sharp)Trigun
Kundlini ShaktiPurusharth
Dissolution (laya or samhara)Body Part
Reddish BlackElement
Male CatBird
Serpent EagleTree
Namostu Sarpebhyo Ye Ke Cha Prithivimanu Ye
Antarikshe Ye Dirti Tebhyah
Sarpebhyo Namah ||
Shri Vishnu Sahastranamam Mantra as per charan
Yugadi-krudyu-gavarto naika-mayo maha-shanah |
vyakta-roopaschha sahasra-jidanantajit || “33”
Ishto-vishishta shishte-shtah
shikhandee nahusho vrushah |
Krodhaha krodha-krutkarta vishva-bahurma-heedharah
|| “34”
Achyutah-prathithah pranah pranado vasa-vanujah |
radishta-nam apra-mattah prati-shtitah || “35”
Skandah sanda-dharo dhuryo
varado vayu-vahanah |
Vasudevo bruha-dbhanuh adidevah pura-ndarah || “36
People, Career and Places
Aerosols and chemical chemist or professionals, Pharmacist and Medicinal researchers, Zoologist and Reseller of Poisnous animals or products.Smugglers of drugs. Politicians of corrupt image. Businessman with enormous wealth. Sex workers. Sting operation journalist,Labs and research stations.Inauspicious Activities
Not good for starting the projects. Not favourable for venturing new business. Bad for taking loans or lending money. Not Good for starting intimate relationshipsPada 1 (Mo)
Analyst , Deep thinker and Known personality.Pada 2 (Ta)
Religious, spirtual, Adorable looks, SelfishPada 3 (Tee)
Greedy, instructor and passive thinkerPada 4 (Too)
Supportive, Ambitious and incompetenceAs per Vedic Astrology, the ruling planet for Ashlesha Nakshatra is Planet Mercury. It looks like a coiled serpant. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is Nagas/Sarpas. The gender of this star is female. If you belong to Ashlesha constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.
If you do not know your star and want to find out, please visit this page: Nakshatra Finder.
You are lucky and have a healthy physique. Your speech has the magic of spell-binding everyone. There is a possibility that you may like to talk with people; you won’t mind spending hours discussing about a topic. Your face is square with beautiful features and small eyes. There might be a mole or mark on your face. Your intelligence and leadership abilities keep on inspiring you to go on the top. You just don’t like any interference in your freedom. So, one must make sure that your words are not rejected while conversing with you. One of your qualities include that fact that you can do anything for your friends. Sometimes, you forget to feel gratitude toward those who have helped you in one way or the other. In such situations there are chances that your relations with them might get disturbed. At times, your anger also makes people go against you. So, keep a control over it always. However, you are quite friendly and social. You are capable of analyzing a problem before its arrival. Hence, you usually stay prepared for them. It is not is your nature to trust anyone blindly. This saves you from cheating. You enjoy delicious and rich food, but must stay away from intoxication. Your mind is always busy thinking and doing something; and you enjoy working in a mysterious way. You are expert in making people hypnotized with your words. It will give you success in the field of politics. You have leadership qualities with the skill of going on the top. When it comes on hard work, you chose to do the smart work. You will stay close to people till the time they are benefitting you. It is your expertise to judge people and utilize them as per your needs. Once you decide something, you just stick to it. Also, you are a good orator and an artist. If you start speaking, you only stop when you are done with whatever you wanted to say.
You are a good writer. If you go in the field of acting, you can be a successful actor. You may also go in the field of arts and commerce, and can get benefitted by doing business. Hence, there is a possibility that you don’t work in a job for long. If you will do a job, business will run side by side. From material point of view, you will prosper and have enough wealth. Favorable professions for you are pesticide or business related to poison; petroleum industry; chemistry; cigarette & tobacco related business; Yoga trainer; psychologist; literature, art, and tourism related works; journalism; writing; typing; textile manufacturing; nursing; stationary production and distribution; etc.
No matter somebody supports you or not, but brothers will always stand by your side. You can be the eldest in the family and being elder, you might handle all the familial responsibilities. It will be great to ignore the flaws of your spouse; otherwise ideological differences are possible. Your behavior and nature will impress everyone. If you are born in the last phase of this Nakshatra, you are extremely lucky.