Vivah Muhurat 2019: Auspicious Hindu Marriage Dates
Marriage is a sacred ceremony. It is one grand event that marks the beginning of a new life for the wedded duo. Not only it is the union of two souls but also the union of two families. It plays a pivotal role in a person’s life. A happy married life is one such blessing that only a few are endowed with. People adopt a number of remedies and measures to make sure that they have a blissful married life.
The initial steps that can be taken to ensure a happy married life are finding your soulmate and the correct time for tying the knot with him/her. The appropriate time for wedding can be found by calculating the right muhurta for conducting the wedding ceremonies. Because marriage is an important event in a person's life, people consult astrologers for finding the right time to perform it. Auspicious time slots that are best suited for performing wedding ceremonies are known as marriage muhurat or Vivah muhurat.
Below is a tabulated form explaining the vivah muhurta for the year 2019 according to their nakshatras, day, dates and time.
Know your zodiac sign compatibility here: Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Vivah Muhurat in the year 2019
15 Jan | Tuesday | Navami | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 07:15 - 13:56 |
17 Jan | Thursday | Ekadashi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 22:34 - 31:15 |
18 Jan | Friday | Dwadashi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 07: 15 - 12:25 |
22 Jan | Tuesday | Dwitiya | In Magha Nakshatra | 24:20 - 31:14 |
23 Jan | Wednesday | Tritiya | In Magha Nakshatra | 07: 14 - 13:41 |
25 Jan | Friday | Panchami | In Hasta Nakshatra | 16: 25 - 31: 14 |
26 Jan | Saturday | Shashti | In Hasta Nakshatra | 07:13 - 16:19 |
In Chitra Nakshatra | 27:35 - 31:12 |
27 Jan | Sunday | Saptami | In Chitra Nakshatra | 07:12 - 09:28, 11:28 - 14:24 |
29 Jan | Tuesday | Navami | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 15:14 - 27:02 |
30 Jan | Wednesday | Dashami | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 15:38 - 16:40 |
05 Feb | Tuesday | Pratipada | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 29:15 - 31:07 |
06 Feb | Wednesday | Dwitiya | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 07:07 - 09:08 |
08 Feb | Friday | Tritiya | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 14: 58 - 23:25 |
09 Feb | Saturday | Chaturthi | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 12:26 - 17:30 |
In Revati Nakshatra | 17:30 - 31:04 |
10 Feb | Sunday | Panchami | In Revati Nakshatra | 07:04 - 18:49 |
14 Feb | Thursday | Navami | In Rohini Nakshatra | 07:01 - 08:33 |
19 Feb | Tuesday | Poornima | In Magha Nakshatra | 14:12 - 30:56 |
20 Feb | Wednesday | Pratipada | In Magha Nakshatra | 06:56 - 08:00 |
In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 29:04 - 30:55 |
21 Feb | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 06:55 - 23:21 |
22 Feb | Friday | Tritiya | In Chitra Nakshatra | 24:17 - 29:51 |
3 March | Sunday | Dwadashi | In Shravana Nakshatra | 08:59 - 12:29 |
7 March | Thursday | Pratipada | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 23:44 - 30:40 |
8 March | Friday | Dwitiya | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 06:40 - 23:16 |
In Revati Nakshatra | 23:16 - 30:38 |
9 March | Saturday | Tritiya | In Revati Nakshatra | 06:38 - 21: 39 |
In Ashwini Nakshatra | 26:35 - 30:37 |
10 March | Sunday | Chaturthi | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 06:37 - 15:38 |
12 March | Tuesday | Shashti | In Rohini Nakshatra | 28:53- 29 32 |
15 April | Monday | Dashami | In Magha Nakshatra | 07:23 - 14:39 |
16 April | Tuesday | Dwadashi | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 25:50 - 29:54 |
17 April | Wednesday | Trayodashi | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 05:54 - 18:31, 22:07 - 23:35 |
In Hasta Nakshatra | 23:35 - 29:53 |
18 April | Thursday | Chaturdashi | In Hasta Nakshatra | 05:53 - 10:29, 15:57 - 19:26 |
19 April | Friday | Poornima | In Chitra Nakshatra | 06:02 - 11:32, 12:44 - 19:29 |
In Swati Nakshatra | 19:29 - 29:51 |
20 April | Saturday | Ekadashi | In Swati Nakshatra | 05:51 - 17:58 |
22 April | Monday | Tritiya | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 11:25 - 16:45 |
26 April | Friday | Saptami | In Shravana Nakshatra | 23:14 - 29:45 |
27 April | Saturday | Ashtami | In Shravana Nakshatra | 05:45 - 26:12 |
In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 26:12 - 29:44 |
28 April | Sunday | Navami | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 05:44 - 25:42 |
6 May | Monday | Dwitiya | In Rohini Nakshatra | 16:36 - 25:13, 27:37 - 29:36 |
7 May | Tuesday | Tritiya | In Rohini Nakshatra | 05:36 -16:27 |
12 May | Sunday | Ashtami | In Magha Nakshatra | 12:43 - 29:32 |
13 May | Monday | Navami | In Magha Nakshatra | 05:32 - 08:16 |
16 May | Thursday | Dwadashi | In Hasta Nakshatra | 05:30-05:42 |
In Chitra Nakshatra | 05:42-11:55 |
17 May | Friday | Trayodashi | In Swati Nakshatra | 17:36-27:07 |
18 May | Saturday | Poornima | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 26:22-26:41 |
19 May | Sunday | Pratipada | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 05:29-26:07 |
23 May | Thursday | Panchami | In Uttarashada Nakshatra | 05:27-23:48 |
24 May | Friday | Shashti | In Shravana Nakshatra | 11:56-17:19 |
25 May | Saturday | Shashti | In Shravana Nakshatra | 05:26-06:25 |
In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 19:36-20:26 |
28 May | Tuesday | Navami | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 18:58-26:30 |
29 May | Wednesday | Dashami | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 15:21-21:18 |
In Revati Nakshatra | 21:18 - 28:04 |
30 May | Thursday | Ekadashi | In Revati Nakshatra | 05:24 - 22:15 |
In Ashwini Nakshatra | 23:51 - 29:02 |
31 May | Friday | Dwadashi | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 05:24 - 17:17 |
8 June | Saturday | Shashti | In Magha Nakshatra | 18:10 - 26:55 |
9 June | Sunday | Saptami | In Magha Nakshatra | 05:23 - 14:27, 15:39 - 15:49 |
10 June | Monday | Ashtami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 14:21 - 22:24 |
11 June | Tuesday | Navami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 05:23 - 08:46 |
12 June | Wednesday | Dashami | In Hasta Nakshatra | 06:06 - 11:51 |
In Chitra Nakshatra | 11:51 - 27:37 |
16 June | Sunday | Chaturdashi | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 05:23 - 10:07 |
25 June | Tuesday | Ashtami | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 05:25 - 29:11 |
27 June | Thursday | Navami | In Revati Nakshatra | 06:21 - 06:55 |
In Ashwini Nakshatra | 08:31 - 18:15 |
28 June | Friday | Dashami | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 06:36 - 09:11 |
6 July | Saturday | Chaturthi | In Magha Nakshatra | 16:49 - 21:50 |
7 July | Sunday | Panchami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 20:13 - 28:44 |
8 July | Monday | Shashti | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 05:30 - 15:26 |
In Hasta Nakshatra | 26:02 - 29:31 |
9 July | Tuesday | Ashtami | In Hasta Nakshatra | 16:25 - 17:15 |
In Chitra Nakshatra | 17:15 - 29:31 |
10 July | Wednesday | Navami | In Chitra Nakshatra | 05:31 - 16:22 |
In Swati Nakshatra | 16:22- 29:31 |
11 July | Thursday | Dashami | In Swati Nakshatra | 05:31 - 15:55 |
8 Nov | Friday | Ekadashi | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 12:34 - 30:39 |
9 Nov | Saturday | Dwadashi | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 06:39 - 10:14, 11:26 - 14:55 |
In Revati Nakshatra | 14:55 - 30:40 |
10 Nov | Sunday | Trayodashi | In Revati Nakshatra | 06:40 - 16:30 |
In Ashwini Nakshatra | 18:06 - 30:41 |
11 Nov | Monday | Chaturdashi | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 06:41 - 10:48 |
13 Nov | Wednesday | Pratipada | In Rohini Nakshatra | 22:00 - 30:43 |
14 Nov | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Rohini Nakshatra | 06:43 - 25:11 |
19 Nov | Tuesday | Saptami | In Magha Nakshatra | 22:10 - 30:48 |
20 Nov | Wednesday | Ashtami | In Magha Nakshatra | 06:48 - 19:17 |
21 Nov | Thursday | Navami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 18:29 - 22:17 |
22 Nov | Friday | Dashami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 09:01 - 16:41 |
In Hasta Nakshatra | 16:41 - 30:50 |
23 Nov | Saturday | Dwadashi | In Hasta Nakshatra | 06:50 - 14:44 |
In Chitra Nakshatra | 14:44 - 27:43 |
28 Nov | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Moola Nakshatra | 08:22 - 16:18, 18:18 - 30:55 |
29 Nov | Friday | Tritiya | In Moola Nakshatra | 06:55 - 07:33 |
30 Nov | Saturday | Chaturthi | In Uttarashada Nakshatra | 18:05 - 23:14 |
1 Dec | Sunday | Panchami | In Shravana Nakshatra | 11:29 - 30:57 |
2 Dec | Monday | Shashti | In Shravana Nakshatra | 06: 57 - 11:43 |
In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 11:43 - 13:37, 17:13 - 30:58 |
3 Dec | Tuesday | Saptami | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 06:58 - 14:16 |
7 Dec | Saturday | Ekadashi | In Revati Nakshatra | 17:03 - 19:35 |
8 Dec | Sunday | Ekadashi | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 08:29 - 17:15 |
10 Dec | Tuesday | Trayodashi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 29:57 - 31:04 |
11 Dec | Wednesday | Chaturdashi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 07:04 - 10:59, 22:54 - 31:04 |
12 Dec | Thursday | Poornima | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 07:04 - 30:18 |
Calculation of Vivah Muhurat
Like other Muhurat, Vivah Muhurat is calculated with the help of Panchang. The Panchang contains Vaar/Din, Tithi, Nakshatra (Constellations), Yoga, and Karna. Marriage muhurat also takes into account the birth timing and the birth chart of the concerned individuals. While calculating marriage muhurat, one should not neglect the Dosha, which are present in the birth chart. The planetary positions play an important role in determining the Vivah Muhurat.
As we know, marriage is a ceremony which includes two people. Therefore, the birth chart and other details of both the people need to be kept in mind while calculating the Vivah Muhurat.
Astrological aspects of Vivah Muhurat 2019
Vivah muhurat is calculated keeping in mind astrological facts and laws and the position of celestial bodies. Marriage is considered to be very auspicious and thus, no risks are taken while calculating Vivah muhurat. For better understanding, the main astrological factors concerned with marriage muhurat are given as below:
- First of all, the Kundli of the boy and the girl to be married should be matched as per the Hindu traditions.
- It is obvious that both of them will have many number of Vivah muhurat in their birth charts. The muhurat that is suitable for both of them should be selected as the appropriate muhurat to get married.
- It is important to consider the position of the Sun and Moon while calculating marriage muhurat.
- The auspicious Nakshatra for marriage are Mool, Anuradha, Mrigashira, Revati, Hasta, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Swati, Magha and Rohini.
- The auspicious months for marriage are Jyeshta, Magha, Phalguna, Vaishakh, Margshirsh, and Ashadha.
- The auspicious Lagna for marriage are Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus and Sagittarius. All the other Lagnas are considered to be average.
- When beneficial planets like Jupiter and Venus are combusted by the Sun, marriages should be avoided.
- If Jupiter and Venus are placed in the Lagna or are aspecting it, it is considered auspicious for marriage.
- The planets Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and the Sun should neither be placed nor aspect the 7th house.
- Venus in 6th house and Mars in 8th house should be avoided.
Hope you’ve liked our article and understand how this works. Find your auspicious muhurat to get married as per vedic astrology and live a blissful life.
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