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Solar Eclipse 2019

Solar Eclipse 2019 will occur when the Moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun. During this period, there comes a time when the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth’s surface. Astrologers believe that an individual experience an extraordinary spiritual and promotional growth during a Surga Grahan (solar eclipse). Talking about the Surya Grahan in the year 2019, a partial solar eclipse will occur on January 6, 2019, total solar eclipse will occur on July 2, 2019, and annular solar eclipse will occur on December 26, 2019.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए, यहां क्लिक करें: सूर्य ग्रहण 2019

Solar Eclipse 2019

There are three types of solar eclipses:

  • Total Solar Eclipse
  • Partial Solar Eclipse
  • Annular Solar Eclipse

First Solar Eclipse 2019

Partial Solar Eclipse 2019 occurs when the Moon, Sun and the Earth are not in a straight line. During this period, the Sun appears to have a shadow across its surface. There is a famous legend associated with the event of a solar eclipse in India, i.e., a Solar eclipse occurs when Rahu and Ketu get their revenge on the Sun and the Moon by ‘overshadowing’ them and stealing their light and hence, darkness prevails over the Universe.

Date Time Type Visibility
January 6, 2019 From 05:04:08 AM to 09:18:46 AM Partial Solar Eclipse Northeast Asia, North Pacific

Note: This eclipse will not be visible in India. As per the Indian Calendar, it will take place on the day of Amavasya in the month of Paush. It will occur in Sagittarius sign during Purvashada Nakshatra. So, Surya Grahan might be unfavourable for the natives belonging to this Sign and Nakshatra.

Second Solar Eclipse 2019

Total Solar Eclipse 2020 will occur when the Sun, Moon and the Earth are in a straight line. During this period, the Sun is visible only from a small area from the Earth.

Date Time Type Visibility
July 2-3, 2019 From 23:31:08 PM to 02:14:46 AM Total Solar Eclipse South Pacific, South America

Note: This eclipse will take place between July 2 and July 3, and will not be visible in India. It will take place on the day of Amavasya in the month of Ashadha. It will occur in Gemini sign during Ardra Nakshatra. So, the natives born in this sign and Nakshatra may face the unfavourable outcomes of this Solar Eclipse.

Third Solar Eclipse 2019

Annular Solar Eclipse 2019 will occur when the Moon covers the centre of the Sun and hence, the outer edges of the sun form a ring of fire around the moon. According to Vedic Astrology, eclipses are believed to be a bad omen to start a relationship, job or any other important thing in your life. This is because Vedic astrologers believe that light is a ray of hope and hence, all the auspicious beginnings should begin with the light of the Sun god. Therefore, Solar Eclipse is considered to be more powerful than Lunar Eclipse because during this period, the Moon darkens the Sun.

Date Time Type Visibility
December 26, 2019 From 08:17:02 AM to 10:57:09 AM Annular Solar Eclipse (Partial Eclipse visible in India) India and other Asian countries, Australia

Note: This eclipse 2019 will be partially visible in India, and the timing mentioned above is valid for New Delhi only. Also, third Surya Grahan will take place on the day of Amavasya in the month of Paush. It will occur in Sagittarius sign during Moola Nakshatra . The natives associated with this sign and Nakshatra may face the disadvantageous results of this Solar Eclipse.

Read Solar Eclipse 2019 Predictions Here

Many believe solar eclipses to be an auspicious time, while others consider it to be inauspicious. There are many astrologers who believe that a solar eclipse induces strong flashes of impulsive nature in individuals. This can lead to people taking hasty decisions, or behaving in an irrational manner, or even being selfish to others’ feelings. Some astrologers advise you to avoid the commencement of any new inning/project at least 3 days before and after the eclipse (or Grahan) .

If one controls his/her temper and thinks rationally, there is no point to believe that a surya grahan will only provide negative outcomes to his/her life. But, if you believe that solar eclipse or surya grahan will have a negative effect on you, then you can stay indoors and meditate. In fact, solar eclipse is considered to be the best time to connect with spirits because the ‘veils’ are thin during this time.

Solar Eclipse 2019: Sutak Kaal - The Inauspicious Period

In Hinduism, during the Solar Eclipse 2019, Sutak Kaal is that period when certain tasks are strictly prohibited. The reason being that it is considered inauspicious to perform them in this duration, otherwise they may give bad results. Generally, it begins before an eclipse and ends after taking a bath, when the eclipse ends. It is important to note that the rules of Sutak Kaal are not applicable on children, sick and elderly people.

As first and second Surya Grahan in 2019 will not be visible in India, therefore, their sutak rules will not be applicable here. But, the third Grahan will be partially visible in India. So, its religious and astrological importance will be considered here.

Sutak Kaal Timings for Third Solar Eclipse 2019

Sutak Begins 05:33 PM on December 25, 2019
Sutak Ends 10:57 AM on December 26, 2019

Solar Eclipse 2019: Things to Remember by Pregnant Women

  • They should avoid going out of their homes as well as avoid seeing the Grahan taking place
  • They should not do any activities related to stitching, embroidery, cutting and peeling
  • If pregnant woman peeps out or comes out of their home during Solar Eclipse, then their chances of miscarriage increases.
  • The child born during this period may be likely become prone to Cancer.
  • Pregnant women are highly advised to remain at home during Solar Eclipse in 2019.

Solar Eclipse 2019: Things to Avoid during Solar Eclipse

  • Beginning a new project/task
  • Preparing or eating food during Sutak period.
  • Going to the toilet/washroom.
  • Touching idols of the deities and Basil (Tulsi) plant.
  • Cleaning of teeth, combing of hair, etc.

Solar Eclipse 2019: Things to Do during Solar Eclipse

  • Meditate, exercise, pray and worship God.
  • Chant Surya Mantra “ॐ Adityaya Vidmahe Divakaraya Dhimahi Tanno Suryah Prachodayat”.
  • After Surya Grahan, sprinkle Gangajal to purify your home.
  • Take a bath and also purify the idols of the deities after Grahan ends. Then, worship the Gods.
  • Eat fresh food after the Sutak Kaal ends.
  • If you have prepared food before Sutak Kaal, do not waste it. In fact, put basil leaves to purify it, and then have it.
  • Donation to a Brahmin or needy should also be done after Surya Grahan ends.

FAQs related to Surya Grahan

  1. What happens if we see Solar Eclipse with naked eyes?

ANSWER: As per scientific as well as astrological facts, during Solar Eclipse, the sun emits large amounts of energy which our naked eyes can not bear. These rays can affect the Retina of the eye adversely. Ultraviolet rays also emanate during this period that are also not good for your eyes.

  1. Which phases of Solar Eclipse should not be seen with naked eyes?

ANSWER: A partial or annular or any other phase of Solar eclipse should never be seen with naked eyes as they can harm your eyes immensely. However, only a total Solar Eclipse can be seen with naked eyes, when Moon completely covers the disk of the Sun. But, the partial phases of total Solar eclipses should be avoided at all cost.

  1. How can I see Solar Eclipse safely?

ANSWER: If you want to see the various phases of Solar Eclipse, use Eclipse protective eye gear (not sunglasses) to watch a Solar Eclipse. However, if you do not have that, then never look directly at Sun.

  1. Why food shouldn’t be eaten during Solar Eclipse?

ANSWER: As per information in ancient scripture, the food prepared during Surya Grahan can affect your health badly. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating food during this period. And if you have prepared food before Grahan, put Basil Leaves into it, and then have it.

  1. Why it is important to worship the deities during Surya Grahan?

ANSWER: According to religious scriptures, worshipping the Gods during Surya Grahan offers many times more auspicious results.

Many consider a solar eclipse to signify hope and new beginnings. During this time, a person’s energy is strengthened and can unlock his/her true potential. Often, a solar eclipse is considered to bring good news and opportunities if it occurs in significant places in the horoscope of a person, or a country. The conjunction between the Sun and the Moon can inspire people to solve their problems with confidence and authority. Some astrologers believe that this cosmic power outage can also encourage growth in your life. This was the brief information about Solar Eclipse 2019.

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