Saturn Direct Transit in Sagittarius: End of Saturn Retrograde 2019
Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius this 18 September 2019. Discover how the end of Saturn Retrograde 2019 will affect your zodiac sign, with AstroSage.

Saturn in Astrology
Astrology considers the planet Saturn to be a teacher – one who teaches the natives important lessons of life. Like a proficient mentor, he weighs the natives on the scales of knowledge and makes them go through much pressure and pain and polishes them into a diamond. The Saturn Transit is an essential event in Vedic Astrology because the planet deeply affects the life of each human, whether auspicious or inauspicious. The planet takes two and a half years approximately to transit from one zodiac sign to another, the longest time amongst all the Navagraha. Due to this, Saturn plays a prominent role in bringing stability to various aspects of the life of natives, and in helping them progress. Since it is a Karma-oriented planet, Saturn retrograde brings a lot of hard work in the lives of the natives. They have to labour more in all aspects of life to reach success. The duration of retrograde Saturn is the time to take off the burden and learn how to move ahead in life.
The Lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, this planet also has lordship over the tenth house of Karma in Kalpurush Kundli as well as the eleventh house of profits and gain. It is the significator of our Karma, different services, job, and democratic institutions. Therefore, understanding Saturn’s influence on the native’s professional life, more than any other aspect, the planet and its transitory motions are given utmost importance.
Saturn is already continuously moving in the zodiac sign Sagittarius in 2019. It became retrograde on 30 April 2019, and now, on 18 September 2019, will once again become direct/progressive at 8:54:22 AM. It will remain there throughout the year, affecting all life with its energy. Saturn will turn direct in the Purva Shadha Nakshatra, which comes under the Lordship of Venus and will then move into the Uttarashada Nakshatra on 27 December 2019, whose Lord is the Sun.
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End Of Retrograde Saturn Brings Glorious Days
Saturn, due to its slow speed, also goes by the name Shaneshchara, and when it is in retrograde motion, it creates obstacles in all tasks. In such a scenario, natives find themselves having to work harder and increase their number of efforts to reach success. However, as soon as the Saturn retrograde ends, and the planet becomes progressive, things will ease up infinitely. You will get freedom from most of your problems, move ahead on your path of responsibilities, and will also receive numerous new opportunities. As a rule, Saturn never gives malefic results unless it is unfavourably placed in your kundli. Instead, the outcomes we receive depend wholly on our Karma - the things we do, and the retrograde Saturn offer natives a chance to learn from their mistakes.
Let us find out how the end of the Saturn Retrograde 2019 affects your zodiac sign, as the planet becomes direct once again:
Saturn is the Lord of the tenth and eleventh house for Aries natives. You laboured hard in the past and faced just as many challenges. Now is the time when the direct Saturn will present you with success. Fate will be on your side, and you will triumph in all your tasks, as you continuously move towards stability in life. A possibility of transfer rises in your career; however, this will be a profitable bargain for you, so gracefully accept it and move forward. As you find a permanent source of income, it will increase and become stable. Remain careful towards your siblings and lend them a helping hand in their time of need. Simultaneously, maintain good relations with your father as well. Therefore, remain on your best behaviour and respect him. Long-distance travels will be beneficial for most Aries natives after the end of the Saturn retrograde. You will prevail over your opponents and also attain excellent result at your workplace in the meanwhile.
Remedy: Lend a helping hand in the cleanliness of the main door of any religious place.
Saturn is the Lord of ninth and tenth house for Taurus natives. The hard times during the Saturn retrograde 2019 made you wise, and you will need this intellect in the times to come. As the planet turns direct, fate will slowly start favouring you, and some of your plans will also pan out. These schemes will help you gain suitable economic profits which in turn will gradually strengthen your financial status. On the flip side, you will need to remain careful towards your health there can be a decline in the same. Yet, some of you may finally be free from an old disease. Although there are high chances of gaining some inheritance or ancestral property, however, you need to remember that this news always accompanies a bad one. All the efforts that you made in your workplace till today; keep them up, because there is just some more hard work left and you will soon reap the fruits of your labour. Do not engage in any argument with your in-laws and use the approach of love instead. Your worries for your children will be over nothing, as they continuously keep up their excellent performance. Avoid being restless in love and also stay serious towards your studies.
Remedy: Place some sugar and flour in places where ants are common.
Saturn is the Lord of the eighth and ninth house for Gemini natives. The end of Saturn retrograde 2019 will bring many positive effects in your life. Your spouse will be right by your side through everything, and so will fate. As a result, many of your pending tasks will start moving towards completion. Long-distance travels will also be on the cards for some, and they will take you towards the path to success. Simultaneously, stress will be a part of your marital life. Accept this as a challenge and endeavour to improve things between you and your spouse; while fulfilling your responsibilities of a good partner. You also need to pay proper attention to your health as it may remain on the weaker side.
Additionally, endeavour to fulfil all your household responsibilities as well. Your mother may need you – do not forget to spend time with her. As for business people, you will progress in your trade and some new corporate relations will also bring excellent results.
Remedy: Host a Shri Shiva Rudrabhishek at your home, on Saturday.
Saturn is the Lord of the seventh and eighth house for Cancer natives. With the end of Sturn retrograde 2019, the planet will now make its transit in your sixth house. As a result, you will prevail over your opponents, and they will not be able to touch even a single hair on your head. You can now get rid of all your mental tensions as your physical health begins improving, including all previous illnesses. Yet, there can be an increase in your expenses, so keep an eye out. Natives, who were struggling with problems at the workplace, will rejoice as things take a turn for the better and you gain recognition for your work. In the meantime, you can do something which will get you unexpected gains. Simultaneously, you will get a chance to go on a trip far away, while the decision of any court cases will come in your favour. This Saturn transit will teach you many new lessons concerning your health and life. Therefore be ready to accept and face all challenges to be able to learn from them.
Remedy: Chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra regularly.
Saturn is the Lord of the sixth and seventh house for Leo natives. This is the time to live your love life completely. If there have been any problems between you and your lover, and you hurt them someway, take a step now and say sorry. Show them that you are ready to try and be true to your love. Shanidev will fill your life with all kinds of happiness. However, you need to remain cautious concerning your children’s health as it remains on the weaker side, putting you under severe stress. On the flip side, student natives need to be careful as well, because a lack of concentration will cause obstacles in your path. Simultaneously, some other problems can also erupt in your studies which may even lead to you having to stop your education. In such a scenario, as long as you keep making efforts, you will keep moving forward. You will successfully repay all your debts, being happily free from this burden. Stay right by your spouse’s side and offer your support while they step on the path to success at work. Although there will be a hike in your salary, certain situations will force you to think about a job change. Leo natives understand the importance of wealth and will take steps towards accumulating it shortly.
Remedy: Help a poor or needy person according to your capability.
Saturn is the Lord of the fifth and sixth house for Virgo natives. The end of Saturn retrograde will bring you the opportunities to utilize the lessons you learned in the previous months. You understand the importance of family now and will give them your complete attention. Not only will you recognize their needs, but will also take steps in fulfilling your responsibilities towards them. Your mother’s health may decline, therefore, keeping an eye on her is essential. An argument over a property may arise in the family which you will need to resolve wisely.
On the one hand, Virgo natives will prevail over their opponents, while on the other, students preparing for competitive exams will also get excellent results. Though you will have to work harder at your job, however, do not lose hope because things will slowly start turning in your favour. At the same time, pay attention to your health, especially concerning your lungs and chest. You can gain some significant profits through your maternal relatives at this time.
Remedy: Do Chaya Daan on Saturday. Take an iron or clay vessel, fill it with mustard oil, see your reflection in it, and give it away as a donation.
Saturn is the Lord of the fourth and fifth house for Libra natives. Saturn turning progressive is an important milestone for you. In the past months, you learned to give up your laziness and carelessness to work on more essential tasks, and that is what you need to do now. Only when you continue keeping up with this lesson, will you attain success. Some of you may face some problems due to your younger siblings, and they may even begin efforts to go abroad. Your cordial behaviour with your colleagues will put you ahead at your workplace, and the exact opposite practice can also create some adversaries for you. The direct Saturn transit will bring better results in your love life, and things will be tremendous in this aspect. Your bond with your lover will strengthen as mutual understanding develops and grows between you both. Travels and trips will impart new knowledge to you. You need to begin cutting down your expenses because not doing so will bring you right into the field of economic crunches. This is the time to make efforts for attaining success, so get into it with all your heart.
Remedy: Recite the Neel Shani Stotra written by Maharaja Dashrath.
Saturn is the Lord of the third and fourth house for Scorpio natives. You will gradually be rid of your family problems, but that does not mean that the challenges will decrease. Keeping your family united will be the biggest challenges you face. Your mother will gain excellent profits, and her health will also remain better than before. Saturn’s aspect will help you with several property-related matters. You will get the opportunity to buy new property or gain profits from selling an old one. Some of you may also have to stay far from home due to work or any other reason. You will be interested in learning new and profound things, which will also bring you some beneficial experiences. There will be a significant hike in your salary, and you can gain a sure-shot source which will be essential in increasing your income.
Remedy: Donate black sesame or black gram on Saturday.
Saturn is the Lord of the second and third house for Sagittarius natives. The Shani Sade Sati is still influencing your zodiac sign. However, your problems concerning your health or mental stress will start getting resolved gradually now. Your thinking will develop and everything that you learned in the past months will change your outlook towards life. In this duration, you will look inside yourself and ponder on the positives and negatives of your life. Married natives need to be careful and give equal importance to their spouse. Simultaneously, you should remain helpful towards your younger siblings. As you toil hard at your job, this hard work will help you ascend the ladder of success and open the doors of progress. Disputes between you and your father are probable. Despite that, ensure that you do not respect him any less, even in the middle of the argument.
Remedy: Light a diya of jasmine oil on Saturday and read the Hanuman Chalisa or Sunderkand. Distribute the prasad of Boondi amongst everyone.
Saturn is the Lord of the first, i.e., ascendant and second house for Capricorn natives. The planet’s current position will take you towards philanthropy and benevolence, and you will start living your life for others. You will be so busy in aiding others that you may even start giving away stuff from your share. However, through all this, remember that it does not create a scarcity in your personal needs and family responsibilities. There are strong possibilities of a trip abroad at this time, and those who have applied for it may finally get their visa. Although predictions indicate an increase in your expenses, the gaining of foreign currency is also on the cards. Do not neglect your health, because any carelessness in this regard can bring you great pains in the form of a significant illness. Problems related to sleep or eyes are probable. Apart from this, things will continue normally. You will be interested in meditation at this time and gain positive experiences.
Remedy: Wear the best quality Blue Sapphire on a Saturday, under the Saturn’s hora.
Saturn is the Lord of the twelfth and first house for Aquarius natives. As the Saturn retrograde 2019 ends, the planet will be posited in your eleventh house, which will take you towards the path to wealth, prosperity, and progress. Your plans will gain strength at this time, and you will finally attain the money that had been stuck due to some reason. Healthwise, you will feel a new bout of freshness as you are finally rid of an old disease.
Additionally, you will also give more importance to your work and will be praised for it. Problems can be a part of the love life for some Aquarius natives, and the reason behind it will be disloyalty – whether yours or your partner’s. Those, for whom this is not true, will have a great romantic life instead. Although there can be obstacles in your path in the field of education, this time will help you progress.
Remedy: Water the Shami tree regularly and worship it.
Saturn is the Lord of the eleventh and twelfth house for Pisces natives. Saturn’s position is describing the path of Karma for you. Hence, you need to decide and begin working hard in the right direction. Working professionals need to buckle up and focus entirely on their job, as well as fulfil their responsibilities towards family and spouse. It may seem as if you are not receiving the results according to your labour at your workplace. However, fret not because the upcoming time will open the path of a better future for you. Work-related foreign or long-distance trips are probable for some, which will take you ahead on the road of success. Additionally, your diligence will keep you ahead of everyone else, and you will also portray tremendous decision-making skills at this time. Some of you may have to go far from home due to some reason.
Remedy: Chant the Saturn Beej Mantra regularly: “ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः” “oṃ prāṃ prīṃ prauṃ saḥ śanaiścarāya namaḥ”
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