Pig Horoscope 2019: Chinese Animal Pig Luck Predictions
twelfth of all the zodiac animals, Pig is associated with earthly branch. It is
yin in terms of yin and yang. Pig symbolizes wealth in Chinese culture. The chubby
face and big ears are considered to be signs of fortune. It is believed that Pig
natives have a pleasant personality and are blessed with good fortune. People born
in the year of Pig or boar are stylish, perfectionist and hard working. They are
generous, tolerant and kind. With a constant need to feel loved, they seek attention
by always remaining well-dressed. They wish to lead a life of luxury.
As per Chinese Horoscope 2019, a Pig native will not refrain to spend a fortune for the sake of comfort and enjoyment of life. They are courageous, jealous, energetic as well as proud. They like their own company and prefer to stay alone instead of participating in a social gathering. They enjoy small pleasures, which for others can appear insignificant. Pig natives have a special thing for countryside view. They seek nature for inner peace. Fresh air is what keeps the imaginative Pig balanced. It is assumed that Pig natives are slow sometimes. They are allergic to any wrongdoing. Their physique might be robust but there is a lot of anxiety hidden behind.
Pig natives are born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. There are five types of Pig in Chinese Astrology:
Sno. | Pig Type | Years born in | Characteristics |
1. | Wood | 1935, 1995 | Open, Sociable, Optimistic, Naive |
2. | Fire | 1947, 2007 | Curious, determined, Playful |
3. | Earth | 1959 | Robust, Visionary, Joyful, Responsible |
4. | Metal | 1971 | Straight forward, Workaholic, Emotional |
5. | Water | 1923, 1983 | Diplomatic, Extreme love for luxury. |
Chinese Horoscope 2019 Summary for Pig
Being a native of Pig in the year of Pig is not considered very fortunate. Instead, it is counted as the most unlucky year, traditionally. Trouble and danger seems to be luring from every corner. Though the year is not lucky as a whole, there would be some segments of life where you will feel blessed. Hard work is the only essential when time is not in favor. Avoid pitfalls with your competencies.
Work, Money, and Social Life for Chinese Zodiac Pig
Pig natives have entrepreneurial instincts. They are capable of making money out of nowhere and executing new ideas. 2019 is the year of the Pig. This will bring substantial increase in income, stability in financial matters, as well as the opportunity to save money which may prove to be the capital investment for a new venture in the coming years.
The professional life of Pigs will be particularly favorable this year. Positive developments from the very beginning of the year can be seen. Satisfaction in work, promotions and transfer can be expected. The year promises progress. Your talent and experience will leave a good impression on your seniors which is likely to give you a boost in professional front. You are capable of coming up with fresh ideas and possess a sharp mind. Make complete use of these qualities to bag a good opportunities for yourself.
Love and Marriage for Chinese Zodiac Pig
Sensitive and romantic in nature, Pig natives are easily jealous. They are possessive and can not bear the feeling of being neglected. These people easily forgive and forget. In matters relating love, they are the ones who do not blame others. Instead, they are polite even after a hard blow. When extremely hurt, they have a tendency to keep their feelings to themselves. This is when a Pig gets stubborn, suspicious and difficult to handle.
Although at work front and finances, the year is eventful, you need to take precaution in personal life. The year is not meant for true romance. There will be plenty of moments to cherish, but you need to understand what exactly to look for in a partner.
Health for Chinese Zodiac Pig
Pig natives do not stand out in the crowd, but are realistic in approach. Contrary to many who speak and speak while remaining inactive, pigs are opposite. They believe in doing. They enjoy living life and entertainment to them is a necessity. This love for materialistic comfort makes them hard working, sincere and dedicated. The lifestyle they follow is full of enthusiasm, howsoever boring the work may be. They feel secure when having a nice possession of worldly goods. You will seldom find a native of Pig to be leading a dull lifestyle. In 2019, the natives of Pig will enjoy life to its fullest. They will remain balanced, no matter what. Things will be easily managed.
Any sign of worry is not given by the zodiac sign Pig for the year 2019 by Chinese Astrology. However, during winter, some precautions are necessary. The approaching year 2020 will come with health issues and mental breakdown, so utilize this time to prepare yourself for it. Pay attention to your body, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and take appropriate rest. You may even feel an urge to travel to some coastal areas where you can cherish the nature, water and peace.
Pig natives have a tendency to ignore minor symptoms, as they are confident about their natural stoutness. If ignored, even small issues can become major. Since your energy levels are generally high, you do not feel tired or any urge to take a break. What you must understand is taking care of your body is your own responsibility.
Key Takeaways
Pig natives are gentle in nature. They rarely lose temper. Even if they are angry, it will not look dramatic. They are ready to settle things and can easily compromise. They wish to bring things in perfect harmony. This year, however, there will emotional turmoil in your life. You will undergo a number of ups and downs. Avoid getting frustrated or sad over such issues.
When the time is not in your favor, one must try doing their thing and stick to what you are doing. The results of the plant you sow today can’t be immediately received. But with proper nurturing, even the most barren lands have raised wonderful yield. Worrying is not a solution. Instead, striving for what you aspire, facing challenges and not giving up till the problem is solved, is what every great man will do. To avoid stressing out, attend functions and get-togethers. Don’t miss a chance for merry making as happiness begets happiness. When you attend events like a wedding or housewarming, happiness is spread around. Use these positive vibes to enrich your soul. Going to a temple or religious place also attracts positive energy. Avoid going to places where the energy is negative, graveyard or hospital for instance.
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