Shubh Muhurat for Namkaran in 2019
We all have a name, which serves as our identity to the world. Everyone wants their name to be good and meaningful. There are people who pre-decide the names of their children as per their choices. But there is more to a name than meets the eye.
A name defines the identity of a person and to some extent his life as well. Therefore, naming a child is an important event as it plays an important role from the beginning to the end of his or her life. Namkaran Sanskar is a ceremony widely conducted in Hinduism as a medium of naming the newly-born kid and establishing his identity.

02 January 2019 | Wednesday | Dwadashi | In Vishakha Nakshatra | 09:39 - 18:28 |
03 January 2019 | Thursday | Trayodashi | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 07:15 - 11:03 |
07 January 2019 | Monday | Pratipada | In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra | 07:15 - 18:09 |
09 January 2019 | Wednesday | Tritiya | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 07:15 - 14:38 |
18 January 2019 | Friday | Dwadashi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 07:15 - 19:26 |
21 January 2019 | Monday | Poornima | In Pushya Nakshatra | 10:46 - 19:34 |
25 January 2019 | Friday | Panchami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 07:13 - 18:18 |
30 January 2019 | Wednesday | Dashami | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 15:33 - 16:40 |
06 February 2019 | Wednesday | Dwitiya | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 07:07 - 09:53 |
07 February 2019 | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Satabhisha Nakshatra | 07:06 - 12:09 |
11 February 2019 | Monday | Shashti | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 07:03 - 18:12 |
15 February 2019 | Friday | Dashami | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 07:27 - 20:13 |
21 February 2019 | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 06:55 - 19:50 |
04 March 2019 | Monday | Tritiya | In Shravana Nakshatra | 06:44 - 16:29 |
08 March 2019 | Friday | Dwitiya | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 06:40 - 18:51 |
13 March 2019 | Wednesday | Saptami | In Rohini Nakshatra | 06:34 - 18:31 |
21 March 2019 | Thursday | Poornima | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 07:13 - 20:16 |
22 March 2019 | Friday | Dwitiya | In Hasta Nakshatra | 06:24 - 20:12 |
25 March 2019 | Monday | Panchami | In Vishakha Nakshatra | 07:03 - 20:00 |
01 April 2019 | Monday | Dwitiya | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 06:12 - 19:23 |
05 April 2019 | Friday | Poornima | In Revati Nakshatra | 14:20 - 19:17 |
10 April 2019 | Wednesday | Panchami | In Rohini Nakshatra | 06:02 - 18:57 |
11 April 2019 | Thursday | Shashti | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 06:01 - 10:25 |
12 April 2019 | Friday | Saptami | In Ardra Nakshatra | 09:54 - 13:24 |
17 April 2019 | Wednesday | Trayodashi | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 05:54 - 18:31 |
19 April 2019 | Friday | Poornima | In Chitra Nakshatra | 16:42 - 19:29 |
26 April 2019 | Friday | Saptami | In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra | 05:45 - 14:40 |
29 April 2019 | Monday | Dashami | In Satabhisha Nakshatra | 05:43 - 08:51 |
02 May 2019 | Thursday | Trayodashi | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 06:42 - 19:50 |
06 May 2019 | Monday | Dwitiya | In Kritika Nakshatra | 16:36 - 19:34 |
09 May 2019 | Thursday | Panchami | In Ardra Nakshatra | 15:17 - 19:00 |
10 May 2019 | Friday | Shashti | In Punarvasu Nakshatra | 05:34 - 19:06 |
15 May 2019 | Wednesday | Ekadashi | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 10:36 - 21:18 |
16 May 2019 | Thursday | Dwadashi | In Hasta Nakshatra | 05:30 - 19:08 |
23 May 2019 | Thursday | Panchami | In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra | 05:27 - 20:46 |
24 May 2019 | Friday | Shashti | In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra | 05:26 - 20:42 |
29 May 2019 | Wednesday | Dashami | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 15:21 - 20:23 |
30 May 2019 | Thursday | Ekadashi | In Revati Nakshatra | 05:24 - 20:19 |
31 May 2019 | Friday | Dwadashi | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 05:24 - 20:15 |
03 June 2019 | Monday | Poornima | In Rohini Nakshatra | 15:32 - 20:03 |
06 June 2019 | Thursday | Tritiya | In Punarvasu Nakshatra | 05:23 - 09:55 |
07 June 2019 | Friday | Chaturthi | In Pushya Nakshatra | 07:38 - 18:56 |
12 June 2019 | Wednesday | Dashami | In Hasta Nakshatra | 06:06 - 19:28 |
13 June 2019 | Thursday | Ekadashi | In Chitra Nakshatra | 16:49 - 19:24 |
14 June 2019 | Friday | Dwadashi | In Swati Nakshatra | 05:23 - 10:16 |
19 June 2019 | Wednesday | Dwitiya | In Purva Ashadha Nakshatra | 13:29 - 19:59 |
27 June 2019 | Thursday | Navami | In Revati Nakshatra | 05:44 - 18:15 |
28 June 2019 | Friday | Dashami | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 06:36 - 09:11 |
03 July 2019 | Wednesday | Pratipada | In Ardra Nakshatra | 06:36 - 20:09 |
04 July 2019 | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Pushya Nakshatra | 05:28 - 20:05 |
08 July 2019 | Monday | Shashti | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 05:30 - 15:26 |
11 July 2019 | Thursday | Dashami | In Swati Nakshatra | 05:31 - 15:55 |
18 July 2019 | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Shravana Nakshatra | 05:35 - 20:52 |
19 July 2019 | Friday | Dwitiya | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 05:35 - 20:03 |
22 July 2019 | Monday | Panchami | In Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 10:24 - 20:37 |
24 July 2019 | Wednesday | Saptami | In Revati Nakshatra | 05:38 - 18:05 |
29 July 2019 | Monday | Dwadashi | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 08:00 - 18:22 |
01 August 2019 | Thursday | Poornima | In Pushya Nakshatra | 08:42 - 12:11 |
05 August 2019 | Monday | Panchami | In Hasta Nakshatra | 05:45 - 19:42 |
07 August 2019 | Wednesday | Saptami | In Swati Nakshatra | 05:46 - 11:41 |
09 August 2019 | Friday | Navami | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 10:00 - 19:26 |
15 August 2019 | Thursday | Poornima | In Shravana Nakshatra | 17:59 - 19:02 |
16 August 2019 | Friday | Pratipada | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 05:51 - 20:22 |
21 August 2019 | Wednesday | Panchami | In Ashwini Nakshatra | 05:53 - 20:06 |
28 August 2019 | Wednesday | Trayodashi | In Pushya Nakshatra | 06:10 - 19:39 |
09 September 2019 | Monday | Ekadashi | In Purva Ashadha Nakshatra | 08:36 - 11:33 |
11 September 2019 | Wednesday | Trayodashi | In Shravana Nakshatra | 06:04 - 18:36 |
16 September 2019 | Monday | Dwitiya | In Revati Nakshatra | 06:06 - 19:49 |
20 September 2019 | Friday | Shashti | In Kritika Nakshatra | 10:19 - 19:33 |
25 September 2019 | Wednesday | Ekadashi | In Pushya Nakshatra | 06:11 - 08:53 |
30 September 2019 | Monday | Dwitiya | In Chitra Nakshatra | 06:13 - 12:08 |
02 October 2019 | Wednesday | Chaturthi | In Vishakha Nakshatra | 12:52 - 18:46 |
03 October 2019 | Thursday | Panchami | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 06:15 - 12:10 |
07 October 2019 | Monday | Navami | In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra | 12:38 - 18:26 |
09 October 2019 | Wednesday | Ekadashi | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 17:19 - 18:18 |
10 October 2019 | Thursday | Dwadashi | In Satabhisha Nakshatra | 06:19 - 18:14 |
14 October 2019 | Monday | Pratipada | In Revati Nakshatra | 06:21 - 17:59 |
18 October 2019 | Friday | Chaturthi | In Rohini Nakshatra | 07:29 - 19:18 |
21 October 2019 | Monday | Saptami | In Punarvasu Nakshatra | 06:26 - 06:44 |
25 October 2019 | Friday | Dwadashi | In Purva Phalguni Nakshatra | 11:00 - 18:51 |
28 October 2019 | Monday | Poornima | In Swati Nakshatra | 09:08 - 18:26 |
30 October 2019 | Wednesday | Tritiya | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 06:32 - 18:31 |
06 November 2019 | Wednesday | Dashami | In Satabhisha Nakshatra | 07:21 - 18:04 |
07 November 2019 | Thursday | Ekadashi | In Satabhisha Nakshatra | 06:37 - 08:41 |
08 November 2019 | Friday | Ekadashi | In Purva Phalguni Nakshatra | 12:24 - 17:56 |
14 November 2019 | Thursday | Dwitiya | In Rohini Nakshatra | 06:43 - 17:32 |
15 November 2019 | Friday | Tritiya | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 06:44 - 07:53 |
18 November 2019 | Monday | Shashti | In Pushya Nakshatra | 06:46 - 17:10 |
22 November 2019 | Friday | Dashami | In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra | 09:01 - 18:56 |
27 November 2019 | Wednesday | Pratipada | In Anuradha Nakshatra | 06:53 - 08:12 |
02 December 2019 | Monday | Shashti | In Shravana Nakshatra | 06:57 - 18:17 |
06 December 2019 | Friday | Dashami | In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | 07:00 - 16:30 |
12 December 2019 | Thursday | Poornima | In Mrigashira Nakshatra | 10:42 - 17:37 |
27 December 2019 | Friday | Pratipada | In Purva Ashadha Nakshatra | 17:30 - 18:53 |
30 December 2019 | Monday | Chaturthi | In Dhanishta Nakshatra | 13:55 - 18:41 |
What Happens in a Naming Ceremony?
The ritual process of naming a new-born child or an infant is known as Naming ceremony or Namkaran in Hindi. Namkaran is the fifth Sanskar on the list of the 16 Hindu Sanskar. Thus, it is commonly referred to as Namkaran Sanskar.
What is Namkaran Muhurat?
As there is a right time for everything, there is an appropriate time for Namkaran as well. The best suited time during which Namkaran or naming ceremony of a child should be done is known as Namkaran Muhurat.
The Namkaran Muhurat can be calculated by keeping in mind several factors like and birth time, Nakshatra during which the child is born, Zodiac Sign of the child, etc. Consulting an astrologer or priest helps in determining the appropriate Namkaran Muhurat for a child.
How is the Namkaran Sanskar done?
Namkaran is generally done by a priest who has the knowledge about performing the ceremony. The child’s horoscope or birth chart is thoroughly studied, after which his/her name is decided. There are two names that are given to an individual:
- The name which is disclosed to everyone. This is the name by which the individual is known by.
- The name which is kept secret. No one except the parents of the child should know about the secret name of the child. Keeping the name as secret helps in safeguarding the child against black magic, evil, and other negative forces.
It is to be kept in mind that both these names should be meaningful. They should be decided by considering the position of planets in the birth chart or horoscope of an individual.
Back in time, the Namkaran Sanskar was performed according to the instructions and guidance of a priest or astrologer. But nowadays, some parents decide the name of their children themselves.
When and where is the Namkaran Sanskar done?
The next ten days after a child is born are not considered to be favourable for carrying out any auspicious activity. This 10 day period is known as Sutak or Shuddhikaran period. This Sutak is an inauspicious period during which holy and auspicious activities should be avoided. When the sutak period is over, i.e. on the 11th day of childbirth, Namakarana ceremony can be performed.
Namkaran Sanskar can be performed on the 11th day or any other day following it. Generally it is done before the child turns one year old. Some people perform the naming ceremony on the 100th day of childbirth. As far as the location of performing a Namkaran is considered, it can be done at home or in any temple.
What is the process of performing Namkaran Sanskar?
Namkaran Sanskar starts on a holy note, with reciting of mantras and holy prayers. The ceremony is performed by the priest by praying to Lord Agni (the God of Fire). The Pancha Bhootas or the five elements are worshipped and spirits of the child’s ancestors are addressed as well.
The priest considers the birth details of a child and tells the best alphabets with which the name of the child should begin.
The Namkaran is done by the father. It can also be done by maternal uncle or grandfather of the child. The father whispers the name into the ear of the child to be named. Generally, a betel leaf is used to whisper the name to child. The blessings and best wishes of everyone present during the Namkaran Sanskar concludes the ceremony. The name of the child can be chosen according to:
- Nakshatra during which the child is born (Nakshatram)
- Month during which the child is born (Masanam)
- The name of the family deity (Devtanama)
- Zodiac sign of the child (Rashinama)
- The worldly name (Samsarikanama)
What are the astrological aspects related to Namkaran Muhurat?
- The Chaturthi, Navami and Chaturdashi, and Amavasya are considered to be unfavourable for performing Namkaran Sanskar. Except these Tithis, any Tithi can be selected for performing Namkaran.
- There is no specific Vaar or day for performing Namkaran ceremony. Hence, Namkaran can be done on any day of the week.
- Out of the 27 Nakshatras, Mrigashira, Ashwini, Rohini, Pushya, Hasta, Rewati, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Shravana and Shatabhisha are considered to be the most favourable Nakshatra for performing this ceremony.
- Naming the child according to Nakshatra in which he or she is born is known as Nakshatram, which is believed to be of immense importance.
- It is on the day of Namkaran that the birth chart or Horoscope of the child is prepared.
Precautions to be taken regarding Namkaran Sanskar
- The Namkaran ceremony should never be done before the Sutak is over.
- The secret name of the child should not be revealed.
Hope you like this article and get answers to all your queries. Best wishes from AstroSage.
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