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Karnavedha Muhurat 2019: Auspicious Time for Ear Piercing

There are total 16 Sanskaras in Sanatan Dharma that are also known by the name Shodasha Sanskaras. All of them have a profound impact on human life. Following them ensures a happy and meaningful life. Karnavedha Sanskar is one of the most important Shodasha Sanskaras.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें - कर्णवेध मुहूर्त 2019
Karnavedha Muhurat 2019


Date Days Tithi Nakshatra Time
02 January 2019 Wednesday Dwadashi In Vishakha Nakshatra 10:20 - 13 :13 14 :48 - 18 :58
03 January 2019 Thursday Trayodashi In Anuradha Nakshatra 08 :34 - 11 :44
09 January 2019 Wednesday Tritiya In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :46 - 09 :53 11 :20 - 16 :16
13 January 2019 Sunday Saptami In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 14 :05 - 18 :15
14 January 2019 Monday Ashtami In Revati Nakshatra 15 :56 - 18 :11
18 January 2019 Friday Dwadashi In Rohini Nakshatra 13 :45 - 15 :41 17 :55 - 19 :55
19 January 2019 Saturday Trayodashi In Mrigashira Nakshatra 07 :46 - 10 :41
21 January 2019 Monday Poornima In Pushya Nakshatra 07 :45 - 11 :58 13 :33 - 20 :04
25 January 2019 Friday Panchami In Uttara phalguni Nakshatra 17 :28 - 18 :48
26 January 2019 Saturday Shashti In Hasta Nakshatra 07 :43 - 08 :46 10 :13 - 15 :09
27 January 2019 Sunday Saptami In Chitra Nakshatra 07 :43 - 10 :10 11 :34 - 15 :05
30 January 2019 Wednesday Dashami In Anuradha Nakshatra 17 :08 - 19 :28
06 February 2019 Wednesday Dwitiya In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :38 - 09 :30
10 February 2019 Sunday Panchami In Revati Nakshatra 07 :35 - 10 :39 12 :15 - 18 :45
11 February 2019 Monday Shashti In Ashwini Nakshatra 07 :43 - 12 :11 14 :06 - 18 :41
15 February 2019 Friday Dashami In Mrigashira Nakshatra 08 :55 - 16 :05
17 February 2019 Sunday Dwadashi In Punarvasu Nakshatra 07 :29 - 08 :47 10 :12 - 18 :17
23 February 2019 Saturday Chaturthi In Chitra Nakshatra 09 :48 - 15 :34 17 :54 - 19 :36
03 March 2019 Sunday Dwadashi In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 10 :52 - 12 :48 15 :02 - 19 :40
04 March 2019 Monday Trayodashi In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :48 - 12 :44 14 :58 - 17 :19
09 March 2019 Saturday Tritiya In Revati Nakshatra 07 :28 - 08 :53 10 :28 - 16 :59
21 March 2019 Thursday Poornima In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 16 :12 - 18 :29
22 March 2019 Friday Dwitiya In Hasta Nakshatra 06 :54 - 11 :33 13 :47 - 18 :25
23 March 2019 Saturday Tritiya In Chitra Nakshatra 07 :58 - 11 :29
25 March 2019 Monday Panchami In Vishakha Nakshatra 07 :32 - 07 :50 09 :26 - 15 :56
31 March 2019 Sunday Ekadashi In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :27 - 10 :57 13 :12 - 19 :16
01 April 2019 Monday Dwadashi In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :23 - 13 :08 15 :28 - 19 :53
05 April 2019 Friday Poornima In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 17 :30 - 19 :46
06 April 2019 Saturday Pratipada In Revati Nakshatra 10 :34 - 17 :26
07 April 2019 Sunday Dwitiya In Ashwini Nakshatra 06 :59 - 08 :34
10 April 2019 Wednesday Panchami In Rohini Nakshatra 12 :33 - 19 :27
11 April 2019 Thursday Shashti In Mrigashira Nakshatra 06 :43 - 12 :29
13 April 2019 Saturday Ashtami In Punarvasu Nakshatra 08 :11 - 12 :21
19 April 2019 Friday Poornima In Chitra Nakshatra 06 :31 - 11 :57 14 :18 - 18 :51
27 April 2019 Saturday Ashtami In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :16 - 09 :11 11 :26 - 18 :20
2 May 2019 Thursday Trayodashi In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 15 :44 - 20 :20
9 May 2019 Thursday Panchami In Ardra Nakshatra 17 :33 - 19 :29
10 May 2019 Friday Shashti In Punarvasu Nakshatra 06 :25 - 11 :55 15 :12 - 19 :35
11 May 2019 Saturday Saptami In Pushya Nakshatra 06 :21 - 12 :51
15 May 2019 Wednesday Ekadashi In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 12 :35 - 17 :09
16 May 2019 Thursday Dwadashi In Hasta Nakshatra 06 :11 - 07 :57 10 :11 - 17 :05
19 May 2019 Sunday Pratipada In Anuradha Nakshatra 07 :45 - 12 :20 14 :37 - 19 :13
24 May 2019 Friday Shashti In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 09 :40 - 16 :34
26 May 2019 Sunday Saptami In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :17 - 09 :32 11 :52 - 14 :09
30 May 2019 Thursday Ekadashi In Revati Nakshatra 07 :02 - 11 :36 13 :54 - 18 :30
31 May 2019 Friday Dwadashi In Ashwini Nakshatra 06 :58 - 13 :50 16 :06 - 18 :26
06 June 2019 Thursday Tritiya In Punarvasu Nakshatra 06 :34 - 08 :49
07 June 2019 Friday Chaturthi In Pushya Nakshatra 08 :45 - 11 :05 13 :22 :18 :57
12 June 2019 Wednesday Dashami In Hasta Nakshatra 08 :25 - 15 :19 17 :38 - 18 :57
15 June 2019 Saturday Trayodashi In Vishakha Nakshatra 12 :51 - 15 :07
22 June 2019 Saturday Panchami In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :46 - 16 :59
27 June 2019 Thursday Navami In Revati Nakshatra 07 :26 - 12 :04 14 :20 - 18 :45
28 June 2019 Friday Dashami In Ashwini Nakshatra 07 :22 - 09 :42
03 July 2019 Wednesday Pratipada In Ardra Nakshatra 09 :23 - 16 :16
04 July 2019 Thursday Dwitiya In Pushya Nakshatra 06 :59 - 09 :19 11 :36 - 18 :31
13 July 2019 Saturday Dwadashi In Anuradha Nakshatra 06 :23 - 08 :43 11 :01 - 17 :55
19 July 2019 Friday Dwitiya In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :25 - 12 :53 15 :13 - 19 :36
24 July 2019 Wednesday Saptami In Revati Nakshatra 06 :09 - 08 :00 10 :18 - 18 :35
25 July 2019 Thursday Ashtami In Ashwini Nakshatra 07 :17 - 10 :14 12 :30 - 18 :08
29 July 2019 Monday Dwadashi In Mrigashira Nakshatra 07 :41 - 14 :34 16 :52 - 18 :51
01 August 2019 Thursday Poornima In Pushya Nakshatra 09 :46 - 14 :22
05 August 2019 Monday Panchami In Hasta Nakshatra 07 :13 - 11 :47 14 :06 - 18 :29
09 August 2019 Friday Navami In Anuradha Nakshatra 11 :31 - 16 :09
15 August 2019 Thursday Poornima In Shravana Nakshatra 06 :34 - 11 :07 13 :27 - 18 :29
16 August 2019 Friday Pratipada In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07 :39 - 13 :23
21 August 2019 Wednesday Shashti In Ashwini Nakshatra 06 :24 - 08 :27 10 :44 - 17 :26
25 August 2019 Sunday Navami In Mrigashira Nakshatra 12 :48 - 18 :52
28 August 2019 Wednesday Trayodashi In Pushya Nakshatra 08 :00 - 14 :54 16 :58 - 18 :41
1 September 2019 Sunday Dwitiya In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 12 :20 - 18 :25
5 September 2019 Thursday Saptami In Anuradha Nakshatra 17 :28 - 14 :23 16 :27 - 18 :09
11 September 2019 Wednesday Trayodashi In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :05 - 09 :21 11 :41 - 17 :46
29 September 2019 Sunday Pratipada In Hasta Nakshatra 06 :44 - 08 :10 10 :30 - 16 :35 18 :02 - 19 :27
30 September 2019 Monday Dwitiya In Chitra Nakshatra 06 :58 - 10 :26 12 :45 - 17 :58
2 October 2019 Wednesday Chaturthi In Vishakha Nakshatra 14 :41 - 19 :15
3 October 2019 Thursday Panchami In Anuradha Nakshatra 06 :46 - 12 :33
13 October 2019 Sunday Poornima In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 15 :40 - 18 :32
14 October 2019 Monday Pratipada In Revati Nakshatra 17 :11 - 13 :54 15 :36 - 18 :28
19 October 2019 Saturday Panchami In Mrigashira Nakshatra 06 :55 - 09 :11 11 :30 - 16 :44
21 October 2019 Monday Saptami In Punarvasu Nakshatra 07 :14 - 09 :03 11 :22 - 18 :01
26 October 2019 Saturday Trayodashi In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 11 :02 - 14 :49 16 :16 - 17 :41
30 October 2019 Wednesday Tritiya In Anuradha Nakshatra 07 :02 - 10 :47 12 :51 - 17 :25
4 November 2019 Monday Ashtami In Shravana Nakshatra 17 :06 - 1841
10 November 2019 Sunday Trayodashi In Revati Nakshatra 07 :45 - 10 :03 12 :07 - 16 :42
15 November 2019 Friday Tritiya In Mrigashira Nakshatra 07 :25 - 09 :44
17 November 2019 Sunday Panchami In Punarvasu Nakshatra 09 :36 - 14 :50 16 :15 - 18 :52
18 November 2019 Monday Shashti In Pushya Nakshatra 07 :17 - 09 :32 11 :36 - 16 :11
22 November 2019 Friday Dashami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 17 :30 - 19 :26
23 November 2019 Saturday Dwadashi In Hasta Nakshatra 07 :21 - 12 :59 14 :26 - 19 :22
24 November 2019 Sunday Trayodashi In Chitra Nakshatra 09 :08 - 14 :22
27 November 2019 Wednesday Pratipada In Anuradha Nakshatra 07 :24 - 08 :57
01 December 2019 Sunday Panchami In Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 10 :45 - 12 :27 13 :55 - 18 :50
02 December 2019 Monday Shashti In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :28 - 12 :23 13 :51 - 18 :46
07 December 2019 Saturday Ekadashi In Revati Nakshatra 07 :32 - 08 :17 10 :21 - 14 :56 16 :31 - 18 :27
08 December 2019 Sunday Ekadashi In Ashwini Nakshatra 12 :00 - 16 :27
12 December 2019 Thursday Poornima In Mrigashira Nakshatra 07 :35 - 11 :44 13 :11 - 18 :07
14 December 2019 Saturday Dwitiya In Punarvasu Nakshatra 07 :50 - 13 :04 14 :28 - 20 :14
29 December 2019 Sunday Tritiya In Shravana Nakshatra 07 :44 - 10 :37 12 :05 - 13 :29
30 December 2019 Monday Chaturthi In Dhanishta Nakshatra 15 :01 - 19 :11

What is Karnavedha?

The word ‘Karnavedha’ is made up of two words, Karna and Vedha. Here, Karna means ears and Vedha mean piercing. Thus, Karnavedha refers to the ceremony of ear piercing.

What is the importance of Karnavedha Sanskar?

No men can perform Pitru Shradh if their Karnavedha Sanskar has not been performed. Thus, Karnavedha is an important ceremony that needs to be done. For females, Karnavedha increases the beauty and skills of the girl child.

What is Karnavedha Muhurat and how is it calculated?

The time-slots best suited to perform the Karnavedha Sanskar of a child are known as Karnavedha Muhurat. Karnavedha Muhurat is calculated with the help of Panchang, keeping in mind the position of planets and the auspicious day, Tithi, and Nakshatra.

What are the benefits of performing Karnavedha Sanskar?

  • Ear piercing enhances the listening and understanding abilities of a child.
  • Ear piercing prevents diseases like hernia and paralysis.
  • It safeguards males against Hydrocele.
  • Ear lobe is considered to be an acupuncture point and thus, piercing it serves many therapeutic purposes.
  • Karnavedha is known to increase the child's intellectual level and also the creative skills.
  • It is believed that wearing gold earrings helps the females in having a healthy reproductive life.
  • Karnavedha is known to prevent Hysteria and health related issues.

When is Karnavedha performed?

Karnavedha is the 9th Sanskar which is performed after Namkaran, Annaprashan and Mundan ceremony. It should be done before Vidyarambh Sanskar so that the child's abilities of listening and learning gets enhanced.

As per the age for performing Karnavedha is concerned, it should be performed on 10th, 12th or 16th day after birth. After that it can be done during 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th or 12th month. If one is not able to perform Karnavedha during this age of child, they can look forward to performing it when the child is 1, 3 or 5 years old.

How is Karnavedha Sanskar done?

  • Puja is performed before starting the Karnavedha Sanskar.
  • The child should be posited in such a way that his/her ears are pierced while facing the Sun. This lets positive energy flow through the earlobe when it is pierced.
  • During piercing, the following Mantra is chanted-
Om Bhadram Karnebhih Shrinuyaam Devaah|
Bhadram Pashyema-Akshabhir-Yajatraah|

Vyashem Devahitam Yad-Aayuh|
  • It is to be kept in mind that the right ear lobe is to be pierced first if the child is a boy. Left ear lobe is pierced first in case of female child.
  • People often perform nose piercing of the girl child along with ear piercing.
  • The child is made to wear earrings, preferably made up of gold for increased benefits. Neem twig can also be used for its anti-inflammatory properties.

What precautions are to be taken during Karnavedha Sanskar?

  • The tool use for piercing must be sterilised.
  • Some skin ointment and antiseptic cream must be applied.
  • The earrings must be nickel free.
  • Such earrings should be used that do not cause discomfort to the child.
  • The earrings must be of such a material that does not rust or degrade with time.

What are the astrological facts to be kept in mind while calculating Karnavedha Muhurat?

  • The best months for performing Karnavedha Sanskar are Kartik, Paush, Chaitra and Phalgun.
  • The best days for Karnavedha are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • As far as the best lunar dates are considered, the ceremony can be performed on any Tithi except Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdashi and Amavasya Tithi.
  • Karnavedha Sanskar should not be performed during eclipse period.
  • Out of the 27 Nakshatras, Mrigashira, Rewati, Hasta, Chitra, Ashwini, Pushya, Anuradha, Shravana, Dhanishta and Punarvasu are considered to be highly propitious for conducting Karnavedha ceremony.
  • Presence of the beneficial planet Jupiter in ascendant (Lagna) sign Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Pisces is known to boost up the benefits of the process.

Hope you like this article and get answers to all your queries. Best wishes from AstroSage.

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