Islamic Calendar 2019: Festivals & Holidays
With Islamic New Year already observed on September 11, 2018, the new spring has begun for the people
of Islam in India and worldwide. With every year, several resolutions are made in order to accomplish
what people desire or what they yearn for. Similarly, this year as well there would have been several
agendas in everyone’s mind, and they might had already proceeded in that direction. In this regard,
Islamic Calendar 2019 may be of an additional help for you to organize your plans better.
Islamic Calendar 2019, which is also known as Muslim or Hijri Calendar, not only assists you in managing your priorities but, also informs you about major Muslim festivals this year. It includes dates of all important holidays that are observed by various Islamic countries and Muslims globally. Read this article on Hijri Calendar 1440-1441 AH to know more about all Muslim festivals and fasts this year.
Wish Your Loved ones a Happy New Year 2019 with Happy New Year 2019 wishes
Take a look at below table to know about all important fasts and festivals celebrated by Muslim people. Correlate it with Gregorian Dates 2019 to organize your priorities better.
Holidays | Hijri/Islamic Date | Gregorian Date/Day |
Islamic New Year | 1 Muḥarram 1440 AH | September 11, 2018 (Tuesday) |
Ashura | 10 Muḥarram 1440 AH | September 20, 2018 (Thursday) |
Arba'een | 21 or 22 Ṣafar 1440 AH | October 30, 2018 (Tuesday) |
Eid-e-Shuja (Eid-e-Zahra) | 9 Rabī‘ al-Awwal 1440 AH | November 17, 2018 (Saturday) |
Mawlid an-Nabī (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) | 12 Rabī‘ al-Awwal 1440 AH (Sunni) 17 Rabī‘ al-Awwal 1440 AH (Shia) | November 20, 2018 (Tuesday) (Sunni) November 25, 2018 (Sunday) (Shia) |
Birthday of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib | 13 Rajab 1440 AH | March 20, 2019 (Wednesday) |
Laylat al-Mi'raj (Israk Mikraj) | 27 Rajab 1440 AH | April 3, 2019 (Wednesday) |
Laylat al-Bara'at | 15 Sha‘bān 1440 AH | April 20, 2019 (Saturday) |
Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdī | 15 Sha‘bān 1440 AH | April 20, 2019 (Saturday) |
First day of Ramaḍān | 1 Ramaḍān 1440 AH | May 6, 2019 (Monday) |
Laylat al-Qadr | 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, or 29 Ramaḍān 1440 AH | B/w May 24 (Friday) and June 3 (Monday) |
Chaand Raat | 29 Ramaḍān 1440 AH | June 3, 2019 (Monday) |
Eid al-Fitr | 1 Shawwāl 1440 AH | June 4, 2019 (Tuesday) |
Hajj | 8–13 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH | August 9 (Friday) to August 14 (Wednesday) |
Day of Arafah | 9 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH | August 10, 2019 (Saturday) |
Eid al-Adha | 10 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH | August 11, 2019 (Sunday) |
Eid al-Ghadeer | 18 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH | August 19, 2019 (Monday) |
Eid al-Mubahalah | 24 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH | August 25, 2019 (Sunday) |
Note: Islamic Festivals Calendar 2019 is a lunar based calendar established as per the display and position of Moon. In Islamic terms, Year 2019 will be called as 1441 AH, where AH is After Hegira and H is Hijra. This year will span from September 11, 2018 (1 Muḥarram 1440 AH) till August 25, 2019 (24 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1441 AH). These Islamic dates may vary geographically according to the change in location of two or more cities/countries.
Manage Your Plans Better with Printable Calendar 2019
A Brief Introduction about Islam
Islam is the second largest and one of the fastest growing religion in the world. It teaches people that there is only one God (Allah) who is the onliest and unsurpassed, merciful and almighty. As per beliefs preached in Islam, Allah always has shown the path of righteousness to humanity through prophets (Muhammad), scriptures (Quran) and natural signs (Ayah). And in doing so, there had been several special days, which have been marked as of religious significance for the Muslims. These particular days are celebrated as fasts and festivals by the people of Islam to show their gratitude towards Allah. Keeping their importance in mind, we have brought Islamic festivals 2019, which can be used for both religious purposes and planning your events or ceremonies. Also, the events in this calendar are planned as per Hijri Calendar 1440 AH - 1441 AH.
History Behind Islamic Calendar
Hijri Calendar 1441 AH is a Lunar based calendar and consists of 12 months (354 or 355 days) in a year. These months are calculated on the basis of the movement of Moon. Every month begins with the visibility of a new moon (crescent moon or Hilal) shortly after sunset. Also after every 12 months, a new Islamic year commences from the first day of Muharram.
Muslim people in India and other countries use Hijri Calendar to determine the dates of all holidays, rituals and fasts. For example, annual fasting period of Ramadan, the period of pilgrimage to Mecca, etc. These propitious occasions are the time for people to show their gratitude towards Allah, appease him to purify their souls and absolve all their sins. Therefore, in this regard, Islamic Calendar 2019 provides you the right and accurate information about dates of the holidays that one can coordinate to organize their various plans.
Islamic Festivals 2019 - Unification of Auspicious Events to Appease Allah
In Islam, there are certain festivals that are highly sacred and auspicious, and celebrated zealously by Muslims. Ramadan or Ramzan is the 9th month in Hijri Calendar. It is an extremely pious and holy month in which Muslim people perform fasts, Sawm. Sawm is a way to gain empathy towards needy and deprived, strong willpower against worldly desires and to deepen the faith in almighty Allah.
In 2019, the fasting period of Ramadan will start from May 6 as per Gregorian Calendar and will end on June 3. During this 30 days period of Ramadan, muslim people are refrained to eat and drink during the daylight hours, and offer charity (Zakat) to the poor and needy. Next day after Ramadan ends, Eid Al-Fitr is celebrated with lots of gaiety and fun, which is on June 4 this year. On this pious occasion, they wear new clothes as well as presents gifts to each other. They also offer their gratitude to the almighty Allah to give them such blissful and prosperous lives.
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Another event for celebration for Muslims is the festival of Eid Al-Adha, and is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah (August 11 as per Gregorian Calendar). This festival lasts for 4 days. On this occasion, Muslim people sacrifice sheeps to Allah and distribute its meat in 3 parts: one-third is given to the poor and needy, one-third of the remaining is given to relatives, friends and neighbours; and rest of the meat is kept by the family. The festivities of this auspicious occasion are celebrated with lots of happiness and merriment. People also invite their friends, who are non-muslims, as well as colleagues to join them in their celebrations.
Other festivals like Ashura, Laylat al-Bara'at, Rabi Ul Awwal, etc are also celebrated devotedly by people. Hijri Calendar is followed principally by the Muslims all over the world and in gulf countries like Saudi Arabia.
Thus, from the information above, we can say that the festivals in Islamic religion is a pious way for people to prosper and fulfill their wishes for a blissful life. Additionally, Muslims can consult our Islamic Calendar 2019 for religious and ceremonial purposes such as for naming ceremony of babies, marriages, engagements, etc.
AstroSage wishes our readers that Year 2019 (1441 AH) would bring great health, prosperity, happiness and success to your lives.
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