Saturn Direct In Aquarius

Saturn Direct In Aquarius: Saturn, the karmic planet and indicator for work, past deeds is said to become direct on November 4, 2023 at 8.26 hrs.

This article will discuss the impact of Saturn Direct In Aquarius on the different aspects of 12 zodiac signs. Saturn is a neutral planet and it occupies the female sign ruled by Saturn himself. Due to this, the natives may be experiencing success in their career path and gain more from the same. Information related to career, money, business, relationship and health will be dealt with in this article and it may be known how the natives belonging to the 12 zodiac signs are able to pull their wheel into the zone of good or bad may be known from this article of Saturn Direct In Aquarius. 

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Let us see how Saturn Direct In Aquarius creates its impact on the twelve zodiac signs with its positive and negative results:

Saturn Planet In Astrology

A strong Saturn may provide all the essential satisfaction in life, good health and a strong mind. Natives with a strong Saturn in their horoscope may make themselves comfortable and live happily. The natives may be flourishing extremely in earning money and increasing their comforts and such earning of good money may be possible for the natives due to their hard work and dedication they are putting in their forte.

On the other hand, if Saturn combines with a bad association of planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars, there might be struggles and obstacles the natives could be facing. If Saturn combines with Mars then the natives may possess uneasiness, impulsiveness and aggression and if Saturn combines with malefics like Rahu/Ketu during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, the natives might be facing health problems like skin related issues, lack of sound sleep, bad dreams, obstacles in job . However, if Saturn is associated with benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, then positive results for the natives may get doubled with respect to their business, trade, gaining more money and enhancing their scope of earning more money. Also, Saturn combining with benefic planets may increase the career prosperity of natives and bestows them with successful results.

Saturn as we all know is the significator for commitment, career growth etc and so Saturn gains prominence in one’s life. When Saturn goes weak in Aries, then there may be lack of happiness, less job prospects, less money, laziness, and disappointments in life among the natives. When Saturn transits and gets strong especially in zodiac signs like Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius then, natives may derive all fortunes in gaining more money, meet with more job satisfaction, promising career opportunities and also will be seeing good results in family and maintain good relationship with their life partner.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: शनि कुम्भ राशि में मार्गी (4 नवंबर 2023)

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Saturn Direct In Aquarius on your life.

Saturn Direct In Aquarius 2023 Zodiac Wise Prediction

Let us now look at the effects of Saturn Direct in Aquarius 2023 on each zodiac sign, as well as possible remedies:


For the Aries natives, Saturn is the tenth and eleventh house lord with respect to the moon sign and occupies the eleventh house.

Due to the above, you may be in a suitable position to take wise decisions into your fold and such decision making may promote your interests. Due to the Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be in a positive frame of mind to make suitable decisions for your life. You may be more clear in your thoughts and actions so that execution becomes fair and easy. 

Also during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be clear in your actions and pursuing major decisions like new investments may provide you with all satisfaction in life. 

On the career front, during this movement, you may be meeting with more success in the form of progress and promotion Further you may be witnessing good understanding with your superiors and colleagues during this course of time and a sense of good satisfaction may be present for you during this time. Further you may be in a position to maintain a good reputation for yourself. There may also be chances for change of job for good which you may be liking at this point of time. 

On the business front, if you are doing business, then this time may bring you more profits and even chances for new business opportunities. If you are in partnership, then you may be able to create success stories in partnership and also if you try for new partnerships-, then you are bound to face more success. You will be able to have good chances for a high level of prosperity.

On the financial front, during this period, you may be meeting with more money gains and this may give more satisfaction for you. During Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be having more commitments and for the same, you may be getting the required money. You will be in a comfortable position to save good money.

On the relationship front, during this period, you may be able to derive good satisfaction in family and with your life partner. You may be in a position to build up strong values in a relationship.

On the health front, during this period, you will be in a position to maintain good health and gain satisfaction from the same. During this movement, you may need to concentrate more on meditation/yoga to keep yourself comfortable and more stable.

Remedy-Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily 41 times.

Aries Weekly Horoscope


For the Taurus natives, Saturn is the ninth and tenth house lord with respect to the moon sign and occupies the tenth house.

The above movement indicates that you may be in a position to make fortunes with respect to your work. You will be following certain principles in your life and will act according to such things. You will be more alcoholic during Saturn Direct In Aquarius and you will go ahead pursuing this. 

On the career front, you may be facing good satisfaction as there will be fine reciprocation from your superiors and colleagues. Due to the above good things happening, you will be simply basking with glory and success. You may be getting all the favorable things that you want with respect to work. You will also receive promotion and laurels for the hard efforts that you are putting in.

On the business front, if you are doing business, you may be able to gain good chances to get new business offers and dealings. You will be able to enter into new partnerships and further you may be getting new business deals which will be giving you promising returns. You may be in a position to accommodate new and latest trends which may keep you satisfied. Further, you will be in a position to attain the projected goals and earn good profits within a matter of time. You will also be able to compete well with your competitors and resort to a success formula. 

On the financial front, during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be in a good position to earn and amass money and also stick to the comfortable position of saving money that you are earning. You may be in a position to get extra income for the hard work that you are doing in the form of incentives/perks from your job.

On the relationship front, during this period, you will be finding more happiness in relationships with your family circles and life partner. You may be in a suitable position to maintain good bonding with your life partner.

On the health front, you will stick to good health and further this may be possible due to the high level of immunity that you will be in a position to maintain during this course of time.

Remedy-Chant “Om Bhargavaaya Namah” daily 33 times.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


For the Gemini natives, Saturn is the eighth and ninth house lord with respect to the moon sign and occupies the ninth house.

Due to the above, you may need to spend money for the health of your father and this may be causing worries for you. You may be facing more expenses during this Saturn Direct In Aquarius and further chances to save money may not be more. So, you may need to plan more for you to get high benefits. If you resort to spiritual practices then you may be in a position to gain satisfactory results.

On the career front, you may be in a position to derive all benefits with hard efforts only for the work that you are putting in. But such benefits may not be coming to you so easily during this course of time and you may witness delay with respect to the same. Recognition from superiors may be possible for your hard work.

On the business front, if you are doing business you may be gaining only moderate profits and not profits on a high scale. You may be getting even loss due to negligence and non support of your business partners.

On the financial front, during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may need to meet with more expenses and moderate money gains which may give you less satisfaction. You may not be in a position to manage the money that you are gaining. 

On the relationship front, during this month you may be facing ego related problems with your life partner and such problems may arise due to lack of bonding that may be existing which may be essential for you during this course of time. To solve this problem, you may need to adjust with your life partner and secure happiness.

On the health front, you may not be in a position to maintain more sound health and at the same time, you may be facing pain in your legs and stiffness due to lack of energy.

Remedy-Chant “Om Budhaya Namaha” daily 41 times.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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For the Cancer natives, Saturn is the seventh and eighth house lord with respect to the moon sign and occupies the eighth house.

Due to the above facts, you may not be getting development in life and gain good benefits immediately. You may be facing relationship problems with your friends and further you may be losing money due to negligence. 

On the career front, you may be subjected to more work pressure and some of you may be changing jobs for better satisfaction which is said to arise. You may not be getting proper recognition for the work that you are doing and this may cause you disappointment. 

If you are in business, then this Saturn Direct In Aquarius may bring less success and more competition from your competitors and this phenomenon may in turn put you in loss sometimes. It may be essential for you to change your business strategy into a new one and follow the same in order to gain more sound profits. 

On the money front, during this movement, you may be facing shortage of money and this may cause worries for you. You may be requiring money to spend, but at the same time-you may not be getting the money that you require on time. You may be facing fluctuations, both gains and expenses. In some situations, you may be facing delays in securing the money that you require and due to this, you may always be witnessing a gap with the money that you may be possessing.

On the relationship side,  you may not be able to maintain a good relationship with your life partner. There may be chances for less happy moments and you may be left insecure and such feelings may leave a huge deficit in happiness.

During Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be possessing less health and this may be possible due to lack of immunity and thereby further you may be facing pain in legs and swelling. 

Remedy-Perform Yagya-Havan for Lord Shiva on Monday.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


For the Leo natives, Saturn is the sixth and seventh house lord with respect to the moon sign and occupies the seventh house.

During this period, you may be facing ups and downs in your career front. You may be facing problems with your colleagues with respect to work. There may be more job pressure that may be giving you botheration during this course of time and for this you may need to manage schedules. Personally, you may be facing problems.

If you are in a career, then you may not get satisfaction for the work that you are doing. Instead you may adopt the frame of mind of changing your job for better prospects and to gain satisfaction from the same. But changing jobs may not be possible for you at once.

If you are in business, then this Saturn Direct In Aquarius may not bring you more benefits and profits with respect to your business and if you are expecting more profits, this may not be the high time for you with such flexible results. You may be facing problems in partnership during this course of time. There may be more arguments that will be possible with your partners and such moves may result in loss during this course of time for you.

During this period, you may be facing loss of money while traveling and this may be arising due to negligence. Further during this movement, you may need to spend money for the health of your life partner. Even though you may be spending money for your life partner, you may not derive good satisfaction from your life partner and she may not be great enough for the contribution that you are giving for her. You may also lose money by lending to friends.

On the relationship front, you may get provoked for unwanted reasons and this provocation you may need to avoid in order to ensure happiness. It may be essential for you to maintain patience and tolerance in such a way that you may be meeting with success in a relationship with your life partner and thereby create a positive space.

On the health front, you may also be experiencing pain in legs and thighs etc. It may be better for you to do meditation/Yoga to keep your health in good condition and thereby you may be able to maintain the same.

Remedy-Perform Yagya-Havan for Goddess Durga on Saturday.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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For the Virgo natives, Saturn is the fifth and sixth house lord and occupies the sixth house.

On the career front, you may be able to fulfill your desires during Saturn Direct In Aquarius with respect to your career. You may be in a position to get new job opportunities during this course of time which may fulfill your objectives. There may be overseas travel and chances with respect to the same. You may be in a position to gain recognition and reputation with your superiors which may give you delight. Appreciating your performance in a job, you may get an increase in salary or earn incentives/perks which may give you satisfaction. New job chances that you may be getting may be promoting your interests and make you a complete person. You may also be getting 

If you are in business, then Saturn Direct In Aquarius may give you a high level of profits and you may get chances for securing further new business contacts and setting a good example with your competitors. You may be in a position to witness traces of more luck during this movement with respect to your business. Business partners may be in a position to cooperate with you and due to this- you may be in a position to make more suitable decisions and promote your business.

On the financial front, you may be in a position to earn good money and save also. You may have a lot of chances by earning more money from external sources and or through outsourcing. Fortunes may be favoring you in which you may gain money through inheritance. You may be lucky enough to amass extra incentives and perks which may be giving you a lot of joy with ecstasy. You may be able to get support from your friends in gaining money. If you are in business- you may get favorable chances to secure money through foreign sources.

On the relationship front, you may be able to maintain cordial relationships with your life partner. You may also be in a position to secure good support from your life partner. You may be able to communicate in a pleasant manner with your life partner and for this-you may be in a position to get the return in the form of more love from your beloved life partner. 

On the health front, you may not be having major health problems and generally you may be in a fitting condition. You may be able to possess the enthusiasm, courage and determination to face complex situations and this may in turn guide you to maintain fine health.

Remedy-Perform Yagya-Havan for Planet Saturn on Saturday.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope


For the Libra natives, Saturn is the fourth and fifth house lord and occupies the fifth house with respect to the Moon sign.

Due to the above, you may be in a position to secure big efforts to meet with high satisfaction and the end results may be in your favor. You may be in a position to enhance your intelligence and move in a rapid manner. It may be fine for you to avoid taking major decisions and avoid further new investments.

On the career front, during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be able to witness good results and promotion chances for the tough efforts that you are making. You will also be in a sound position to gain more extra income and incentives for the hard efforts that you are making. You may also be in a position to save more money. You may be able to gain new abroad openings for your job and such openings may be serving your purpose well. 

If you are in business, then this movement may bring in more profits and also the success ratio that you will be receiving with respect to your job may not be strong and the scope for amassing high profits may be easily possible. There may also be chances for new business openings that will be giving you satisfaction. You will be operating at high profits.

On the financial side, you may be comfortable enough for this month with a good amount of savings and the scope for the same will be high. You may be gaining more income for the hard work that you are putting in. Your efforts may be appreciated by your superiors and due to this, you may be gaining more income.

On the relationship front, you may be able to maintain cordial relationships with your life partner due to fine understanding and a balanced approach. You will be having maturity in your approach and you will be having a relationship with your partner on mutual grounds. Your approach will be understandable.

On the health front, you may not be having major health problems during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. You may be left with energy and enthusiasm and this may be having good courage. Due to the above, you will be fit.

Remedy-Perform Yagya-Havan for Planet Ketu on Tuesday.

Libra Weekly Horoscope


For the Scorpio natives, Saturn is the third and fourth house lord and occupies the fourth house with respect to the moon sign.

Due to the above facts, you may be losing comfort during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. You may be put to the situation of spending more money and this may be causing you more worries. There may be house related problems for you during Saturn Direct In Aquarius like family problems, disputes etc and due to this, you may need to pay more attention to the same. Your concentration levels towards other activities may keep a low profile. You may be put to the situation of shifting your residence.

On the career front, you may not feel comfortable with the way outcomes and events are happening for you during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. You may be facing more work pressure and challenges from your superiors and associates. Due to this, you may be thinking of changing your job for better prospects and such a change in career may be providing you with satisfaction.

If you are in business, then you may be securing moderate profits and there may be competition that you will be facing from your competitors during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. This may come to you as a threat and due to this, you will not be in a position to take suitable decisions with respect to your business. You may not be in a position to withstand the threat from your competitors during this course of time. To be successful in business during this time, you may need to change your business strategy and focus for more profits in future.

On the money front, you may be getting only moderate gains during this course of time. Major plans with respect to making investments in new things may not be fetching you a high level of returns. There may be scope for only moderate savings that you may be able to make during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. There will be more expenses which you may not be able to manage.

On the relationship front, you may have issues in your family and due to this, there may be disputes and arguments with your family members. Due to such issues prevailing, you may not be in a position to show more love to your partner. 

On the health front, you may be facing pain in legs and stiffness. Such things may be arising due to lack of immunity that may take your physical fitness away. So, it may be fine for you to stick to prayers and meditation to keep your health better.

Remedy-Chant “Om Mandaya Namaha” daily 41 times.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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For the Sagittarius natives, Saturn is the second and third house lord and occupies the third house with respect to the moon sign.

Due to the above, you may be getting favorable results in family, finances and development etc. But all the above, you may be getting it at a moderate rate. There may be obstacles initially for you to progress during Saturn Direct In Aquarius. You may be having more travel.

On the career front, you may be getting new career chances abroad and such openings may give you delight and surprise you. You may be in a position to win the acclaim of your superiors for your hard work that you are putting in at work. You may be patient enough to develop your intelligence at work and contribute further towards your career. You may be getting frequent travels also with respect to your job. 

If you are in business, then you may be heading towards gaining a high level of profits and possess command over your business outfit. You may be in a position to develop new business strategies which may confer you with a high level of profits.

On the money front, during Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be getting high money in the form of performance incentives from your work and such good things may be coming to you by means of hard work and dedication.

On the relationship front, during this movement, you may be able to maintain a good relationship with your life partner. There will be mutual understanding and cordiality in a relationship. Due to this, you will be in a position to rejoice with your life partner. Both you and your life partner may create merry moments. 

When it comes to health, your determination may enable you to keep you in fine fitness. You may also possess the courage to get on with it and this may guide you to get good health.

Remedy-Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” daily 41 times.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


For the Capricorn natives, Saturn is the first and second house lord and occupies the second house with respect to the moon sign.

Due to the above, you may be more conscious with respect to making more money and improving your fortunes in regard to the same. You may be able to enhance your savings considerably and in a moderate manner. Further, you may be able to focus more on family development and enhancing rapport with your life partner.

On the career front, you may be blessed enough to secure more new job openings that may enhance your happiness and satisfaction. For this, you may be getting full recognition for the hard work being done by you. Recognition may be coming for you in the form of incentives, perks and other benefits. You may also secure chances for jobs abroad and such wonderful things may give delight to you. 

If you are in business, then you may be able to secure good returns during Saturn Direct In Aquarius and more profits may be possible for you. After some initial hard efforts, you may be going in for new business dealings and such new business ventures may be providing you with a high level of profits. You will also be in a position to secure all the support from your business partners and this may be helpful.

On the money front, you may be gaining more money for the efforts that you are putting in your career/business Saturn Direct In Aquarius. You will accommodate yourself in a comfortable position of saving more money also. You may also get chances to gain money via unexpected sources also.

On the relationship front, you may be able to witness happiness and exchange pleasantries with your life partner. Also, the level of understanding may be growing for you with your partner. This may make you delighted.

On the health front, fine health may be possible for you with a good amount of energy and enthusiasm left within you. You may be having only some pain in your teeth etc.

Remedy-Perform Yagya-Havan for Lord Kala Bhairava on Saturday.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


For the Aquarius natives, Saturn is the first and twelfth house lord and occupies the first house with respect to the moon sign.

Due to the above, you may be put to health problems with respect to pain in thighs and eyes. You may also be facing unwanted expenses which you may find it tough to manage. Activities may be happening at a moderate pace for you and this may cause worries. You may be put to long travel which may be of unwanted nature.

On the career front, you may be facing some delays in gaining benefits. You may be getting chances for long distance abroad travel and such chances may be providing you with satisfaction. During Saturn Direct In Aquarius, you may be facing some hindrances from your colleagues and such obstacles may lower down your performance. The remuneration that you may be getting from your work may be moderate and not high for the hard work that you are putting in.

If you are in business, then this movement may give you moderate profits and it may be essential for you to curb your expectations with respect to earning high profits and having too much expectations may give you high disappointment.

On the money front, you may be securing good money and at the same time, you may not be in a good position to save. You may be meeting with more expenses which you may not be able to avoid.

On the relationship front, you might be facing small disputes in the family and due to this arguments may erupt with your partner as there may be some mind-blogging issues which may reduce the happiness.

On the health front, you may lose immunity and due to this, you may be having a lack of sound sleep. You may be having pain in your thighs and legs and this may keep you worried.

Remedy-Chant “Om Bhaskaraya Namah” daily 19 times.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


For the Pisces natives, Saturn is the eleventh and twelfth house lord and occupies the twelfth house .

Due to this, natives belonging to this sign may be facing mixed results with both gains and expenses. Satisfaction that the natives may gain during Saturn Direct In Aquarius may not be high. There may be chances for insecure feelings that these natives may be having and due to this, there may be backlogs.

On the career front, you may not be getting highly satisfied results. In the existing job, you may be facing more work pressure and lack of support from superiors. Due to this, you may be committing errors and so you may be losing a good name in your job and thereby you may be thinking of changing jobs which may give you high satisfaction and this may be possible.

If you are in business, then you may not be able to gain sound profits during Saturn Direct In Aquarius and instead you may be meeting with loss which may make you lose reputation among your competitors. Intense competition and opposition from your business partners may be possible for you.

On the money front, you may be facing a situation of loss. Your expectations to gain more profits immediately may not be possible. These situations may be disappointing. So, for this you may need to plan your financial resources and spend accordingly.

On the relationship front, you may not be deriving happiness with your life partner and this may put you in some dark shades. There may be lack of enthusiasm and due to which you may not be in a position to show love feelings to your partner. It may be essential for you to resort to adjustment so that you may be able to create wonderful moments in a relationship.

On the health front, you may be facing irritations in eyes and pain in legs during this course of time. Due to this, you may not be in a position to strain yourself more.

Remedy-Perform 6 months Pooja for planet Jupiter on Thursday.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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