Mars Combust In Virgo (September 24th, 2023)

Author: Aacharya HariHaran | Updated Tue, 01 Aug 2023 01:40 PM IST

Mars Combust In Virgo will take place on September 24, 2023, at 18:26 hrs.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: मंगल कन्या राशि में अस्त (24 सितंबर)

Mars, the warrior of planets in Vedic Astrology, is a dynamic and commanding planet with masculine nature. In this article, we are focussing on the Mars combust In Virgo with the positive and negative traits that it may confer. If Mars is placed in its own Moola Trikona sign in Aries then it will generate highly productive results. When Mars is placed in Aries or Scorpio and both being the zodiac signs ruled by Mars-there will be huge benefits that the natives may be able to gain. Mars rules the first house and eighth house from the natural zodiac; the first sign is Aries and the eighth sign is Scorpio. Mars gives a lot of benefits in terms of authority and position to the natives.

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Now let's go ahead and know through this special article what will be the impact of the upcoming Mars combustion in Virgo, in 2023 on the lives of the 12 zodiac signs and what measures can be taken to avoid it.

Mars Combust In Virgo: Importance Of Mars Planet In Astrology

Mars in astrology is generally known as a dynamic planet with higher authority. This planet denotes effective administration and principles and it is a hot planet and denotes all majestic qualities. Without the blessings of Mars, one cannot hold top positions in life with respect to career, and also one may not be a strong person.

A strong Mars may provide all the essential satisfaction in life, good health, and a strong mind. If Mars is placed well for a person in his horoscope, then the person may gain all reputation and position in his career. A strong Mars may confer the natives with all physical and mental happiness if it is placed and aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter. 

On the other hand, if Mars combines with the malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu it will get eclipsed, and due to this one might suffer from health ailments, mind depression, loss of status, loss of money, etc. To gain the benefits and blessings of Mars one can wear Coral Gemstone. Also, reciting Mars Gayatri Mantra and Hanuman Chalisa daily will confer immense benefits.

Combustion in Astrology:

Combustion in Astrology is the term that denotes weakness or powerlessness. In Astrology, this combustion is valid and this occurs when any planet gets very close to the Sun within ten degrees and loses its power. Rahu and Ketu do not suffer from combustion as already they are planets of illusion. Mercury is the only planet that does not suffer from combustion when it comes close to the Sun as already Mercury is near to the Sun. A combust planet does not give good results as it is already weak. 

Here in this article, we are going to discuss Mars combust in Virgo. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and this sign is Mars’s enemy sign. Mercury is an intelligent planet and Mars is fierce. Mars getting combust in Virgo may enable the natives to lose their energy and determination. Natives may be having unwanted fear during this movement and may lose themselves. 

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Mars Combust in Virgo 2023 Zodiac Wise Predictions 

Let us now take a look at the effects of Mars Combust in Virgo on each zodiac sign, as well as possible remedies:


Aries, the first zodiac sign, is characterized by its fiery and masculine nature. Aries individuals are energetic go-getters who never tire of their pursuits. They persistently strive to achieve their goals, even in the face of challenging tasks.

In terms of astrology, Mars, as the ruling planet of Aries, governs the first and eighth houses. However, it becomes combust in the sixth house when positioned opposite the planet Mercury in the sign of Virgo. This placement and combustion of Mars in the sixth house can lead Aries natives to encounter health issues and financial constraints. Worries may intensify during this period of Mars combustion in Virgo. The natives may possess inherent fear and determination, which unfortunately can cause them to miss out on favorable career and financial opportunities.

The combustion of Mars may give rise to health problems such as digestion-related issues and back pain. Some individuals may also be prone to nervous problems. On a positive note, Aries natives may unexpectedly receive financial gains through inheritance or other sources. Their efforts during this period may lead to additional income. Furthermore, a few individuals may experience luck and profit through speculative endeavors.

Overall, Aries natives may face fluctuations in their financial situation during this phenomenon, experiencing both ups and downs in their earnings.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


During this period, you must adopt a more professional approach to planning your work to ensure things are done correctly. Job pressure may be a prominent factor, leading to a lack of satisfaction and recognition for your hard work from superiors, which can be concerning. Although you may contemplate switching jobs for better opportunities, immediate changes might not be feasible. This movement suggests higher chances of securing a job abroad, but it may not bring the desired satisfaction, leaving you with only moderate prospects for new job opportunities.

If you are involved in business, this movement may bring moderate success in terms of profitability. While you may achieve moderate profits, there is also a possibility of experiencing financial losses. Additionally, you may face risks and competition from competitors, indicating the need to update your business strategy. Although you may encounter opportunities for new partnerships, it is advisable to avoid them as they may pose risks to your business.


During this movement, you may be getting less money out of the efforts that you are taking. There may be chances for you to lose money during this combust state and this may be arising out of negligence on your part. You may need to avoid taking big investment decisions and it may also be required on your side so that you can avoid getting into a loss. You may also need to avoid lending money to others or even your close friends and this may put you in trouble.

You may need to avoid putting money or investment in big shares or buying bigger properties etc and doing so-you may be facing risk and also huge loss. If you try to start a new business with a partnership-then you may be landing yourself in trouble. 


During this movement, you may not be able to maintain a good relationship with your life partner. There may be chances for ego-related problems and sensitive issues that may arise in your family. These issues may unwantedly create problems in the form of communication lapses that may be possible.

You must make adjustments within your family and actively address any arising issues to attain ultimate happiness. Take the initiative to choose your words carefully in your relationships and family interactions to prevent any negative consequences. A balanced approach of compromise and cooperation with your life partner is necessary to cultivate satisfaction.


During this movement, you may need to spend money for the health of your mother and this may be causing worries for you. On your side, you may be facing a lack of comfort and this may be causing disturbances on your part. Due to moderate health, you may be lacking happiness. Everything depends on satisfaction and happiness and if this is missing,- you may not be in a position to maintain optimum health. 

Further, you may be facing colds, allergies, and tooth pain which may be possible as a result of lack of immunity which may be possible during thisMars Combust In Virgo. It may also be good for you to do meditation or yoga which may enhance your immunity.

Remedy: Chant “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 11 times.

Aries Weekly Horoscope


Taurus, the second zodiac sign, is characterized by its earthy and feminine nature. Taurus natives are known for their artistic and creative abilities. They exhibit diligence in completing tasks on time and are highly focused on establishing and nurturing relationships with others. Accumulating wealth and maintaining financial stability are important goals for them. Additionally, they may have a strong desire to embark on long-distance journeys.

In terms of astrology, Mars, as the ruling planet of the second and seventh houses, is positioned in the fifth house but is in a state of combustion. As a result, there may be limited progress in the daily lives of these individuals, as it takes a backseat. Fluctuations in financial matters may arise during this period, along with challenges in their relationships due to a lack of understanding. Taurus natives may experience concerns about their future and worry about the development of their children. Occasionally, they may lose their composure and become easily provoked.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career, then during this time- you may need to work hard and utilize your intelligence to create success stories. You may be losing interest in your present job and thereby may be willing to shift to a new job for the sake of satisfaction and also to earn more salary. You may be facing problems from your superiors and thereby you may not be earning sufficient recognition for the hard work that you may have put in.

If you are in business, your passion to increase profits may be on the rise, but you may not be able to gain more profits and it may be low or sometimes-you may be put to the situation of facing loss. In your line of business, you may be facing problems from your partners. 


You may be losing money due to negligence while traveling. There may be situations in which you may be forced to face more expenses that will be arising out of the increasing commitment that will be possible. You may also be put to spend more money on the health of your children.


You may not be able to witness effectiveness in a relationship and maintain good bonding with your life partner. Ego issues may be creeping in and this may spoil the happiness and thereby disturb the whole proceedings. If you adopt good adjustment with your life partner, then the time will be yours.


During this time, you may be having concerns over the health of your children which may not be fine. It may also be essential for you to check your eyes as there may be chances for irritations with respect to the same. You may also be put to spend more money for the health of your life partner. 

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


Gemini, the third zodiac sign, is associated with individuals who possess dual minds. They have a mindset inclined towards business and excel in this field. These natives display a strong interest in investing in shares and reaping profits from them. Traveling frequently is a common trait among Gemini individuals. Engaging in matters of love brings them great satisfaction and they are likely to benefit from such experiences. 

In terms of astrology, Mars, as the ruler of the sixth and eleventh houses, occupies the fourth house but is in a state of combustion for Gemini natives. As a result, they may encounter family issues that disrupt their sense of comfort, leading to increased stress. Financial worries may arise as these individuals are compelled to spend more on their mother's health. To fulfill their numerous commitments, they may resort to borrowing money and taking out loans.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


As per the Mars Combust In Virgo, if you are pursuing a career, you may find it challenging to achieve secure and satisfactory results in your work. Your job may no longer provide you with the comfort you desire, which can hinder your overall performance. The increased job pressure during this period may further impede your performance and cause a sense of self-doubt. It is crucial for you to carefully plan and schedule your work to navigate these challenges effectively.

For those involved in business, it is necessary to adapt to the current business trends and circumstances. This is important because you may encounter intense competition from rivals who may attempt to exploit your interests in the industry. Handling your business with utmost care becomes crucial as there are possibilities of facing wear and tear. It is vital to stay vigilant and adapt to the changing landscape to maintain a competitive edge. 


Fluctuations with respect to finances may be possible for you during this movement. There may be a one-time increase in money gains and another time there may be an increase in expenses which you may not be in a position to manage the same with ease. Even if you gain better, you may not be in a fine position to save and this may cause botheration for you.


During this time, you may be meeting with quarrels in your family due to unwanted conflicts which may disturb the harmony and may make you feel unhappy. There may be issues in the family related to ancestors' property and for this, you may be facing obstacles from your siblings who may be giving you trouble. Due to issues in the family, you may not be able to show love towards your life partner.


You may be losing energy and enthusiasm during this course of time. There may be health issues like digestion problems and uneasiness that may be prevailing for you during this course of time. You may be prone to nervousness which may be adding constraints for you.

Remedy: Chant the ancient text Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope


Cancer, the fourth zodiac sign, is associated with the water element and characterized as a movable sign. Individuals born under this sign display a strong inclination towards purchasing property and other assets. They are dedicated to spending more on their family's well-being. Cancer natives should pay special attention to their health as they may be prone to cold-related issues. These individuals possess heightened intuition skills, which they utilize to enhance their overall performance.

In terms of astrology, Mars, as the ruler of the fifth and tenth houses, is positioned in the third house but is in a state of combustion for Cancer natives. As a result, they may experience a temporary loss of determination and courage. If they embark on a journey, obstacles may arise along the way. Additionally, they may encounter challenges from their siblings, who may take advantage of the situation. Problems in their job may also surface, leading to a loss of confidence for these individuals.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career, you will try to achieve phenomenal progress along with your efforts. But you may fall short of achieving the estimated target with respect to your job. There may be non-support of your colleagues and superiors for you and this may be giving you botheration.

If you are in business, then you may be put to lose several good chances and due to this, you may be losing more profits. You may be facing stiffness from your competitors and due to the same, you may be losing the grip in gaining more profits.


During your travels, there is a risk of financial loss due to potential negligence. It is crucial for you to exercise extra caution as the current circumstances are not favorable. Luck may not be on your side when it comes to finances, making it unlikely for you to achieve significant gains during this period. Saving money may also prove to be challenging for you.


Mars Combust In Virgo says that arguments may be possible for you in a relationship with your life partner and this may be due to a lack of harmony and effective understanding which may disturb the proceedings. You may need to adjust with your life partner in order to ensure mutual rapport and happiness.


You may be prone to digestion-related problems and headaches during this course of time. There may also be stress accompanying you which may in turn further lower your morale. Further, you may be subjected to stress which may put a toll on your health.

Remedy: Offer food to handicapped persons on Saturdays.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


Leo, the fifth zodiac sign, is characterized by its fiery nature. It is a fixed sign known for its inherent swiftness. Individuals born under this sign tend to be punctual and sincere, displaying a proactive approach to completing tasks efficiently. They possess a natural authority and control that aids them in achieving success. In their capacity, they have the ability to influence and make a significant impact.

In terms of astrology, Mars serves as the ruler of the fourth and ninth houses for Leo natives, occupying the second house in a state of combustion. As a result, individuals belonging to this sign may encounter financial and relationship difficulties. Money may be scarce, and expenses may mount, creating financial challenges. Luck may not be on their side, leading to disappointments. These natives will need to emphasize careful planning in order to attain success.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career, you may not be in a position to derive satisfaction from the job that you are doing. There will be disturbances from your colleagues that you may be facing. It may be essential for you to adjust with respect to the current situation and plan your work. Your expectations with respect to your career may not fetch you favorable results during this time.

If you are in business, you may be on the verge of losing new business chances that may come to you, and due to this, you may be facing losses. During this time, you need to avoid going for further new business or signing out any new partnerships. By doing so, you may be witnessing more loss.


On the financial front, there may be more expenses when compared to savings during this time. You may be losing money also during travel and this may be arising due to negligence. You may need to plan during this time to keep your finances secure or otherwise, you may be facing other consequences. 


When it comes to relationships, you may be facing problems in the form of arguments with your life partner and this may be due to ego issues which may be prevailing. There may be communication lapses that will be spoiling the show. Due to this, you may need to be patient in your approach and devise a calm path to witness happiness.


Mars Combust In Virgo unravels that you may be prone to eye-related problems and pain in your teeth. Eye-related problems may be coming to you due to allergy reactions that will be present in you. You may need to focus and put more importance on your health. There may be chances for insecure feelings that will be adding problems in health.

Remedy: Chant “Om Bhaskaraya Namah” daily 11 times.

Leo Weekly Horoscope


Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign in the natural zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. Natives born under this sign will be more creative and enthusiastic. They will be keen on pursuing business and expanding the same. These natives may be more interested in deriving more profits and relish the same. Interest in long-distance travel will be more for them.

Virgo natives experience the influence of Mars as the ruler of the third and eighth houses, with its placement in the first house in a state of combustion. This positioning can result in a lack of progress in your endeavors. Additionally, it is crucial for you to prioritize your health as you may encounter issues related to digestion, headaches, and back pain during this period. Insecurity about various aspects of your life may also linger, causing concerns and unease.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career, then during this period, receiving due recognition for your work may appear to be moderate and this may be causing worries for you. You may be put on unexpected job transfers contrary to your expectations and this may put you in a fix. There may be disputes with your colleagues at work and this may be unwanted. You may need to change your job due to lack of satisfaction during this course of time.

If you are in business, then during this period, you may be losing and this may make you lose the battle among your challenging competitors. You may be facing obstacles in your business and these obstacles may be preventing you from operating the show successfully.


Money problems and fluctuations with respect to the same may be prevailing for you during this course of time. You may be pursuing some hasty decisions with respect to your finances and this in turn may be reducing your prosperity in the long run. Your potential to save may also become very less with the money available for you.


Constraints may be possible in a relationship with your life partner. There may be communication lapses and arguments that you will be having. Due to this, understanding capacity may be lacking with your life partner. These things may be preventing happiness in a relationship.


You may not be in a good position to maintain fine health during this time. This may be due to a lack of energy that may be prevailing in you. There may be chances for severe headaches and allergies that may be possible during this time. You may get provoked and over-excited during this course of time and this may have an impact on your health.

Remedy: Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope


Libra is the seventh sign of the natural zodiac. This sign belongs to the air element. Natives who are born in Libra sign are more creative and artistic. They will be keen and have more interest in doing business and will try to go for more new types of business and achieve success. These natives generally may be having more travel in their life.

For Libra natives, Mars is the second and seventh house lord and occupies the twelfth house in combustion. Due to this, natives belonging to this sign may be facing money problems and problems in relationships. Natives may be facing unwanted travel assignments with respect to their career and such things may not be favoring them. They need to be careful in their verbal communication as any looseness may create cascading effects in their relationship with their life partner and spoil the charms.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career/job, then you may be facing unpleasant moments from your superiors in the form of extreme job pressure. You may not get the essential recognition with respect to the work that you are doing and this may be causing more worries for you. You may be shifted or transferred to an unwanted place that you may not be liking.

If you are doing business, there may be scope for you to close down the business due to problems that you may be facing from your partners. You may also likely to face severe competition from competitors which may reduce the scope of profits with respect to your business.


Mars Combust In Virgo predicts that money may be a big constraint for you during this time. You may be always falling short of the divine weapon, money, which is used to buy and spend. You may have very little scope to save money. Due to this, you may need to resort to the adjustment process in a relationship which is very much essential.


Disagreements and conflicts may arise between you and your life partner, stemming from family disputes and various unresolved issues. In order to experience happier moments in your relationship, it is crucial for you to set aside your emotions and find common ground. Additionally, you may feel some discomfort or uneasiness when interacting with your life partner, causing you distress.


During this time, you may need to take care of your health as there may be chances for severe headaches and migraine problems that you are facing. This may be due to the lack of immunity that you will be having in you and due to this, these constraints may be possible for you.

Remedy: Offer food to handicapped persons on Saturdays.

Libra Weekly Horoscope


Scorpio, the eighth sign of the natural zodiac, is governed by Mars. Individuals born under this sign tend to possess a strong sense of ambition. They quickly set their goals and are skilled in anticipating and planning. These traits greatly enhance their chances of future success.

In terms of astrology, Mars serves as the ruler of the first and sixth houses for Scorpio natives, and it occupies the eleventh house in a state of combustion. As a result, during this period, you may experience moderate financial gains and limited success. Your efforts toward career development may encounter delays and obstacles. Furthermore, you may feel a decline in courage and determination, as these qualities may be particularly necessary at this time.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are in a career, then this time may be favorable for you as you will stick to your efforts and be more consistent with respect to the same. You may get good chances to secure a promotion for the hard work and dedication that you are putting into work.

If you are in a business, then you may be gaining good profits to a considerable extent and such profits may not serve your purpose in the long run. It may also be essential for you to avoid entering into a partnership during this time.


Money flow will be generally good except for some expenses which may be giving you problems during this course of time. It may be a little tough for you to save the money that you are possessing.


Mars Combust In Virgo foretells when it comes to relationships, only small arguments may be possible with your life partner due to issues in the family and not major issues. So it may be essential for you to stick to patience to maintain cordiality.


During this period, you are unlikely to experience significant health issues. However, you may encounter difficulties with digestion, resulting in a loss of appetite. Additionally, you may face sleeping problems during this time. Engaging in meditation practices can prove beneficial for you in addressing these issues.

Remedy: Chant “Om Hanumathe Namah” daily 27 times.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the natural zodiac, is characterized by its fiery nature. Individuals born under this sign tend to be more spiritual and hold a deep reverence for a higher power. They possess impressive leadership and administrative skills.

For Sagittarius natives, Mars serves as the ruler of the fifth and twelfth houses, and during this period, it occupies the tenth house in a state of combustion. As a result, these individuals may experience a mixed bag of outcomes, comprising both positive and negative aspects. They may encounter setbacks and changes in their career trajectory. Additionally, there is a possibility of financial losses during this period.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


If you are pursuing a career, you may achieve moderate levels of efficiency and productivity. To excel in your work and attain success, it is crucial for you to intelligently schedule your tasks and follow a systematic approach. By doing so, you can create remarkable outcomes in your work.

Mars Combust In Virgo says that for those engaged in business, this period may prove to be more challenging and may test your patience. There is a risk of encountering significant losses, particularly if you lack support from your business partner. It is important to navigate these difficulties with caution and seek strategies to mitigate potential risks. 


You might need to face more expenses and disappointments with respect to the same which they might not be able to manage. You will secure favorable results with respect to speculative practices and trading.


During this period, you may experience reduced happiness and concerns about your children's future in your relationships. Additionally, disputes and difficulties in finding mutual adjustments with your life partner may arise.


In terms of your health, you may encounter infections or ailments related to your throat. Moreover, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to allocate additional funds toward the healthcare expenses of your life partner.

Remedy: Chant “Om Gurave Namah” daily 27 times.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


Capricorn, the tenth sign of the natural zodiac, is associated with individuals who prioritize tasks and exhibit a strong commitment to their work. They have a propensity for embarking on long-distance journeys and possess a creative mindset.

For Capricorn natives, Mars serves as the ruler of the fourth and eleventh houses, and during this Mars Combust In Virgo, it occupies the ninth house in a state of combustion. As a result, these individuals may experience a combination of favorable and unfavorable outcomes. They might encounter setbacks in their career and witness shifts in their career trajectory. Additionally, there is a possibility of experiencing financial losses during this period.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


You may experience moderate levels of satisfaction and growth in various aspects. Natives belonging to this sign may not receive adequate recognition, leading to restrictions in their work. They might face significant work pressure and consider changing jobs for better opportunities.

For those engaged in business, this period may not be particularly favorable, offering only moderate returns. The presence of intense competition from rivals may result in business losses.


Mars Combust In Virgo reveals that you may face high expenses and fluctuations with respect to gaining more money. You might be forced into the situation of bearing high commitments in the family and due to this, they might be facing struggle.


You may get moderate results in relationships due to issues in the family and there could be tussles among family members. You may not be able to understand the needs of your life partner.


Health might not be in a good position during this period as there could be chances for nervous-related issues and this might be possible due to worries for you. You may be put in the situation of spending more money on the health of your mother.

Remedy: Chant “Om Bhaumaya Namah” daily 27 times.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

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Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the natural zodiac, is associated with individuals who possess a strong inclination towards research and are likely to excel in this field. They may experience an increase in their intellectual pursuits during this period.

For Aquarius natives, Mars serves as the ruler of the third and tenth houses, and during this period, it occupies the eighth house in a state of combustion. As a result, individuals belonging to this sign may experience a combination of positive and negative outcomes. They may encounter challenges in their career, financial matters, and relationships. Additionally, obstacles to personal satisfaction may arise, along with potential conflicts or hurdles involving their siblings.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


You may not secure efficient results and show high progress in your job and meet with wonders. Getting promotions and other incentives might not be possible for you during this time.

If you are doing business, you may find a good time and earn high profits and meet with happiness. You may also be in a position to manage the challenges that they may be able to meet in their business and provide a fitting competition with their competitors. 


You may find that your hard-earned money is being depleted, as unexpected expenses emerge, compelling you to resort to loans. The ability to save money may diminish during this period.


You may struggle to maintain harmony in your personal life and may face challenges in effectively communicating with your life partner. Family issues may hinder your ability to experience happiness. Additionally, your health may not be in an optimal state during this period, and you might experience increasing problems with eye irritations.


You may not be in a good position during this period for the natives and you may be having eye irritations which may be an increasing problem for them. So you may need to check out your eyes and take proper treatment.

Remedy: Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” daily 27 times.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


Pisces, the twelfth sign of the natural zodiac, is associated with individuals who have a strong inclination towards long-distance travel. They possess a drive to increase their earnings while also being mindful of saving money.

For Pisces natives, Mars serves as the ruler of the second and ninth houses, and during Mars Combust In Virgo, it occupies the seventh house in a state of combustion. As a result, individuals belonging to this sign may encounter financial difficulties, challenges in their business endeavors, and problems in partnerships. They may experience a lack of profitability, leading to feelings of disappointment.

Let us see the different aspects in which this Mars Combust in Virgo impacts these natives:


In terms of your career, you may encounter less favorable outcomes, experiencing a lack of efficiency and limited growth and compensation. It may not be an encouraging phase for you, as gaining recognition for your work might prove to be challenging.

If you are engaged in business, this period may not be particularly productive or efficient for you. You may struggle to compete effectively against your competitors and achieve success. Additionally, obstacles from competitors may arise, further adding to the challenges you face.


You may not be having much luck during this period and you might not be able to gain through outsourcing and also through foreign sources. There may be chances for more loss of money for you.


You may be witnessing a lack of harmony with your life partner and their family members. You may not be able to find high happiness in a relationship with your life partner and maintain the same.


You may not be having fine health during this period and you may be lacking immunity and this may result in a lack of sleep and there may be chances for eye irritations.

Remedy: Chant “Om Mangalaya Namah” daily 27 times.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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