Strength Tarot Card

Author: Prashansa | Updated Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:10 PM IST

Meaning (Upright) Meaning (Reversed) Numerology Number Colors Associated
Courage, Compassion, bravery, Confidence Low confidence, Self doubt, Weakness, Cowardice The Number associated with it is 8. The infinity symbol Yellow, signifying joy and happiness and confidence.

In this tarot card, you will see a woman who calmly holds the jaws of a fully grown lion. Despite the fact that the lion looks menacing and strong, the woman seems to have dominion over it. What is captivating is how gracefully she controls the lion. She is calm and collected, which is representative for being in control and disciplined especially in times of great adversities.

The fact that she is also holding the jaws of a lion also shows that she has courage. Her control of the lion without being too rough shows love and compassion. The blue background over the mountains shows stability and the kind of calmness that comes with being stable. The lion is a symbol of courage, passion and desire which are very much part of the human feelings that are necessary for survival. But if these feelings are not put in check can lead to our eventual destruction.

Strength Tarot Card: Description

The Strength Tarot card belongs to the Major Arcana and symbolizes inner fortitude. It signifies the ability to harness raw emotions to instill peace within oneself or a situation. Similar to the Chariot card, it represents triumph over challenges, but specifically addresses internal struggles. It reflects our journey in overcoming personal doubts, fears, and anxieties.

In a broader sense, this card suggests that you are in the process of mastering your fears and anxieties, cultivating courage and audacity. You possess all the necessary skills for success; the current focus lies in conquering inner insecurities and fostering self-belief.

Love Relationships (Upright)

If Strength emerges, it could indicate that a connection with a Leo is in the cards as Strength is the Major Arcana card that represents the Leo star sign. In the event that you are single, the Strength card suggests that now is an excellent time to meet someone because your confidence will be palpable. It may also be a sign that a person with a bit of a wild side is approaching a relationship. Although it might be a thrilling opportunity, you might need to partially tame them if they are too wild. Instead of attempting to subjugate them, softly coax them if you do wish to tame them.

Career Finances (Upright)

Regarding a professional setting, a Strength tarot card is a sign that it's time to take control of your feelings and go on. You just need to have courage and confidence in yourself. Go for that promotion if that's what you desire. Make your presence known if you believe that you are being ignored. If you've always believed that you could manage your own company, have faith in your ability to succeed. A financial tip is to refrain from making rash purchases. That's not to say you shouldn't spend, but make sure any investments or purchases are well-considered.

Health (Upright)

When it comes to health, the Strength Tarot Card is a fantastic card to have. It typically signifies being in good or getting better health and feeling as fit as a fiddle. Strength might symbolize recovering from a medical condition or starting to regain your strength if you have been unwell. It also depicts the regaining of equilibrium between the body and psyche.

Love Relationships (Reversed)

The Strength Tarot reversed in a love Tarot reading if you are single can indicate that lack of impulse control or unresolved self-esteem issues may be leading you to choose the wrong partners. This can become a vicious circle as bad relationships negatively affect your self-esteem. You need to resolve these issues and summon your inner strength and confidence and believe that you deserve better. If you are in a relationship, Strength reversed can indicate that while your relationship is strong, low self-esteem may be leaving you feeling unworthy of the love you are receiving.

Career Finances (Reversed)

The reversed Strength Tarot suggests that you must have courage and confidence in yourself in order to advance in your work, just as the upright interpretation. This Major Arcana card is a greater indication that you have been allowing fear and anxiety to hold you back when it is reversed in a career Tarot reading. If you let it, fear of failing may be paralyzing. Give up your self-doubt; it serves no purpose. Financially, Strength reversed is a stronger indicator not to be impulsive with your finances now. You may have money in abundance at the moment but you don’t know how long that will last. Make your financial decisions wisely.

Health (Reversed)

Strength in reversal is still a sign of excellent health if this card pops up in your reading health wise. On the other hand, you might not have enough self-control, which could result in unhealthy habits. Take each of these negative behaviors one at a time and make an effort to reestablish your inner self control. Try not to take on too much at once. Gradual, tiny adjustments will add up to a significant improvement.

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