Justice Tarot Card

Author: Prashansa | Updated Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:09 PM IST

Meaning (Upright) Meaning (Reversed) Numerology Number Colors Associated
Karma, Justice, Accountability, Integrity, Truth Injustice, Dishonesty, Corruption, Unfairness The Number associated with it is Master Number 11. Red, Yellow and Purple, Gray

‘Truth Shall Prevail’, is the phrase that goes most accurately with the Justice tarot card. The card shows a lady sitting in her chair with the scales in her left hand representing how intuition should balance logic. The double-edged sword in her right hand indicates fair judgment. The clarity in thought which is required to dispense justice are symbolized by the square on the crown she wears. Behind her, there is a purple cloak and tall gray pillars. Beneath her red cloak, which is clasped together, she shows the tip of a white shoe. This is a spiritual reminder that what she delivers are the outcomes of their actions.

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Justice: Description

The Justice Tarot card belongs to the Major Arcana and indicates legal justice, karmic justice and justice served at all levels. This is usually a positive omen if you are involved in a legal dispute. In a general context Justice says that all actions lead to some consequences. In light of this, consider your current situation and consider how your past choices have shaped your current situation. Is there anything you should be learning about karmic lessons from your current circumstances?

Justice is concerned with truth and integrity, so you may find yourself compelled to speak the truth and that you more than ever value honesty and integrity in others. Justice also relates to balance. It may signify that circumstances may arise that could throw you off balance.

Love Relationships (Upright)

If you're single and getting a love Tarot reading, Justice might suggest you could get into a relationship with someone in the legal field (lawyer, judge, etc) in the near future. Since the Libra zodiac sign is represented by this Tarot card, there are fair chances a Libra might be entering your life. Justice in a love tarot reading can suggest that if you have been honest and kind to others but have not received the same treatment in relationships, the caring partner you deserve will soon enter your life. This imbalance is going to be balanced and you will be served what you deserve. It may also mean that you will receive justice for those who have wronged you. Whether Justice is a good or terrible sign for a relationship truly relies on how you and your partner behave.

Career Finance (Upright)

When Justice shows up in a professional setting, it alerts you to the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Remember to set aside enough time for yourself. A career is significant. Everyone needs to be able to sustain themselves financially, and having ambition is perfectly acceptable.

Simultaneously, how many people say to themselves, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office," as they lie dying? As you develop and manage a job you can be proud of, never forget to find time for the people who matter to you and for yourself. Justice may physically demonstrate how to balance your accounts financially and serves as a reminder that if you conduct yourself honorably with regard to money and business, you will succeed in managing your finances better.

Health (Upright)

Justice can indicate that you are not paying enough attention to your well being which is contributing to your health issues. It also warns against overindulgence in any area of your life. Try to keep everything in moderation.

Love Relationships (Reversed)

Justice reversed can be a significant sign that you are being caught in a lie or cheating when it comes to romantic relationships. Thus, be prepared for severe consequences if you have been lying to or cheating on your partner. In your Tarot reading, this Major Arcana trump card may also make any disputes you have with your significant other appear never-ending.

It could also indicate that you don't think you're getting fair or equal treatment in the relationship. Consider your own place in the relationship and whether you are being fair to your spouse by placing the blame there before you start passing judgment on them. When evaluating your relationship problems you must try to even learn important lessons from those situations.

Career Finance (Reversed)

Justice reversed could be a sign that you are receiving unjust treatment at work in terms of your career. Maybe you're getting held accountable for the inadequacies or errors of others. Maybe you think there are people out to get you. Reacting hastily to any issue is not advised. It is preferable to remain silent and handle the situation logically. Avoid going after the offenders head-on since, like with reverse justice, you won't likely win any fights.

Justice inverted might also mean that you might be facing the consequences of your actions if you have not been conducting yourself honorably in your professional life. It might indicate corporate corruption. Instead of attempting to escape the repercussions, learn from them. When it comes to your finances, stay away from hazardous bets or investments since you probably won't be lucky when this card appears. It may signal financial injustice, so be extremely wary of anyone you are currently transacting business with—they might not be reliable!

Health (Reversed)

Once more in relation to health, Justice inverted suggests that balance is necessary, but it's a greater indication that an absence of balance could lead to problems. Aim to schedule self-care activities and refrain from overindulging.

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