Name Compatibility

One of the successful methods of evaluating the love compatibility between two lovers is Name Compatibility through Numerology. With the help of this astrological tool, the name of the boy and the girl are taken into consideration and according to the Chiero/Chaldean method of Numerology, compatibility is checked.

Name Compatibility & Famous Celebrities- Connection?

According to numerology, each person has a unique set of numbers derived from their birth date and name, which can reveal insights into their personality, strengths, and compatibility with others. To determine numerology compatibility between two individuals, numerologists typically calculate their Life Path Numbers.

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First and foremost let us first take a look at the compatibility chart to understand the compatibility between numbers before moving forward.

Numerology Name Compatibility Chart

Name Number

Best Match

Good Match

Neutral Match

Bad Match


1, 5, 7

3, 9


2, 4. 6


2, 4, 8

3, 6


1, 5, 7


3, 6, 9

1, 3, 5


4, 7, 8


2, 4, 8

6, 7


1, 3, 5, 9


1, 5, 7

3, 9


2, 4, 6


3, 6, 9

2, 4, 8


1, 5, 7


1, 5, 7



2, 3, 6, 8


2, 4, 8


1, 5

3, 7, 9


3, 6. 9

1, 5

2, 7

4, 8

Understanding Name Numerology Through Celebrity Examples

Let us take an example of the famous TV anchor Manish/Maniesh Paul. Maniesh Paul is an Indian actor, tv host, anchor, model and singer. Starting his career as an RJ and VJ, he moved to acting before taking up stand-up comedy and hosting.

He suffered a career dip a few years ago and that’s when he met the famous numerologist, Sanjay B. Jumani, on a flight and the latter suggested he change the spelling of his name from Manish to Maniesh. He was asked to add an extra ‘E’ to his name’s spelling.

Maniesh noted that after making this small change in his name he started getting more work and opportunities started pouring in. His career graph picked up suddenly. He even bagged the movie Jug Jug Jiyo starring Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan and Anil Kapoor after making this change in his name.

Maniesh Paul was born on 3rd August, 1981

His Life Path Number (DOB) and Destini Number ( 3+ 8+ 1 + 9+ 8+1) totals to number 3

His name numerology after adding ‘E’ to his name comes to- number 6

6 and 3 are good matches. Number 3 is ruled by planet Jupiter and number 6 is ruled by Venus so now he has the blessing of both the ‘Guru’ planets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. Does Name Numerology impact our life events?

Ans. Yes, people refer to us using our name multiple times in a day regularly, therefore it is bound to affect our vibrational energies and our life events.

Ques2. What are the best matches for number 2?

Ans. 2, 4, 8

Ques3. Worst matches for number 7

Ans. 2, 3, 6, 8

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