Today Lucky Colour
Today Lucky Colour: Know Zodiac-Wise Suitable Colour & Usage Of Colour Therapy!
Today Lucky Colour suggests that colours have a significant place in human lives and they have for a long time been associated with innate tendencies of humans. Colours are also classified according to our emotions, recognition, nature, activities, etc. In terms of Science, the colours are what we perceive visually and that is based on the electromagnetic spectrum. Our lives simply cannot be complete without colours, as they have the tendency to significantly change our moods, emotions, feelings, and even destiny. A color is basically divided into three visual parameters and its properties are its hue, saturation, and luminance. So, today lucky colour will unlock the potential of your destiny and through this, you will attain the knowledge of what each color means in accordance with the zodiac sign. We will also speak about how intelligently the Tarot cards, another potent tool used for divination; make the usage of colour theory in each of their spectacular drawings and the major arcana cards that represent each zodiac sign.
Today Lucky Colour For 12 Zodiac Signs

Today Lucky Colour: Interpretation
However we see and interpret the world, we are able to do so with the range of colour as they are loaded with that much significance. As Pablo Picasso said, “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions”. We all have that one favorite colour that we are too fond of and use repeatedly in our daily lives. Therefore colours have the immediate potentiality to reveal our traits, personalities, conceptions, and mindsets and we could also possibly know more about ourselves through the energies the colors reflect. We find some colours appealing and some distressing, some are auspicious for us and some are unfortunate. So, take these pointers in mind when you look at different colours moving forward:
- Each colour in itself has different energies and varied emotions.
- Every zodiac sign of the impeccable astrological cycle is given its designated colour.
- The hues of the colours radiate positivity and help us in restoring balance, peace, and prosperity in our lives.
- It is also said that each zodiac sign inclines towards a particular colour and this can be deduced from how they choose to beautify themselves and their surroundings like their homes, buildings, offices, etc.
- A constant preference of the colour according to the zodiac sign definitely leads to a productive and progressive life that is enriched with love and harmonious interpersonal relationships.
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Today Lucky Colour: Usage Of Colours For Therapy
Colour therapy has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It was prevalent in ancient Europe, Egypt, Greece, and China. As we all know that Egyptians have a very rich history and even till today, some of their technological advancements and mysteries are not yet discovered. So, it won’t come as a surprise to us that they were the ones who were advanced in this systematic process of healing oneself with colours, using nature to heal humans. Colour therapy was prevelant in the ancient Indian system as well. The Sankhya-Patanjali system served as a clear and thorough foundation for the ancient Indian theory of colours. As previously understood, the idea was fundamentally metaphysical in nature and grounded in the-dominant natural philosophy principles.
A famous Chinese book of medicines known as “Nei Ching”, which is dated to be more than two thousand years old, states the usage of colours as a form of healing. An Arabian scholar, Avicenna, around the 9th century has also written about the healing properties of colours. In modern times, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Niels Finsen, and Dinshah Ghadiali have also stated wonderfully through their studies how colours influence our physical and mental conditions for the better. Throughout the years, this form of healing has developed further and thousands of people have already taken its benefits and have successfully healed themselves.
Today Lucky Colour: Tarot Cards & Usage Of Colours As Per Zodiac Signs
Even Tarot, which was formally introduced in the world of mysticism around 1400’s BC in parts of Europe also uses colour theory to explain and add meaning to the images drawn on each card. Colours often depict emotions and moods of an individual through different illustrations. Each zodiac sign is linked to one of the Tarot cards in the Major Arcana. Most of these powerful cards have images of archetypal figures that represent the essence of a type of person. We will try to understand colours and their representations through Tarot.

Aries are represented by the Emperor tarot card owing to their basic qualities. This card represents your sign's loyalty and ability to stick by your friends through thick and thin. Like the royal figure on your card, you use your authority and analytical powers to help others and to achieve your goals. The colour used is majorly crimson, representing authority.

The Hierophant is the card often related with the Taurus energies. You like to learn from knowledgeable teachers and often take decisions from your heart pertaining to important events of your life. The major colour used here is also crimson but it is used along with a tint of pink which highlights the power of knowledge and authority and does not radiate rigid authority.

Geminis are blessed with a dual nature represented by your Tarot card, The Lovers. You often find yourself making a moral choice between taking the high or low road. This card encourages you to weigh your options carefully and follow the path dictated by your personal integrity. There are multiple colour used in the card representing the many faces of a gemini personality;
- Deep purple represents devotion and bonding and the ability to commit to another.
- Magenta represents resonance and romantic harmony.
- Cinnamon pink represents fantasy life and expectations.
- Blue represents trust and loyalty
- Green represents prosperity and growth

You stand proud and strong as you guide The Chariot on your card, steering a steady course and rising above life's conflicts. Even though Cancers seek security, you also love the freedom of the open road where you can use your highly-developed intuition to win the race. The Chariot portrays an authoritative figure, representing your own self with two sphinxes, one white and the other one is black which represents your positive and negative thoughts or your desires. This card cautions you to choose wisely and not get trapped in emotions.

The Strength card represents your physical strength -- like that of the mighty Lion on your card -- as well as your emotional, mental and spiritual prowess. The Yellow and orange colour majorly showcase courage, power and inner strength just like the Leos. The colour yellow shows happy, benevolent personality.

The image on this card -- an old man -- represents a person who is weary of the outer world. When he retreats to explore the mysteries of his inner life, he becomes open and innocent like a child. Virgos are perfectionist and focused. They can sometimes forget the world around them and become too goal centered which is represented by the use of the dull grey colour all over the card with tints of other pastels as per the colour theory.

When you reach the light at the end of the tunnel of indecision, you will be able to serve the greater good. Justice represents being fair. Just like the Libras weigh everything before reaching a conclusion. The blue colour in the background talks about fairness being served and the red showcases power and authority in a subtle and classy manner.

You welcome transformation. You often shed your skin like a snake, seeking to release your spirit and be reborn. Because you are able to detach yourself from the ties that bind others, it's easy for you to change your identity, making you the mysterious person everyone wants to figure out. Scorpios are mysterious beings and have the inner strength to rise from the ashes when times get tough. The same is represented using a spectacular amalgamation of the greys and blacks pointing towards mystery and the golden figure and the green grass give hope for a better future ahead.

You are a gifted mediator, able to find common ground by balancing out judgments with genuine understanding and awareness. Like a steadily-meandering stream, you work your way through whatever difficulties get in the way. Sagittarius are fun loving and have a balanced cheerful yet mature personality which is amazingly depicted in the card by the usage of white, blue, yellow and green colours representing happiness, progress and goodwill and the crimson adds a tinge of maturity and stability to the card.

The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are. The smart use of black, blue and grey colours to represent transformation is seen in the card depicting the Capricorn personality.

The Star, focuses on your optimism, which is represented by the use of colours like blue and yellow majorly. When you wish on the stars, you really believe you can achieve your heart's desires. Your job in this world is to convince others they can too, thereby helping to lead them home in a spiritual sense. The water and the green colour on the ground represent progress.

The Moon, you are a creature of ever-changing moods. You do best when you attune to nature's cycles and use them to refresh your intuitive powers. The Moon rules emotions, which are your strong suit, especially when you use your compassionate nature to help others. The water energy, the uncertainty and the mysticism of the Pisces is intelligently portrayed by the use of the colours like, grey, pastel yellow and pale blue majorly.
Today Lucky Colour: Zodiac Signs And Their Allotted Colours
Colours used in a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing way can enrich our lives with happiness as they have the ability to rejuvenate both our minds and bodies. Each color corresponds to a certain frequency and vibration that influences the energies and frequencies within our body. The absorption of colours by the faculties of our bodies triggers certain biochemical processes and through that, we are able to achieve progress and desired positive outcomes in our lives. So, find out what today lucky colour reveals for you!
According to today lucky colour, the colour red has the longest wavelength, and it represents passion, vigor, anger, love, and courage. For the natives of Ram, i.e Aries, and Scorpio, red is considered to be auspicious and brings progress to them, as the ruling lord of both the zodiac signs is fiery, courageous, and driven Mars.
Today lucky colour yellow is the representation of harmony, glory, happiness, warmth, and joy. This colour brings fortune for three blessed zodiac signs and they are Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Guru of Gods, Jupiter is the ruling lord of Sagittarius and Pisces and hence this colour tends to give them positivity and progress. For Leos, the Sun is the ruling lord, and the father planet Sun is the sole source of light for all of us. Hence, the yellow colour gives a boost to these three zodiac signs according to today lucky colour.
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Today lucky colour Green is associated with nature, flora, youth, health, life, hope, envy, and spring. Green is the fortunate and blessed colour of Gemini and Virgo. These zodiac signs are ruled by the planet of intellect and speech, Mercury. Therefore, wearing this hue will give these zodiac signs rejuvenation and progression in all their spheres.
White And Pink:
The zodiac signs for which light hues work the best are Taurus, Libra, and Cancer. Since Taurus and Libra both are ruled by the planet of beauty and femininity, Venus, so today lucky colours such as pink, light pink, off white are suggested for them. Pink colour symbolizes harmony, inner peace, affection, friendship, nurturing, and compassion. Since, the zodiac sign of Cancer comes under the lordship of Moon, its naturally dominant colour is white, which is associated with spirituality, innocence, peace, hope, kindness, exalted purity, consideration, and patience.
Blue And Black:
The colour of the sky and sea, is the powerful colour blue which represents tranquility, security, intuition, peace, order, compassion, enthusiasm, and sympathy and the today lucky colour black is the representation of mystery, elegance, power, formality, strength, and authority. Each of these hues are connected to the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and their respective lord, Saturn, is equally strong, disciplined, and is the giver of actions according to karma.
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