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Dasha Calculator and Predictions

Dasha calculator would enable you to know the exact mahadasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha etc (Major period, Sub period, Sub Sub Period etc) running over you and also its consequences on your life path. If you are interested to know these details, you must check your dasha using our dasha calculator. It will provide you guidelines on how to know your dasha system and your balance dasa at birth, which you received at the time of your birth. For that, you need to insert your birth details below in order to get your current running dasha details:

Enter Your Birth Details

In vedic astrology, there are 42 different dasha systems. Vimshottari Dasha is one of them. It is considered as one of the most popular and accurate dasha systems in Astrology. Apart from that, two more dasha are defined, which are used by many astrologers for prediction purposes named as Yogini Dasha and Char Dasha. Yogini Dasha is of 8 in number whereas Vimshottari dasha is 9 in number by the names of all the planets. Let’s understand below what are these dashas and how it impact to one’s life:

Dasha Calculator and Predictions

Vimshottari Dasha

It is a most popular dasha system in Vedic Astrology. Many astrologers have been using this dasha over many years. We can easily determine the results and timing of a particular activity by using this dasha system, like through our Dasha calculator. Maharishi Parashar is known as “Father of Vimshottari dasha”. He has given 42 dasha systems but Vimshottari dasha is one of them.

According to this dasha system, it is a time period ruled by certain planet. This system is based on the placement of the natal Moon in your birth chart. Mostly, the prophecy made by this method is accurate. It is also known by the name of “Mahadasha of a certain planet”. In South India, astrologers use Ashtavatra method rather than vichitri but this method is still famous to look for a result and timing of occurrence of any event.

Vimshottari Dasha Cycle

It is most commonly used in astrology. In that system, a time period is allotted to all 9 planets. It has the full cycle of 120 years of all nine planets. This 120 years cycle has been divided into 9 parts and every part is allocated to certain planet in astrology in order to rule over it.

According to this method, the average age of humans is considered as 120 years so that one may get the Dasa of every planet in his lifespan. However, it is not true for today’s scenarios. It may be true in ancient days, as the age is decreasing year on year. Now it came down to 50-60 years. However, if we talk about a few years back, the same was reflected as 60-70 years ago. Now, you can imagine the graph of the declining age of humans.

This shows the average age has gone down to 50 percent in present days. Therefore, people are unable to see the dasha of every planet during their lifespan. They may hardly get to know the effects of each mahadasha of all 9 planets. They may approximately experience only 5-6 dashas (which you can check using the Dasha calculator). There is another method defined in Astrology named as Antardasha, Pratyantar Dasha etc, which is basically known sa “Sub Dasha”, “Sub Sub Dasha” etc. The order of Vimshottari dasha is as follows:

Vimshottari Dasha>>Antardasha>>Pratyantar Dasha>>Sookshma Dasha>>Praanadasha

These are sub parts of Main Maha dasha. You can still experience all the planetary Antardasha in your life. The events in your life can be examined through these dasha systems. You can experience one by one all planets' antardasha based on its astrological order.

Results obtained through Vimshottari Dasha

The results obtained through Vimshottari dasha are based on certain rules. The favourable and unfavourable dasha can be determined through the Lagna sign. There may be the possibility, one planet is beneficial for one lagna, whereas the same planet is malefic for other lagnas. Hence, the result may vary from Lagna to Lagna.

For example: Saturn is auspicious for Aries Lagna, Yog karak planet for taurus lagna but the same planet is inimical to Leo lagna. Likewise, we can now understand how different planets are beneficial for different Lagna.

Results of Mahadasha and Antardasha planets Lord

When we analyse the birth chart, the very first thing comes into mind is which planet would affect the most, the Main Mahadasha lord or Antardasha Lord. For that, we need to check which planet is strongly placed in Kundali. The results would be based on a strongly placed planet within your horoscope. If both planets are strongly placed, then it will provide you results accordingly. But if the maha dasha lord is strongly placed, it will influence the antardasha lord to provide results accordingly and vice versa in case of antardasha lord placed strongly.

Therefore, Vimshottari Dasha plays very prominent role in Astrology due to its accuracy for predicting time for the happening of certain events. You can also find out your dasha using Dasha calculator. 

Yogini Dasha

There are 8 types of Yogini dashas defined in vedic astrology. The names of these Dashas are as follows: Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata. It is considered in astrology that planets Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rahu have evolved respectively from the Yoginis Mangala, Pingala, etc. This is a cycle of 36 years and after 36 years, cycle again starts with the same sequence. The chart has given below for your better understanding:

S. No







1 year




2 years




3 years




4 years




5 years




6 years




7 years




8 years

Total Period

36 years

Yogini Dasha is seen not only from the ascendant of birth chart and the divisional charts but also is seen from the house under consideration and also the significator for that house. The significator and the relevant house work as alternative lagnas.

We must assess first to the horoscope before applying any dasha system on it. Every house should be examined from lagna as well as Karaka. When we examine a particular house as lagna, that house is considered as lagna and other houses are considered in relation to that house. For example, if we take progeny matters, one should look for 5th house from lagna, 5th house from karaka planet Jupiter and also fifth house from fifth (i.e. the ninth house from lagna). In addition to it, the relevant divisional charts must also be seen. While applying to Yogini Dasha, the lords of different yoginis are considered as operative dasha lords. If you want to apply yogini Dasha on the horoscope of an individual, first take in consideration of the Yogini dasha-antardasha (major and sub periods).

There is one more popular dasha, named as Char Dasha. It is also called by the name of Jamini char Dasha. In Jaimini Astrology, this dasha is being used by the astrologers. You can also check out the Dasha calculator.

In conclusion, Dasha or Maha dasha period is very crucial for all. It leads individuals in a direction for which one is made for. You may get the updates related to your running dasha period through our dasha calculator. If you are really looking forward to know more about your life pattern, you should visit our kundali page, which can guide you about your life’s major events.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Dasha is good in astrology?

The quality of the Dasha will depend on the strength & nature of the related planet. For instance, Jupiter and Venus are known to bring a positive impact, while Saturn can bring about a negative effect.

How to find your Mahadasha?

You can find your Mahadasha with your birth details & the planet ruling the birth nakshatra. For easy calculations, you can use Dasha Calculator by AstroSage.

Is Rahu Mahadasha always bad?

This Dasha can be both favorable and unfavorable depending on the placement of Rahu in a person’s birth chart.

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