Free Horoscope and Astrology

Since ancient ages astrology has been a subject of interest for people, mapping the movements of stars and planets and understanding the significance of their influence on human life is � Astrology. A discipline, a science that needs to be studied in depth for accurate prediction. Motifs on ancient caves and ancient manuscripts are testimonials that talk about this age old science called Astrology. Many use the term Horoscope and Astrology as synonyms. However there is a difference between the two.
Difference between Horoscope and Astrology
Although, there are many forms of astrology, the most popular ones are, Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology or 'Jyotish' and Chinese Astrology.
As a part of astrological analysis it is necessary to mathematically study of the motion of the planets and constellations, for the purpose of drawing a horoscope. Analyzing the positions and characteristics of the planets in a particular horoscope, allows astrological predictions, to be made about the past, present and future course of events. So Horoscope and astrology are interrelated but they are not synonyms.
Literally the word horoscope means to look at the hours. A horoscope is used in astrology to describe details about an individual, for instance things like, personality traits, characteristics and habits .Not just this astrological predictions can be made using a horoscope to know about a person�s past, present and future. Western Astrology and Horoscope lay significance on Zodiac signs. In horoscope and astrology, the zodiac sign of a person is determined by time, place and position of planets at the time an individual is born. In Astrology a horoscope of a native consists of a detailed chart and diagram representing the planetary positions at that given point of time. Astrologers prepare and use these charts to calculate, explain, and substantiate the premises held out by the astrologer.
It is used as a method of divination regarding events relating to the point in time it represents and forms the basis Astrology.
A birth chart or a 'horoscope' as it is sometimes called helps make astrological prediction. The birth chart is a map of the heavens at the precise moment and place of our birth. It is important to understand the basics of horoscope and astrology, different representation and significance of the sun, the moon and the other planets in our solar system when making a prediction. The birth chart is based on the simple principle that people born at a particular time posses some common characteristics. So put simply Horoscope is an astrological portrait, a symbolic representation of the events in a person�s life and his basic characteristics, or a map of his god gifted potential.
How does Horoscope and Astrology help?
Many cultures have for years paid great deal of importance to Horoscope and Astrology. The people of India and China put great emphasis in astrology even today. The art of astrological readings is given immense amount of importance in their daily lives, and base important decisions on this science. People all across the world are curious to know the dictates of the universal forces to figure out what�s in store for them for the day, month and year. So you have daily horoscope and astrology, monthly horoscope and astrology and yearly horoscope and astrology.
Horoscope and Astrology is now a permanent feature in almost all major newspapers and magazines as the desire to know the unknown is a subject that tickles everyone's curiosity. You have Horoscope and Astrology services provided by scholars online .Many telecom companies also have horoscope and astrology as a part of their services.
The importance of Horoscope and Astrology cannot be ignored. However a lot of people don�t realize the role played by planets and stars in our day to day life. The truth is that the planets and stars are constantly affecting our lives and decisions. Have you ever noticed that you have difficulty making decisions around the time of the new moon? The different phases and movements of the moon affect our minds and emotions drastically. As one starts to use Horoscope and Astrology, one will realize that decision making will be easier and life simpler to handle.
Perhaps it�s all written in your Horoscope and Astrology. What one needs is proper guidance to take one through the dictates of destiny written in his or her name. Use Horoscope and Astrology analysis to find the right direction in life and see your world change for good. Indeed both Horoscope and Astrology have for years directed people and helped them make choices. Choose from a long list of options available focusing on your particular area of concern example, love Horoscope and Astrology, Career Horoscope and Astrology, Relationship Horoscope and Astrology, Health Horoscope and Astrology and much more. In case you�re new to Horoscope and Astrology, start with curiosity, explore with interest and believe with experience.
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