Vedic Astrology Glossary
Vedic astrology is a broad and interesting topic. We can get answers to every question that pops into our minds to a certain extent with the help of Astrology. Everybody wants to know more about this vedic science based on the movement of planets and constellations. We all know about horoscope, zodiac, planet, nakshatras and transit, but besides this, there are many words which are important and we are less aware of their meanings.
We are trying to describe many such words related to astrology through a dictionary. Here, we have introduced ‘Astrology Glossary’. With the help of this dictionary, you will find the meaning of many words used in Vedic astrology such as Lagna, Drishti, Ayanamsa, Bhav, Central House, Trikona Bhava, Dasha, Mahadasha, Zodiac, Varga Kundali etc. along with their importance.
Lagna | The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is called Lagna. Lagna represents your entire personality and on this basis of this, your nature and ethics are assessed. |
Aspect | Aspect is the ability of a planet to affect other planets. If effects of a planet present in a specific house can be seen over other bhavas, that phenomenon is called Drishti. It can give both good and bad results. |
Ayanamsa | The longitudinal difference between Sion and Nirayana is called Ayanamsa. The angular distance of the first point of the fixed Aries mesh and first point of the moving Aries is called Ayanamsa. There is a variable difference between these two. |
Ayurveda | Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge. The method of medicine that is adopted according to ancient Indian culture is known as Ayurveda. In this, there are three kinds of diseases like Vata, Pitta and Kaf, which are diagnosed and resolved. |
Vat | Vat is a state when the air element in the body becomes unbalanced. Acidity or gastric pain comes under this nature itself. |
Pitt | Pitt is a state when fire element in the body becomes unbalanced or increases. Diseases such as fever, red rashes on body etc. comes under this state. |
Kaff | Kaff is a state when both the water and earth element in the body becomes unbalanced. This is a much deteriorated form of these two elements. Diseases such as cough, cold, phlegm etc. comes under this state. |
Bhav or Houses in Astrology | According to Vedic astrology, various houses present in the horoscope are called bhavas. Each horoscope has 12 houses which portrays different dimensions of life. Ruling planets of those bhavas, planets posited in the houses and their effects affect different dimensions of a person's life. That is why every person's life is different. |
Angular houses or Kendra Bhavas | In the kundli, the fourth, seventh, and tenth bhavas are called as angular houses or kendriya bhavas. These are the most powerful houses in a horoscope and influence the lagna. The presence of planets in these bhavas makes a Jatak strong. Among these, tenth house is considered as the most powerful. |
Trikon Bhavas | The fifth and ninth house in a horoscope are called the Triangular Houses or Trikon Bhavas. Apart from these, the lagna bhava is also considered as a Trikona Bhava. In a Kundli, only the Lagna is counted in both Central and Trikona Bhavas. Trikon Bhavas are counted as beneficial and positive in nature. The ninth house is considered more powerful in both of these. |
Upachaya Bhavas | The third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh house of the horoscope are called Upachaya Bhava. These houses reflect progress and development in life and presence of planets in these bhavas point towards moving forward in life. The eleventh house is considered to be the most powerful in all of these. |
Dasha | This is a particular time period of a planet in which it marks its effects. It happens for a certain time and this brings both positive and negative changes in life. This effect of planets depends on their position in the horoscope. |
Transit | Moving from one zodiac sign into another is known as transit. Because the eclipses are dynamic in nature, hereby they transit from one sign to another and thus affect human life during this cycle. |
Sub-period or bhukti | Mahadasha of a planet is divided into sections which are called Bhukti or Antardasha. Their order is also fixed like Mahadasha. First Bhukti in the first Mahadasha is similar to the Mahadasha of the planet. For eg. Ketu bhukti will appear first in Ketu’s Mahadasha, after that Venus Bhukti followed by Sun Bhukti and so on. |
Movable Signs or Char Rashi | Zodiac signs are divided on the basis of their characteristics and properties. Char Rashi comes first, which are also called industrious zodiac signs because of their capability to store and save. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called Char Rashi. |
Fixed signs or Sthir Rashi | Zodiac signs are divided on the basis of their characteristics and properties. Fixed Rashi comes second, which are known to be strong and resistant to change in terms of environment and personality. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are called Fixed signs. |
Dual Signs | Zodiac signs are divided on the basis of their characteristics and properties. Dual natured signs come second, which are known to be capable of bringing a change and storing along with resistant at certain points. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are called Dual natured signs. |
Kundli | Horoscope can be termed as a map of planets and constellations, which displays their positions in the sky at the time of a native’s birth. Based on this, astrologers can predict about the past, present and future of any person. |
Combust | When a planet gets very close to Sun, its influence decreases due to the energy of Sun and it starts functioning under it. This phenomenon is called setting down. The significance represented by a planet can often be weakened due to its closeness with Sun. |
Conjunction | When two or more planets are posited in one house or bhava in a horoscope and offer energy and power to the native, this condition is called Yuti or planetary conjunction. There are different effects depending upon the planets involved in this phenomenon. |
Bhava Madhya or Mid Cusp | A bhava or house measures up to 300. When a person is born, the bhava can exceed from 00 to 300 during certain circumstances. When a lagna arises, it stays fixed for two hours straight. Hence, the central point of a kundli is called as Bhava Madhya. |
Dashmansh or D-10 Chart | Dashmansh comes under a category different from lagna kundli which emits information about a native’s job, work done by him/her for livelihood and society and business pursued. |
Nichatva or Debilitation | When a planet gets posited in a specific fraction of a zodiac sign, where its power declines and gets weak, its referred to as planetary debilitation or nichatva. In such a situation, the power of a planet depreciates and it fails to deliver positive results. Sometimes it delivers bad results. |
Religion | The purpose of a person’s life, his/her karma and duty is called Dharma. |
Divisional Chart | In astrology, the horoscope determines all the details about a person's life. But in order to get information on certain subjects, other kinds of kundlis are also formed with certain parameters, which, like birth chart, make important contributions. They are called Varga Kundli or Divisional Chart. For example, if you want to know about your life partner, then its navamsa kundli along with the birth chart is analyzed in order to deliver accurate predictions. Here, navamsa kundli is a kind of varga kundli. |
Dosha | Three main doshas are classified in a human body which are Vat, Pitt and Kaff. They emerge due to the imbalance of five elements (air, water, fire, earth and sky) in one’s body. |
Dreshkana kundli or D-3 Chart | Dreshkana kundli is a varga kundali which helps to know more about a native’s siblings (brothers and sisters) as well as his/her hobby. Just as the third house in a horoscope tells about a native’s sisters and brothers, similarly the Dreshkana kundli sheds light on third house in a kundli, courage of the native and his/her siblings, communication skills and actions to fulfil desires. |
Dussthan or Bad houses | The sixth, eighth and the twelfth house of the horoscope is considered as a Dussthan or inauspicious house. In Sanskrit, these three houses are known as Dusthana or Trik, which represents sadness or pain in a native’s life. Mainly the sixth house signifies sickness, eighth house signifies death and twelfth house signifies losses. |
Dwadashamsha or D-12 Chart | Dwadashamsha is a varga kundali which tells about your parents, ancestral heritage and actions performed in your previous life. Along with birth chart, Dwadashamsha chart ios also analysed to know more about these subjects. |
Panchang | Panchang is a chart or book that tells about astrological calculations, events and state of planets and nakshatras in the sky. Identifying a specific muhurat when performing a particular task is possible with the help of panchang. It consists of 5 limbs: nakshatra, tithi or date, vaar or day, yog and karan. |
Ucchatva or Exaltation | When a planet gets posited in a specific fraction of a zodiac sign, where its power increases and gets stronger, its referred to as planetary exaltation or ucchatva. In such a situation, the power of a planet rises and it delivers positive results. Often when a planet is exalted in one’s sign, s/he gains happiness and different raja yogas. |
Planets | Planets are such celestial bodies which affect our lives with their energy. In Vedic astrology, planets signify different deities and provide both happiness and misery in our lives. |
Hora | Hora is a varga kundali which tells about the second house of your horoscope i.e. your wealth. With its help, you can get complete information about the money obtained in your life. |
Bhava or house in astrology | All aspects of life are divided into 12 parts in a horoscope. One can know more about a native’s present, past and future through planets and nakshatras present in those 12 sections. These sections are referred to as Bhavas or Houses in astrology. In other words, the 12th part of Zodiac, which rises from the eastern horizon is also called the First house in astrology, followed by second house, third house and so on. |
Jaimini | Jaimini was a great sage who gave the world different sources and important scriptures about astrology. One can obtain reliable information on Astrology through them as well. They are popularly known as Jaimini Sutras. |
Astrology | A light of knowledge, Astrology is a science in which deals with planetary movements and positions so as to know more about a native’s present, past and future. |
Astrologer | An astrologer is one who gains special knowledge about celestial movements and gives out predictions based on planetary calculations and time period. |
Karak or Significator | In astrology, there are different kinds of planets or houses signifying different aspects of a person's life. If a planet or house indicates a particular aspect, then it is called a significatory house or Karak bhav. For eg, Sun is the significator of father along with 9th and 10th Bhava. Hence, Sun, 9th and 10th Bhava are the significator of Father. |
Shashtyamsa or D-60 Chart | Shashtyamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which indicates about auspicious and inauspicious events in a person’s life. |
Ketu | Ketu is the southern point of Moon and according to Vedic astrology, is considered to be a shadow planet. It is also known to be the torso of Rahu and signifies salvation in life. |
Angular/Triangular house | Angular houses or Kendra Bhavas refer to first, fourth, seventh and tenth house in a horoscope. These are the most powerful houses of the horoscope and affect the Lagna. The presence of planets in these houses strengthens the native. Among these, the tenth house is considered as the most powerful. On the other hand, the fifth and ninth house of the horoscope is called the Triangular Houses or Trikon Bhavas. Only Lagna house is the one which is counted as both Angular and Triangular house. Triangular houses are known to be beneficial and positive. Ninth house is considered more powerful in both. |
Krishna Paksha | According to Vedic astrology, Krishna Paksha refers to the phenomenon of moon waning or dark lunar fortnight. It stretches for up to 15 days, beginning from Poornima or Full Moon and culminating on Amavasya or New Moon. This duration is inauspicious in Hindu astrology. |
Shukla Paksha | According to Vedic astrology, Shukla Paksha refers to the phenomenon of moon waxing or bright lunar fortnight. It stretches for up to 15 days, beginning from New Moon or Shukla Amavasya and culminating on Poornima or Full Moon. This duration is auspicious in Hindu astrology. |
Directional Strength or Paksha Bal | Everchanging phases or power of moon is called as Paksha Bal or Directional Strength. During this period, it first increases and then fades. If Moon is 900 far away from Sun, it is considered weak. Whereas, if the distance is more than 1200, then Moon is considered stronger. |
Lahiri Ayanamsa | Lahiri Ayanamsa is mostly used and also known as Chaitrachik Ayanamsa. In India, Lahiri Ayanamsa has been used for a long time and is also considered as reliable. |
Mantra | A sequence of words and sounds which creates vibration and enhances the energy of planets is called Mantras. Mantras have immense power and any task considered impossible can be fulfilled. |
Yantra | In the same way we use a machine to complete a difficult task smoothly, Yantra is equivalent to that in Vedic astrology. It is a geometric shaped instrument which contains a divine energy. The device protects us from bad powers and provides us with strength. It also strengthens our destiny, health, education, knowledge, love, relationships and financial side. |
Marak | The literal meaning of Marak is the killer. In Vedic astrology, Marak refers to that planet who is capable of causing death and pain in your horoscope. The second and seventh house in the horoscope is called Marak and their ruling lords are called Marak planets. |
Mool-Trikon | Mooltrikona is a significant sign and degree where any planet posited becomes more powerful than its own sign but less than its exalted sign. It determines the strength of a zodiac sign. |
Nakshatra | Gleaming, bright stars in Vedic astrology are also known as constellations or Nakshatra. The circumference value of Zodiac is 3600 and when divided into 12 signs, each measuring 30 degrees. There are total 27 nakshatra which subtends up to 130 20 minutes each. Every starting point is from 00 Aries, which describes the beginning of the first constellation Ashwini. |
Navamsha or D-9 Chart | Navamsha or D-9 Chart is equally important and called as a varga kundali. It is used to analyse and predict about a native’s married life and short-term relationships. It also narrates about good and bad events in the life and their influence. |
Rahu | Rahu is considered to be the north lunar node of the moon as per Vedic Astrology and is known as the shadow planet. It is also called as the Dragon’s head, whereas Ketu is called as the Dragon’s Tail. it is mysterious and revolutionary. It represents the challenges in our life and inspires to face them. |
Raj Yoga | Raj Yoga is a condition created by planets present in kundali which offers good luck, honor, wealth and progress in the life of a person. Presence of planets in any particular sign and interconnectivity of 12 houses give birth to Raj Yoga. |
Zodiac sign or Rashi | The literal meaning of Zodiac sign is group. In Vedic astrology, a group of nakshatras is called zodiac sign. There are innumerable stars in our sky which were divided into stellar groups. Then they were named according to their visual resemblance. In astrology, planets and zodiac signs are related to each other. There are 27 constellations and 12 zodiac signs. A sign is made up of 2¼ constellations. |
Head Rising Sign or Shirshodaya sign | Those signs which rise from the front top of their head are called Shirshodaya signs or Head Rising Signs. Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius comes under this category and are considered highly effective when delivering results. |
Hind Rising Sign or Prishtodaya sign | Those signs which rise from the hind back are called Prishtodaya signs or Hind Rising Signs. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn comes under this category and delay the results. |
Retrogression | Retrogression basically means curved. In astrology, Retrogression or Vakri means curved or moving backwards. This is a natural phenomenon that happens due to different motions of planets in relation to Earth’s orbit. When a fast-paced planet leaves the slow-paced planet behind, it appears that the latter is moving slowly or backwards. This is only called retrogression. The retrograding planet gains strength and becomes more powerful. |
Shadvarga Kundli | Shadvarga comprises of six varga kundalis. To know about the life of a person, Hora, Dreshkana, Navamsha, Dwadashamsha and Trishansh kundli along with birth chart are studied. These six varga kundalis are called Shadvarga kundli. |
Trik Bhava | The sixth, eighth and the twelfth house of the horoscope is considered as a Dussthan or inauspicious house. In Sanskrit, these three houses are known as Dusthana or Trik, which represents sadness or pain in a native’s life. Mainly the sixth house signifies sickness, eighth house signifies death and twelfth house signifies losses. |
Trishansh or D-30 Chart | Trishansh kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which indicates different problems and challenges approaching in a person’s life. With its help, one can know more about impending health issues, bad luck and troubles. |
Vimshottari Dasha | Maharishi Parashar has described more than 30 dashas in his text “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra”. Vimshottari Dasha is the most commonly used amongst them. This is also called Udu Dasha. Believing that the maximum duration for human life is 120 years, the effects of planets are known. |
Yog | Yoga means combination in astrology. This emerges when one or more planets generate energy while posited in a house or sign which result in positive outcome in a native’s life. |
Yog Karak | When a planet rules both angular and triangular houses of a kundli, it is termed as a Yog Karak Planet. With its effect, a native attains high success. |
Chaturthamsa or D-4 Chart | Chaturthamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to determine about a person’s movable properties, fixed capital and luck. |
Saptamamsha or D-7 Chart | Saptamamsha kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to evaluate about children. This chart is used to analyse the fifth house in a birth chart. |
Shodasamsa or D-16 Chart | Shodasamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to determine about luxuries, troubles, accidents and death related to vehicles. |
Vishamsa or D-20 Chart | Vishamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to gain information about a person’s inclination towards religion and spirituality. |
Chaturvishamsa or D-24 Chart | Chaturvishamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to determine about education, learning, donation and knowledge in a native’s life. |
Saptvishansh or D-27 Chart | Saptvishansh kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart which helps to determine about a person’s capabilities and physical strength. |
Khavedamsha or D-40 Chart | Khavedamsha kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart, which is also called as Chatvaryansh. It helps to determine about a person’s inauspicious and auspicious results. |
Akshavedamsa or D-45 Chart | Akshavedamsa kundli is a varga kundali or divisional chart, which is also known as Pancha-Chatvaryansh. helps to determine about a person’s personality and character. |
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