Saturn Transit 2024

Author: Acharya Hariharan | Updated Tue, 26 Sep 2023 05:10 PM IST

This Saturn Transit 2024 article will help the readers understand the impact of Saturn on 12 zodiac signs throughout the year 2024. Even though Saturn will not change zodiac signs in 2024, it will change motion and affect the natives of all the zodiac signs. So read this article for insightful information!

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In 2024, Saturn will remain in Aquarius and there is no next transit of Saturn this year, but this year, Saturn tends to give results based on the direct and retrograde movements. There will be combust movement and rise in Aquarius during the year 2024 as well and during these periods, there will be both positive and negative results. Please note- These predictions are based on your Moon Sign, but Saturn’s exact position in your birth horoscope will help you determine more accurate predictions.

To Read Saturn Transit 2025 Click Here: Saturn Transit 2025

Saturn is a planet for commitment. He is a teacher, taskmaster and makes a person stay disciplined in life. With these qualities, the natives achieve their common goals in life.

Saturn Transit 2024 says that Saturn makes a person more punctual in life and sticks to justice. Saturn teaches and provides energy to us and makes us utilize the same energy in the correct direction. If we make good use of this energy, then good results will be possible, while on the other hand, if the same energy is channelised in the wrong direction, then unfavorable results can be obtained. Saturn makes a person stick more towards goals and respect justice. Let’s understand how Saturn transit in Aquarius 2024 will impact different areas of life such as your business, job, marriage, love, children, education, health, etc. And what kind of good results can we get?

These movements of Saturn will have a major impact on the natives:

-Saturn’s retrograde movement during 2024 (June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024)

-Saturn’s combust state during 2024 (February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024)

-Saturn's rise in Aquarius (March 18, 2024)

हिन्दी में पढ़ें: शनि गोचर 2024

This Horoscope Is Based On Moon Horoscope, Click Here And Learn About YourMoon Sign!


Saturn Transit 2024 reveals that Saturn is the ruling planet of the tenth and eleventh house in Aries, and it will stay in the eleventh house with respect to the Aries Zodiac sign. Presence of Saturn in the eleventh house in Aquarius is going to bring high end benefits in the form of increasing income and if you are connected with the business of your own, then you may be securing high profits during this transit. You might be taken by surprise during this year with respect to increase in income on a high level and this may be evident from the fact that Jupiter is transiting to the second house, the house of inflow of money. You may be able to get a huge hike in income and also you may get chances to earn sudden and unexpected income this year.

You could have more concern about the development of your children and the gains that they may be able to achieve in their life. On the other side, you might be prone to laziness, lethargicness, confusions with headaches etc. After May 2024, good development and increase in income may be possible for you. There are chances for more savings and accumulation after May 2024 and these things may confer you with more satisfaction.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 might not be a good time for you in terms of monetary benefits and satisfaction. You may not be able to fulfill your desires during the above period. Next, during Saturn's combust state in 2024 (February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024) your benefits may be little reduced but this being a short period, you need not worry.

Saturn Transit 2024 says that Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you may be able to gain more benefits in terms of fulfillment of desires. Overall this stay of Saturn in Aquarius in eleventh house will be profitable besides some lethargicness, laziness and delay in gaining more benefits. But this year happens to be a favorable one for you in pursuing major decisions. So seize the moment and get benefitted.

Also Read: Aries Horoscope 2024


According to the Saturn Transit 2024 predictions, Saturn, the owner planet of the ninth and tenth house in Taurus, will stay in Aquarius and will be occupying the tenth house (Karmic House). Being the lord of both your destiny and karma house, Saturn Transit 2024 is a strong benefactor of opportunities for you and this transit in the tenth house will bring you unexpected victory. Due to this, you might possess full control over your profession and if you are pursuing business then you may be able to seize good control over your business as well. You will get high chances to go abroad with respect to your career or business and you will be more conscious about the same.

Saturn Transit 2024 predicts that you could accumulate more money and save the same. Due to your extra and sincere commitment towards your job, you may not be in a position to show more attention and devote your precious time with your family.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 may not be a favorable time for you in terms of career benefits, gaining good money with satisfaction. You might not be able to gain full satisfaction during the above period.

After this, Saturn's combust state during 2024 is in February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024, and this duration may not be so good with respect to your career and thereby you may even think of changing your job for better prospects. Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you will be able to gain more benefits in terms of securing new job chances.

Also Read: Taurus Horoscope 2024

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Saturn being the owner planet of the eighth and ninth house in Gemini will be staying in Aquarius in the ninth house. The Ninth house is the house of luck but you may get favored by luck late in 2024. This Saturn transit 2024 will make you travel to far away places. Long journeys may bring the chances of success in your life. Although these journeys may also affect you with fatigue and discomfort; you may need to plan your course of action during the year with respect to travel.

Saturn Transit 2024 foretells that after May 2024, you might face more expenses and such expenses may be spent for auspicious purposes and some money may go as waste. You will need to spend money for the health of your father and also the relationship may get affected. Rather than being dependent on luck, it will be your hard work that may fetch you good results with respect to your career. There will be a possibility of job transfer. Also, there can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 will be a favorable time for you in terms of career benefits and earning good money. You may get new foreign chances with respect to your career during the above period.

Then Saturn's combust state during 2024 is from February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. During this period, you will benefit greatly with respect to your career and gain an unexpected increase in income.

Saturn Transit 2024 says that Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you will be able to gain more benefits in terms of securing new abroad job chances which may bring you more satisfaction.

Also Read: Gemini Horoscope 2024


Saturn being the owner planet of the seventh and eighth house in Cancer will be staying in Aquarius in the eighth house. The eighth house is the house of delays and obstacles and due to this you may get fortunes in a late manner. These delays may come in the form of less efforts from your end. You might face some health issues in the form of pain in the legs and the thighs during this year. You might experience more stress in your career and in your personal relationship with your life partner and thereby you will need to be careful.

Saturn Transit 2024 predcits that after May 2024, you will get good results and your efficiency will improve. However, you may feel stressful at your job and due to this, you could change your job for good prospects and progress thereby. During this transit, you could have disputes in relationships with your life partner and due to this, arguments may follow. In terms of career, rather than being dependent on luck, it will be your hard work that may fetch you good results. There will be a possibility of job transfer. There can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 could be a less favorable time for you in terms of career benefits, and thereby moderate money will be possible. During the above period, there will be less favorable results for you in career and personal life.

After this, Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024, and in this period, you may get some better benefits with respect to your career and in personal relationships.

Saturn Transit 2024 unravels that Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you will be able to gain money via unexpected sources like inheritance which will benefit you. But Saturn's rise on March 18, 2024 may put you under more pressure and toughness with respect to earning good money and gaining reputation. It may be essential for you to take good care of your health.

Also Read: Cancer Horoscope 2024


Saturn Transit 2024 says that Saturn being the owner planet of the sixth and seventh house in Leo will be staying in Aquarius in the seventh house. The seventh house is the house of relationships and friendships. Also business is being indicated by the seventh house. So, you might face problems in gaining good profits with respect to your business.This Saturn transit 2024 i will make chances for you to travel far away. Long journeys may bring the chances of success in your life. Although these journeys may also affect you with fatigue and discomfort. You will need to plan your course of action during the year with respect to travel.

After May 2024, you could face more expenses and such expenses may be spent for auspicious purposes and some money may go as waste. Also there are chances of job change after May 2024. You may need to spend money for the health of your life partner and also the relationship may get affected. There can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts. If you are in business or in a job, then you could face sudden changes in job.

Then the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 will be a favorable time for you in terms of career benefits and benefits with respect to business. You may get new foreign chances with respect to your career during the above period.

Saturn Transit 2024 predicts that Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You may not get benefits in your career and your relationship with your life partner may not be up to the mark at this time. Then Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you may be able to gain more benefits in terms of securing new business orders.

Also Read: Leo Horoscope 2024


Saturn being the owner planet of the fifth and sixth house in Virgo and will be staying in Aquarius in the sixth house. The sixth house is the house of efforts and due to this you may get a high level of success with respect to your career. After May 2024, you will get more luck and prosperity with respect to your career. You may get success and money in the form of loans that you may avail in times of need. Rather than being dependent on luck, it will be your hard work that will fetch you good results with respect to your career.

Saturn Transit 2024 says that there is a possibility of job transfer or job changes. There can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts. You may be more service oriented during this course of Saturn transit.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 and it may not be a favorable time for you in terms of career benefits, gaining good money with satisfaction.

Saturn's combust state during 2024 is from February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. Your benefits may not be so good with respect to your career and during this period it may be essential for you to take good care of your health.

Then Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you will be able to gain more benefits in terms of securing development in career and success in efforts. After May 2024, the divine movement of Jupiter will be blessing you and at the same time, you may need to take some good care of your health and be extra cautious about money handling.

Also Read: Virgo Horoscope 2024


Saturn being the lord of the fourth and fifth house in Libra and will be staying in Aquarius in the fifth house. Saturn is a fortune planet generally for Libra natives. The fifth house is the house of love, spirituality, religion etc and due to this you may be able to secure good benefits generally during this transit in terms of money gains, career satisfaction and new career ventures that may be possible for you. After May 2024, there will be some unexpected chances to gain through inheritance during this transit and you may be benefitted through the same. Saturn Transit 2024 reveals that you might get success and money in the form of loans that you may avail in times of need. Generally during this transit you may be facing delays in gaining benefits after May 2024. But you may come out with success via involving more in spirituality.

Rather than being dependent on luck, it may be your hard work that may fetch you good results with respect to your career. There will be a possibility of job transfer or job changes. There can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts.

The retrograde movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 may be a favorable time for you in terms of career benefits, gaining good money with satisfaction. Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You may be facing more worries with respect to your career progress and development of your children during this time.

Next, Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and after this, you will be able to gain more benefits for your children and the development of your children may be more assured. Further during the above period, you may also be gaining via spiritual progress and travel with respect to the same.

Also Read: Libra Horoscope 2024


Saturn being the lord of the third and fourth house in Scorpio and will be staying in Aquarius in the fourth house. Saturn is a moderate planet generally for Scorpio natives. The fourth house is the house of comforts and Saturn’s stay in the fourth house may add woes to you in the form of health problems like pain in legs and back pain. After May 2024, there may be some setbacks and unexpected chances to gain through loans during this transit. You may be getting success and money in the form of loans that you may avail in times of need.

Saturn Transit 2024 says that generally during this transit you may be facing delays in gaining benefits. But after May 2024, you may be in a position to come out successful in terms of money, comfort in relationship and gains through property etc. You may also be in a position to gain via support from relationships and from family circles. Rather than being dependent on luck, your hardwork will help you attain success in your career. There can be a good hike in your income but for that, you will have to make hard efforts after May 2024.

The retrograde movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 will be a good time for you in terms of career benefits, gaining good money with satisfaction and there may be happiness in relationships and support from family members.

Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You will not be securing favorable results and there may be chances for insecure feelings that you may be possessing during this transit. Then Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and again this period will not be a highly supportive period for you to witness benefits in terms of happiness. You could face some health issues in this period. However, nothing major will bother you.

Also Read: Scorpio Horoscope 2024


Saturn is the lord of the second and third house in Sagittarius and will be staying in Aquarius in the third house in 2024. Saturn is a neutral planet generally for Sagittarius natives. The third house is the house of courage and Saturn’s stay in the third house may add more benefits for you in the form of gaining success in career, good money returns, support from siblings etc.. After May 2024, there may be some disappointments, obstacles in the efforts that you are putting in.

Generally during this Saturn transit you may be facing obstacles in the benefits that you are getting. You may also be in a position to gain via support from relationships and from family circles. Saturn Transit 2024 suggests that you will gain more benefits via career in the form of promotion and other incentives. There are chances for change of place during this Saturn transit and such change of place may be more efficient for you. You could be put to face additional commitments for your family and due to this, you may need to avail more loans and this may add burden on your shoulders.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 might not be a favorable time for you with respect to your career, money benefits and happiness in a relationship.

Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. This period may also be not favorable for you and you may be losing money and happiness in family circles. Then Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and this period may be more progressive and provide you with all comforts in terms of more money, savings and satisfaction in a relationship.

Also Read: Sagittarius Horoscope 2024


Saturn is the lord of the first and second house in Capricorn and will be staying in Aquarius in the second house. Saturn is a moderate planet generally for Capricorn natives. The second house is the house of finances and Saturn’s stay in the second house may give money problems and more expenses for you. You may be facing health related problems like pain in eyes and teeth during this transit. After May 2024, there may be some loss of comforts and problems in the family and your relationship with family members may get affected. You might be more conscious about making more money during this transit and also concentrate on family development. You will be speaking more honestly during this transit as Saturn will be placed in the second house.

Generally during this transit you may be facing delays in gaining money benefits. After May 2024, you may be spending money for the family and also invest in buying a house to enhance your assets. Saturn Transit 2024 says that you could also be in a position to gain via support from relationships and from family circles. During this transit of Saturn’s stay in the second house, you might have to travel more with respect to your career and with your family members.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 may not be a satisfactory time for you in terms of money benefits and there may be more fluctuations and high levels of expenses. Also there could be more problems in family and disputes due to lack of understanding. You may not be able to retain your promises during this transit of Saturn in the second house.

Then Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You may not be securing favorable results and there may be high money loss and more arguments with your family members. Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 and again this period may not be a highly flexible period for you. During Saturn’s rise in Aquarius, you may be blocked or your finances may receive a jolt in terms of high fluctuations and also you may be facing health problems in the form of pain in eyes and teeth.

Also Read: Capricorn Horoscope 2024


Saturn is the lord of the twelfth and first house lord in Aquarius and will be staying in Aquarius in the first house. Saturn is a moderate planet generally for Aquarius natives. The first house is the house of life and future and Saturn’s stay in the first house may give health problems, laziness and loss of confidence. You may be facing health related problems like pain in eyes and teeth during this transit.

Saturn Transit 2024 predicts that after May 2024, there may be some loss of comforts and health related problems and you may be facing pain in legs, stress and pain in thighs. Generally during this transit you may be facing delays in gaining money benefits. After May 2024, you may be spending money for the family and also investing in buying a house to increase your assets. You may also be in a position to gain via support from relationships and from family circles. During this transit of Saturn’s stay in the first house, you may be having more travel with respect to your career and with your family members. There may be chances for unwanted travel that you may be experiencing during this course of transit with respect to your career and unwanted expenses.

The retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 will be a satisfactory time for you in terms of money benefits, luck and better health. Also there will be more problems in relationships with your friends. If you are in business, you may be facing problems in business and problems with your partners in business.

Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You may not be having good health, there may be laziness and lack of determination on your side. Next Saturn's rise in Aquarius is on March 18, 2024 may be a favorable one for you in terms of high benefits with respect to your career and promising new job chances with required satisfaction. During Saturn’s rise in Aquarius, you might get new job chances and such job chances may be providing you with good satisfaction. Also you may be able to fetch job opportunities abroad and such chances may fetch you more satisfaction.

Also Read: Aquarius Horoscope 2024


Saturn Transit 2024 foretells that Saturn is the lord of the eleventh and twelfth house lord in Pisces and will be staying in Aquarius in the twelfth house. Saturn is a neutral planet generally for Pisces natives. The second house is the house of family, finances and Saturn’s stay in the twelfth house may be giving you money problems, health problems and loss of sleep. You may be facing health related problems like pain in legs and thighs during this transit. After May 2024, you may be facing relationship problems with your siblings, loss of money while traveling etc. During this transit, more expenses may be hovering you and giving you worries and due to this more expenses that you may not be able to manage. Saturn Transit 2024 says that you may not be in a position to plan efficiently. There may be issues in the family.

During this transit of Saturn’s stay in the twelfth house, you may be having more unwanted travel with respect to your career and with your family members. There may be chances for unwanted travel that you may be experiencing during this course of transit with respect to your career and unwanted expenses.

Next, the retrogression movement of Saturn from June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024 could double your expenses and provide you with health issues for which you may be facing worries. Increasing expenses on your part may be putting you in trouble and opting for loans. If you are in business, you may be facing problems in business and problems with your partners in business.

Saturn's combust state during 2024 is February 11, 2024 to March 18, 2024. You may be losing sleep and courage. Next Saturn's rise in Aquarius on March 18, 2024 may be a favorable one for you in terms of securing new opportunities abroad chances with respect to your job and earning good money via external sources. During Saturn’s rise in Aquarius, you may be facing getting new job chances and such job chances may be providing you with good satisfaction.

Also Read: Pisces Horoscope 2024

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We hope that Saturn Transit in 2024 brings you prosperity and progress, and that you are never disappointed in life. Welcome and thanks for visiting our website!

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