Nakshatra Horoscope 2023
Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 by AstroSage will provide the users with detailed life predictions based on the concepts of Nakshatra Astrology. If you want to know what the future beholds for you in various aspects of your life based on the movement and placement of different Nakshatras, then this Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 article is for you!

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As per Vedic Astrology, there are a total of 27 Nakshatras or constellations. They are one of the five important components of Hindu Astrology and Astronomy. In the western stream, these Nakshatras are also known as Lunar Mansions. The constellations hold the power to change your life for the better or worst, depending upon its placement in the charts. If you want to know about your Nakshatra horoscope 2023 based on your zodiac sign, keep reading!
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Ashwini Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 states that Ashwini Nakshatra is the first nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in Aries sign from 0 degree to 13.20 degree. Its symbol is ‘Horse’ and the nakshatra lord is Aswini Kumar, the physician of devtas, and it is ruled by planet Ketu.
This signifies that Aswini natives are very high spirit and energetic in nature, and this year the most auspicious planet Jupiter will be transiting over their nakshatra. It will enter your nakshatra with the entry in Aries sign on 22 april 2023, and it will remain there till 21 June 2023. In retrograde motion, it will again enter the Ashwini nakshatra on 27 November 2023 and will remain there till end of the year.
Therefore, it won't be wrong to say that this year is going to open a new chapter in life for you. You will be seeking happiness and prosperity in all aspects of your life, be it professionally or personally. You will be inclined towards religious activity and will also experience spiritual growth and awakening.
However, on other hand, Rahu will also enter your nakshatra during 21st February, 2023 to 30th October, 2023. So you need to be cautious during this time as there are chances that due to some illusions and misunderstandings, you wont make the best use of the opportunity you get. And you may also get stuck and confused between your spiritual and superficial needs.
Bharani Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 reveals that Bharani nakshatra is the second nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in Aries sign from 13.30 degree to 26.50 degree. Its symbol is ‘an Elephant’ or it looks like a Yoni. Its nakshatra lord is Yama, the Hindu deity of death, and it is ruled by planet Venus.
This indicates that the Bharani natives, your nurturing and affectionate nature is going to increase this year as Jupiter is going to transit over your nakshatra from 21st June, 2023 to 27th November, 2023. In between, it will also get retrograde on 4th September 2023.
So, we can say that this time duration will be very favorable for you, especially if you are willing to have a child. Bharani natives, this year you will enjoy your domestic life, especially females will enjoy nurturing, emotion feeding and entertaining their loved ones. On other hand, Rahu is also in your nakshatra in the beginning of the year, so now you will find yourself more inclined towards your spirituality and far from materialistic world.
Kritika Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 predicts that Kritika Nakshatra is the third nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in Aries and Taurus sign from 26.60 degrees from Aries to 10 degree Taurus sign. Its symbol is ax, knife or flame, and the nakshatra lord is Agni, the Hindu deity of fire. Itt is ruled by the planet Sun.
So, dear Kritika natives, this year could prove to be a roller coaster ride for you; sometimes up and sometimes down. Talking about your finances, you are advised to use it very wisely as there could be a lot of expenditure, like home renovation, family vacation, etc., but while doing it you need to be sure that you have sufficient funds for emergencies like medical aid or education expenses of childrens and other similar needs of the family.
In all, you will be cheerful as personal and domestic life will be pleasant. Take care of yourself, and do not worry too much as mental stress is not good for your health.
Rohini Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 indicates that Rohini Nakshatra is the fourth Nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Taurus sign from 10.1 degree to 23.2 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Chariot’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Brahma. It is ruled by the planet Moon. So, as per the predictions of Nakshatra Horoscope 2023, this year is going to be mostly good for you.
In terms of career, this is a suitable time for you to change your jobs for further growth, so be consistent towards your goals. You can also get the chance for long distance and foreign travel.
You will enjoy a blissful time with your partner in love affairs and marital life. Love and romance will be great for you during this year. The married natives will be joyful, and life will continue to remain favorable.
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Mrigashira Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 foretells that Mrigashira Nakshatra is the fifth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Taurus and Gemini sign from 23.3 degrees to 6.40 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Deer's Head’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Soma (Chandra - Moon). It is ruled by the planet Mars.
Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 indicates that this year will be really good for you in terms of networking. You will make new contacts with influential people. However, you need to be conscious about your monetary terms, or else negligence can lead to monetary losses.
You may face some minor health issues like problems related to the digestive system. So you are advised to take precautions and have a healthy diet and should immediately consult a doctor and seek medical help if a problem occurs.
Ardra Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 signifies that Ardra Nakshatra is the sixth nakshatra of the zodiac signs and it falls in the Gemini sign from 6.41 degrees to 20 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Tear Drop’ and nakshatra the lord is the Hindu deity Rudra (a form of Shiva). It is ruled by planet Rahu.
Dear Ardra natives, your nakshatra lord Rahu will be present in Aries sign (fiery sign) almost throughout the year, so you need to have a check over your temperament. You need to keep yourself calm while discussing anything with your client or teammates. Else your rude or hyper behavior can taint your image.
Similar would be the situation with your love life as there are very high chances that you may end up ignoring and hurting your lover. Therefore, you are advised to avoid arguing or pressurizing your partner for something and try to communicate and understand the situation your lover is going through.
The ending of the year, the month of mid October, November and December would bring relief.
Punarvasu Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 suggests that Punarvasu Nakshatra is the seventh nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Gemini and Cancer sign from 20.1 degrees Gemini to 3.20 degrees Cancer. Its symbol is ‘Quiver of Arrows’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Aditi, the mother of gods. It is ruled by planet Jupiter.
According to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 you will have mixed results. This year your nakshatra lord Jupiter is going to start its new transit cycle with the transit of Jupiter in Aries sign, so there are very high chances that a new chapter could be introduced in your life and many things could come to an end.
This process could prove painful and a new role and responsibility could be pressurizing. But overall it is going to be a good year for spiritual growth. However, change in professional life and personal life will be average.
Pushya Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 says that the Pushya Nakshatra is the eight nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Cancer sign from 3.21 degrees to 16.40 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Udder of Cow’ or ‘a circle’, and nakshatra lord is Brihaspati (Guru - Jupiter) the Hindu deity Guru of devtas. It is ruled by planet Saturn.
Pushya natives, this is the year of financial gains. You may get the monetary benefits from the ancestors' property or through selling any land, building or vehicles. There would be a slow and steady growth in your finances this year.
Talking about your personal life you need to put in some extra effort if you wish to keep the love and affection between you and your partner alive. Your lazy and cold attitude can even lead to a breakup, so beware!
Ashlesha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 unveils that Ashlesha Nakshatra is the ninth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Cancer sign from 16.41 degrees to 30 degrees. Its symbol is ‘coiled serpent ‘ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Nagas/Sarpas. It is ruled by planet Mercury.
The predictions by Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 says that all your problems and pressure you were facing in your professional life will come to an end and You can even expect good career opportunities from the foreign lands or distant places. There will be a definitive increase in your financial transactions after April.
Ashlesha natives, your love and married life can face few conflicts because you do not share your feelings and plans with your partner. Thus, try to be more communicative with them, as this is their only complaint. Else nothing major drastic is in the chart for you; enjoy the year!
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Magha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 indicates that Magha Nakshatra is the tenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Leo sign from 0 degree to 13.20 degrees. Its symbol is the ‘royal throne’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Pitris. It is ruled by the planet Ketu.
Magha natives, this year will be fruitful for you in almost all aspects of life. The stagnancy you were facing will come to end and you will see your life moving forward towards growth and coming on track.
In your professional life, you will get the reward of the hard work you were doing. Even the change in place or position is in the charts for you. You can even get the chance to travel abroad due to work. Domestic life matters will be under control; no disturbance in family or with the partner- you will get their support.
Healthwise you are advised to avoid all forms of addiction that will be detrimental to your health. Also, control your temper because extreme aggression can lead to health issues. Meditation and self-healing can help you get rid of this situation.
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 states that Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is the eleventh nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Leo sign from 13.21 degrees to 26.40 degrees . Its symbol is a ‘couch’ or looks like the front legs of a bed, and the nakshatra lord is Bhaga, the Hindu deity of material gains. It is ruled by planet Venus.
Dear Purva Phalguni natives, the entire year will be favorable and bring good luck according to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023. There is a good chance for the freshers to get a new job and kick start their professional life. Single natives may get into a relationship or have a romantic encounter especially in the month of October when your nakshatra lord Venus would be transiting here in Purva Phalguni. During this time just be conscious about your health.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 predicts that Uttara Nakshatra is the twelfth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Leo and Virgo sign from 26.41 degrees Leo to 10.00 degrees Virgo. Its symbol is the ‘back legs of a bed’ and the nakshatra lord is Arayaman, the Hindu deity protector of animals. It is ruled by the planet Sun.
Dear Uttara Phalguni natives, this year could prove a little harsh on you. You may be required to make some tough decisions for yourself. You can get blunt and harsh in your communication, which will end up hurting others and get you in sudden obstacles in different aspects of life, but you are advised to not lose hope and pray to lord Ganesh.
The second half of the year would be more favorable for you to try to make major decisions and changes during that period.
Hasta Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 predicts that the Hasta Nakshatra is the thirteenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Virgo sign from 10 degrees to 23.20 degrees. Its symbol is a ‘fist that looks like the palm of the hand’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Surya. It is ruled by the planet Moon.
Dear Hasta natives, this year is not very favorable and supportive for you. You need to be conscious while making decisions and avoid taking risks. This year communication is the key to all your problems, so try to keep yourself calm and have a balanced communication with everyone, be it a personal life or professional life.
You are advised to take good care of your health, get all your routine health checkup done regularly, and don't indulge in unhealthy eating. Despite all the ups and downs, Hasta natives you are advised to keep your thinking positive and moral high.
Chitra Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 foretells that Chitra Nakshatra is the fourteenth Nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Virgo and Libra sign from 23.20 degrees Virgo to 6.40 degrees Libra. Its symbol is ‘Pearl or Gem ‘ and the nakshatra lord is Tvashtar or Vishakarma, the Hindu deity of creation. It is ruled by planet Mars.
Dear Chitra natives, this year in 2023 you will get the reward of your hard work you have done in almost three years. Aside from the minor challenges and obstacles, you can expect the promotion this year. This will motivate and inspire you to work even harder.
As the planet Ketu would be also present there in the second half of the year, there are chances that you ignore your health and well being in all aspects of life, so that is not recommended; you are advised to equally prioritize yourself.
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Swati Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 unveils that Swati Nakshatra is the fifteen nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Libra sign from 6.40 degrees to 20.00 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Sword or coral’ and the nakshatra lord is Vayu, the Hindu deity of air. It is ruled by planet Rahu.
Planet Ketu would be present in your nakshatra for almost the first half of the year due to which you may feel a lack of enthusiasm and happiness in yourself. You can face sudden transfer to your workplace. Owing to the same, you may be a little upset.
The single natives who want to get married are advised to plan that during the end of the year and not before that as time is not suitable for it.
Vishakha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 unravels that Vishakha Nakshatra is the sixteenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Libra and Scorpio sign from 20 degrees Libra to 3.20 degrees Scorpio. Its symbol is ‘Decorated archway, potter's wheel’ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity Indrani, the wife of Indra, the king of devtas. It is ruled by planet Jupiter.
Dear Vishakha natives, your health will remain good during this year. This year, you’ll not only receive health benefits but will also get rid of long-bothering chronic diseases you were suffering from.
You will receive very good results in your career. After March, your new ideas will aid you in getting successful. At this time, you will get better results in the work area. You will receive support from co-workers, but not as much as you would expect from them. Hence, do not rely on them blindly.
In the economic sector, you will get better results than expected. You will stay happy with the peace and happiness inside the house. In the middle of the year, great news might please you. At this time, there might be an auspicious program at home.
Anuradha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 states that Anuradha Nakshatra is the seventeenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Scorpio sign from 3.20 degrees to 16.40 degrees . Its symbol is ‘Row of Furrow, Lotus’ and nakshatra lord Mitra, the Hindu deity of friendship. It is ruled by planet Satrun.
Dear Anuradha Natives, you are advised to be careful about your finances and investments. One wrong move may affect your investment and acquired wealth, and may also impact you emotionally. Be alert and aware of your investments and property dealings, suggests Nakshatra Horoscope 2023.
This year, higher education students might touch the new heights. Students who excel in athletics or other extracurricular activities may find themselves in a favorable position this year.
Jyestha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 tells that Jyestha Nakshatra is the eighteenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Scorpio sign from 16.40 degrees to 30 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Hanging Earring or Umbrella’ and the nakshatra lord is Indra, the king of devtas and the Hindu deity of thunder. It is ruled by planet Mercury.
According to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 natives need to be cautious about their health as they might face health issues related to digestion, stomach infection, cough and obesity. You are advised to take extra care of your health and get involved in physical activities of your interest to maintain a balance of your mental and physical health and avoid stress.
If we talk about career and public image, then this year it is going to be transforming. You are going to face challenges many times at your workplace but with your efficiency, you will be able to overcome the challenges and earn a good reputation for yourself. It would be beneficial to keep good relations with your colleagues.
Moola Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 states that Moola Nakshatra is the nineteenth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Sagittarius sign from 0 degree to 13.20 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Tied Bundle of Roots’ and nakshatra the lord is the Hindu deity Nirriti. It is ruled by the planet Ketu.
The professionals associated with the fields of counseling and services like teaching, mentoring, marriage and career counseling will see a significant growth in their career.
Overall everything would be under control. You are just advised to take care of yourself by indulging in any kind of physical activity that suits you like yoga, gym, walk etc. In this way, you will be able to maintain fitness by bringing about a positive change in your health. Eat healthy food and stay away from cold drinks and alcoholic beverages or any addictions.
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Purvashada Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 suggests that the Purvashada Nakshatra is the twentieth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Sagittarius sign from 13.20 degrees to 26.40 degrees . Its symbol is ‘elephant tusk’ and the nakshatra lord is Apas, the Hindu deity of water. It is ruled by planet Venus.
According to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 this is a promising year for growth of Purvashada natives. When it comes to career and professional life, employed natives will perform well in their field of work and they will also receive good financial rewards for their hard work.
You will be empathetic, loving and caring. If single, you may get into a relationship. There are possibilities that you may meet a special person in your life during this period but they could be from forign land or from different cultural or religious beliefs.
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 says that Uttara Ashadha nakshatra is the twenty-first nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Sagittarius and Capricorn sign from 26.40 degrees Sagittarius to 10 degrees Capricorn. Its symbol is ‘elephant tusk ‘ and the nakshatra lord is the Hindu deity of visvedevas. It is ruled by the planet Sun.
As per Nakshatra horoscope 2023, the year will be extremely fruitful from the work point of view. Natives trying for government jobs have fair chances of bagging a good job. During April, you will get great success in your field of work.
Talking about your domestic life there are chances of family expansion, so the natives who are trying to have a baby for a long time, this is the year when their desire will come true.
Shravana Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 predicts that the Shravana Nakshatra is the twenty second nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in Capricorn sign from 10.00 degree to 23.20 degrees. Its symbol is the ‘ear’ and the nakshatra lord is Vishnu, the Hindu deity of preservation. It is ruled by the planet Moon.
According to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 Shravana natives, you will feel a sense of relief from the pressure you were feeling for a long time. You'll be able to have pleasant moments in your life. But pay attention to the words you speak as rude gestures and harsh comments can generate problems for you. If you were planning to buy a new home or expand and renovate the existing house or to buy a new car or any vehicle, this is a very promising year for that.
In general, you are advised to help the old aged needy and differently abled people of the society that will give you mental peace.
Dhanishta Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 reveals that Dhanishta Nakshatra is the twenty third nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Capricorn and Aquarius sign from 23.20 degrees Capricorn to 6.40 degrees Aquarius. Its symbol is ‘drum’ (Damaru) and the nakshatra lord is ‘Eight Vasus' the Hindu deity of Panch Bhootas. It is ruled by planet Mars.
Dear Dhanishta natives planet Saturn would be present in your nakshatra from the beginning of the year till March 15, 2023, and then again it will enter your nakshatra on October 15, 2023 till November 24, 2023. So talking about your finances, at the beginning of the year you may experience financial gains and your blocked money can be recovered. There would be a good inflow of money but equal amounts of expenses would be there.
In general you are advised to take the blessings of your mother and take extra care of her, and do the shram dan.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 implies that Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the twenty fourth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Aquarius sign from 6.40 degrees to 20.00 degrees. Its symbol is ‘Circle or 100 Physicians, Stars or Flowers’ and the nakshatra lord is Varuna, the Hindu deity of oceans. It is ruled by planet Rahu.
According to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023 this year will prove to be a rollercoaster ride for Satabhisha natives because for the most of the time planet Saturn would be transiting over your nakshatra it will enter your nakshatra on March 15, 2023 till October 15, 2023 and then again on November 24, 2023 it will enter Shatabhisha nakshatra. This indicates that you need to keep your health in check.
If you were ignoring yourself for a long time, this is the time when you need to take care of yourself. So get all your body checkup done and start thinking about yourself in all aspects of life. Try to put yourself first.
Coming to your professional life your career will be a bit demanding this year. You may have to put in a lot of hard work and will not get the result according to it. The delay in the growth could also frustrate you. If you were willing for some sort of change in profession then that is also not recommended this year; try to postpone it for some time.
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Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 indicates that Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the twenty fifth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Aquarius and Pisces sign from 20.00 degrees Aquarius to 3.20 degree Pisces. Its symbol is ‘Man with two faces or front legs of a funeral cot’ and the nakshatra lord is Ajaikapada, the Hindu deity fire serpent. It is ruled by planet Jupiter.
This year 2023 is bringing mixed results for the Purva Bhadrapada natives according to Nakshatra Horoscope 2023. Talking about your finances, if you are going through a family conflict related to heritage property or any other matter, it could resolve in your favor and you may benefit from it.
In terms of your love and married life, newly married native may face some stress this year in their family life. Especially after the month of October, some misunderstanding could occur. So keep your temperament down and act wisely.
In general you are advised to get all your routine checkups done on a regular basis. Else you may even have to undergo a difficult and unpleasant treatment if you are not careful and conscious about your health.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 says that Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the twenty sixth nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Pisces sign from 3.20 degrees to 16.40 degrees. Its symbol is the ‘Man with two faces from back or back legs of a funeral cot’ and the nakshatra lord is Ahirbudhnya, the Hindu deity serpent of the deep water. It is ruled by planet Satrun.
Dear Uttara Bhadrapada natives, the beginning of the year 2023 is going to be as good as almost the second half of the year 2022 because planet Jupiter will be present in your nakshatra till February 24, 2023. Positive changes will be seen in your career, and there are high chances of bagging a promotion.
It will also be a favorable time for students. The rest of the year will depend on the efforts and hardwork you put in at that time. But there is nothing drastic in the chart. You just need to be conscious about your health. If you have not paid attention to your health last year and gained weight now, that could have a negative impact on your body this year.
Revati Nakshatra
Nakshatra horoscope 2023 predicts that Revati Nakshatra is the twenty seventh nakshatra of the zodiac sign and it falls in the Pisces sign from 16.40 degrees to 30 degrees. Its symbol is a ‘Drum’ and the nakshatra lord is Pushan, the Hindu deity of Meeting. It is ruled by planet Mercury.
Dear Revati natives Jupiter was transiting its own sign Pisces for the entire 2022 but it has not entered the nakshatra Revati. So we can say that revati natives were not benefited much with the transit of Jupiter in the year 2022 as other two nakshatra of the sign, but now Jupiter will enter the Revati nakshatra on 24th Feb 2023 and natives will get the auspicious result of Jupiter transit 2023, which they were expecting in 2022.
You will be seeking happiness and prosperity in all aspects of your life, be it professionally or personally. You will get all the pending results of all the hard work you have done in the year 2022. You will be inclined towards your religious activity and will also experience spiritual growth and awakening.
We hope you have liked our article on Nakshatra Horoscope 2023. Thank you for being an important part of AstroSage. Stay tuned for more interesting articles.
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